One of the things that I find challenging as a podcast creator is finding input threads that provide concise and evergreen gaming career content to explore our profession. Today we are speaking with James Portnow - the Writer for the immensely popular videogame career youtube channel - Extra credits - and the CEO of Rainmaker Games - To help us with pointed video game career advice. Resources Discussed in the Show: EXTRA CREDITS- Concise videos about all things game career related. I can't recommend this more highly! Poetics by Aristotle Design of Everyday Things Understanding Comics Art Of Game Design
We as gamers can all look back into our past and remember a gaming session that was truly EPIC. Something happened in game to challenge you in a way or forced you to think about a problem differently. Even though the goal was just to have fun, that game helped you learn something new and engage the world with new skills.
Today we are joined Keven Ballestrini- the Co-founder of The Pericles Group, A company that publishes games to allow players to explore learning as a narrative.
On a personal note I think I'd like to explore how games can affect behavior and learning, both in an educational and professional setting. Its something that I'm passionate about and something that I'd like to explore further.
That being said, I'd love to hear from you. Let me know if there are any games that have affected your development or learning in someway OR what kind of things do you think GAMES can teach particularly well? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or via email.
Resources Alfie Kohn Punished by Rewards Underlings of Underwing - Color Theory Learning Game Find out More about Kevin and the Pericles Group Practomime Website Kevin's Twitter Account -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Do you want to know how you can turn your own gaming group into a whole blown out convention?
Today we are joined by Sheena Vandevanter and Terry Whisenant from CHUPACABRA CON who talk to us about how they built a Tabletop Convention and how your can do the same.
This episode actually captures another interesting aspect of the gaming profession- how relationships can turn into game career opportunities.
Over the course of talking with Sheena we were able to work out a partnership with Austin Boardgame Designers (a group I help lead) to create a sort of mini-protospiel/unpub type playtesting event within the convention. It was through this relationship and others that we were able to put together a 3 day event, with speakers, workshops, and sponsors, for great mutual benefit.
Ill let you listen to the episode for more details, but it's a cool way to showcase how you can use your relationships to build communities and expand the audience for your projects.
For More Details on the Stuff: CHUPACABRA CON MAY 12-14, 2017 Austin Boardgame Designers -
Today we are joined by Jason Miceli of Geek Fever Games. We get the chance to talk about all the success Geek Fever games has had in the past several years. During the discussion we talk a little bit about how the company actually merges with another publisher in order to make their offering stronger.
I think this is a really interesting idea to consider as an aspiring indie publisher. When starting out, people often want to focus primarily on the game and not the underlying business structures that are needed in order to succeed. I love how the story of how Geek Fever Games found a strong partner in the industry and decided to make each other by paring up.
In addition to that, Geek Fever Games has started a new gaming convention - Connecticut Festival of Indie Games - in order to help other designers achieve success.
Finally, this is another one of those two-part episodes where half of the content lives here and the other half lives over on The Game Crafter News Feed. If you want to hear that side of the show, you can check it out HERE
Find Out More: Geek Fever Games Twitter CT Festival Of Indie Games CRAFTER CORNER TGC EPISODE -
Today we are joined by Jason Walters, the general manager of Indie Press Revolution to give us an idea on the state of tabletop RPGs, how to make them, how to sell them, and how to get them into stores. Jason also gives us a huge storehouse of cutting edge RPGs and discusses the development of the Tabletop RPG Genre.
I have to admit that I thought I had the tabletop RPG market figured out. Dungeons and Dragons was my gateway drug that got me started on this whole thing. I've played Rifts, Heroes, TMNT, Vampire Mascarade, Werewolf Apocalypse, Mage Ascension, Dungeon World, FATE... and SO many others.... I have it all covered right? I didn't know how much I didn't know... until I talked to Jason.
Indie Press Revolution is a vendor, warehouse, consolidator, and curator.... all for the Tabletop RPG market. If you have something special or unique in that space, Indie Press Revolution may be able to help you get your game out there and in stores. This is definitely an episode to check out if this is your flavor- you will get a heads up on whats hot and the trends in RPG games.
Find Out More Here: Indie Press Revolution Website Hero Games High Rock Press -
Today's career express episode is hear Scott Morris, the president of Passport Game Studios. Scott tells us how to approach publishers with our game ideas and get the most out of our interactions.
