
  • E31 SuiteWorld 2023


    Sponsored by Acura MDX

    Apple Never Introduced a Category Killer

    NetSuite Keynote Coverage

    The Hype that is AI

    Suite Up

    NetSuite New Releases

    AI Becomes Real

    Peak Outliers in ERP Marketing

    Importance of ERP Development

    Links of note

    Keynote SuiteWorld 2023 Evan Goldberg, CEO

    Details on New NetSuite offerings, Gary Wiessinger's Keynote

    Global Smartphone Market Share

    PFE Open/PFE MFX up and Under
    October 2023. NetSuite is hosting SuiteWorld, the annual gathering of users, partners, developers, consultants, and anyone else affiliated with the NetSuite universe.
    It’s been a busy year in ERP in general, NetSuite in particular. There are now over 37,000 companies running on NetSuite – phenomenal growth. Around 2019? They had just broken the 18,000 companies on NetSuite mark – so the user community has doubled in 4 years, or 3 years plus a Covid timeout.
    Anyway – SuiteWorld attendance is critically important for top performing NetSuite-using Companies. Even more important for companies not yet using NetSuite.
    Why is that you ask? Why would you go to a users conference if you’re not a user. Here’s the story. New to ERP, clients are looking at ERP, considering which ones to select. User conferences in general are a great idea. I mean, everyone wants references – demos are really great, but not great reality. You want to see real-life examples. Well, there’s about 3,000 users at NetSuite you could talk to.
    Does NetSuite really work as advertised? You’re going to see lots of companies, who, at one time were exactly where you are. How does this work? And the answer is two-fold – it doesn’t work like you think it would, and two, if you follow the process, just like these 3,000 folks did, you too will get there.
    Is it worth it? The majority of the folks at SuiteWorld will tell you they wished they’d started sooner. The rest got into NetSuite as a startup – mostly because they’d used it at a former employer already.
    Another critical thing we’ve learned from past clients. About a third of ERP failures can be attributed to implementation fatigue – and we’re talking the entire system up and running but features they expected and wanted, well, doesn’t really work.  Truth is, It gets hard at the very end of an implementation and it’s been a long haul to get there, and the internal team often quits at the 5 yard line – says something like ‘well, the software really doesn’t work like it did in the demos’. When the issue is, yes, it does work, but not the way YOU’RE trying to do it. So having the opportunity to actually see the intended functionality working for other companies – your internal team will realize that yes, we can do this if they did it – there is a way. And they take the ball from the 5 and push it over the goal line.
    If you’re already running NetSuite, then it’s even more important to get to SuiteWorld.
    You’ll find out first-hand all about the new developments being released this year. Even get a chance to see demonstrations and some hands-on labs working with new features.
    Plus there’s the best-in-class Presentations. Other companies who use NetSuite, who have seen tremendous results, telling you exactly how they did it. You can ask them questions, take notes, get handouts, follow up with the product leaders from NetSuite – why they designed it that way, how it works best.
    Then there’s everything else. All the affiliated software products, apps, programs, platforms, portals – everything that works with and around NetSuite. Might not be something you’re doing this year, but you learn about it and next year, when Management tells you your department needs to...

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  • E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023
     E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023
    ERPodcast Episode 30.2
    Intro MFX
    This week in ERP….(or at least my week in ERP)
    Hey Folks – Gene Hammons, Director of ProfitFromERP with Episode 30 of the ERPodcast…
    Interesting week however you look at it - locally, here in AZ, Tempe to be specific, the CFO Leadership Council held CFO Leadership Conference West 2023 - thanks to my friends at Oracle NetSuite and Avalera (the tax guys) they were able to sneak me into the Networking Event held poolside at one of the local mountainside Marriott Resorts. And fortunately, fall came to the desert three days prior to the event and it was a great evening under the stars. A week earlier and it would have been 103 degrees with the smell of roasted CFO’s wafting across the desert.
    Got to talk to a lot of different CFO’s from lots of different companies all across the country. I’d say attendance was in the 200-400 range, but that’s a guess on my part. A lot of the sessions were on technology for finance, using automation in driving better data and how data driven organizations had clearer and faster reads on how their specific company was performing in a wildly fluctuating market. It goes without saying that we’re dealing with challenging market conditions these days. Makes me wonder if it goes without saying, why do I keep saying it.
    We’re beginning to see real functionality with AI in finance software – more on that next week – Many CFO’s report their staff spending more time on accuracy than analysis, and the focus here was using automation to drive the accuracy, AI to report anomalies and staff can concentrate on analysis to provide real service to the rest of the organization.
    Many of the CFO’s were with companies already using NetSuite - and the new numbers are out, NetSuite is now over 37,000 companies using the Suite. I remember 2019, not that long ago, when they were ecstatic at breaking the 18,000 companies mark. The conventional wisdom at the time was NetSuite had seen 30% growth year after year but driving 30% increases of a 10k customer base is a lot easier to achieve than pulling off 30% growth on a base of 18,000 customers - so surely there was a ceiling coming soon. Execpt it didn’t….and here’s a few reasons why
    The Oracle Boost – I don’t know if you know the NetSuite history, initially, Larry Ellison Oracle Founder and CEO, provided once Oracle employee now NetSuite Founder CEO Evan Goldberg with initial funding to start a cloud based business software – so Larry owned a good deal of the stock in NetSuite. Oracle, for reasons we’ll cover other places, wasn’t a big player in cloud technology, but as NetSuite grew, Oracle could shortcut it’s way into cloud technology by acquiring NetSuite – which turned out to be really great in many areas.
    Going Global
    2019 I also was at a NetSuite Suite Success Training in Denver . We heard that Oracle, was driving huge development dollars into the NetSuite platform.  I first saw NetSuite really take off in our customer base around 2014, back then, NetSuite was a US market product.
    As I met my fellow Suite Success team members in Denver, I met other students from Japan, Indonesia, Australia, Ireland, London, Paris, Germany, Thailand-I think, India, Sri Lanka - and that’s the ones I remember. That kind of illustrated the global impact NetSuite was starting to have in foreign ERP providers and global markets with Oracle-backed development rolling out NetSuite versions specific to other countries, localized to tax and legal issues of those particular markets - that was part of the new development Oracle was providing - driving new markets globally, so NetSuite could replicate the tremendous success they’ve had stateside and start serving a worldwide market. And that’s just some of the huge expansion of NetSuite capabilities and functionalites
    Actually that turned out to be pretty fortuitous on my part The ERPodcast,

