On Episode 73 of the FitLife Formula Podcast, I'm sitting down (and enjoying a glass of wine with sommelier and new Advantage Community Manager, Amy Erdman. Amy comes to us from outside the fitness world, so she has some great insight on what makes Advantage great.
Last episode, we introduced the 30 Hard challenge, which we're currently running at Advantage.
On today's episode, we're diving in to the 6 daily challenges of the 30 Hard. By the end of the show, you'll understand more about why we are trying to check these 6 boxes daily, and how they can help you move the needle on your health and routine.
Check them out, see if you could take on the 30 Hard!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Right now we're in the middle of our very first 30 Hard challenge at Advantage Personal Training. The challenge includes 6 daily boxes to check, and pushes you to find times in your day make "health promoting activities" a priority.
On today's episode, we'll talk about those 6 items, the roadmap you can expect as you do something hard (from Joe DeSena, founder of Spartan Race), and the most valuable part of pushing yourself.
Enjoy episode 71 of the FitLife Formula Podcast. If you'd like to reach me, email me at brian@advantagestrength.com.
Today on Episode 70 of the FitLife Formula Podcast, we’re wrapping up our discussion of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Exercisers by bringing you habits 4-7.
Highly Effective Exercisers aren’t the people who have a ton of experience, or know how to put a workout together, or have flawless form on every exercise. They are the ones who always seem to find a way to get it done. They are effective at finding the time, pushing other priorities aside, and enjoying the opportunity to get moving.
If you missed part 1 in Episode 69, you can check that out here. If you caught that last week, just click play and enjoy Episode 70!
P.S. if you like the show, consider hitting the follow/subscribe button. It helps YOU get the newest episodes, it helps ME gain listeners, and it helps OTHERS find the show and learn to like it just like you have. Thanks for subscribing!
Take just a second to answer these 3 questions about your exercise routine.
Do you get to exercise as much as you want to (or as much as you know you should)?
When you exercise, do you feel like you get something out of it?
Do you feel like your exercise habits match the goals you have for yourself?
If you answered NO to any of the questions above, you’re going to love today’s podcast.
Today I'll share the habits that the very best exercisers have in common.
This is a riff on the famous book by Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Some people just always seem to fit exercise of some kind into their lives. They're busy as hell, but still somehow find time to train for a marathon or get to the gym 3x a week.
How do they do it?
For these folks, exercise happens out of habit. Today's podcast episode will cover habits 1-3 of highly effective (and consistent) exercisers.
See if you can apply these to your life so you can answer YES to the 3 questions above.
If I can be helpful in any way, feel free to email me at brian@advantagestrength.com
Today's show features the newest member of the Advantage Personal Training team, Mary Balog.
Mary is a registered dietitian, and she's bringing us a refreshingly different take on dieting, nutrition, and overall wellbeing.
If you love this conversation (like I did. prolly my favorite episode yet) and you want to get in touch with Mary, you can reach out to her at mary@marybalogrdn.com.
To subscribe to the FitLife Formula Podcast, you can search for it on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe from there to get every episode delivered right to you. For example, if you have an iphone, tap the purple "podcasts" app and search for FitLife Formula, and subscribe from there.
Can't wait to share this with you.
Enjoy the show!
Indoor rowing is quickly becoming one of the most popular fitness trends, but it can't compare to being out on the water in a rowing shell of your own.
Join me as I chat with rowing club (and Advantage) members Paula Goforth and Margaret Hudson about why you should start rowing, what you should expect when you hit the water, and how you can row in the winter, and what you need to do to get started.
AARC will be at the Family Fitness Festival on Oct 2nd, helping visitors learn the basics of rowing on their own ergs (rowing machines), and spreading the good word about how rowing with the AA Rowing Club can change your life. To join us, head to annarborfamilyfitnessfestival.com and get registered.
Hockey is a tough sport to get into. You have to know how to skate (or be willing to learn on the fly), buy all the equipment, find the right group to learn with, and pay for the ice.
Fortunately, USA Hockey has recognized this and helps youth organizations across the country introduce young players to hockey for FREE.
The Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association is one of those clubs that offers a "Try Hockey for Free" program several times a year. Today I'm chatting with Peggy Costello about that opportunity and learning more about what AAAHA offers young players in the Ann Arbor area.