Note: This is a LIVE RECORDING from a presentation at the Austin Game Designers and Playtesters group that I help organize - So be aware that the sound quality is... different :)
More about Passport Game Studios: Passport Game Studios PODCAST- I'm definitely putting this on my list :) Passport Game Studios Website On Twitter! More about Austin Game Designers and Playtester's Group: Meet Us Monthly Facebook Group -
Today we are joined by long-time power gamer and founder of Behavioral Technologies and creator of Pavlok, Maneesh Sethi, who has managed to use his gamer powers to Hack The System of Life. He’s here to help us unlock our potential.
This is a really cool interview. I like to think of myself as a fairly productive person, but after talking with Maneesh are really need to step up my game.
I have long believed that games DO have a transformative effect on behavior, and we as game designers have to take the responsibility seriously. Maneesh has taken this challenge and made a whole company out of it...but not in the way you might expect.
Pavlok is a device that you wear on your wrist that gives you electric shocks, beeps, or vibration when you do things you things you want to stop. By forming a negative association with your desired habit you actually end up short circuiting your body's draw for that behavior. Its a cool feedback loop system that we can use to help drive our productivity.
In this interview, Maneesh shares how he started his career by writing a videogame programming book for teens (at the age of 12) but not until someone told him he couldnt do it. The need to overcome that negative reinforcement has helped propel Maneesh into the success he is today.
Check it out, I know you are going to get a lot out of this interview... I know I did :) Happy listening!
Productivity Tools Discussed On The Show: PAVLOK.com Rescue Time BeeMinder Stickk Headspace App Calm App Find out more about Maneesh Sethi and Pavlok Maneesh on Twitter Pavlok Case Studies Hack The System Website -
Gaming Careers EXPRESS- A new format
Hello Hello All!
This is the first ever Gaming Careers Express Episode. The idea of this content is that it is short, to the point, and gives you some concrete business and career advice to help you on your path. I look at it as opportunity to share additional interviews, recorded lectures, or musings that I wouldn't otherwise be able to share on the show due to length.
Since this is the first segment of its type, I am really interested to get your ideas on how you like it and what you might like to hear in future segments. I intend for these segments to come out in the off-weeks of the show, as extras, or whenever... depending on the backlog of content I have. Really, its just extras for you to help you Find Your Fit in the Industry.
With that Said- Lets Jump into the interview for today!
Alisha Volkman from Bouncing Bomb GamesIn this compact conversation we dive directly in to what it is like being an artist in the boardgame space. Alisha shares key points about how first-time designers/publishers can work with artists and how artists can guide designer/publishers who have never worker with an artist before. Since Alisha is both an artist and designer, she has the inside scoop on where both sides can run into potholes.
ALSO- This particular segment (and some in the future ) are actually part of a dual release show format. Half of the interview (related to gaming careers) shows up here, while another segment will show up on The Game Crafter newsfeed. As part of my research of the Game Crafter, I wanted to reach out to some Crafter community members to find out their experience working with them. Its an important part of my process, and I hope this research helps you make decisions for your own projects.
Anyway, that's all for now! Let me know what you think about the above at: Steve (at) thecompanybard (dot) com. Until next time :)
Find out More About Alisha Home Website - Includes her free game assets! Facebook Page On The Game Crafter -
Getting people to take notice of your tabletop game is one of the toughest nuts to crack in the business. Today we are joined by Avonelle Wing, the senior vice president of Double Exposure, to let give us advice about how to get more table time for our games.
On a personal note- This podcast episode is very special to me. I love the opportunity to share what the gaming industry has to offer, but most times I'm focused primarily on what the guest has to offer you as the listener.
There are a few episodes that stand out to me where I learn something or share something personal on the show. Episode 60,-where I talk with Jamey Stegmaier about using the 5 love languages in customer service, and Episode 26- where discover my guest actually helped me personally with my color-blind disability and didn't even know it, are both examples of this.
This episode is like those. While Avie and I have a great discussion about how to get exposure for your tabletop game, we also explore how we are all shortsighted in our worldview and how that can affect others in our game designs. I end up sharing some embarrassing details about my own design process and the awkwardness of working through that in a global marketplace.
This further highlights the need for services to help expose our product to a wider audience before it is complete.
Finally, we also discuss the transformative power of games in education, LARPing, and favorite convention picks :) Its a long episode... but Ohhhh so good! Enjoy.
Resources DiscussedRecommended Conventions
Dexcon Dreamation Metatopia Geekway to the West Midwinter Gaming Convention Orca Con ChupacabraconLARPing Resources
Learn Larp Distopia Rising Warbirds -
With ever increasing voices in the games space- being a games news and entertainment provider takes a ton of effort, talent, and “hustle” to succeed. Today we are joined by Christian Spicer- one of the hosts of the DLC podcast- a show dedicated to videogame and tabletop entertainment… To help us figure out how to crack that nut.