  • ERPodcast Episode 29
    The Perfect Time for ERP
    Welcome to the ERPodcast Episode #29 – The Perfect Time for ERP – that’s the title and theme of today’s examination of just that - when should a growing company undertake an ERP project?
    And it’s not a simple question. Any ERP project is massive, whether you’re a $12m annual revenue company going from Quickbooks to Sage Intacct or a $200m company replacing DynamicsGP with a new cloud-based ERP.
    ERP is an intensive project, needs a ‘all hands on deck’ approach and the stakes are high. There’s legendary stories of Hershey’s Chocolate almost losing the company when a failed SAP effort meant they couldn’t ship product in the middle of the peak Halloween to Christmas season – not good – and there’s also scores of those types of stories from lesser known and more private companies.
    So when is, The Perfect Time for ERP?
    We’ll talk about 3 real world examples of recent ProfitFromERP clients and the drivers behind those examples.
    There’s also a world of opinion in the world of startups – do you do the ERP project Pre-IPO to show potential investors solid financial controls and operational efficiency? Do you wait until the next round of funding to be able to afford the higher end ERP’s with related SEC reporting tools to make sure of compliance needed by a public company?
    Then there’s the staffing balance – we’ll have more people on board next year so we can spread the ERP implementation workload across more resources….but if we had ERP already installed we’d need to hire fewer people for the same size operation.
    Here’s the conundrum – most of us don’t hire for excess capacity. It’s more like we’re not really sure of the data, it’s coming from disparate spreadsheets, running late, last minute– but the staff is working overtime and Saturdays – if we just had one more person to chase down the data… which is a good solution, but by definition, a growing company continues to grow and we keep adding one more person just to keep up, pretty soon there’s 22 desks in the business office and we’re looking for more space because everyone’s working overtime and Saturdays.
    Putting things off til some magical ‘some day’ only gets us from complexity to mass complexity.
    Then one day we wake up and we realize ‘WOW - it would have been a lot easier to implement ERP when the business was simpler and we could have managed growth in a lot more systematic method’. Plus, instead of rolling out training to 50 people all at once, we comprehensively train the first 10 and teach each onboarding employee the exact steps using the new software specifically for their job duties. And maybe even start hiring people who’ve already been using the same ERP we just implemented.
    So what’s The Perfect Time for ERP?  Let’s look at some real-world examples. Stories of companies that took a leap at different stages and how that all turned out. I’m your host, Gene Hammons, Director of ProfitFromERP,  our business consulting firm helping clients actually create Profit, From their ERP projects. Right back after this!
    Stinger out.
    Hey – a word about sponsors. Putting together the ERPodcast is a labor of love, it’s often our first introduction to new clients, we also think it’s about giving back to the community, sharing stories of real world ERP projects, how the market works, things we’ve experienced over the years and so on. .
    As long as there are still ERP projects that fail or have huge cost overruns or don’t do what the demo looked like it did – as long as there’s a bad project out there, we’ll keep pushing out the know-how to avoid those situations
    But – running a growing company ProfitFromERP – just like any other emerging company, there’s a lot to do. Time is critical.
    And if we’re going to allocate the time to the ERPodcast – well, we need to do it as more than a net loss leader – so we have sponsors.
    The easiest way to get podcast sponsors for a podcast is through placement brokers – you can te...

  • It's Crazy Out There!
    We can't control the outside world, but as Uncertainty reigns externally, Business Equilibrium results when we create better data certainty within our businesses. See how other leading companies have managed the raging seas of uncertainty in the boat of Cloud ERP 

    ERPodcast - Ranked #3 in Top 15 ERP Podcasts!

    Recently - Feedspot.com a digital content aggregator assymbled a Top 15 ERP podcasts list - and the ERPodcast came in at #3 - Unfortunately, we dropped in the recent rankings and today's episode contains the original recording we posted on LinkedIn when the original rankings came out - apologies for any confusion!

    About today's ERPodcast

    MIsaligned incentives - budget shortfalls - tight implementation timelines - How do you conquer the most common pitfalls leading to a failed ERP implementation? The ProfitFromERP methodology bakes in best practices so you end up watching company goals and, like we say, ProfitFromERP, our clients make ERP PAY!

    E28c ERPodcast - Certainty in an Uncertain World


    MFX up and under (but louder than last time)



    It’s the ERPodcast Episode 28 – The official podcast of ProfitFromERP.com and I’m the Director, Gene Hammons, Over the past 18 months, we’ve helped about a dozen companies get through challenges we never thought any of us would face.


    If you’ve listened to earlier ERPodcast Episodes, you know what a huge advantage digital companies had dealing with a world gone virtual.

    The #1 Issue? Uncertainty. The country, the workforce, supply chains, inflation, is covid up or down? Opening up or locking down?

    - - There’s a world of uncertainty out there  - - - if we’re going to maintain the right business equilibrium we need to create more certainty within the four walls of our businesses.  We can’t control outside uncertainties but we can surely affect the internal workings That’s Our ability to respond. That’s response – ability – and here’s how some of our clients define business responsibility today.


    One big uncertainty is in today’s workforce. How do we deal with the changes, what are the technology issues that can even stop top talent from joining your firm? So let’s talk about how can technology help us get more done with the fewer people we actually do have on staff

    We’ll examine that.


    Supply Chain issues? Overseas shipments are bringing back the old phrase Slow Boat from China – which many of you didn’t even know was a phrase – tech can’t help get your boat unloaded. But we can use demand planning to anticipate shortages long before your ship is just offshore with the parts, raw materials and goods your customers are already waiting for – never mind the trucking



    Creating certainty in an uncertain world comes down to the Information in Information Technology – just in case you forgot what IT stood for.  Is your information good enough, timely enough, informative enough? You may be running a traditional ERP system that wasn’t ever giving you the reports you need. Or you may have a great baseline ERP but operationally, there’s no accurate way to gather data. Or FP&A modeling – can you project your profit margins when gas goes to $5 a gallon? Sometimes it’s modular additions to your technology stack – Sometimes it’s a complete Digital Transformation – a total software overhaul of your company.


