A collection of beautiful and inspiring conversations with some of our friends and people we admire to explore how the scripture has shaped their lives and life work.
“The God Story: Encountering Unfailing Love in the Unfolding narrative of Scripture”. Is a retelling of the Biblical story aimed to help those who are familiar with the Bible become increasingly fascinated and those unfamiliar take a slow curious journey into God’s unfailing love and purpose throughout history.
Accompanying church resources and videos to the book were produced in partnership with 24-7 Prayer: 24-7prayer.com/resource/the-god-story/
Music from the song " Come Let Us Go" by Jonathan Helser and the Cageless Birds. Written to help raise funds & awareness for Hydrating Humanity, find out more on the YouTube page
THE GOD STORY- Church resources and videos- 24-7prayer.com/godstoryresources/
COME LET US GO- Listen, learn, donate- youtube.com/watch?v=g9Gbx2JGCoY