Your podcast for finding truth in a world of chaos. Join us to discuss news, spend time in the word, and receive answers to your personal questions about living life in God's truth. Brought to you by All for Jesus - Living Waters Ministry, with host and founder, Richard Case, and co-host and retreat leader, Kathy Rocconi.
James and Ade are walking through the Bible with you 1 chapter at a time, 1 day at a time, with 3 daily devotional thoughts, a couple loving disagreements, and an infinite amount of household pets and awkward pauses.
We want to grow closer with Jesus, with one another, and with you. -
Lisa Næblerød kender om nogen til sorgens mørke. Hun er mor til Cecilie Næblerød, bedre kendt som Cille, som blev dræbt af sin ekskæreste til en fastelavnsfest på Hasseris Gymnasium i Aalborg. Et drab, som lagde Lisas liv i ruiner og sendte chokbølger igennem hele landet. I “Cilles sidste dag” tager Lisa os med tilbage til den fredag for 15 år siden, som ændrede alt. En dag som rummede et hav af lyse og lykkelige stunder mellem mor og datter, men som endte i det mørkeste mørke.
”Cilles sidste dag” er en mors fortælling om den knusende sorg over at miste sin datter på tragisk vis. Men det er også en historie om at insistere på at skabe et meningsfuldt og rigt liv, på trods.
Tilrettelæggelse: Michael Nørrelund. Musik: Stine Kloster og Christian Søndergaard. Lyd-design: HPNG Media. Illustration: Jonas Mølgaard Jensen.
Serien er produceret for Folkekirken / Aalborg Stift. -
Most people are baffled at any idea that fairies could exist...and telling people you've had a fairy encounter is a major taboo. The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast hears from people who’ve had experiences and want to share them. Whether you’re already a believer, or full of intrigue, come open-minded and open-hearted…simply listen, and make your own mind up. But take heed, these are not winged Tinkerbells. These are real fairies. Please note: this podcast is not suitable for children as it may contain some unsettling, frightening or creepy material from time to time. Artwork: Peter Hall Studios Music: Transmutate by Snowflake.
Wisdom Radio is an interview-style podcast that explores life’s divine mysteries. Host Andie Hight searches high and low for amazing and credible guests that provide listeners with a grounding and uplifting experience to fuel spiritual growth, heightened intuition, creativity, wellness, and happiness. Andie started in 2010, driven by her own curiosity, health challenges that were not responding to traditional medicine, and personal spiritual awakening. She quickly realized her growing audience shared her thirst for validation of intuitive experiences, spiritual connectedness, natural healing and desire for personal empowerment. Andie is an award-winning journalist of twenty-years who is also a gifted spiritual intuitive.
Mark Whitwell and friends present heartfelt conversations from the heart of yoga.
“Indeed a soft message for a hard time. Please listen to Mark Whitwell. God is in this moment. God is as close as your own breath. So be here now! Mark will show you an easy way.” — Ram Dass on Mark’s book ‘The Promise’
In the spirit of yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ, we offer this podcast as a tool to direct attention towards relationship, intimacy with our experience, and the sublime beauty of our human situation. Ever since he met his yoga teachers TKV Desikachar and his father Tirumalai Krishnamacharya in Madras / Chennai in 1973, Mark has been sharing the tools of intimacy with body and breath through asana, pranayama and meditation, the practical method of response to grace in our life. The influence of J and UG Krishnamurti has clarified Yoga for all time as a practice of participation in the given reality, not a struggle towards a future result. "If you can breathe, you can do Yoga!"
Join us for an experience of union / Yoga (not just more knowledge about it), resolution of spiritual confusions, insight from decades of teaching experience, stories from the diverse sangha of practitioners, practical relationship discussion, and the application of Yoga to every aspect of our everyday life.
To find out more about teachings, retreats, online yoga classes, and our in-depth online yoga courses for both beginner and advanced practitioners, please visit -
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Chrystal Cuellar shares her expertise and experience to help you live an alcohol free life, prepare for your Godly husband and fulfill your God given purpose. Support this podcast:
The Fires of Revival Podcast strives each week to bring high quality Bible messages from myself and interviews with ministry leaders from all over the world to your device. Our goal is to encourage and equip the listener with practical truths taught from the Word of God and with spiritual insight from those in the ministry.