    Here’s what real world ProfitFromERP clients are doing to create certainty for savvy CFO’s and operational teams.


    Item One – having a hard time finding enough people?  Maybe your old technology is keeping today’s workforce away  - - Item Two It’s th...

  • Digital Transformation
    What don't you know about ERP? Industry secrets, mis-aligned incentives and drivers of behavior all impact your final result - Today's ERPodcast let's you get a handle on some of the largest pitfalls threatening your project before you start. 


    ERPodcast E27

    CEO/CFO Report 2021 Links


    Links mentioned in today’s Episode 26 of the ERPodcast

    SaaS Success Series - an online seminar series brought to you by Sage Intacct. Register for this week's sessions and find links to previous panel appearances by Gene Hammons Here
    ERPodcast Episode 24 and Episode 25 Is a case study on one company, Nice Link Home Furnishings, who implemented the Cloud ERP Acumatica in the middle of the pandemic – here’s the link to the ERPodcast ERP News Page.

    About today's ERPodcast

    MIsaligned incentives - budget shortfalls - tight implementation timelines - How do you conquer the most common pitfalls leading to a failed ERP implementation? The ProfitFromERP methodology bakes in best practices so you end up watching company goals exceeded and, like we say, ProfitFromERP, our clients make ERP PAY!


    E27 – What They Don’t Tell You About ERP

    (but you soon find out anyway)


    MFX up and under


    It’s Episode 27 of the ERPodcast, What They Don’t Tell You About ERP (but you’ll soon find out anyway).  I’m your host, Gene Hammons the Director of ProfitFromERP - a business consultancy revolving around software, it’s uses and misuses – and as we like to say, Our Clients Make ERP Pay – pay for itself, pay off, pay back, break even and we even have the cash flow analysis to prove it.

    But all that aside. What’s this about what they don’t tell you about ERP? Who are they? And Why are they so hush-mouthed about important ERP situations?  We’ll get to that in today’s episode, what they don’t tell you, but more importantly, what’s their motivation, what’s their incentive and how are we going to shift incentives both for the software vendor, but also shift incentives for your internal team - all so that your company comes out on top in your next ERP project.


    But here’s the Number One Thing they don’t tell you – most ERP projects fail. Some are small fails, like, the software wasn’t live on time. Some are big fails like, we went over budget. By double. And some are epic fails, like, this doesn’t really do what we saw in the demo. But we’re stuck. And some fails are Ed’s fault. Ed ran the selection committee that got us into this mess in the first place – he’s not here anymore so we pretty much blame it on Ed-ware instead of software. So today we’ll even tell you how to keep your job if someone walks into your office and says, “We need a new ERP system and we want you to run the project…say, your middle name isn’t Ed is it”? – all that and more – right after this word from our sponsor – It’s Episode 27 of the ERPodcast What they don’t tell you about ERP.








    Endorsement – SaaS Success Series

    Sage Intacct


    Much has changed in the Business world over the last year - - don’t need to tell you that. While we don’t  gather in large groups, conventions, presentations, business meetings – have moved online and I have to say the webinar content has improved dramatically.

    I know for myself,  instead of my normal speeches at various conventions, I’ve avoiding airlines, hotels, overserved networking parties and have still appeared on a few panel discussions over months past – most recently, the SaaS Success Series by Sage Intacct – which is still ongoing the week we release this podcast -  but even better...

  • Digital Transformation
    2020 saw companies who's approach to digital transformation allowed them to quickly pivot - oftentimes capturing entire markets before the competition could respond. 2021 shows an increased demand for new market technologies - we talk about who did it and how you can too.


    ERPodcast E26

    CEO/CFO Report 2021 Links


    Links mentioned in today’s Episode 26 of the ERPodcast


    ERPodcast Episode 24 and Episode 25 Is a case study on one company, Nice Link Home Furnishings, who implemented the Cloud ERP Acumatica in the middle of the pandemic – here’s the link to the ERPodcast ERP News Page.


    Arizona Coyotes NHL Hockey


    In the Wall Street Journal’s recent 2020 Review, journalist Tom Vanderbilt cites his new book, You’re Never Too Old to Become a Beginner. 

    Fender Play

    The Software Eats World blog of Andressen Horowitz. In a recent article The CFO in Crisis Mode: Modern Times Call for New Tools 

    2014 Blogpost from GeneHammons.com – genesis of the Component ERP Strategy 

    SAP Stock Valuation loses 30B EU in Single Day From Computing

    The Digital Transformation Series of ERPodcasts here. 

    Here We source several articles from trade papers

    Controllers Council notes the trend of technological innovation in the Finance office Link.

    CFODive reports there’s a trend towards a return to Zero Based Budgeting –Link.

    Auditoria CFO Corner – recorded 5 minute Zoom videos featuring leading CFO’s


    Item Next – Digital is OK for those guys, but won’t work for me.

    Book a hair appointment

    Play Golf

    Keep Score with Hole 19

    Track your Road Bike Mileage with Strava

    Controllers Council talks about innovation in the Financial Office


    Again the Wall Street Journal reports covid spawned business changes that would have taken years unfolded in months – it brought 2030 to 2020. Link.


    Final example, Here comes Forbes with an article on Copart –Link.

    About today's ERPodcast

    The uncertainty when Covid hit in the spring of 2019 resulted in a year's long effort to find out how clients could react and survive. Studying the market winners, it was determined that many sectors were beginning to thrive almost immediately after the lockdown.  Was it because they were well ahead in technology and used cloud based software to quickly pivot to new market opportunities? Or was it the most forward thinking companies tend to be more adventuresome in their approach to new technologies? The fact is, more and more companies are utilizing technology for competitive advantage and those clients naturally gravitate to firms like ProfitFromERP. Here's how 2020 advances can help your company do the same.