Come visit AAAHA at the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival on Oct 2nd, 2021. They'll have sticks, pucks and a net out to try some shooting and see what kind of velocity they have using the radar gun!
Today I'm joined by Luke Voss, a physical therapist at Med Sport in Ann Arbor. Luke is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and helps his patients move better and get pain free so they can get back in action, whatever that looks like for them.
Luke and I chat about how to know when it's time for some physical therapy, what to expect when you come into the clinic, and the other performance-related services Med Sport offers (you don't have to be injured for them to help you!
Med Sport will be joining us for the AA Family Fitness Festival on Oct 2nd from 9-noon, and they will have some pretty cool prizes to give away. Be sure to stop by their table and register for those.
For more info about Med Sport, check out their website at https://www.uofmhealth.org/our-locations/medsport-icecube
Be sure to register for the festival at annarborfamilyfitnessfestival.com and we'll see you on Oct 2nd!
Today I'm joined by Erin Pons and Kimberly Vaughn from the Ann Arbor Triathlon Club. The Tri Club exists to introduce people to the sport of triathlon, as well as give competitive athletes a community to train with.
On this episode, we chat about starting from scratch, what a week looks like for a triathlete, how the AATriClub is getting the community involved, and why education is such a big part of what the club offers.
The more you think about it, the tougher this sport becomes. 3 disciplines (swim, bike, run) wrapped into 1 race, with quick transitions between all 3.
Join me for a great conversation about the unique challenge and also inclusiveness of the AATC. If you'd like to learn more about the club, visit their website at https://annarbortriathlonclub.wildapricot.org/
You can also come meet with members and see what the "transition area" looks like when you join us at the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival on Oct 2nd 2021. Register at annarborfamilyfitnessfestival.com.
Recovery is one of the most important aspects of a good training program.
Just like your body needs to recover from tough workouts, your brain needs to recover from the stress life throws at you.
That's where Neuro Fitness Wellness Center comes in.
Today I'm joined by Peg Kelley to chat about the importance of making mental recovery a part of your week. Just like you would your exercise.
We'll talk about the tools available at NFWC like float tanks (sensory deprivation), cryotherapy, and the Neuroptimal system.
To learn more about NFWC, check out their website at neurofitcenter.com
Continuing with our guests for the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival, Laurel Park joins me to chat about the Ann Arbor Track Club.
This is an organization for beginners and experienced runners alike, and they are the club responsible for the ever popular Dexter Ann Arbor Run that takes place (usually) in June of each year.
Laurel talks about the power of a community when it comes to running (a theme we're hearing a lot these days), the strength of the youth AATC, and the best ways to get started, even if you're starting from scratch.
To learn more about the AATC, visit their website at aatrackclub.org, and be sure to stop by their table at the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival on October 2nd from 9-noon.
Eva Solomon of Epic Races joins us to talk about a return to in-person events, why race day is so special, and how to find a race that fits you.
Epic Races will be joining us at the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival with some great giveaways. To get more info about the festival, visit annarborfamilyfitnessfestival.com
On today’s episode, we chat with Ann Arbor Running Company’s co-owner Nick Stanko about thriving during the pandemic (AARC opened it’s 3rd location over the summer!), why running is better in a community, and how people can get started if they like.
Nick will be joined by On Running, a fast growing shoe company, at the festival. There will be shoes to try on and prizes to win at the AARC table so be sure to stop by and see them.
Check out Episode 60 of the FitLife Formula Podcast here, and if you haven’t registered for the Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival, be sure to do that today because the deadline to receive the free t-shirt is fast approaching!
Enjoy the show.
Exciting news from Advantage Personal Training!
We will host the inaugural Ann Arbor Family Fitness Festival from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 2, outside our facility at 2121 Oak Valley Drive in Ann Arbor. The free event is open to the public and will showcase the best local sports clubs and fitness studios.
Think of it as the Art Fair of Exercise. You'll find local fitness studios,
Drop by to watch a karate demo, try a yoga pose, or learn about youth athletic conditioning programs. Sample goodies from Argus Farm Stop, 19 Drips Coffee and Tea, and Thrive Juicery. And enter to win prizes.
