A comment on a recent poll read, “If only my wife treated me as well as my sinful high school girlfriends so many years ago”. I suspect many men who did more than hold hands with someone before their wife have had similar thoughts. If you got more, or better, when you were single, it’s […]
The post FF: Why Can’t She Be The Way My Girlfriends Were? first appeared on The Generous Husband.
As I’ve been thinking about the next iteration of marriage blogging, which will start March 1st, I realised my approach to marriage has become very holistic. When Lori and I coach a couple, we ask about things well beyond the issue they bring to the table. This is especially true when the presented issue is […]
The post Holistic Marriage: A Wider Focus is Better first appeared on The Generous Husband.
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Unfortunately I feel the opposite, my mask is on at home just to keep the peace. As soon as the door opens my authentic self is gone, and I try not to make waves, stay in the background, etc.. I am more myself in front of friends and people that I know love me unconditionally. […]
The post Unmasking Your True Self For a Better Marriage first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Today, Lori and I celebrate forty years of marriage. Her comment to me about this yesterday was, “And they said it wouldn’t last”. And I suspect there were more than a few who thought if not said that. Honestly, there was good reason to think that way. She was too recently divorced from a bad […]
The post 40 Years Strong: How God Defied the Odds in Our Marriage first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Foreplay matters. It matters a great deal. If you want her to enjoy sex, good foreplay is a must. A well done study found that manual and oral foreplay increased the odds a woman would orgasm. Oral was a bit better, but either will do it. It was found that good foreplay was especially important […]
The post Her Pleasure: The Importance of Foreplay and Position first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Men are straightforward sexually. Our bits are on the outside, they respond dramatically to stimulation, we climax easily, and we usually give good indications by sounds, movements, and words when we are enjoying what is being done. Additionally, men are fairly similar in what we want and enjoy. Yes, there’s some variation, but not a […]
The post FF: Understanding Her Sexuality: A Guide to Pleasuring Your Wife first appeared on The Generous Husband.
The other day, I closed my XY Code post by saying I wish on-line Christian marriage coaching had been a thing when Lori and I were newly married. I thought it might be useful for me to ruminate here how that might have gone for us. I used to say that when we got married, […]
The post How Marriage Coaching Could Have Improved Our Early Years first appeared on The Generous Husband.
From time to time, I see or work with a man on the verge of his wife filing for divorce, who responds by becoming hyper-spiritual. He proclaims that her actions and choices are due to either his wife falling away from the Lord, or demonic activity, or both. In some cases, this is just an […]
The post When Hyper-Spirituality Threatens Your Marriage first appeared on The Generous Husband.
When did you last thank your wife for doing something that’s “her job”? It’s easy to stop being aware of things she does if she does them well. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. Take a moment to think about the things she does so reliably you’ve stopped thinking about them. Then […]
The post Appreciating the Unseen: Rekindling Gratitude first appeared on The Generous Husband.
A few days ago, I suggested you get help for your marriage if you need it. Today, I want to give you the same advice for your sex life. When we were newly married, Lori and I could have used some help in this area. But we couldn’t find anyone with a Christian world view […]
The post Christian Sex Coaching: Finding Help for Sexual Problems first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Sex is not just for men. God intended women to enjoy it too. How can I say that? Because His design leaves no other rational conclusion. While female orgasm is not necessary for conception, the clitoris has no purpose other than pleasure. Additionally, women can have multiple orgasms, their orgasms tend to last longer than the male […]
The post FF: God’s Design for Her Sexual Pleasure first appeared on The Generous Husband.
I want to encourage you to get help for your marriage if you need it. And sooner is better than later! Most couples who seek help from counsellors, therapists, or coaches wait far too long. When getting help is seen as a last ditch, desperate measure, the problems pile up and dealing with them becomes […]
The post Seeking Help for Your Marriage: Early Intervention Matters first appeared on The Generous Husband.
You can’t talk life goals around people who don’t have the same hunger as you, it’ll just sound like you are bragging. ~ Aubrey Drake Someone posted that on Quora, and I thought, yes, exactly. I’ve run into this more than once when Lori and I were discussing our relationship or the growth we wanted […]
The post Nurturing a Thriving Marriage in a Lukewarm World first appeared on The Generous Husband.
We usually sit up front at church. But yesterday we arrived just before the service started, and the front was full, so we ended up close to the back. I was looking at the folks in front of me during the sermon, and I noticed a number of married couples sitting close, or one with […]
The post Love in the Pews: Ripple Effect of Affection in Church first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Yesterday I told the women on The XY Code that if women understood what sex means to their husband, and how not having it often enough effects him, she would say no far less often. I said if she was not up to full sex, she would be quick to offer something else, and would […]
The post Different Sexual Realities: Understanding Her Side first appeared on The Generous Husband.
A full 20% of my posts carry the I_choose tag. Clearly, I see this as a big deal. Choosing is powerful, and wise use of choice can make your life much better. Some thoughts on choice: We usually have more choices than we think. For a variety of reasons, we tend to get tunnel vision, […]
The post FF: The Power of Choice first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Yesterday I said a lot of bad marriage behaviour is a result of folks seeking attention and/or respect from their spouse. Then I told you to give your wife more attention and respect, as if you’re the only one guilty in this. I have no doubt most of you need more attention and respect from […]
The post Embracing Emotional Maturity: A Call to Christian Husbands first appeared on The Generous Husband.
When I sit back and watch people, what I see is a lot of folks dying for attention and respect. And I see some doing crazy things to get those things. If you have kids, you’ve seen them do this since before they could talk. Adults are a bit more subtle, but if you look […]
The post Nurturing Your Marriage: The Power of Attention & Respect first appeared on The Generous Husband.
So we finished the year at just under 80% of our fund-raising goal. For the same amount we have set the last three years What does this mean? Based on the comments we got with some donations, what we’re saying is still relevant and helpful. The issue is blogging is an ancient platform with a […]
The post Adapting Our Ministry to Changing Times: What’s Next? first appeared on The Generous Husband.
Yesterday on The XY Code, I suggested the ladies pick one sex thing they don’t like and tell their husband they won’t be doing that thing in 2025 Such a post should be not necessary, but I know it is. And that means I also need to address the other side of this with you […]
The post Honouring Your Wife by Letting Go of Sexual Preferences first appeared on The Generous Husband.
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