
  • You look 4 months pregnant, but you aren’t pregnant. It’s actually “endo belly”. This is just one of the common symptoms with endometriosis - extreme bloating and pain in the lower abdomen.

    Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus (endometrial tissue) starts growing in other parts of the body. This can mean it ends up in places like your fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, digestive tract, bowels, and even muscles like the psoas (the hip flexor muscle). The tricky part about endometriosis is that it doesn’t stay put; it can attach itself to various internal tissues, making it hard to manage.

    Let’s jump to methylation - I promise it’s related!

    Methylation might sound complicated, but it’a a main process for detoxification, producing energy, responding to stress, managing inflammation, and repairing genetic material.

    The science-y part: It involves adding a methyl group to molecules, which helps control how your genes are turned on or off. A big part of methylation’s job is processing estrogen. When your body methylates efficiently, it can properly metabolize and get rid of excess estrogen. But if methylation is impaired—due to genetic factors like the MTHFR gene mutation, stress, or nutrient deficiencies—this can lead to estrogen dominance, making endometriosis symptoms worse.

    Boosting your methylation can make a big difference in managing endometriosis. Here’s how:

    Genetic Testing: Knowing your genetic predispositions can help you tailor your lifestyle changes.

    Nutrition: Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, which are crucial for methylation.

    Stress Management: Chronic stress can impair methylation. Practices like mindfulness, yoga, setting boundaries and getting enough sleep can support your methylation pathways.

    Detox: Support your liver and gut health! Eat a diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and cruciferous vegetables to help with this.

    If you’d like all the details on endometriosis and improving methylation, listen to the full episode!

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • We all want to level up. I’m talking about every aspect of life - health and fitness, finance, relationships… all of it.

    This starts with our identity and beliefs.

    In this conversation with holistic health and fitness expert, Dr. Jade Teta, he shared the power behind rewiring our thoughts to unlock the next level of transformation.

    Dr. Jade started writing fitness programs at 15 for his high school football team - the groundwork for his lifelong dedication to personal training. He continued this passion through college and medical school, eventually choosing naturopathic medicine over a traditional medical path.

    Dr. Jade's gyms and clinical experience gave him close interaction with his clients, allowing him to see and influence their habits and mindset.

    For instance, there is power in the stories we tell ourselves about health and fitness. Many people, especially women, have subconscious beliefs from childhood and society that hinder their progress. Challenging these narratives, like the idea that weight training is only for men, is the key.

    Society has bent our view of diet and exercise - we need more balance—what Dr. Jade calls the "Goldilocks zone." Over-exercising and under-eating can be just as harmful as inactivity.

    You must become a "metabolic detective" - pay attention to your hunger, energy, and cravings (HEC).

    True transformation, according to Dr. Jade, comes from reshaping our identity and beliefs. Many people have unconscious decisions (MUD) from their past that affect their present. Rewriting these beliefs is the key to change with health and fitness.

    Dr. Jade’s new book You Grow Me, addresses leveling up in your relationships - love, sex and romance. Dr. Jade also has upcoming experiential events that will guide participants through spotting and releasing old stories, memorizing new feelings, and embodying the changes they wish to see. This event offers a deep dive into personal development and transformation.

    About: Dr. Jade Teta, a Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur, brings a unique perspective to health and personal development, combining over 30 years of experience in personal training with 20 years in functional medicine. Specializing in mindset, muscle, and metabolism, he focuses on tailored approaches to health, fitness, and weight loss. Dr. Jade has authored eight books in personal development and health and contributed to key texts like the "Textbooks of Natural Medicine" and "Integrative Sexual Health." Currently, he is deepening his expertise through a PhD in transpersonal psychology and a certificate in psychedelic-assisted therapy.

    Find Dr. Jade:



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  • Diets and workouts, diets and workouts… but what about stress?

    Yes, stress could be the reason your weight won’t budge.

    Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone essential for your body’s fight-or-flight response. While cortisol is great in the short term—helping you respond quickly in stressful situations —chronic stress can keep cortisol levels elevated. This is when we start to see an impact on weight.

    Stress can increase your cravings, usually for sweet treats or high fat foods. Your brain, under stress, demands more glucose (sugar) to function properly so when you’re stressed, your body’s goes into survival mode. This starts the cycle of eating more, storing more fat, and becoming more fatigued.

