
  • Welcome to another episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast! This episode delves into the sometimes-dreaded aspect of floral business management—having difficult conversations with clients. Whether you're dealing with unappealing aesthetic requests or handling clients with unrealistic budget expectations, Jen shares invaluable insights and practical advice to navigate these challenges smoothly.

    Key Highlights from This Episode:

    Declining Clients Tactfully: Learn how to say no to potential clients in a manner that is both professional and kind, avoiding potential backlash and maintaining your brand’s positive reputation.Handling Mismatched Aesthetics: Discover strategies for communicating with clients whose vision doesn’t align with your floral design style without diminishing their ideas.Addressing Budget Constraints: Gain tips on how to discuss budget limitations with clients, ensuring they understand the constraints and compromises involved without feeling dismissed.Navigating Family Pressures in Cultural Weddings: Hear about Jen’s personal experiences with cultural wedding pressures and learn strategies to assert your professional boundaries.Managing Low Budget Requests: Find out how to manage expectations for clients with limited budgets who desire extensive floral arrangements, including practical advice on steering them towards more realistic options.Utilizing Tools like ChatGPT: Jen discusses how leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT can aid in crafting well-worded responses to tricky situations, saving time and reducing stress.Live Coaching Series - Business Breakthroughs: Learn about the new series where Jen offers live coaching to help florists tackle their business challenges, providing real-time solutions and advice.

    Invitation to Listeners: If you're facing difficult conversations in your floral business or need help navigating business challenges, Jen invites you to join the Business Breakthroughs series. Apply through the link in the show notes for a chance to receive live coaching on the podcast!

    Final Thoughts: Jen wraps up the episode by encouraging all floral business owners to approach difficult conversations with confidence and tact. Remember, every challenging interaction is an opportunity to refine your communication skills and strengthen your business.

    Stay Flower-Powered! Thank you for tuning in. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes aimed at helping you thrive in the floral industry. Have a flower-filled day!

    Subscribe to the Floral Hustle Podcast for more tips on growing your florist business, and don’t miss out on the opportunity for live coaching by applying through the show notes link.

  • Episode Overview: In this episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, Jeni discusses the importance of assessing the success of major floral holidays like Mother's Day to prepare for future events. She emphasizes the need for florists to evaluate what worked, what didn’t, and how to effectively document and utilize this data to enhance business strategies.

    What You’ll Learn:

    Assessment Techniques: Strategies to gauge and measure the success of holiday sales and promotions.Documentation Importance: The significance of documenting every detail from holiday sales to better prepare for future events.Analytical Tools: How to use your website analytics and sales data to make informed decisions.Feedback Utilization: The role of continuous feedback in refining offerings and improving customer satisfaction.Planning Ahead: Tips on using past data to forecast and strategize for upcoming holidays.

    Key Moments:

    00:00: Introduction to post-holiday business assessment01:32: Overview of the holiday wrap-up guide available at http://thefloralhustle.com/holiday03:35: Real-life experiences and insights on how specific products performed during Mother's Day05:47: The pitfalls of not documenting business activities and the advantages of having a structured plan07:01: The importance of web analytics in evaluating marketing effectiveness08:10: Strategies to increase web traffic and sales through targeted online advertising09:01: The benefits of immediate post-event analysis to capture accurate insights10:08: Encouraging feedback from team members to improve future holiday preparations

    Resources Mentioned:

    Holiday Wrap-Up Guide - A comprehensive resource to help florists analyze and plan their holiday strategies.

    Call to Action: Download the free Holiday Wrap-Up Guide from http://thefloralhustle.com to start setting up your next holiday for success. Let Jeni help you transform your floral business insights into actionable strategies.

    Closing: Thank you for tuning in to the Floral Hustle Podcast. Remember to follow us for more insights on growing your floral business effectively. Have an amazing flower-filled day!

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  • Welcome to another insightful episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast with your host, Jeni. This episode is a treasure trove for florists aiming to refine their marketing strategies and see tangible results. Whether you're a seasoned florist or just starting out, understanding the nuances of digital marketing is crucial to your business growth. Dive in as Jeni shares her firsthand experiences and practical tips to enhance your marketing effectiveness.

    What You'll Learn:

    Analyzing Marketing Effectiveness:Importance of tracking and analyzing website analytics.How to assess the value of different marketing channels including bridal associations, directories, and digital ads.Website Analytics Deep Dive:Understanding key metrics like impressions, click-through rates, and conversion metrics.How to interpret and use data from tools like Google Analytics and Wix reporting.Social Media Strategies:The significance of consistent posting and audience engagement on platforms like Instagram.Tips for increasing reach and following, and the patience required to see results.The Role of Networking in Marketing:Personal stories of how networking has directly impacted business growth.Strategies for making the most out of networking events and collaborations with wedding professionals.Real-world Applications and Results:Case studies from Jeni’s own experiences with different marketing strategies.Discussion on the effectiveness of paid directories and ads in the floral industry.

    Episode Highlights:

    Jeni's Marketing Review: Learn how Jeni evaluated her participation in a local bridal association and the insights gained from website traffic analysis.Marketing Metrics Explained: A breakdown of essential marketing metrics that every florist should monitor.Long-term Social Media Impact: Insights into the gradual yet impactful results of consistent social media marketing.Effective Networking Techniques: How unplanned networking opportunities can lead to significant business advancements.

