All you ever wanted to know about king greenhead in this 4 part series about the History of the North American Mallard. In Part 2, we hit the highlights about what makes the greenhead population tick. What runs the mallard population? How does winter, spring, and summer make the mallard machine run? Dead hens don’t lay eggs, right? But fat hens do, and once those ducklings hatch, what do they need to find their way down the flyways. Find out here today on The FowlWeather Podcast.
All you ever wanted to know about king greenhead in this 4 part series about the History of the North American Mallard. Species split into black ducks, mottled ducks, Mexican ducks, and the greenheaded mallard. With 14 mallard like ducks across the globe the greenheaded mallard is the most widespread. We start out with a quick update on the Polar Vortex for our weather nerds, clean up some mallard mis-information still floating around, and then jump into the early evolution of the mallard in North America.
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How did The FowlWeather Podcast long-term predictions about fall and winter weather affecting duck migration play out? Find out today on this jam packed episode of The FowlWeather Podcast. Do you nerd out about weather and duck migration? This is the episode for you!
The conspiracies, mis information, lack of judgement in comment, and tearing down of the waterfowl community must end. DrMike is fed up and digs through the latest and greatest of the idiocracy coming across your wave lengths about the state of waterfowl across North America…that and we dig into some of the latest mallard, redhead, and canvasback population models – is it guns or habitat that run duck numbers? If you ask others, it’s all a big unknown with wild speculation, but again, DrMike cuts through the BS and just reports the facts. Time to step up my friends across duck country and put to rest the speculation and the mis information campaign. Could the state of waterfowl hunting and waterfowl hunting culture be better, certainly, but to tear down all the hard work of generations without doing your homework, well that is just disrespectful, but even more so it is dangerous rhetoric with no gain for ducks, doing more harm than good…THAT…and the final duck migration forecast of the 2024-2025 duck season.
Where the heck are the ducks? Well, there are less of them for sure. DrMike breaks down the polar plunge forecast, how food really matters, is your lease just junk, male to female ratios in the harvest and your duck migration forecast, all this week on The FowlWeather Podcast.
More of the Florida boys, tales of falling in the marsh, what happens in Florida on a cold front? Part 2 of the Floridians at the farm in Jack Reef.
Join us for Part 2 of this fun filled Kitchen Conversation, we learned so much about Florida from the Florida Boys. Among many things, mottled ducks and hybridization with game-farm mallards are on the menu in this episode of the Kitchen Conversation.
A naïve observer would think that everyone lies in the duck world. The biologists lie about numbers and locations of winter ducks, the hunters lie about not seeing ducks, the hunters lie about killing ducks, the non-profits lie about flooded corn to the north, the biologists lie about the number of ducks on the continent. Lies, Lies, Lies. DrMike cuts through the BS in another information packed episode, that more about what telemetry tells and does not tell us, and your duck migration forecast for the coming week.
It has been days since the October sun and the real cold is coming. Reflection on the duck season and thoughts on the cold to come….we also rebut comments about Episode 67 – Why Every State Needs a Draw Hunt For Ducks. All you did was justify the comment…that, what do ducks do when it gets really cold?….and the week duck migration forecast…. all on this and more in this episode of The FowlWeather Podcast.
DrMike and DrNick Masto debate telemetry while driving around the Montezuma Wetlands Complex. DrMike works to not give away all his hunting spots, but the main point of the discussion between DrMike and DrNick is to showcase how scientists debate and discuss controversial topics. At the end of the day, we are all friends and focused on making the information we use to manage waterfowl better. We might not always agree, but do debate in a civil manner….most of the time…join DrMike and DrNick for another episode of the Kitchen Conversations (in the truck!).
Bring on the hate mail, but survey says….you need a draw hunt. DrMike details how surveys tell us what all hunters want, but what states are too afraid of the politics to pull the trigger on. Overcrowding, boat races, and swamp fights ta’ boot, gotta’ love a good ole duck hunt in the new age though, right?
Merry Christmas from The FowlWeather Podcast Team! The weather maps are red, showing warmer than average through Christmas, but does that mean cold barrels? The FowlWeather Podcast Team dissects the weather in detail, forecasts into January, we talk hunting ducks in the heat, thoughts on cleaning and eating ducks, and your duck migration forecast, all this week on The FowlWeather Podcast.
As our good friend and mentor Dr. Dave Ankney used to say “The Good Ole Days Are Now”. In this episode, From deer to wood ducks to turkeys and beyond, we have more to be thankful for than not. DrMike reflects with optimism and a passion for the ducks, the wetlands they depend on, and all the great duck people across duck country. All that, and another exciting duck migration forecast for the coming week.
We talk to biologists in South Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri about the state of duck migration so far this year. Great insights from the experts, where to find FowlWeather Podcast hoodies, hats, and stickers, the week 1 Listener Appreciation FowlWeather Podcast Sweepstakes winner is announced, and your migration forecast, all this week!
More of the Merg Squad at Bard’s Barndaminium – DrMike once again sits down with Frack and Bard to talk mergs and all things ducks in Jacks Reef country. We also have a bit of Merganser Trivia for y’all. Join us this week on another episode of the Kitchen Conversations, raw, mic’d up conversations with duck hunters across duck country, USA.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family and ducks! This week The FowlWeather Podcast team details the fattening patterns of ducks during migration and winter and how it can affect your duck hunting success. We also announce the first of five FowlWeather Podcast Sweepstakes prizes and the availability of FowlWeather hoodies open for online orders. Oh, and the cold continues as we forecast the best days to hunt in the coming week for fresh ducks, hot from the north!
With so man different public draw systems out there, somebody must do it better than anyone else? Right, why are there so many systems? Is duck hunting so different that every state and province has to have a different system for allocating blinds? Dr. Mike dissects this heavy topic, plus a western front shakes its cold hand and drives ducks south, all this week on The FowlWeather Podcast.
The long-awaited Long-term Forecast Part 2. The results are IN! The FowlWeather Podcast Long-term Forecast Part 2 dives into what the rest of duck season looks like, when will the cold show, does Old Man winter hide in the Arctic once again this year, or make an appearance as an Alberta Clipper, what’s snow got to do with it all? All that, and this week’s duck migration forecast.
The FowlWeather Podcast team tackles how ducks move on the moon phase, duck hunting ethic revisited, and your migration forecast.
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