    Let’s break the stress cycle!

    Less stress: Make time for activities that help you relax, like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

    Female focused nutrition: Focus on protein and minerals to keep your body happy. Eat for your cycle to help balance your hormone rhythms.

    Less intensity: Exercise is great, but too much can stress your body out. Find a workout routine that suits you without pushing yourself too hard.

    Quality Sleep: Focus on getting good sleep each night. I just did an episode on how to master your sleep if you need ideas.

    Understanding your individual needs is a game changer. This is why I love DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) testing - this includes cortisol!

    Are you in survival mode and dealing with burnout? This is your sign to pay attention to the stress in your life. Listen to the episode for all the details!

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles and is typically confirmed 12 months after your last period. During this time, The ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, sleep issues, weight gain and more. While nutrition and lifestyle is huge for managing these symptoms, here are the supplements I recommend to support menopause changes.

    1. Menopause Balance Tincture

    This specially formulated tincture is designed to alleviate common menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. It contains:

    Black Cohosh: Known for its ability to reduce hot flashes and night sweats. Sage: Helps in managing excessive sweating. Holy Basil: Supports mood stability. Motherwort, Red Clover, Hops, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Lavender, Valerian: A blend of herbs that support hormonal balance and reduce stress. 2. Adrenal Balance Tincture

    Menopause can alter how your body handles stress. The Adrenal Balance Tincture helps manage this by supporting your adrenal glands. Key ingredients include:

    Adaptogenic Herbs: Such as ashwagandha and rhodiola, which help the body adapt to stress.

    3. Metabo Boost Tincture

    This tincture aids in blood sugar regulation, which is crucial during menopause as hormonal changes can affect how your body processes sugar. The tincture includes:

    Chromium and Berberine: To support healthy blood sugar levels.

    4. Sleep Support Tincture

    Hormonal changes can disrupt sleep patterns. This tincture, containing herbs like hops, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian, and chamomile, can help improve sleep quality without relying on melatonin.

    5. Grass-Fed Beef Liver Supplement Code: Drbeth

    Rich in iron and other vital nutrients, this supplement helps maintain overall nutrient levels, which can be challenging during menopause due to changes in nutrient absorption and utilization.

    6. NutriDyn Inflam-Eze Plus

    Menopause often brings increased inflammation, leading to aches and pains. InflamEase, which includes ginger powder, curcumin, and boswellia, can help manage inflammation and improve joint health.

    7. NutriDyn Immune Resilience

    Supporting your immune system is another big one in menopause. This supplement, with ingredients like American ginseng, turmeric, elderberry, EGCG, and quercetin, helps bolster your body's defenses and manage histamine responses.

    8. Creatine and BCAAs

    Creatine Supplements: To support muscle strength and recovery. https://nutridyn.com/dynamic-performance-drink?ref=113022

    Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): To aid muscle recovery and reduce soreness after workouts. Taking BCAAs immediately after exercise can help your body rebuild muscle tissue more efficiently. https://nutridyn.com/dynamic-bcaa-drink?ref=113022

    Menopause is a huge hormone transition, but the symptoms don’t have to run your life! As with all supplements and medications, it is best to test your hormone levels to find the right combination for your individual needs. If you are looking for more guidance or have questions, please let me know.

    Let's connect!

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • I’ve faced insomnia on and off throughout my life, and let me tell you…it’s been A JOURNEY to improve my sleep! Sleep isn’t a simple math problem - you’ve got hormonal changes, the moon, and personal traumas at play.

    Not only did I grow up in a chaotic environment but I experienced night terrors when I was younger. In college, I experimented with herbal treatments to get some relief. More recently, I have used an Ayurvedic approach to tackle deeper traumas, which has helped in many ways but led to some unpredictable sleep patterns for several months.

    From October to April of this year, I experienced one of the longest periods of insomnia in my life. I tried numerous methods, including melatonin and various sleep supplements, but nothing seemed to work consistently. So I decided to create my own sleep tincture. Combining herbs like hops, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian, kava kava, skull cap, California poppy, and chamomile, I’ve actually found a combination that works. This tincture, free of melatonin and non-addictive, has been seriously improving my night time rest.