    Don't miss out on these valuable insights that can transform your floral business. Tune in now to start mastering the art of marketing in the floral industry. Whether you’re refining your digital presence or strengthening your networking skills, this episode is your guide to more effective marketing and sustainable business growth.

  • Welcome to another empowering minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, where your host Jeni shares expert insights and real-life anecdotes to help florists thrive in their businesses. This week, we dive into the art of conducting magnetic consultations that not only charm your clients but also boost your bookings and business growth.

    Key Highlights:

    Building Client Relationships:Learn how to showcase your personality and creativity to forge strong connections with potential clients.Jeni discusses the importance of understanding and adapting to the client’s vision and how it can set the tone for a successful consultation.Expertise in Venue Challenges:Hear how Jeni handles logistical nightmares at complex venues, like the Mall of America, with confidence and expertise.Discover tips for navigating difficult setups and why familiarity with the venue can give you a competitive edge.Consultation Techniques:Jeni shares her approach to consultations, including how to position yourself as the undeniable best choice through confidence and competence.Insights into her closing strategies that help seal the deal with potential clients.Tailoring to Client Needs:Strategies for customizing your floral recommendations to align with both the client’s theme and the seasonality of the event.Anecdotes from recent consultations that illustrate how to adapt suggestions in real-time to meet client preferences.Handling Different Client Personalities:Tips on adjusting your approach based on the client’s personality, from the subdued to the dominant, ensuring a harmonious interaction that leads to positive outcomes.Maximizing Referrals and Repeat Business:Effective follow-up practices that keep you top of mind and encourage referrals.The importance of feedback loops and how they can be used to refine your consultation process and client experience.
  • Welcome to The Floral Hustle, the go-to podcast for florists and creative entrepreneurs! In today’s episode, we delve into a live coaching session with Whitley, a budding floral designer from Mississippi. Join us as Jeni, our host, helps Whitley navigate the complexities of starting and scaling a floral design business. Whether you're a seasoned florist or just starting out, this episode is packed with actionable insights!

    Episode Highlights:

    Starting Out - Whitley shares her journey from testing the waters at bridal expos to launching her business, Petal and Plume, focusing on faux and dried floral arrangements and stationery design.Challenges Faced - From balancing motherhood and a full-time job to stepping into the entrepreneurial world, Whitley discusses the hurdles of a new business.Live Coaching - Jeni dives into strategies for differentiating a business in a competitive market, focusing on high-quality silk flowers and unique rental offerings.Marketing Insights - Tips on how to stand out through marketing, creating high-quality product offerings, and pricing strategies that reflect the lasting value of faux florals.Future Plans - Whitley explores her aspirations to include fresh florals and expand her services to weddings, highlighting an upcoming project with a unique “deep sea odyssey” theme.


    01:37 Meet Whitley: A New Floral Business on the Rise
    02:55 Diving into the Floral Business: Challenges and Aspirations
    05:13 Whitley's First Official Wedding Gig
    14:08 The Art of Pricing: Faux vs. Real Flowers
    18:18 Streamlining Business Operations: Quotes and Contracts
    24:33 Navigating the Legal Landscape: LLCs and S Corps
    26:07 Enhancing Client Interaction: From Inquiry to Contract
    27:59 Exploring Communication Platforms for Client Meetings
    28:21 Crafting Quotes and Negotiating Prices
    29:29 Rethinking Rental Package Pricing
    31:03 Customizing Rental Packages: Semi-Custom vs. Full Custom
    32:01 Incorporating Fees into Pricing Strategy
    35:11 Marketing Strategies: Bridal Expos and Email Blasts
    39:00 Networking with Wedding Professionals and Venues
    46:12 Creative Approaches to Floral Arrangements and Business Expansion

    Key Takeaways:

    Importance of networking and visibility through bridal expos and collaborations.Strategic pricing and product quality as differentiators in a niche market.Leveraging personal stories and business challenges in marketing to connect with audiences.

    Whitley is the creative mind behind Petal and Plume, a floral design business specializing in faux and dried flowers based in Mississippi. With a background in graphic design and a passion for florals, she brings a unique blend of creativity and business acumen to the wedding industry. http://www.thepetalandplume.com Or follow at @‌petal.plume

    Don’t forget to follow us on @‌thefloralhustle and visit our website at thefloralhustle.com for more resources and episode updates. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!

    Thank you for tuning into The Floral Hustle. Join us next week for another insightful episode designed to help you bloom in the business of flowers! Want to be featured on a Biz Breakthrough Coaching Episode?

    Apply at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdb0y1UXFqVNCbyhp92V1x4r8RSGEIlJ6MJIBHiY_4aZ52aMw/viewform?usp=sf_link

  • Welcome to "The Floral Hustle," where we explore innovative strategies to enhance your floral business. In today’s episode, host Jeni shares her secret to boosting efficiency through a simple yet powerful approach: batching. Whether you’re crafting arrangements, managing social media, or scheduling client meetings, discover how this technique can transform your workflow and increase profitability.