    ERPodcast E26

    CEO/CFO Report 2021 Cloud

    Episode 26 of the ERPodcast –

    MFX Up and Under

    It’s the CEO/CFO Report 2021 - on the Top 10 Top 10 Lists for 2021.  Two things – one, as you may know, when we do a CEO/CFO Report we topload the info – listen to the first 90 seconds of the podcast and you’ll be exposed to all content – with the detail to follow. Also, as a busy C-level exec, you can find links on the ProfitFromERP website to learn more. And secondly, saving you even more time, every year end and the start of every new year, you get lists - Top 10 things that happened, Top 10 Trends for the new year…– so we’ve waded through all of the year end/year start lists and pulled out the best when it comes to business, business software, business efficiency, business productivity – we read through it all so you don’t have to - the best information when it comes to ProfitFromERP.


  • Acumatica, The Cloud ERP 
    Cloud ERP creates incredible opportunities for integration - with internal apps but more importantly with outside vendors and customers - Through EDI and digital connection, Nice Link was able to open sales channels with Wayfair, Costco, Overstock.com, Macy's and many others - Find out how interconnected sales channels can work for you.

    Net at Work is not only an Acumatica reseller,  but with experience in multi-channel distribution, warehousing, and the accounting behind it all, it's more than simply implementing software - it's implementing best practices, lean staffing functionality and cost effective operational integration, with the end result, Nice Link Business Performance - Unleashed!

    About today's ERPodcast

    As Covid hit the US in February, Nice Link, a furniture distributor saw order cancellations flood into the business office. Jay Carlson, President of Nice Link had projects underway to upgrade the backend software of his US based business. Quickbooks couldn’t handle the inventory, warehouses or manage the volume of digital sales orders Nice Link was anticipating. Yet, despite the uncertainty they pressed on. Acumatica, the Cloud ERP was well underway being implemented and would go live in June. Simultaneously, as the American workforce shifted from office based to home based, online furniture sales exploded. Today, we see the success that was Nice Link’s forward-thinking strategy and Acumatica’s tactical application – creating connections with retail furniture outlets, smoothing the bumps in eCommerce and handling a workload that would have necessitated an expensive staffing upsurge to manage in a manual business software setting. It’s a story of enduring Entrepreneurship. It’s a story of cloud ERP functionality. It’s a story of Net at Work’s distribution experience. It’s an American Success Story of Profit From ERP – this week on the ERPodcast

    E25 – Nice Link Part Two
    Jay Carlson
    Believe it or not, it’s Episode 25 of the ERPodcast
    MFX up and under
    Today’s episode is Part Two of our conversation with Jay Carlson, President of Nice Link Home Furnishings – if you caught Episode 24 you’ll remember Nice Link implemented and launched Acumatica, the Cloud ERP in June, right in the middle of a certain pandemic you may have heard something about – and as is with all ERP, especially critical during times of market disruption, Nice Link automated, so they didn’t need so much labor and so many spreadsheets. The connected digitally with their customers, so they’re taking sales orders that someone else is paying to input instead of hiring more folks internally. They got control over 7 national warehouses with a pretty complex sales model. They expanded eCommerce, with items appearing on other eTailers websites opening new channels and new market shares.
    Did all this just happen by ERP magic, No – it’s hard work and you need help from implementation partners such as Nice Link’s go-to, a firm called Net At Work – who if you know ERP you’ve heard of Net At Work over the years as a leading ERP implementation partner – of course ERP is something most companies pay attention to once or maybe twice every decade – but take my word for it, Net At Work is a major player – Jay will speak about them on today’s Episode.
    Nice Link Home Furnishings was at the right place at the right time when home furnishings kind of took off.

  • Acumatica, The Cloud ERP 
    Cloud ERP creates incredible opportunities for integration - with internal apps but more importantly with outside vendors and customers - Through EDI and digital connection, Nice Link was able to open sales channels with Wayfair, Costco, Overstock.com, Macy's and many others - Find out how interconnected sales channels can work for you.

    Net at Work is not only an Acumatica reseller,  but with experience in multi-channel distribution, warehousing, and the accounting behind it all, it's more than simply implementing software - it's implementing best practices, lean staffing functionality and cost effective operational integration, with the end result, Nice Link Business Performance - Unleashed!

    About today's ERPodcast

    As Covid hit the US in February, Nice Link, a furniture distributor saw order cancellations flood into the business office. Jay Carlson, President of Nice Link had projects underway to upgrade the backend software of his US based business. Quickbooks couldn’t handle the inventory, warehouses or manage the volume of digital sales orders Nice Link was anticipating. Yet, despite the uncertainty they pressed on. Acumatica, the Cloud ERP was well underway being implemented and would go live in June. Simultaneously, as the American workforce shifted from office based to home based, online furniture sales exploded. Today, we see the success that was Nice Link’s forward-thinking strategy and Acumatica’s tactical application – creating connections with retail furniture outlets, smoothing the bumps in eCommerce and handling a workload that would have necessitated an expensive staffing upsurge to manage in a manual business software setting. It’s a story of enduring Entrepreneurship. It’s a story of cloud ERP functionality. It’s a story of Net at Work’s distribution experience. It’s an American Success Story of Profit From ERP – this week on the ERPodcast

    E24 – Nice Link Jay Calrson
    MFX up and under
    lEpisode 24 of the ERPodcast – Nice Link Home Furnishings – a distribution story of Digital Transformation in the Age of Covid… if you’ve been listening to the ERPodcast for any time, we’ve been telling stories of how resilient companies are using cloud software and digital transformation to survive, and in some cases even thrive in the covidian economy – this week, It’s Jay Carlson, President of Nice Link talking about how their business turned to Acumatica, the Cloud ERP, as well as Acumatica Partner Net At Work, - - - initially to save money - - as Jay will put it, ‘he couldn’t keep throwing labor and spreadsheets at the problem’. Later Nice Link would find entire new lines of business made possible by simple digital integrations – so it’s a real life story of taking on an ERP project at the height of covid, and having the project succeed wildly – allowing Nice Link to actually Profit From ERP – see how I slipped that one in there. This podcast is not wild claims of how ERP is an end all - but how a growing company can use ERP to better connect, to extend sales options, to process orders electronically – and go from QuickBooks and spreadsheet inventory to 7 shared warehouses nationwide with complex cross selling all integrated into the system. Then getting closer to their customers with electronic integration into Wayfair, Costco, Macy’s and others – and how when the pandemic had everyone working from home,

  • The Truth of ERP 
    Cutting through Conventional Wisdom isn't hard for experienced ERP Selection Consultants - using tried and true methods instead of what 'everybody knows' can save time, money, even the project manager's job - How to reach the goal for companies looking for Profit from ERP.