    Here’s what my current sleep routine looks like:

    No screens: 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Red light therapy: Calms my mind and improves my skin. Weighted blanket: Provides comfort and security. Loop earplugs: Blocks out ambient noise, especially helpful with my husband and two dogs sharing the room. Nighttime skincare: Simple routine with washing and moisturizing. Sleep tincture: Two squeezes under my tongue before bed.

    Quality sleep is your number one tool for health, impacting everything from brain function and metabolism to gut health. Especially for those with autoimmune issues, like myself, good sleep can significantly reduce flare-ups and improve overall wellness.

    My best sleep tips: Have a consistent sleep schedule. Use calming nighttime routines and red light therapy. Find effective earplugs to block out disruptive noise. Create a dark and cool environment. Consider supplements like my new sleep support tincture.

    Join me on this sleep journey - it’s life changing for your health and happiness!

    Get $10 off my new sleep tincture use code: SLEEP

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Let’s talk about skin, anti-aging and red light therapy! I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Gen, Scientific Director at Fringe, about all things skin and I can’t wait to share it with you.

    First off, Dr. Gen breaks down anti-aging treatments into three main categories. The least invasive are topicals, like vitamin C, vitamin E, ceramides, and retinols. Next up are ablative treatments, which include more intense procedures like chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and microdermabrasion. The most invasive options are injectables, such as Botox and fillers. While Botox smooths out wrinkles by paralyzing muscles, fillers add volume to reduce signs of aging. However, these come with risks like bruising, swelling, and in some cases, more serious complications.

    Now, let's talk about red light therapy. Many people worry about the sun's harmful UV rays, but the sun also provides beneficial wavelengths, especially red and near-infrared light. These wavelengths boost cellular energy, leading to increased collagen and elastin production, better oil regulation, and improved pigmentation. Within six to eight weeks, users often see better skin volume, reduced wrinkles, and improved pigmentation.

    Red light therapy can reduce puffiness and inflammation, which are often linked to hormonal cycles or dietary issues. It's not just about enhancing skin appearance; it also tackles deeper issues like inflammation. Devices like red light face masks are a cost-effective alternative to pricey treatments like Botox. They're easy to use, with built-in timers for optimal exposure, and portable enough to fit into your daily routine.

    If you have issues with acne, many red light masks come with a blue light mode designed for blemish control. Using blue light daily, followed by red or near-infrared light a few times a week, can significantly improve skin healing and reduce acne. Beyond skincare, red and near-infrared light therapy promotes tissue healing and can benefit conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

    Red light therapy is about taking a holistic approach to skincare. It's a commitment to sustainable tools that support your skin's health over time. Join us in the red light revolution and discover the benefits for yourself!

    About Dr. Gen: Dr. Genevieve Newton, DC, PhD spent close to 20 years as a researcher and educator in the field of nutritional sciences before joining Fringe as its Scientific Director. Gen’s job is to “bring the science” that supports Fringe’s products and education. She is passionate about all things Fringe, and is a deep believer in healing body, mind and spirit using the gifts of the natural world.

    Snag a discount on your red light: https://fringeheals.com/ref/39/

    Code: Welcome10

    Instagram: @fringeheals

  • My journey with PCOS began after the birth of my third child. My issues started post-pregnancy, with the onset of thyroid problems after each of my three children's births, all delivered via emergency C-sections. After my youngest was born prematurely, I began experiencing excruciating pain caused by ovarian cysts.

    The pain from the cysts was debilitating. I vividly remember collapsing in my bathroom from the stabbing pain, thinking something was seriously wrong with my C-section scar. After multiple episodes and many frustrating visits to multiple doctors, I was told to just go on birth control or take painkillers - band aids that didn’t address the root issue.

    The worst advice I got (from a male doctor no less) — to get pregnant again to avoid cysts — was the catalyst for me to take control and find natural solutions myself.

    I began researching the female cycle, eating for my cycle and focusing on hormone patterns. This included implementing seed cycling and matching my foods to the different phases of my cycle.

    The next layer was focusing on my excess estrogen. I worked on detoxing and supporting my liver and gut health. Along with this came a focus on stress and cortisol. Over the years, I've continued to research and implement tools to support my hormone levels. This consistency has paid off - I haven't had a cyst in over 12 years!

    As I approach menopause, I am focused on building muscle and maintaining my metabolic health. PCOS is a metabolic issue, and it requires ongoing management, especially as hormonal changes come with age.