    00:01:01 - Introduction to Batching and Its Benefits
    00:02:08 - Practical Examples of Batching in Floristry
    00:03:02 - Applying Batching Beyond Creative Work
    00:04:07 - Economic Benefits of Batching for Your Business
    00:05:14 - Thematic Days and Content Batching Strategies
    00:06:26 - Implementing Batching in Social Media Planning
    00:07:08 - Inspiration from Jenna Kutcher’s Content Pillars Approach
    00:08:39 - The Impact of Targeted, Consistent Content
    00:09:12 - The Importance of Planning in Business Success
    00:10:32 - Examples of Daily Themes and Batch Planning
    00:11:12 - Closing Thoughts on Batching and Efficiency

    Key Takeaways:

    What is Batching: Batching is focusing on one type of task at a time to reduce the cognitive load and improve focus and productivity.Application in Floristry: From preparing bulk floral arrangements to managing business operations like email marketing or bookkeeping.Economic Impact: Streamlining tasks through batching can significantly reduce time and costs, enhancing business profitability.Content Strategy: Utilizing thematic days and content pillars to create a cohesive social media strategy.

    Episode Quotes: “Efficiency equals dollars in so many ways. When you batch your work, you're not just saving time; you're enhancing your entire operation’s effectiveness.” - Jeni

    Ready to harness the power of batching in your floral business? Start by identifying areas you can batch tasks to save time and improve output. Share your batching success stories with us via social media or email, and join our community of efficient florists!

    #FloralHustle #FloristTips #ProductivityHacks #FloralDesign #BusinessEfficiency

  • Introduction: Welcome to another exciting episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, where we dive deep into the blooming world of floristry. Today, your host Jeni is joined by the vibrant and talented Tyler Keno of TK Floral Designs, based in the picturesque Hudson Valley, New York

    What You'll Learn:

    What defines a "luxury wedding" in the floral industry.Tips for new florists on transitioning to luxury wedding design.Tyler's journey from small beginnings to owning a thriving floral design business.The importance of mentorship and education in scaling a floral business.How to handle business growth, from rebranding to pricing strategies.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00:32] - Jeni introduces Tyler Keno, sharing his contagious energy and passion for floral designs.

    [00:00:46] - Tyler discusses the location of his business and his main focus on luxury weddings, and how they cater to both large-scale and smaller, intimate weddings.

    [00:01:41] - The definition of a luxury wedding is explored, emphasizing immersive experiences and detailed floral arrangements.

    [00:02:28] - Discussion on the evolving perceptions of luxury and premium weddings and their impact on the floral market.

    [00:03:32] - Tyler highlights the role of social media platforms like Pinterest in setting high expectations for floral arrangements.

    [00:06:19] - The importance of experience and learning in the floral industry, with Tyler sharing his personal growth story.

    [00:07:41] - An insight into Jeni’s upcoming sustainable floral workshop, illustrating the importance of educational opportunities in the floral industry.

    [00:09:40] - Tyler and Jeni discuss the business side of floristry, emphasizing the importance of understanding business operations to succeed.

    [00:15:43] - Tyler reminisces about the initial name of his business and the lessons learned from past partnerships.

    [00:18:13] - The significance of having a supportive partner in both life and business to help maintain balance and focus.

    [00:22:46] - How technological tools and software can streamline business processes and allow florists to focus on their craft.

    [00:34:31] - The future focus of Tyler's business, highlighting his passion for weddings and the expansion of his educational offerings.

    Resources Mentioned:

    https://tkfloraldesigns.com/#/Upcoming Floral Workshops and Events https://bbe371.myshopify.com/products/tk-floral-designs-luxury-floral-designs-one-on-onesSocial Media- https://www.instagram.com/tkfloraldesignshv/

    If you're inspired by Tyler's journey and want to learn more about luxury floral designs, follow TK Floral Designs on Instagram and check out their upcoming workshops. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Floral Hustle Podcast for more insightful conversations with industry experts!

  • Episode Summary:
    In this minisode, Jeni dives into the topic of freelancing for florists during the bustling wedding season. Whether you're considering freelancing to fill up your schedule or seeking freelancers to boost your team, this episode offers practical advice and tips drawn from real-life experiences and discussions within the florist community.


    [00:00:01] Introduction to the episode
    [00:00:56] Exploring the pros and cons of freelancing
    [00:01:57] Importance of the studio environment and aesthetics
    [00:02:26] How to identify and connect with potential freelance opportunities
    [00:03:12] Effective communication strategies for reaching out
    [00:04:14] Preparing a standout floristry portfolio
    [00:05:01] Administrative essentials: contracts and tax forms
    [00:06:11] Discussing fair compensation and expectations
    [00:07:47] Tailoring tasks to strengths in the floral studio
    [00:08:21] Fostering a supportive and enriching work environment
    [00:09:36] Managing creative credits and online representation
    [00:10:35] Setting clear expectations and communication

    Key Points Discussed:

    Freelancing Opportunities: Understanding the landscape and benefits of freelancing during wedding season.
    Finding Freelancers: Tips on sourcing and vetting potential freelancers through social media and professional networks.
    Studio Dynamics: The impact of a positive and inspiring studio environment on creativity and productivity.
    Professional Development: Leveraging freelancing for skill enhancement and networking.
    Portfolio Development: Guidance on creating an impactful portfolio to attract premium engagements.
    Compensation Negotiation: How to approach discussions about pay in a way that respects both parties' values.
    Legal and Practical Tips: Essential paperwork and logistical details for integrating freelancers smoothly.

