In this episode I discuss how Buffalo Wellness Club came to light! BWC recently had its first ever event, which I talk about in this episode. If you want to attend the next event hosted by Buffalo Wellness Club then follow @buffalo.wellness.club on Instagram to stay up to date!
Plastics are EVERYWHERE! In this episode, I dive into the following:
-what are plastics and how are they harmful to health?
-plastics and their association to infertility
-what contains plastics
-how to begin to escape from a plastic heavy life/alternatives
Links to my favorite plastic free items:
Saknas det avsnitt?
During this episode, I discuss the following regarding weight loss:
1. Common myths about weight loss.
2. The functional medicine perspective surrounding weight loss
3. Practical tips to get started with your journey
4. conclusion
-amber dim night light: https://www.amazon.com/vdp/03eaa386e1f046a5b8ad2814405b8a14?tag=abbyborkowski-20&linkCode=ssc&ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfvideo_B94ZSDH2E8DXSCVQ1DWX
-blue light blocker: https://www.amazon.com/vdp/0a1632b885484c3882e1394f731bf122?tag=abbyborkowski-20&linkCode=ssc&ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfvideo_B94ZSDH2E8DXSCVQ1DWX_1
-Amazon storefront for better sleep: https://www.amazon.com/shop/abbles.eats/list/L0XR2LH84UNG?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_B94ZSDH2E8DXSCVQ1DWX_2
In this podcast episode join me and I discuss my personal 2024 year in review and everything I intentionally hope to accomplish in 2025!
Mini Class on Testosterone for Men and Women
-what is testosterone:
-Testosterone and how low vs high T presents in women
-Why we are seeing chronically low T in men (4 reasons why)
-how to improve our T levels female vs male protocols
This episode goes in depth on the following regarding cholesterol:
-previously how cholesterol has been demonized
-why low-fat is more harmful than good
-why cholesterol is crucial for the body
-cholesterol and sex hormones
-cholesterol and fertility
-cholesterol and brain health
-why statin drugs are not the answers
-how to assess proper bloodwork
-how to improve nutrition and supplementation
LINK for wild caught fish high quality omega 3 fish oil: https://doterra.me/f7Zj3r
What Your Body Is Telling You By Not Having An Appetite In The Morning
This episode is packed with information all about cortisol and dysregulation. I talk about when is a good time to eat in the morning, what one should be eating in the morning, how skipping breakfast can lead to chronic stress and more. Further, this episode discusses the role of Kisspeptin in the body and its relationship to cortisol levels as well. I further discuss how a cortisol pattern should look to ensure adequate sleep and immune system health. Everything is connected together, don’t miss out on this episode!
One Full Year Of Removing Alcohol From My Life!
It has been one full year since removing alcohol from my lifestyle! I have not drank much in the past, but I always felt I drank due to the societal pressures and normality of it. Nonetheless, I am so proud of my commitment to myself to be alcohol free for one whole year. In this episode tune in to hear more!
-my background with drinking and the societal pressures of it
-why I chose to remove alcohol from my life
-how to navigate a social gathering being sober
-how to deal with peer pressure of others
-alcohol and its affects on the body with sleep, liver detox, hormones, etc.
-why alcohol does not serve me any longer
A Quick Mini-Class into the MTHFR gene and Folic Acid! In this brief episode I explain:
-what is folate
-what is folic acid
-what is the MTHFR gene?
-gene mutations (snps) in the MTHFR gene
-why we should say no to folic acid
-alternatives to folic acid
-my personal experience with folic acid
This episode explores PCOS. Specifically, this episode discusses:
-what is PCOS and how to diagnose it
-The typical presentation of PCOS
-Anolomy presentation of PCOS
-conventional medicine approaches for PCOS
-alternative approaches for PCOS
Being a college athlete is an incredible experience. However, throughout my experience I noticed a common trend in female athletes which left them undernourished, overworked, and burnt out! In this episode I discuss:
-A typical day and game day for a female athlete
-how fueling properly is key
-traveling for games and the reality of it
-the correlation and rise in fertility and cycle issues whether it be PCOS/amenorrhea/etc
-female athlete triad
-a call to action to help female athletes understand their bodies and how to fuel them properly
-my experience with developing lean PCOS
-stay tuned for future episodes on fertility!!
Tune in to hear about why starting a short term diet is not the approach to reach your goals. This episode covers the topics below:
-FAD diets you hear such as KETO, 75 hard, fasting, carnivore, etc are not sustainable eating habits
-developing a habitual lifestyle is they key to life (slow and steady). It takes the body months to change its taste buds, but once you do your body knows exactly what it craves/wants
-dieting makes for a binge or ED with the OCD/mind games it plays
-I believe tracking foods can be helpful, but if it consumes the mind it’s not worth it to mentally go there. Tracking how much protein you eat over calories is a good start, tracking macros can be of more importance than tracking just calories
-FAD diets help one lose weight quickly, but the body adapts to that starvation state. This in return makes the body viciously holds onto anything in excess as the body is in a dysregulated state.