    Here are some takeaways if you are struggling with PCOS:

    Addressing PCOS requires looking at your overall health, not just reproductive symptoms. This includes diet, stress management, and supporting your body's natural detox processes.

    Regular hormone testing, such DUTCH testing (a comprehensive dried urine test for hormones), will give you the info you need to pin-point certain hormone levels and see what’s working.

    Your body's needs change over time, especially with life events and aging. Be prepared to adjust and adapt with your body.

    Everyone with PCOS has a unique experience. Get to know your own body and work with professionals who listen and validate you. If you have any questions on PCOS or hormone testing, feel free to reach out!

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Longevity and vitality are two things we are all searching for. In this conversation with Eric Edmeades, he shared the top ways to find both and break free from disease. Eric also discussed how to make behaviorial change that will actually stick and produce long term health progress.

    Eric's journey into health and nutrition, inspired by his own health struggles, led him to develop WILDFIT, a program designed to help people change their relationship with food and reverse conditions like type 2 diabetes. His latest book, "Postdiabetic," co-authored with Dr. Ruben Ruiz, challenges traditional medical narratives by spreading the message that type 2 diabetes is reversible in most cases.

    In our conversation, Eric debunks the marketing in the food industry and shares the detrimental effects of modern dietary practices. Making a return to evolutionary principles in nutrition is the key to overall wellness. Dive into the full episode for Eric's take on achieving longevity and biohacking our bodies for the best results.

    About Eric:

    Eric Edmeades is an award-winning international speaker, author, and pioneer in evolutionary biology, nutritional anthropology, and behavioral change dynamics. He guides people towards profound and lasting health breakthroughs through science-based protocols that deliver results far beyond the ordinary. His achievements have also earned him an award from the Transformational Leadership Council: a panel of 150 of America’s top visionaries in health, wellness, and peak performance.

    Find Eric:


  • Not every relationship can survive abuse. And honestly, repairing a relationship after abuse is often not possible.

    My story is a little different. Trigger warning: talk of suicide and physical abuse.

    I’ve shared some of my relationship on the podcast before, but I think it’s important to share more behind-the-scenes. By sharing our stories, we find community and hope especially when others go through similar challenges.

    If you haven’t already, you can find the original episode for context. At that point in my healing journey, I couldn't narrate the story myself and had support to guide the conversation. I also did an episode with Kaitlyn Jorgensen, where we discussed valuable resources and guidance that can be beneficial for anyone going through an abusive situation.

    My husband and I faced numerous challenges, starting with the definition of our roles in the relationship. We also dealt with some pretty big relationship issues, including starting our lives together without support, dealing with judgemental family members, and holding on to resentments.

    The turning point came when my husband began showing some aggressive behaviors. I tried everything within my power to support him, but things continued to get worse, and he began talking about taking his own life. One of the scariest moments was when he woke me in the middle of the night, asking for help to hold a gun.

    Things escalated when he started becoming physically aggressive. All it took was one explosion and I knew I needed to get out. This period of my life marked a season of resilience and growth. It was incredibly painful, but I experienced incredible transformation. And so did my husband.

    It’s important to remember that when you look at a relationship from the outside or see on social media, you don’t know the full story or what someone has walked through.

    Listen to the full episode for all the details.

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Today, we're diving into the top causes of fatigue, focusing on hormones and overall system function. Chronic fatigue can be an issue even when you sleep well and isn't always related to chronic illnesses like autoimmune diseases. Factors like mold exposure, toxic overload, and genetic detox issues can contribute to chronic fatigue.

    I’ve been there. From dealing with autoimmune flare-ups to a severe spider bite, I've learned to listen to my body. Chronic fatigue is most often related to stress, cortisol patterns and adrenal function. Additionally, nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, and even unsupportive relationships can drain your energy. Dive into this episode for all the details!

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Here’s the truth about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT is often used to manage symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, particularly during menopause. These hormones can be administered via oral tablets, skin patches, gels, creams, and vaginal rings.

    As with most things, my general approach is to prioritize natural methods first, as the body is inherently designed to produce and regulate hormones. That being said, there are definitely cases where additional tools, including HRT, may be helpful for a period to help the body function better.

    Here are some common HRT side effects: headaches, breast pain, nausea, mood changes, weight gain, skin irritations, and more. When thinking long term - what is the plan for managing your health not just now, but in the future? These initial side effects can sometimes turn into bigger issues down the road.