    Jeni encourages all listening florists to embrace the opportunities and challenges of freelancing. By fostering clear communication and setting proper expectations, freelancers and studio owners alike can enjoy a mutually beneficial and growth-oriented relationship.

    Call to Action:
    Subscribe to the Floral Hustle podcast for more insights on thriving in the floristry business, and share this episode with fellow florists who might benefit from these freelancing tips!

  • Welcome to another episode of the Floral Hustle podcast, where we dive deep into the world of floral entrepreneurship. This week, your host Jen shares invaluable insights on boosting your floral business's profits amidst a slower year for bookings. Whether you're a budding florist or an experienced flower arranger looking to elevate your business, this episode is packed with actionable strategies to help you thrive.

    Key Takeaways:

    Optimizing Client Experience: Discover how to outshine your competition by enhancing client interactions and services. Learn the importance of tracking your client conversion process and how it can significantly increase your booking rates.Elevating Your Wedding Floral Game: Jen discusses strategies for increasing your average wedding order value. From targeting higher-end weddings to upgrading your floral offerings, find out how to attract clients willing to spend more on their big day.Reducing Costs Smartly: Uncover ways to lower your operational expenses without compromising on quality. By buying smarter and analyzing your expenses closely, Jen illustrates how profitability can be improved through cost management.Securing Recurring Revenue: Learn about the potential of recurring revenue streams like monthly flower subscriptions and partnerships with local businesses. Jen shares personal anecdotes and tips on how to tap into these consistent income sources.Diversifying Your Revenue: Explore innovative ideas for adding new revenue streams to your business, from funeral home collaborations to seasonal decorations and workshops.

    Special Highlight:

    Floral Installations Workshop: Jen announces an upcoming workshop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, focusing on floral installations. It's a fantastic opportunity for florists to gain hands-on experience, learn about pricing and mechanics, and even participate in a mini brand shoot. Head to thefloralhustle.com/installation for more details.

    For Newer Florists: This episode is a goldmine for those new to the floral industry or looking to grow their business. Jen's advice on improving client experience, financial management, and creative revenue generation is particularly beneficial.

    Additional Resources:

    Instagram: Follow Jen on Instagram for more tips, workshop information, and a peek into past events.Contact Information: Have questions? Reach out to Jen via Instagram DMs for personalized advice and more information on the floral installations workshop.

    Thank you for tuning into the Floral Hustle podcast. Implement these strategies to not only navigate through slower seasons but also to significantly boost your profit margins. Here's to a flourishing floral business!

  • Episode Summary:
    In this week's Floral Hustle podcast, Jen shares invaluable insights on a common challenge for florists: being ghosted by clients. Drawing from her extensive experience in sales, including the automotive industry, Jen reveals one straightforward strategy to drastically reduce the chances of client ghosting. This episode dives deep into understanding client expectations around pricing and how transparency can transform your client interactions.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Importance of Pricing Transparency: Discover why being upfront about pricing can significantly reduce client ghosting. Jen explains the misconceptions and fears around discussing budgets and how to overcome them.Starting At Pricing: Learn how to implement a "starting at" pricing strategy in your floral business to set clear expectations with clients from the get-go.Educating Your Clients: Tips on how to guide potential clients through your pricing and services, helping them understand what they can expect within their budget.Communication Strategies: Effective ways to communicate pricing and services to prevent misunderstandings and build trust with your clients.Florist Foundations Course: Jen introduces her new course, "Florist Foundations," designed to help florists master pricing discussions, create informative brochures, and attract their ideal clients.

    Featured Sections:

    Avoiding Client Ghosting: Jeni discusses common reasons why clients might ghost florists and shares strategies to prevent it.Transparency in Pricing: The significance of being clear about costs and how it benefits both the florist and the client.Client Education and Consultation: Techniques for educating clients on pricing and services during consultations.A La Carte Flowers Program: Jeni talks about her approach to providing clear, upfront pricing and how it's integrated into her business model.Florist Foundations Course: An overview of Jeni's course that covers everything from pricing discussions to client communication strategies.

    00:00 Varied flower pricing requires thorough budget inquiry.

    04:55 Brochure educates clients on transparent pricing.

    08:02 Planner seeks quote, client's budget falls short.

    12:46 12-week program to improve business efficiency.

    13:43 Comprehensive course with great investment value. Check it!

    Listen to This Episode If: You're a florist facing challenges with client communication, particularly around pricing and services, or if you're looking for strategies to enhance client satisfaction and reduce ghosting.

    Subscribe: Don't forget to subscribe to the Floral Hustle podcast on your favorite platform for more insights into growing and managing your florist business.

    Contact Us: Have a question or topic you'd like us to cover in a future episode? Email us at [email protected] or send us a message on our social media channels @‌thefloralhustle.

