Razib and his cofounders, Santanu Das and Taylor Capito, will talk about what they’ve built at the JPM Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, January 8th-11th, and showcase their products at the Plant and Animal Genomes Conference in San Diego, January 12th-17th.
After an overview of GenRAIT’s business logic with Capito, Razib digs deeper with Dr. Das, a computer scientist by training, and discusses what machine learning is. They drill-down into details like the difference between SVM and random forest models. Dr. Das surveys the multi-decade arc of “Artificial intelligence” (AI), predicts its inevitable utility in biology, and makes the broader case for productizing scientific tools to empower bioinformaticians, ML engineers and data scientists as an integral part of the scientific ecosystem.
On this episode of the GenRAIT podcast Razib talks to Dr. Beata Lerman, an immunologist, oncologist and food scientist are on her journey from the trenches of basic science to the frontiers of consumer entrepreneurship. Beata is the founder and CEO of Sinless Treats, a new company that creates chocolates without any of the sugary guilt (Razib has even tasted and endorsed this product).
On this episode of the GenRAIT Podcast Razib talks to Nikolai Yakovenko, CEO of DeepNFTValue, about artificial intelligence, OpenAI, Google and Microsoft, and what the intersection of AI and biology might do for us in the future.
On this episode of the GenRAIT podcast Razib talks to David Mittelman, CEO of Othram, a company trying to solve cold cases with next generation genomics. They talk about the intersection of science, engineering and business.
Razib talks to Dr. Amanda Vondras, GenRAIT's head of informatics, about genomic assembly, and all the interesting things that grape genetics can tell us about wine. Get ready for a deep dive into the work of sequencing, assembling and analyzing!
On this episode of the GenRAIT podcast Razib welcome's the company's CEO, Taylor Capito, to discuss her experiences with personal genomics in the recent past and their vision for genomics in the near future.
Today, Razib talks to Zack Raborn, VP of operations at CRISPR QC, a new company aimed at improving quality control in the development of CRISPR technology. Razib and Raborn talk about the basics of CRISPR-Cas9, and how it is now being applied, and how it could be applied in the future. Raborn also highlights how far we need to go in terms of the CRISPR technology to make it widespread and applicable in the context of healthcare, and how CRISPR QC fits into this new ecosystem.
This year GenRAIT went to its first PAG, or Plant and Animal Genomes, the premier genomics conference outside of the human genetics space. We talk to Darrin Scherago, who has organized the event for decades. Razib asks Sherago how it all comes together, and asks him his opinion on how the scene in science has changed over the last 30 years from the perspective of someone who was initially an ousider.