    The decision to use HRT is highly personal and should be made with full awareness of the benefits, risks, and alternatives. If you’ve had questions about HRT or how to regulate hormones naturally, I’d love to help.

    We can take a look at your hormone levels with an at-home dried urine test. I am actually doing a FREE DUTCH TEST GIVEAWAY in my free 5 day hormone jumpstart which starts next week. I will also be giving away herbal tinctures too!

    Join the free 5 day hormone jumpstart: https://dr-beth-westie.mykajabi.com/free-5-day-metabolism-boost-hormone-balance-reset

  • Did you know that dopamine plays an important role in managing ADHD symptoms?

    On a recent live coaching call, I spoke with Elizabeth about dopamine, ADHD, gut health and what we can do to optimize wellness in each of these categories.

    Dopamine, “the feel-good” neurotransmitter, is often dysregulated in individuals with ADHD, creating issues with attention, motivation and impulse control.

    Here’s my dopamine to-do list:

    Regular Dopamine Detoxes: Yes, to increase dopamine we need to make sure our dopamine receptors are available and our brain has a chance to detox and reset.

    Anti-inflammatory Diet: Avoiding inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, and sugar can help reduce brain inflammation and support dopamine production.

    Quality Sleep: deep, uninterrupted sleep is crucial for overall brain health.

    Establishing Routine: Your brain responds to routine although routine may not be as exciting in terms of dopamine.

    We also discussed testosterone and adrenal health, specifically the role of stress. Listen to the full episode for all the details!

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • I used to believe that fat loss and stress management were two separate parts of my health journey.

    That was until I understood how the female body works…

    Stress plays a major role in fat storage for better or worse. Simplified, less stress can lead to less fat, and more stress to more fat.

    Let’s talk about fitness and workouts specifically. Here’s the workout protocol I follow for fat loss:

    Daily Walks before or after breakfast - casual pace for nervous system regulation

    Weight lifting (higher intensity in my estrogen phase/first half of my cycle)

    Yoga (primarily in my progesterone phase/second half of my cycle)

    170g of protein (I’m 6’2”, so your protein goals will probably be different)

    If your cortisol is completely off track (either too high or too low), it’s important to focus on that first, so that your workouts aren’t working against you. If you’d like to check your levels, you can get started with a DUTCH test.

    DUTCH Test: https://drbethwestie.com/dutch-hormone-testing/

  • Gina Mundy is an attorney that specializes in childbirth cases. For over two decades, she has analyzed the mistakes that are made during labor and delivery. Drawing on this knowledge, she has authored the bestselling book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" to help parents prevent these mistakes and have a healthy baby. Rather than merely getting involved after an unfortunate mistake was made, Gina has taken a proactive approach by getting involved before childbirth.

    Throughout her career Gina has traveled nationwide, engaging with healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and midwives to explore all aspects of labor and delivery. These interactions have provided her with invaluable insights, enabling her to appreciate the diverse perspectives prevalent in different regions of the country. Meeting with experts from various states, she has explored and analyzed the myriad of issues that can arise during labor and delivery, impacting both mother and baby.

    Gina has conducted extensive research, meticulously analyzing, and dissecting countless studies pertaining to childbirth. This rigorous process was essential in equipping her with the necessary knowledge to undertake lengthy cross-examinations of a diverse array of experts. Through these examinations, she skillfully discerns their opinions on the errors that have occurred during labor and delivery. This has sharpened her knowledge allowing her to become highly proficient in the nuances of childbirth.

    In her capacity as legal counsel, Gina has closely worked with delivery teams whose care has been questioned following adverse outcomes. She has spent thousands of hours meticulously scrutinizing cases, conducting interviews with delivery teams, and thoroughly examining medical records to gain an in-depth understanding of every decision made during labor and delivery.

    Website: www.ginamundy.com

    Amazon Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9KFNPNQ

    Instagram: @GinaMundy https://www.instagram.com/ginamundy/

    Facebook: Gina Mundy, Author https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093989808329

    Linked In: Gina Mundy https://www.linkedin.com/in/gina-mundy-70318554/

    Twitter: @ginamundy_ https://twitter.com/GinaMundy_

  • Therapy isn't just about sorting through emotions; it impacts hormones and your body chemistry! I've experienced this firsthand over the past decade. Confronting the tough stuff, like stress-induced physical symptoms, led me to therapy.