  • 01:12 Recipe and Ordering Simplification
    02:10 The Art of Simplifying Flower Formulation
    02:42 Layering Techniques for Stunning Arrangements
    03:20 Exploring the Six Foundational Bloom Types
    05:42 Filler Flowers and Greenery
    08:01 Coverage Blooms
    09:17 Mastering Pricing by Square Foot
    09:34 Installation Pricing and Planning
    15:06 Incorporating Fun and Creativity in Flower Ordering
    17:17 Finding Inspiration and Experimentation
    18:03 The Impact of Foundational Systems on Business
    19:07 Scaling Your Floral Business - even as a Mother
    19:45 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement

  • Introduction

    In this empowering episode of The Floral Hustle Podcast, join host Jen as she dives deep into a transformative approach to managing life and business with serenity and efficiency. Drawing from her own experiences of personal hardship, neurodiversity, and an unyielding work ethic rooted in farm life, Jen shares how adopting a 'Do Not Disturb' philosophy has revolutionized her way of living and running her floral business.


    The Power of Personal Stories: Jen's journey from a high-achieving individual with a neurodivergent brain to becoming the CEO of her life and business.Transforming Challenges into Strengths: How dealing with family health crises and personal loss shaped Jen's resilience and approach to business.The 'Do Not Disturb' Philosophy: A detailed look into how turning off notifications and prioritizing personal peace can lead to greater productivity and a more fulfilling life.Practical Business Tips for Florists: Insights into managing client expectations, scheduling deliveries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.Empowerment through Choice: Encouragement for florists to take control of their business and personal life by setting boundaries and making intentional decisions.

    Actionable Advice

    Experiment with 'Do Not Disturb': Challenge yourself to turn off notifications for a day and observe the impact on your stress levels and productivity.Prioritize Your Peace: Assess areas of your life and business that cause unnecessary stress and strategize ways to minimize these disruptions.Embrace Efficiency: Look for opportunities to streamline your workflow, whether through scheduling deliveries more effectively or setting clear boundaries with clients.Seek Support: Consider coaching or joining a community of fellow florists to share experiences and strategies for managing the unique challenges of the floral industry.


    Jen's personal and professional evolution offers a powerful testament to the strength that comes from embracing one's vulnerabilities and making intentional choices for peace and productivity. This episode is a must-listen for any florist looking to uplift their business practices while ensuring their own well-being.

    00:27 The Anxiety of High Achievement
    04:20 The Constant Battle for Success and Validation
    06:53 The Turning Point: Embracing Do Not Disturb
    09:45 The Impact of DND on Personal and Professional Life
    10:22 Being Present


    Floral business growthFlorist trainingProductivity tips for floristsWork-life balance in floral industryManaging a floral businessPersonal development for business ownersNeurodiversity in entrepreneurship

  • Episode Summary

    In this week's episode, Jen dives into the realities of quitting your day job to pursue your dream of running your own floral business. Drawing from personal experiences and the stories of those she's coached, Jen discusses the importance of building a financial and strategic runway before making the leap. Learn about managing expectations, securing forecastable and recurring revenue, and the comprehensive approach to planning your transition from employee to entrepreneur in the floral industry.

    What You'll Learn:

    The allure and challenges of starting your own businessReal-life experiences of transitioning from a job to entrepreneurshipStrategies for building a runway before quitting your day jobForecastable and recurring revenue sources for new floral businessesThe importance of planning and research in making a non-emotion based decisionPractical tips for managing finances, including savings from home-based operationsIntroduction to Florist Foundations Course – a comprehensive guide to starting and running a successful floral business

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] - The dream vs. the reality of owning your business[03:20] - Jen's personal journey from cubicle to CEO[07:15] - The concept of building a financial runway[12:30] - Exploring sources of forecastable and recurring revenue[15:58] - Understanding Business Expenses and Deductions[18:50] - Balancing your current job with building your floral business[20:23] - Building Stability and Avoiding Rash Decisions[20:40] - The non-monetary benefits of entrepreneurship[21:01] - Detailed advice on preparing for the business expenses[21:56] - Announcing the Florist Foundations Course

    Resources Mentioned:

    Florist Starter Kit: A comprehensive toolkit for aspiring florists available at thefloralhustle.com/starterkitSocial Media Audit Guide: Ensure your social media efforts are on the right track. thefloralhustle.com/socialPricing for Profit: A guide to correctly pricing your floral services. thefloralhustle.com/pricingFlorist Foundations Course: A 12-week comprehensive program covering all aspects of starting and running a successful floral business. https://thefloralhustle.myflodesk.com/foundations

  • In this empowering minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen dives into the power of positive thinking, strategic planning, and staying present as keys to flourishing in the floral industry, especially in light of the anxieties surrounding the 2024 wedding season. Jen shares insightful advice on focusing on what you can control within your business, including pricing strategies for profitability, attracting your ideal client, and nurturing a mindset for success despite external uncertainties.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Overcoming Negativity: Jen addresses the circulating negative energy about the projected downturn in weddings for 2024 and stresses the importance of not dwelling on factors beyond our control.Living in the Present: The significance of focusing on the present rather than being bogged down by past regrets or future anxieties is highlighted, with practical tips on how florists can apply this mindset to their businesses.Strategic Business Practices: Jen outlines actionable strategies for maintaining profitability, such as effective pricing, client attraction, and innovation in service offerings.Peer Support: The value of community and peer support through platforms like the Floral CEO Mastermind is emphasized, underscoring how collaboration and mutual encouragement can bolster individual business resilience.Creative Solutions: Encouragement to think creatively and offer unique proposals to clients, ensuring that your business stands out in the market without necessarily being the cheapest option.