     ERP software comes with many different features and modules. It also comes with huge expectations, false understandings, simplifications, over-promised results and undersold concepts --- But the Truth of ERP is....

    About today's ERPodcast

    Episode 23 The Truth of ERP – Post Election Edition
    MFX Up and Under
    Welcome to the ERPodcast Episode 23 – the Truth of ERP and a Newsbreak – the Post-election Edition – I’m the Director of Profit From ERP Gene Hammons and your host for the ERPodcast.
    So – what’s up in the ERP world, well, like so much else, 2020 has changed a lot of things  –

    Item – Cloud Software is booming as the pressure cage of the pandemic accelerates change
    Item – Some things never change – listening to customers is key – even if it’s digitally collected data delivered to the managers via iPhone – companies that listen and react are booming
    Item – A lot of the conventional wisdom of ERP has been shown to be a lie – truth is, we’ve always run ProfitFromERP based on proven truth rather than nebulous marketing spin

    So we’re going to talk about the Truth of ERP – over the past few months,  I kept getting reminded about an old Winston Churchill quote – a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it’s pants on.  I thought a lot about that as it relates to the ERP world – and realized half of our ERP Consulting work is swimming upstream with the truth on our backs – truths learned the hard way – truths proven time and time again – but implementing these truths is sometimes the hardest part of a software implementation – all that and more after the break on the ERPodcast…
    Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition
    Today’s ERPodcast is brought to you by ProfitFromERP’s Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition – here’s the thing – you can’t be all things to all people so at ProfitFromERP we’ve put together an alliance of some of everyone.
    When it comes to ERP, you may need help going through the selection and evaluation process. Millions of dollars in profit can be on the line – even with ERP platforms costing a fraction of that – the profitability of your business for the next several years can be dramatically affected. And you may say, Gene Hammons, you’re the expert here, we want you to run this project. Great. You also may say, Gene Hammons, we need 7 people to cover 28 national locations and three countries – OK, we can do that too. We have Alliance of Excellence Partners who are some of the best, independent, non-affiliated selection consultants on the planet.
    Then you may decide you need NetSuite – which is fine, we have 6 different NetSuite Partner companies who handle implementations – each has a very specialized approach – so one ERP software, 6 different focuses -which if you’re in a very specialized industry can really be critical. But it’s not just NetSuite. There’s three Acumatica partners, 2 Intacct Partners, a Microsoft shop with 14 offices, Infor partners, QAD resources, Zoho, US, Canada, onshore, offshore – teams that do development – and right now, about 20 trusted third party providers when those services are needed. Folks, it all adds up to a small army of highly specialized, extremely experienced teams that we’ve worked wi...

  • Acumatica, The Cloud ERP 
    One of the early made-for-cloud ERP offerings - Acumatica -  has long been included in Profit From ERP client software evaluations. A favorite of consultants from it's initial release, Acumatica has matured into a more feature rich offering and is winning more and more client selection processes.

    The ERPodcast welcomes a new sponsor, Net at Work, an ERP and Technology leader with over 6,000 clients since 1996. Net at Work has been a go-to resource in Profit From ERP evaluations for their leading Sage x3 practice for several years, besides Sage, they offer NetSuite, Acumatica, HRMS, CRM and eCommerce   - all geared toward their tagline - Business Performance Unleashed.

    About today's ERPodcast

    On today’s episode, we’re get to go behind the scenes with Net at Work – one of the nations’ leading ERP and technology firms and we’ll talk to Stuart Blumenthal, a friend of the program for 20+ years, although we didn’t actually start the ERPodcast until 24 months ago – but we’ve known Stuart since the turn of the century – back then he was a leader in the Sage channel of accounting and ERP software and he’s not slowed down since. Net at Work has HQ in New York as well as other locations all over the country – we’ll catch up with Stuart in Dallas today. Net at work has ERP practices in the Sage channel, NetSuite and now Acumatica. Of course we covered a great deal about Acumatica, the Cloud ERP in last week’s ERPodcast  - so you might want to go back and listen to that one first if you missed it – but today, Stuart will talk about what it takes to make a great implementation partner for getting started with Acumatica and what it takes, and how it works when ‘you do it right.’  Stay tuned after the interview we’ll get into how Profit From ERP and Stuart’s Net at Work Acumatica Practice works together to make sure you get everything you pay for out of your next ERP Project – it’s all here, on today’s episode of the ERPodcast

    Stuart Blumenthal
    Acumatica Practice Director

    Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP

    Apr 15, 2024It's not another Top Ten ERP list, not a Top Five, not a shootout or comparison, but the Best ERP for Your Business.

    Episode 31 – SuiteWorld 2023

    Dec 18, 2023E31 SuiteWorld 2023 Timestamp Subject 5:36 Sponsored by Acura MDX 15:45 Apple Never Introduced a Category Killer 20:15 NetSuite Keynote Coverage 22:43 The Hype that is AI 26:01:00 Suite Up 31:30:00 NetSuite New Releases 35:08:00 AI Becomes Real 38:00:00 Peak Outliers...

    E30 – ERPodcast goes to CFO Leadership West 2023

    Oct 20, 2023E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023  E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023 ERPodcast Episode 30.2 Intro MFX This week in ERP….(or at least my week in ERP) Hey Folks – Gene Hammons, Director of ProfitFromERP with Episode 30 of the ERPodcast… Interesting...

    ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP

    Aug 30, 2023ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP MFX/Intro Welcome to the ERPodcast Episode #29 – The Perfect Time for ERP – that’s the title and theme of today’s examination of just that - when should a growing company undertake an ERP project? And it’s not a simple...

    « Older Entries

  • Acumatica, The Cloud ERP 
    One of the early made-for-cloud ERP offerings - Acumatica -  has long been included in Profit From ERP client software evaluations. A favorite of consultants from it's initial release, Acumatica has matured into a more feature rich offering and is winning more and more client selection processes.

