The boys are back! Covering Chapter 22 through Chapter 25 of Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself! Enjoy
The boys are back to review Chapter 19-21 of Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself. More blood, less justice, all grim-dark.
Contact us at www.lawdcast@gmail.com -
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We're back into it with episode 5 of the Lawdcast, a podcast covering the entirety of Joe Abercrombie's first novel The Blade Itself. This week we are moving into Chapter 16. The Course of True Love through Chapter 18. Tea and Vengeance. Less chatter, more splatter! Not really. But kinda.
I'm officially putting our email link in this ep, so please hit us up!
Lawdcast@gmail.com -
This week, the three rapscallions get further into Joe Abercrombie's First Law, covering chapters 13. The King of the Northmen through 15. Flatheads. Party-time. Pew pew.
We revisit Gus, Peter and Ian get little farther into our story, starting with Chapter 10: The Good Man and up to Chapter 12: An Offer and a Gift. Huzzah!
We revisit Gus, Peter and Ian in part-two of their inaugural episode, covering Chapter 6: The Wide and Barren North through Chapter 9: The First of the Magi
Hello Abecrombians! This is a fan-cast made by three comic book artists reading, dissecting and adoring the fantasy-fiction of Joe Abercrombie, starting with his first novel The Blade Itself. In this episode we will be covering the prologue Chapter 0: The End through Chapter 5: Teeth and Fingers