    00:33 Addressing the 2024 Wedding Season Panic
    00:51 The Power of Living in the Present
    02:57 Focusing on What You Can Control
    04:15 2024: A Year of Opportunity and Creativity
    06:12 Winning Market Share with Creativity
    07:12 Join the Floral CEO Mastermind for Support
    07:51 Gratitude and Closing Thoughts

    Featured Resources:

    Floral CEO Mastermind: Join a community of like-minded floral entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their business strategies. Two spots opening for April 15th! For more details and to apply, reach out via Instagram (@thefloralhustle) or email ([email protected]).

    Call to Action:

    Feeling the need for a strategic revamp or just some positive reinforcement? Interested in joining the Floral CEO Mastermind? Reach out and let's make 2024 an incredible year for your floral business together. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @thefloralhustle for more insights and updates.

    Thank You:

    A special thanks to all our listeners for making this podcast a part of your journey. Your support has led us to hit a record number of downloads, and it's a testament to the vibrant community we're building together. Wishing you all a flower-filled weekend!

  • In this enlightening episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen dives deep into a common issue plaguing floral designers—selling themselves short. Whether it's financially, creatively, or personally, Jen sheds light on the detrimental impact of underestimating your worth and provides actionable strategies to claim the profits and recognition you deserve. From discussing the pitfalls of overstuffing orders to the importance of valuing your time, this episode is a must-listen for florists ready to scale their business in 2024 and beyond.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Financial Underestimation: The consequences of overpromising and overdelivering, and how it can condition clients and yourself to undervalue your services.Creative Self-Shortchanging: The importance of adhering to pricing formulas and planning meticulously to avoid the trap of overstuffing and undercutting your creativity.Personal Value Recognition: Strategies to boost self-worth and confidence, ensuring you're not just running an expensive hobby but a profitable business.Time Management: Tips on focusing on revenue-generating activities and conducting a time audit to maximize profitability.Client Relationships: Emphasizing the need for mutual respect and excitement in client interactions to foster better business opportunities.

    Call to Action:

    Join the Conversation: Share your experiences and tips on how you stopped selling yourself short in your floral business. Connect with us on social @‌thefloralhustle.Subscribe and Review: Loved this episode? Make sure to subscribe and leave us a review on your podcast player of choice. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more florists like you!Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Get more insights and updates from the Floral Hustle Podcast directly to your inbox. Sign up today at thefloralhustle.com .

    Resources Mentioned:

    Floral Pricing Formulas: A breakdown of formulas for pricing arrangements and services to ensure profitability. Get yours at thefloralhustle.com/pricingTime Audit: A simple yet effective tool to evaluate how you spend your time and its impact on your business revenue. Get a notebook, download a tool and evaluate how you are really spending your time.

    Episode Conclusion:

    "Remember, flower friends, you deserve abundance. You are magnetic and capable of attracting your ideal client. Let's make 2024 your most prosperous year yet. Tune in next week for more insights on elevating your floral business. Have an amazing flower-filled week!"


    01:13 The Pitfalls of Selling Yourself Short
    03:50 Sticking to Formulas
    04:22 Overcoming the Need to Overdeliver
    04:55 Validating Your Own Worth
    05:35 Underpricing
    06:51 Strategies for Profitable Planning
    07:15 Time Management: Maximizing Revenue-Producing Activities
    08:44 Conducting a Time Audit for Efficiency
    11:58 Setting Boundaries and Valuing Your Work
    13:13 Attracting Your Ideal Client
    18:09 Closing Thoughts: Magnetize 2024

  • Welcome to this week's minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, where we dive deep into the essentials of building a strong foundation for your floral business. Whether you're a budding florist or an experienced one looking to refresh your approach, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice.

    In This Episode:

    The Importance of Investing in Education: Jen shares her personal journey of not investing in floral education until 17 years into her career. Discover how this decision impacted her growth and the transformative power of embracing learning at any stage of your business.Overcoming Fear of Complexity: Hear about Jen's initial reluctance to tackle complex installations and how overcoming this fear opened new doors for creativity and business expansion.Evolving Floral Design: Explore the evolution of wedding floral designs from traditional styles to innovative, jaw-dropping creations that push the boundaries of creativity.Boosting Confidence Through Skill: Learn why building your skillset, both in design and business acumen, is crucial for pitching your services with confidence and attracting larger projects.The Role of Personal Development: Jen discusses her significant investment in personal development and how it's exponentially grown her business. Get inspired to invest in yourself, whether through design courses, business coaching, or self-improvement programs.Launching the Florist Foundations Course: Get exclusive details on Jen's upcoming Florist Foundations Course. This comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the foundational skills, mindset tricks, and sales techniques needed to scale your business.