Festival participants include Ann Arbor Track Club, Ann Arbor Running Company, Neurofitness Wellness, Reach Bodywork, Keith Hafner Karate, aUM Yoga, Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association, MedSport, Epic Races, Gym America, Ann Arbor Triathlon Club, Ann Arbor Rowing Club, Wheels in Motion, and Wolverine Pickleball.
Register for the free event and get more info at www.annarborfamilyfitnessfestival.com.
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that supports our organs, regulates bowel and bladder control, and forms the bottom border of our abdominal musculature. Think of it like a hammock that sinks down into the middle of your pelvis.
This may be the most important group of muscles that no one talks about.
Dysfunction in this area can lead to bowel or bladder leakage (especially during strenuous activity), sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain or even low back pain.
Since these can be somewhat personal challenges, people don't often talk about them, and may not even mention them to their doctor. Even if doctors are aware of the symptom, they may not even relate it to pelvic floor dysfunction.
Based on the attendance at this seminar, people are ready to learn more.
This is the audio recording from a free virtual seminar we hosted with guest speaker, Dr Katie Weingartz. Katie is a pelvic floor physical therapist at the University of Michigan, and was the perfect professional for this topic.
In this episode, you'll learn
a few of the more prominent pelvic floor musclessome common issues to watch out forhow to do a self-examinationwhy men and women need to be equally aware of these issueswhat can lead to pelvic floor dysfunctionhow we can continue to workout or do everyday exertions without worrying about leakage -
Joe Hashey found himself bobbing around in an icy pond at his home.
Not because he fell in.
But because he used an axe to cut a hole in the ice, and willingly slipped in for a 10-minute soak in the frigid water.
On this episode of the FitLife Formula I'm joined by New York native Joe Hashey to talk about his experiences with cold water immersion, and why it's a part of almost every day for him.
We'll be talking about
How a woman in her late 60's shocked a group of young guys by jumping into the freezing North AtlanticThe biggest benefit of cold water immersionWhy a daily cold shower could help youThe best ways to add cold water immersion into your lifeEnjoy this chilling conversation about cold water immersion and how it can help you live a better (and more chilly) life.
It's natural to be hard on yourself at times.
You might eat a bunch of crap food or miss a weeks worth of workouts, and your natural tendency is to be hard on yourself about it.
But what if your best friend came to you and shared that THEY had eaten a bunch of crap food or missed workouts all week. Would you respond to them the same way you talk to yourself?
In this episode of the FitLife Formula, I talk about changing the way you talk to yourself from being hard on yourself to doing it in a way that is more positive, more productive and will motivate you to come up with a solution rather than wallowing and getting down on yourself.
Even if it works for you to occasionally "lay into yourself," it's usually not a long term solution.
That kind of negative self talk has the power to change your view of yourself. Before you know it, you go from someone who missed a workout, to someone who misses workouts, to someone who doesn't work out. The slippery slope of self-fulfilling prophecy.
There's a good way to avoid negative self talk. Tune in to this bite-sized episode of the FitLife Formula Podcast to discover a perfect way to reframe the way you talk to yourself after a mistake.
Enjoy the show!
Today I'm joined by Eva Solomon, Founder and CEO of Epic Races in Ann Arbor.
Of course, an Epic Race looks different today than it did 8 months ago. With COVID-19, there is no opportunity to get 3,000 people together for the Ann Arbor marathon, so Eva and her staff have had to be creative.
On this episode we discuss
How casual 5k's and 10k's have been transformed into virtual eventsThe value of entering a virtual event or challengeWhy having a short term goal keeps you movingHow entering and participating in a virtual event can be virtually the same as an in-person event.Enjoy this episode, then head to epicraces.com to check out their full lineup of virtual offerings.
Farmers markets and farm stands are growing in popularity as people start to see the value in fresh, local foods that support good health, good people (the farmers), and good communities.
Today I enjoy a conversation with Tom and Vicki Zilke of Zilke Farm Stand (zilkevegetablefarm.com) and Zilke Farm Kitchen (zilkefarmkitchen.com), both located in Milan, MI.
I have been a customer there for years, and can personally attest to all the great things they are doing there. Tom and Vicki swapped successful first careers to grow veggies and serve the needs of the community.
Check out episode 45 to learn the value of local, seasonal produce, why you'll never want to settle for supermarket produce if you don't have to, and how 2 farmers can grow a community right along with their crops.
- Visa fler