    The ERPodcast welcomes a new sponsor, Net at Work, an ERP and Technology leader with over 6,000 clients since 1996. Net at Work has been a go-to resource in Profit From ERP evaluations for their leading Sage x3 practice for several years, besides Sage, they offer NetSuite, Acumatica, HRMS, CRM and eCommerce   - all geared toward their tagline - Business Performance Unleashed.

    About today's ERPodcast

    There are hundreds of ERP software companies - nearly every one of them has some type of cloud-like ERP offering. That's an effort to compete with 3 or 4 made for cloud ERP products that have revolutionized the ERP industry. among them Acumatica, Sage Intacct and NetSuite.  Our new sponsor, Net at Work has practices in two of the three cloud ERP leaders, Acumatica and NetSuite. Today we look at the advantages Acumatica brings to the table as a second generation cloud ERP offering.

    Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP

    Apr 15, 2024It's not another Top Ten ERP list, not a Top Five, not a shootout or comparison, but the Best ERP for Your Business.

    Episode 31 – SuiteWorld 2023

    Dec 18, 2023E31 SuiteWorld 2023 Timestamp Subject 5:36 Sponsored by Acura MDX 15:45 Apple Never Introduced a Category Killer 20:15 NetSuite Keynote Coverage 22:43 The Hype that is AI 26:01:00 Suite Up 31:30:00 NetSuite New Releases 35:08:00 AI Becomes Real 38:00:00 Peak Outliers...

    E30 – ERPodcast goes to CFO Leadership West 2023

    Oct 20, 2023E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023  E30 CFO Leadership Conference West 2023 ERPodcast Episode 30.2 Intro MFX This week in ERP….(or at least my week in ERP) Hey Folks – Gene Hammons, Director of ProfitFromERP with Episode 30 of the ERPodcast… Interesting...

    ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP

    Aug 30, 2023ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP MFX/Intro Welcome to the ERPodcast Episode #29 – The Perfect Time for ERP – that’s the title and theme of today’s examination of just that - when should a growing company undertake an ERP project? And it’s not a simple...

    « Older Entries

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  • Cloud ERP Explodes
    The Covid Pandemic caused a slight pause in digital transformation and cloud technology adoption by businesses...then we packed two years' conversion into the last two months!

    The ERPodcast welcomes back Mark Lee, CPA and former Deloitte consultant to examine industry trends and cover RISK - especially the greatest risk, the RISK OF DOING NOTHING

    About the ERPodcast

    ERPodcast Episode 20, we’ve titled this episode Cloud ERP Explodes and DecisionPoint Digital – it’s a cloudstrike changing the way businesses are approaching the market, the tools, the reporting, the workflow, efficiencies - and if you’re not on board, well, it’s not a level playing field now is it?  That takes us to DecisionPoint Digital, the point where you make the decision to join the cloud revolution and the risks involved, including that ‘risk of doing nothing.’  It covers a lot but here’s what we know –


    Recently, Forbes Magazine sponsored a webinar on Breakthrough Digital Transformation Stocks – the stock prices of companies that have boomed during the past few months with investors seeing the huge revenue spikes from customers hopping on the digital bandwagon – Salesforce.com, Zoom, cloud ERP firms – even stories like Disney, they had to close the theme parks due to Covid – but because of their ability to pivot digitally, they were in a position to go to market in a expedited move with digital movie downloads a strategy that created revenue to more than cover the closed park losses –all those $200 admissions and $8 sodas they’re not selling – can your business pivot that quickly? It’ helps with fully digital platformed business tools…

    We’re also seeing Cloud ERP companies showing 30% and 40% Growth rates. NetSuite partners are reporting record August 31st software sales closings.

    So we continue to look at what we’re calling DecisionPoint Digital – when you make the decision to re-engergize your company to respond to a new economy. The end result is, if your business is ‘waiting to see’ how the new economy is shaking out, well, we’re beginning to see a digital steamroller and it’s headed your way. More on all this in today’s episode.

    Gene Hammons, MBA
    ERP projects are both a software project and a business consulting project. Profit From ERP brings the experience of over 400 ERP implementations into a methodology of best practices - the practices that high adapting companies employed to really drive success with technology projects. We marry that with a network of Affiliated Partners in every ERP technology and a breadth of different industry expertise to create the ultimate ERP selection, implementation and optimization team.The end result is lower risk, lower cost, no surprises ERP projects with defined payback, attainable corporate goals and avoiding cost overruns.  It's why we say, Profit From ERP, our clients make ERP PAY!

    Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP

    Apr 15, 2024It's not another Top Ten ERP list, not a Top Five, not a shootout or comparison, but the Best ERP for Your Business.

    Episode 31 – SuiteWorld 2023

    Dec 18, 2023E31 SuiteWorld 2023 Timestamp Subject 5:36 Sponsored by Acura MDX 15:45 Apple Never Introduced a Category Killer 20:15 NetSuite Keynote Coverage 22:43 The Hype that is AI 26:01:00 Suite Up 31:30:00 NetSui...

  • Stories From the Jungle
    Digital Transformation - the Case Studies - how, what and why the pandemic reset to Digital is saving companies and doubling revenue increases. Here's concrete examples of companies who's Digital approach is yielding early results. Along with who, how and what Digital Transformation can mean for your company.  