    Time Stamps

    00:30 The Importance of Investing in Yourself as a Florist
    02:59 Building Confidence and Skill Sets in Floral Design
    03:53 Personal and Professional Growth
    05:19 Expanding Your Business Through Education and Creativity
    06:06 My Personal Investment Journey in Floral Design
    07:58 Adding Coaching and Personal Development to My Toolkit
    09:10 Launching the Florist Foundations Course

    Join the Floral Hustle Community:

    Sign Up for the Florist Foundations Course: Don't miss the chance to be a founding member of this groundbreaking program. Enjoy weekly Q&A calls with Jen, personalized support, and a structured learning path to ensure your success.https://thefloralhustle.myflodesk.com/foundationsStay Flower-Powered: Subscribe to the Floral Hustle Podcast for more episodes filled with expert advice, inspiring stories, and tips to help your floral business bloom.

    Let's Connect:

    @‌thefloralhustle on Facebookwww.thefloralhustle.com

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember, it's never too late to make your floral business dreams a reality. Here's to a flower-filled week!

  • Welcome back to the Floral Hustle Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of floristry, offering tips, insights, and inspiration to help your floral business thrive. I'm Jen, your host, and in this week’s episode, we’re unpacking three critical systems that are essential for a successful 2024 wedding season. Drawing from my years of experience and the lessons I’ve learned along the way, I’m here to share how you can elevate your operations, enhance your marketing strategy, and refine your design skills to attract your dream clients and projects.

    Key Highlights:

    Streamlined Operations: Discover the importance of having efficient and streamlined operations in place. From handling inquiries and consultations to mastering your ordering and invoicing processes, learn how to avoid costly mistakes and ensure smooth business operations. We delve into the power of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and how they can be a game-changer in growing your business.Social Media and Marketing Plan: Uncover the secrets to a successful marketing strategy that not only promotes your business but also engages and attracts your ideal clients. I discuss the importance of consistency in your social media efforts and the necessity of having a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with your business goals.Elevated Design Skills: Explore how to push your design skills to the next level to create stunning, memorable floral arrangements that speak directly to your dream clients. I share insights into the importance of mechanics, fundamentals, and creativity in your designs, and how they can set you apart in the competitive wedding floristry market.

    If you are wanting to uplevel your floral business- Florist Foundations is here and starts April 12th.

    #FloralBusiness #WeddingSeason2024 #FloralDesignTips

    01:54 Deep Dive into Operations: The Backbone of Your Business
    04:38 Forecasting the Wedding Industry: Staying Positive Amidst Predictions
    07:08 Marketing Magic: Attracting Your Dream Weddings
    10:34 Attracting High-End Weddings
    12:29 Standing Out in the Industry
    14:31 Marketing and Networking: Making Your Mark
    16:52 Design Skills: Elevating Your Floral Creations
    19:46 Inspiration and Creativity: Pushing the Boundaries
    25:28 Building Confidence Through Experience
    29:24 Introducing the Florist Foundations Course
    30:37 Comprehensive Learning: What's Included in the Course
    31:32 An Affordable Opportunity for Growth
    31:44 Join the Community: Weekly Group Zoom Calls
    32:05 How to Learn More and Get Started

  • Welcome to this week's minisode of The Floral Hustle Podcast, hosted by Jen, your guide in the floral business journey. Today, we're diving deep into how unapologetic confidence is not just a trait but a key business strategy that can lead to increased trust, value, and ultimately, revenue. Whether you're a florist, a wedding planner, or an entrepreneur navigating the complexities of client meetings and social media presence, this episode is packed with insights you don't want to miss.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Confidence-Cash Connection: Discover how confidence impacts every aspect of your business, from designs and financial success to social media and client interactions.Unapologetic Confidence in Action: Jen shares her recent experience at a rock star workshop and a venue's open house, showcasing the power of confidence in live event planning and execution.Value over Price: Learn why being a good value to your clients doesn't mean being the cheapest option, and how transparency in pricing can set you apart.Expertise and Experience: Jen discusses her 25-year journey as a florist, highlighting the importance of expertise, especially in specific venues, and how it contributes to winning weddings and building strong business relationships.Navigating Business as an Introvert: Insights into how introverts can harness their strengths in business, featuring a conversation with a wedding planner on overcoming confidence hurdles.Resilience Through Change: An honest look at the impacts of COVID on business confidence, mask-wearing policies, and maintaining warm interactions despite physical barriers.Identity, Ego, and Confidence: Jen shares a personal story about her transition from corporate to entrepreneurship and how it affected her sense of identity and confidence.

    What You'll Learn:

    Strategies for building unapologetic confidence in your business and yourself.The significance of financial transparency and how it benefits client relationships.Tips for introverts on how to excel in business without compromising their nature.The role of personal and professional identity shifts in shaping your business mindset.


    01:16 Confidence Equals Cash: A Florist's Perspective
    02:23 Showcasing Success: The Installation Rockstar Workshop
    03:18 The Impact of Confidence at Vendor Fairs
    05:07 Transparency and Confidence in Pricing
    06:30 Building Confidence in a Post-COVID World
    10:14 Join the Floral CEO Mastermind for Confidence Growth

    Join the Floral CEO Mastermind:

    Feeling inspired but not sure where to start? Join Jen in the Floral CEO Mastermind, where you can cultivate your confidence alongside fellow floral entrepreneurs. Two spots opening on April 1st — don't miss this opportunity to transform your business and yourself.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Confidence is more than just a feeling; it's a business strategy that leads to trust, value, and success. Remember, flower friends, you have the power to be a confident floral boss. Let this episode be the first step towards unleashing your full potential. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, keep blooming with confidence.