I want to send a special shout out to one of my listeners: Hugo Vasquez! It was his enthusiasm and encouragement that caused this episode to come about.
I originally intended to talk to Christian about how he assembles the show, finds his content, and grows his audience. While we do cover that a bit, we actually ended up stumbling into an awesome tangent about how to be a REAL PERSON and network at the same time.
Basically it comes down to developing real friendships and then asking for help. Many people aren't comfortable with the idea of asking others for help... but its something that we just have to get over. This is a great episode where Christian and I get to deep dive about how to legitimately gain influence and grow your audience in an honest and genuine way... Very Cool.
Check Out Christian and all his stuff HERE: 2nd Comedy Album: We Are All Going To Die DLC Podcast Department of Parenting Podcast At Least 20 More Minutes Christian's Website Funny Marriage Series Twitter: https://twitter.com/spicer Email: Christian(dot)Spicer(at)Gmail(dot)com -
Today we are joined by a favorite returning guest-duo and board-game resource powerhouse. Chris and Suzanne Zinsli ARE Cardboard Edison- A Boardgame Industry Resource aggregator AND Game Design Team - To talk to us about the importance of game design contests.
On the show I try to have a great variety of different career options in the games industry as well as highlight great tools for gaming professionals to use. I would by lying if I said that a lot of the podcast content didn't comes from my own research for projects that I am working on; this show is one such episode :).
In this interview Chris and Suzanne give us some great advice about how to find great game design contests, run your own game design contests, and MAYBE even talk me into submitting my own game to their contest
Contests Discussed on the Show Jelly Bean Games Competition Boardgame Geek Contests Ion Award- Salt Con Contest Geekway to the West Contest The Game Crafter Game Contests Game Design Forum Showdown Hippo Dice ContestHere is a link to Cardboard Edison COLLECTION OF CONTESTS also!
Other Awesome Resources Provided by Cardboard Edison: Publishers Directory THE COMPENDIUM Industry Reports Tools to run your own game design contests: Survey Monkey Google Drive Meetup.com Find out more about Cardboard Edison! Website Twitter Support On Patreon -
Virtual Reality in videogames is HERE- its new technology and everyone is trying to figure out how best to set up shop in the next generation of gaming experiences.… Today we are Joined by long-time Video Game Art Director and Co-Founder of Gyoza Games- John Sommer- to talk to us about how to make a quality games that are pretty- and VIRTUAL-- All on a shoestring budget.
Resources: http://austingamecon.com/ - Austin game Conference https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/ Unity Asset Store https://www.gnomon.edu/ School of Visual Effects Where to find out more about Gyoza Games http://www.inboundvr.com/ https://twitter.com/Gyoza_Games -
They say a product never survives its first encounter with the customer- The point for game designers is that you will NEVER be able to work out your game to perfection in your head or with your prototype. You MUST test the game with someone outside your immediate circle of friends to make your game the best it can be. But how do you find or work with playtesters?
Today we are Joined by Jeffrey Wolfe- who has been a playtester for a number of Plaid Hat games- to tell us all about what it like to be a playtester and how to interact with playtesters on your own projects.
Resources Want to try Playtesting right HERE? Plaid Hat Playtesting Program Plaid Hat Games Contact Jeff on TWITTER -
Designing a blockbuster video game is an increasingly difficult proposition with all the games that flood the market daily. I think one of the true keys to success is really knowing what motivates your flavor of gamer. Today we are joined by Nick Yee- The cofounder and Analytics lead at Quantic Foundry- A consulting company dedicated to helping users identify gamer motivations!
Resources: Get Your Board and Video Game Profile Here (VERY COOL:) Quantic Foundry Home Site Quantic Foundry Twitter -
Today we are talking to Brian Henk from Overworld Games about the Highs and Lows of running a board game company. This episode has a ton of practical advice about how you can carefully transition to full time board game work from a different career.
I have to congratulate Brian in this episode :) He manages to catch me off guard and ask me some questions during the show that get me ranting on a completely different topic. So... this episode ALSO has some good discussion on how to apply to a video game company, get noticed, and sell your weaknesses as strengths in an interview.