    Digital Transformation


    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Life Sciences

    Replacing QuickBooks

    Proven Methodologies

    Your Road to Success

    The ERPodcast
    e18 Digital Transformation Part Three - Case Studies


    Digital Transformation – while once an aspirational IT goal, COVID 19 created an environment in many companies where Digital Transformation is survival itself


    Digital Transformation Part Three sees us highlighting some of the first responders to the pandemic lockdown - the companies that sprang into action day two and determined 'we're not taking this laying down'. It's mid-August and the results are rolling in. 
    Last week, a LinkedIn study showed companies that attempted a digital response to the Covid Lockdown showed revenue growth of 2x that of the companies who adopted a 'wait and see' stance.  An amazing statistic unless you rephrase it. What that really says is that companies who invested in innovation and business process improvement saw results. It says companies who adapted their approach to the new reality did better in the new reality than those who didn't attempt to adapt. It says companies who replaced outdated systems with the latest cloud-based digital software and refocused on customer interactions fared better than those who stuck to their 'good enough' systems.  
    So this '2x revenue growth' shouldn't surprise anyone - it just makes sense. And with the baseline of companies hesitant to respond to the new marketplace we now find ourselves in, well, that's a pretty low bar numerator to double. But these are still early returns.  
    And here's the stories of actual clients, restaurants, distributors, manufacturers, B2B and B2C businesses - all who adopted a Digital Transformation framework to innovate and prosper. 
    While Profit From ERP’s selection consulting and moving to cloud based ERP is part of Digital Transformation and included within, Get Digital Velocity specializes in C-level strategic consulting on a digital approach to transform companies along with fractional CIO services to help companies elevate IT and technology approaches to meet the requirements of a changed world.

    Today's Interview

    We go to the ends of the earth to bring you the stories to avoid in your journey through the world of ERP. 

  • escape covid in the cloud
    Keeping the company alive while the pandemic rages.







    Digital Transformation


    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Life Sciences

    Replacing QuickBooks

    Proven Methodologies

    Your Road to Success

    The ERPodcast
    by Gene Hammons | Episode 14


    Digital Transformation - while once an aspirational IT goal, COVID 19 created an environment in many companies where Digital Transformation is survival itself


    Digital Transformation Part One was recorded in June 2020.  What we were seeing was companies responding to the Covid 19 Lockdown – First, dealing with the disruption of a distributed workforce upon traditional business systems highlighted weaknesses in traditional systems previously considered ‘good enough’.  Secondly, market disruptions meant doing business with customers required a new approach – if companies were to remain viable in a post Covid world.

    Obviously both factors did more to push digital responses and prompt moves to cloud-based software than any single event in the last decade.

    While companies did not have the appetite for a new, huge IT budgets in response to Covid, it was apparent that for many companies, shifting whatever available resources was key to remaining viable – regardless of the form or size the company might emerge from the pandemic lockdown.


    While Profit From ERP’s selection consulting and moving to cloud based ERP is part of Digital Transformation and included within, Get Digital Velocity specializes in C-level strategic consulting on a digital approach to transform companies along with fractional CIO services to help companies elevate IT and technology approaches to meet the requirements of a changed world.

    Today's Interview

    We go to the ends of the earth to bring you the stories to avoid in your journey through the world of ERP. 

    Bhushan Parikh

    Bhushan is Principal and Co-founder of Get Digital Velocity.  His specialty is delivering extraordinary business success on global platforms through digital transformation.

    With over 30 years of experience with large Enterprises in multiple Industries, Bhushan has worked in a variety of roles including SVP IT, Operations, Supply Chain and Digital Transformation.  His previous employers include: Avnet, Johnson Controls, Johnson & Johnson, and Nike.

    Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP

    Apr 15,

  • Hidden Dangers
    Over the years, more and more companies are growing far past the design point of QuickBooks. Risk, Staff Inefficiencies and simple lack of features all add up to hidden costs far in excess of what it would take to upgrade to ERP




    Digital Transformation


    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Life Sciences

    Replacing QuickBooks

    Proven Methodologies

    Your Road to Success

    The ERPodcast
    by Gene Hammons | Episode 17


    A rotisserie Chicken, 75 pounds of Dog food, a 350 pack of tortillas, a copy of QuickBooks for the new Garage Startup...well, at least the Chicken was good. 


    Years ago, it was very uncommon to see any company over $100k in annual revenue using QuickBooks.  Intuit, the maker of QuickBooks has certainly improved the product and some of the entry level accounting packages have suffered from a mass consolidation of the local VAR’s and resellers who once served the emerging company market.


    Today, there’s a point – say a $5m company, where QuickBooks becomes extremely cumbersome – lack of inventory, project based features, retail and ecommerce, the list goes on – sure – there’s lots of add ons and 3rd Party products – but features in these follow on products are limited because no one is going to pay $10k to add onto a $300 program – so you can only develop and deliver so much on limited budgets. Yet companies go forward, developing workarounds and it’s not uncommon to see $50m and $60m companies running on good ol’ QB.


    Risk is an issue. Later versions of QuickBooks have added things like keystroke logs and segregation of duties protocols – but these are seldom set up early in the company, when a single user is making all the entries, why would you need a record of who did what? You know.


    Today’s episode is an interview with Mark Lee, CPA and Principle behind Maui Tax. Mr. Lee started his CPA career with Deloitte and worked with or ran major CPA consulting operations based in Texas, New York City, London and even an exotic posting in Dubai for a few years.  Throughout, he encountered companies large and small running QuickBooks and his primary advise revolved around the ‘false sense of security’ that developed. Companies believed they were running a professional accounting package when the initial impetus for QuickBooks’ creation was ‘bookkeeping software for people who don’t understand accounting.’


    Topics covered in today’s podcast include:

    Risk – with QuickBooks at the center of dozens of forensic accounting cases involving embezzlement due to lack of adequate controls in place


    Waste – Labor associated with excessive manual data entry and moreso on the dozens and more spreadsheets needed to attempt adequate reporting


    Functionality – limited reporting prevents full visibility of basic business operations with many add on modules not ...

  • Welcome to the Jungle!
    There's a lot of noise out there. Talk of technology hype, near misses, the new next-big-thing, and marketing fluff--which means a lot of unrealized dreams. Then, there's the stories we live. Stories of profit and business achievement.




    Digital Transformation


    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Life Sciences

    Replacing QuickBooks

    Proven Methodologies

    Your Road to Success

    The ERPodcast
    by Gene Hammons | Episode 16


    This is where we talk about it. That means indepth examinations of a complex process; the transformation of your business. Whether it's replacing an outgrown accounting software or complete digital transformation to touch-free customer interatcions, hear from the top industry voices and leading software providers.