    Through modalities like EMDR, I began rewiring my brain and addressing deep-rooted trauma, gradually regaining control over my body and mind.

    Years later, I'm now facing some new challenges, therapy once again became my lifeline. This time, it's about rebuilding physical strength and managing autoimmune flare-ups.

    As I unpacked my stress and mental challenges, I noticed a positive shift in my hormones. Therapy isn't necessarily the easy way out, but it's so often overlooked on the hormone journey.

    Let this be a sign to give therapy a try. I've become a bit of a therapy junkie myself - listen to the episode for all the deets!

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • Tracy, a new mom, shares her struggles with irregular menstrual cycles, low prolactin, and low progesterone levels since giving birth to her son two years ago. This conversation covers a range of topics from breastfeeding to gut health, and how new mother's can support their hormones.

    Key topics:

    Nutrient Depletion: We discuss how hormonal imbalances could be due to nutrient depletion postpartum Gut Health: Gut health is linked to hormone balance - I recommend focusing on reducing sugar and processed foods to support gut health. Breastfeeding and Menstruation: Tracy's irregular menstrual cycles could be related to genetics and breastfeeding. Things often don't adjust until after the baby is weaned! Balanced Diet and Supplements: It's important to prioritize protein intake, stay hydrated, get quality sleep, and use mineral supplements like Shilajit to replenish the body. Patience and Incremental Changes: Be patient and focus on making small, sustainable changes over time rather than expecting immediate results. Setting Goals: We also discuss setting realistic goals and benchmarks.

    You are invited to sign up for your own session here: https://calendly.com/drbethwestie/podcast-live-coaching?month=2024-02

  • You’ve tried every diet out there and followed it to a “T”. But the belly fat won’t budge. And the symptoms won’t go away. That’s because your nutrition is not aligned with your hormone cycle! Yes, I’m looking at you too, ladies in menopause!

    Here’s what we cover in this episode:

    The female hormone cycle, basal body temperature and how nutrition helps The estrogen phase and cooling foods The progesterone phase and warming foods Recommendations for getting started

    By nourishing your body with the right foods at the right times, you’re laying the foundation for long term hormone balance.

    I've got a free guide to help you get started: Getting Started Guide

  • In this episode, I discuss strategies for reducing stress and avoiding panic attacks with Christianna, a grad student balancing work and life. We talk about the importance of scheduling breaks, focusing on nutrition, and using adaptogens like ashwagandha.

    Christianna shares her struggles with managing Hashimoto's, PCOS, and endometriosis, and the overwhelm that comes with it all. We explore ways to integrate self-care into a busy schedule and acknowledge the courage it takes to prioritize your own health.

    You are invited to sign up for your own session here: https://calendly.com/drbethwestie/podcast-live-coaching?month=2024-02

  • It’s time for a personal update! While I usually focus on health education, I wanted to share a bit more about my personal life because that’s where we all get the most support right? The lives of other women battling the same things we are.

    Recently, my dad landed in the hospital. It was a serious deal - respiratory failure, sepsis, the works. Easter plans? Canceled. Instead, we visited Dad in the ICU, hooked up to all the machines - honestly, it hit me harder than I expected.

    It’s been weeks of hospital visits, canceled plans, and emotional whiplash. But amidst the chaos, I've been reminded of a thing or two. Healing isn't linear, ladies. And I've had to cut myself some slack, dialing down the perfectionism.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me for the full update!

    Hang out with me:

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/drbethwestie

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbethwestie

    If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]

  • In this episode, I had a chat with Erika who shared her struggles dealing with postpartum health issues, like a painful fibroid and PMS.

    Erica has been frustrated because her doctors weren't really listening to her concerns. They kept pushing birth control and ibuprofen as a quick fix, ignoring her struggles.

    I kept thinking to myself, I've been there too.

    Advocating for yourself and finding a healthcare provider who really listens to you is ESSENTIAL. I talked through some practical tools like seed cycling and tinctures to help balance her hormones and reduce inflammation.

    We also talked about how to approach doctors who aren't being helpful. Here is your permission to be firm about what tests you need and to stand up for yourself if you are being ignored or gaslight. Click play to join the conversation!

    You are invited to sign up for your own session here: https://calendly.com/drbethwestie/podcast-live-coaching?month=2024-02