  • Welcome to the Floral Hustle podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of the floral industry to help you grow your business and passion for flowers. In this episode, our host Jen shares invaluable insights and personal experiences on transforming a floral business from struggling to thriving. Whether you're new to the floral world or looking to elevate your existing business, this episode is packed with tips, strategies, and real-life advice that will inspire and guide you.

    Topics Covered:

    Identifying and Overcoming Business Plateaus: Learn how to analyze your business's current state and identify why it may not be achieving the financial goals or attracting the high-end weddings you desire.The Power of Branding and Rebranding: Discover the critical role your brand image plays in attracting your ideal clients. Jen shares her journey of rebranding and how it significantly impacted her business.Investing in Yourself and Your Business: Understand the importance of education, mastering new skills, and investing in quality to elevate your offerings and attract a more affluent clientele.Social Media and Marketing Strategies: Get insights into effective social media use, from what to post to how often, and learn why focusing on your most profitable services is key to your marketing strategy.Client Attraction and Retention: Learn how to tailor your brand and marketing efforts to attract your ideal client. Jen discusses the importance of being specific about who you want to work with and how to communicate this through your branding.Consultations and Proposals: Gain tips on conducting impactful consultations and creating proposals that sell, ensuring that potential clients understand the value you bring to their special day.

    Featured Insights:

    Rebranding Journey: Hear about Jen's transition from attracting low-budget weddings to rebranding her business to attract high-end, creative clients.Masterminds and Education: Discover the benefits of joining masterminds, participating in educational courses, and how continuous learning can transform your business.Content Creation Tips: Learn how to use tools like ChatGPT to craft engaging and relevant content for your social media and marketing materials.


    03:50 Personal Decision to Rebranding
    06:47 Investing in Self and Business Growth
    09:10 The Power of a Strong Brand Identity
    11:46 Elevating Your Brand to Attract Premium Clients
    12:43 The Importance of Aligning Your Brand with Your Ideal Client
    14:59 Crafting a Business That Resonates with Your Ideal Client
    24:29 Mastermind Opportunities and Peer Support
    25:13 The Invitation to Join the Mastermind

    Join Our Community:

    If you're inspired to take your floral business to the next level, consider joining our mastermind group. With new spots opening soon, it's the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded florists, gain new insights, and grow your business. Visit our website or Instagram for more details.

    Thank You:

    Thank you for tuning into the Floral Hustle podcast. We hope this episode leaves you inspired and ready to take actionable steps towards achieving the floral business of your dreams. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration in our upcoming episodes. Have a flower-filled week!

  • In today’s mini episode, we delve into a common challenge for florists: the temptation to overbuy or overorder at the wholesaler. Drawing from personal experience and industry knowledge, Jen shares invaluable strategies for managing budgets without sacrificing creativity and quality. This episode is a must-listen for florists at any stage of their career, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals seeking to refine their budgeting and sourcing practices.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Emotional Buying vs. Strategic Sourcing: Understanding how emotional decisions can lead to overspending and how to counteract this with effective strategies.Budgeting Essentials: How to accurately calculate your floral budget using a markup strategy, ensuring profitability without compromising on quality.Incorporating ‘Unicorn Flowers’: Jen introduces the concept of budgeting for those irresistible, unique flowers that can take your designs to the next level, advocating for a balance between creativity and fiscal responsibility.Online Marketplaces: Exploring alternatives to traditional wholesalers, such as online platforms like holics, for finding unique flowers and potentially better deals.Recipe Rigidity vs. Flexibility: The importance of having structured recipes for your floral designs while allowing room for creativity and unexpected issues, like breakage.Team Dynamics: Ensuring your team operates in a stress-free environment, emphasizing the importance of not being overly rigid with recipes to the point of creating a tense atmosphere.

    Time Stamps:

    01:27 Strategies to Avoid Overspending on Flowers
    02:10 Understanding Your Floral Budget
    03:54 Incorporating 'Unicorn Flowers' into Your Budget
    06:32 Online Marketplaces: A Solution for Controlled Buying
    07:31 Recipe Rigidity: A Double-Edged Sword


    Learn how to manage your floral budget effectively, making room for creative freedom without losing sight of profitability.Discover tips on incorporating unique and eye-catching flowers into your designs without breaking the bank.Understand the benefits of utilizing online marketplaces for sourcing flowers.Gain insights into recipe creation that balances structure with the need for flexibility, promoting a positive work environment.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Jen wraps up the episode by reminding florists of the joy and creativity at the core of their profession, encouraging them to find a balance that allows for financial health and artistic expression. She also touches on the importance of having a good relationship with wholesalers or exploring other sourcing options if the current situation isn't inspiring.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Floral Hustle Podcast. Here’s to a week filled with beautiful blooms and flourishing business!