BUT WAIT- There is more :) I have the RARE opportunity to give a timely plug for a Kickstarter that just went live for Overworld Games
LEADERS OF EUPHORIA KICKSTARTEREven if you miss the Kickstarter- you might be able to get a copy sometime after the fact... you know... if you are nice to Brian and ask him for one :)
Find out more about Overworld Games Here:
Overworld Game Website Overworld Games Twitter Overworld Games Intagram -
This is a really cool interview with Indie Videogame Dev Joe Modzeleski, the creator of Gun World and Gun World 2. This is a fascinating interview because Gunworld was NOT a popular title when it came out. Instead of letting it go and moving on to something else, Joe decided to double down and make another game based on the same intellectual property.
He even used the negative reviews of the previous game as part of his Gun World 2 marketing campaign:
The sequel no one asked for, to the game that nobody liked! The Exaction Faction, an intergalactic troupe of super heroes, has come to arrest President Eagle! Explore GunWorld to level up, collect new gear, and hunt down the Faction members in this retro-inspired action/platformer/RPG hybrid.
I love how Joe remained positive amidst all the discouraging feedback and managed to press on to launch his next project. I think I like this interview so much because it captures a much more realistic example of how game development and iteration works.
Many thanks to Joe for sharing his process and showing us how to stay the course amidst adversity!
Why do first time game publishers ALWAYS screw up shipping? Well, the truth of the matter is that there is a lot to it… especially if you want to do it right. Today we are joined by Dan Yarrington and Michael Fox from Ship Naked to help us navigate the murky shipping waters as well as let us know how they might be able to help. This is a great episode where we really dive in to all the different factors involved in shipping a tabletop project.
I have been reading tons of information on this subject for my own project- and I would like to say that I had done a pretty thorough job researching what to expect from shipping. After talking to Dan and Michael, however, I find that I had only scratched the surface on what I might run into with my project.
If you are a project creator and have plans to produce your project on your own... EVER... then this interview will be essential tool in your toolbox for success.
On a personal note- This Episode marks the TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY for THE GAMING CAREERS PODCAST!!!I want to thank everyone for all your support and enthusiasm for keeping the show going. Its been an amazing journey, and I am looking forward to doubling down and taking the show to the next level. Lets build it together- Let me know what you'd like to hear and I'll build it.
Lets continue to Find Our Fit and make our Passions our Profession!
Game On!
If tabletop game news had a not-so-secret headquarters- it would certainly be located in The Dice Tower. Today we are talking to Tom Vasel, The President of the Dice Tower Network- one of the main hubs for tabletop news, reviews, and events.
The Dice Tower provides podcast and Youtube reviews on tabletop games,- they even organized a convention and cruise dedicated to gaming.
This is a great interview where Tom shares his experience as a Tabletop Games Media provider. He offers great practical advice about how to stay focused on the important things and to take your time as you build your message and your audience.
Resources Main Website: http://www.dicetower.com/ Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/thedicetower The Network: http://www.dicetower.com/dice-tower-network Twitter:@thedicetower Dice Tower Con: http://www.boardgaming.info/convention/ Dice Tower Cruise: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/1509569/official-dice-tower-cruise-information-and-faq -
In this interview I get to talk to Rodney Smith, the Host of Watch It Played. Watch It Played is an incredibly poplular Youtube Channel with over 80k subscribers that shows boardgamers detailed instructions on how to play their favorite games.
Rodney's epic success has allowed him to produce games media as a fulltime career. In this episode Rodney shares with us how he got his start and how to ensure produce quality content. This has been an interview I have been looking forward to for some time, and I have to say... it was WELL WORTH THE WAIT :)
ALSO- Please consider supporting Rodney's 6th Season of Watch It Played on:
2016 Indiegogo Campaignto help him continue on his path of creating awesome games content for our community!
Find Out More About Watch It Played: Watch It Played Channel Rodney's Twitter -
This is a great conversation with James Takenaka from Hit Point Sales, a tabletop game consolidator that helps indie developers get their game into distribution. In this show we talk a lot about how different business models can work and how consolidators can act as an excellent bridge to give your game extra reach.
I really appreciate how candid and helpful James is about game print quantities and sales figures. It really helps give a concrete frame of reference when working on the financials of your game.
Consolidators:Hit Point Sales- THANKS FOR ALL THE INFO JAMES!
Jame's Email = Sales@hitpointsales.com Also check out Ship Naked to complete the circuit on this business channel option for your game.Impressions- With Aldo Ghiozzi
HERE is my interview with ALDO about Impressions Consolidation Services :)PSI - Used by Steve Jackson Games and Fireside Games
Resources: State of Games Podcast On Board Games Podcast Secret Cabal Podcast - Visa fler