-One can not out-exercise their way out of a bad eating pattern. Eating is 70% of it, exercise is 30%
-stay tuned in the next episode on how to apply this approach to daily life and how I balance eating healthy and pair it with exercise
We have become chronic habitual mouth breathers!! We need to revert this back and become nasal breathers again. The health benefits of nasal breathing are widespread, so tune in to hear about them! Below is an outline of topics discussed within this episode.
-what is nasal breathing vs mouth breathing
-nasal breathing vs mouth breathing and nasal congestion
-immune system and nasal breathing vs mouth breathing
-how to properly take breaths
-how nasal breathing benefits improved facial structure
-exercise and nasal breathing
-Nitric oxide and nasal breathing
Also, we reached double digits with this being episode 10 of the podcast! Thank you for your continuous support.
If you have any questions please contact me through Instagram @abbles.eats
Get ready to unpack the importance of protein in this episode! This episode touches upon the topics below:
-the importance of understanding how many grams of protein one should be eating
-how to get to your ideal protein value per day
-tips on including/adding more protein in
-debunking old red meats myths
-what is creatine vs. collagen
-the difference in animal protein vs. plant protein
-how we should be eating protein as we age
Tune in to listen to this packed episode, it has been one of my favorites to record yet!
food scale on amazon: https://amzn.to/3zCQqheinstagram link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7USKpYOoXS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== -
This episode is all about body image and how perception is the key player around this topic. Below are some key concepts touched on within the episode!
-everyone deals with insecurities, we are all human so understanding and being open about them is huge!
-Understanding that it is normal to have good and bad days, especially the female body because in the second half of our cycles (late luteal phase) we have a negative bias.
-your brain is more powerful than you think, your mind and neurons perceive what you tell yourself... everything starts with mindset
-shouldn’t focus/hyper-fixate on changing your body (creates another layer of stress), should focus on changing how you feel then body changes will follow.
-most people are wanting what other people have. Comparison is the theft of joy. Be grateful for your body, instead of picking it apart.
-don't be tied to the scale (muscle weighs more than fat)
-everyone has different anatomy and anatomical structures
-if you want to change something, the work starts with yourself, no one else is going to do it for you…. Start small, you don’t have to drastically change your life at once but start small and build on that.
In this episode of the Functional Alignment Podcast I discuss all things about the Oura Ring!
-the background on the Oura ring/pricing
-comparing the Oura ring to other brands of health gadgets
-breaking down the readiness score Oura ring gives you daily
-breaking down the sleep score Oura ring gives you daily
-breaking down the Resilience feature of the Oura ring
-breaking down how to use the Oura ring for a menstrual cycle & how to use the basal metabolic temperature feature to help track cycles naturally
-Oura ring discount $40 off your order: https://ouraring.com/product/rings/heritage?utm_medium=iac_raf
Everybody encounters stress in their daily life, whether it be work, school, relationships, etc! However, stress does not have to define our lives. In this episode I discuss:
-what stress is
-how the body can't perceive good vs. bad stress
-chronic stress vs acute stress and how sympathetic spillover/dominance can affect the whole body
-top tips to manage stress: low impact movement, breathing techniques for the vagus nerve, limiting long fasts, eating rich protein forward breakfast, caffeine after breakfast, meditating, limiting phone use, showing up for yourself, routines, being present and more!
Tune in to functionally align your life!
Tune in to learn about common myths regarding the sun. This episode covers:
-nutrient depletion in correlation to sun burn
-how many hours we should we spending outside
-how to choose a proper sunscreen
-why sunglasses may be correlated to sunburn
-LED lights and overhead lights increase cortisol
-and more!
https://doterra.me/_uIObb : DoTerra sunscreen bundle. You can change the cart to express what product you want I just linked all options in the one link, includes 25% off.https://amzn.to/4aAkpmI : Cataplex F standard process supplementhttps://amzn.to/3KftE0K : plug in night lights -
In this episode I talk about how to have consistent energy levels throughout the day, and avoid the big crashes. This episode brings a realistic approach that is built on daily habits to implement in order to avoid mid-day crashes.
This episode dives into the importance of Circadian Rhythms & what they are all about. The correlation between developing a solid morning and evening routine in relation to sleep quality is discussed. Abby walks through her specific morning and evening routine as well! Tune in to listen!
- Visa fler