    When the Coronavirus closed offices and sent workforces into virtual lockdown, of course a cloud-based ERP like NetSuite was a definite advantage. But there was more to the story, as Oracle NetSuite’s Angela Kavanaugh reports from her portfolio of customers. “I’m so glad we’re at least on NetSuite” were common reactions in the early days of the pandemic.  While traditional technology-based offices were scrambling to roll out VPN’s and secure protocols to get workers back up and running, NetSuite users were rolling out business process changes to better connect and serve their customers.  This flexibility highlights the real power behind digital companies, uniquely positioned to react to a market none of us had seen coming.
    With a PWC background before joining NetSuite, Angela also covers some interesting market research on how companies are re-purposing IT budgets to invest in better systems, convert to cloud and plan to come out of the Covid-19 shutdown stronger than when they went in.
     As we covered in a recent podcast, NetSuite is very popular in demos to prospective users.  But the real value of NetSuite isn’t initially apparent to many new users. It seems after a company has been on the platform for some time, customer satisfaction skyrockets as users become more familiar with all they can accomplish using NetSuite.  
    Thus, Angela’s portfolio of existing NetSuite-based companies brings this veteran perspective to light as we learn how these companies faced an extremely challenging and rapidly changing marketplace.
    Join us on this week’s ERPodcast for all this and more

    About the ERPodcast

    While marketing sings the praises of successful ERP implementations, they never really get behind the story of what drove that success.

  • escape covid in the cloud
    Keeping the company alive while the pandemic rages.




    Digital Transformation


    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Life Sciences

    Replacing QuickBooks

    Proven Methodologies

    Your Road to Success

    The ERPodcast
    by Gene Hammons | Episode 15 Pt. 2


    Digital Transformation – while once an aspirational IT goal, COVID 19 created an environment in many companies where Digital Transformation is survival itself


    Digital Transformation Part Two was recorded in June 2020.  By this time in the pandemic, we were starting to see quick moving companies react with digital speed and talked about some of the winners in early results.
     More important, we began to delve deeper into the digital mindset, trying to introduce the concept of thinking digitally and reconsidering the approach to serving customers.
     We also continued to marvel at how some companies would tell us they were ‘holding onto their cash’ and ‘waiting to see how this Covid thing turns out’ while others were reacting in real time to enhance business opportunities in the current setting, with plans to come out of the lockdown stronger than before.
    As we now know, the lockdown conditions wouldn’t clear as soon as we initially thought – which means the digital speed companies are still enhancing the approach to customer service and our thoughts go out to those companies who were ‘holding onto their cash.’
     While Profit From ERP’s selection consulting and moving to cloud based ERP is part of Digital Transformation and included within, Get Digital Velocity specializes in C-level strategic consulting on a digital approach to transform companies along with fractional CIO services to help companies elevate IT and technology approaches to meet the requirements of a changed world.

    Today's Interview

    We go to the ends of the earth to bring you the stories to avoid in your journey through the world of ERP. 

    Bhushan Parikh

    Bhushan is Principal and Co-founder of Get Digital Velocity.  His specialty is delivering extraordinary business success on global platforms through digital transformation.
    With over 30 years of experience with large Enterprises in multiple Industries, Bhushan has worked in a variety of roles including SVP IT, Operations, Supply Chain and Digital Transformation.  His previous employers include: Avnet, Johnson Controls, Johnson & Johnson, and Nike.

    Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP

  • ERPodcast – The Post-Covid Digital Future

    Episode 13 – Unlucky for Traditional ERP



    MFX Up and Under


    Late May 2020, as the business world emerges post covid-19 – what are the lessons we take forward – what are the initiatives for an uncertain future – where do we find the tea leaves, the tarot cards, the stock tips, the market whispers – where do we go from here? Given this production is named the ERPodcast from Profit From ERP – you can imagine what direction we’ll take the topic….

    Most of the information we’re given these days emanates from the Pandemic Panic – and as any good economist knows, the   numbers can lie   and often do - - - especially when our source of information is a media rewarded for sensationalism for sensationalism’s sake  - - – so we need to look deeper, find the success stories, actual business cases, find the moneyball concepts, the underlying economic theories that we can bring into our daily business lives – so today, On the ERPodcast we’ll take a look at one of the greatest supply chain stories our national media ever ignored. In the software consulting world, we’ve been working non-stop gathering information to guide our clients. Nationally, Thousands of companies experience in today’s market has been compiled. Regionally, hundreds of client companies have added input -  that mirrors the research we’ve done through our Profit From ERP website. Let’s breakout a few of the winning strategies - It’s the ERPodcast and I’m your host, Gene Hammons, telling you nothing you don’t already know, just in a way, you might not quite have thought of it before.



    The Alliance of Excellence


    Today’s Podcast is brought to you by the Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition – a loose federation of software resellers, partners, consultants and resources who share one thing in common. They’re all really good at what they do.

    You know, I’ve been in the ERP business for a long time  - seen a lot of things and people come and go. When I’ve worked on a very successful ERP engagement – the kind where the software pays for itself in short order?  I remember those folks – the partners who implemented and did such a good job and I look forward to working with them again and again.  So today, with Profit From ERP, we’re not selling software, we’re not doing implementations – we’re simply helping make sure our clients get the Profit, or the return from their investment in ERP. We don’t sell the software, we don’t sell the services, we simply sell the Profit from ERP – so we have to work with the best in order to give every engagement the potential to work. And another thing about ERP – there’s a great fit for nearly every ERP platform, Infor, Sage, Microsoft, NetSuite, Acumatica, Intacct – I could go on listing for a while. But the point is, with our clients, whatever ERP they need, we’ve likely got an Alliance of Excellence company to work with. .

    How does an ERP partner or reseller join the Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition?

    There’s only one way.  Personal Experience with Gene Hammons and past Experience with Profit From ERP clients. If it sounds exclusive, it is. But it means you end up with the best.

    Our job is to connect clients who are planning to improve their business through ERP with the right partners, the right ERP platform. Different industries, different sized clients, different budgets – the fit is the thing.  It really doesn’t matter which software you pick, unless you have a good partner, well, there’s a lot of reasons the industry sports an 80% failure rate.  So if you’re thinking about a successful ERP project, connect with us at Profit From ERP, and when it’s time to pull the trigger, make sure one of the members of the Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition is right there with you.  You’ll be halfway there already.



    Welcome back to the ERPodcast .  In a massively successful supply chain operation,