Julie Lythcott-Haimsis a lot of things. She's a daughter. She's a mother. She's the former Dean of Freshman at Stanford University and a Ted Talk speaker. She holds several degrees including a Law Degree from Harvard. The identity that didn't come as easy to her was that of black woman. In her memoir, Real American, Julie gives us her evolution of how growing up in a mixed race household and in many all white settings meant learning about and loving herself as a black woman would take some time. In How To Raise An Adult, Julie turned her Stanford experience and her mind for research into a manifesto for modern parenting. It's interesting how 2 seemingly unconnected books intertwined beautifully as we talked about them both. We cover so much that this became one of my favorite episodes ever.
We also hear from listners Bridget, Jackie, and Mike about the things they're enthusiastic about right now. We shout out previous guest Leslie Siuand hear about the new doc about Howard Ashman. We want to hear what YOU'RE really enthusiastic about right now. Send voice memos or emails to theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com.
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The people at Vote Togetherhave spent the past couple of years studying ways to increase voter turnout. One way they've found to get people to the polls is to change the culture around voting. By making the experience more communal and celebratory, they're finding voter engagement improves. I spoke with Vote Together's Director Angie Jean-Mariewho shared with me why this cause became so important to her.
When more of us vote, we get closer to the democracy upon which America was founded. Vote Together is non-partisan and non-profit. They'll help you find voting celebrations in your community or help you plan one of your own! They've even got party kits. It's time to use Election Day to connect with each other, and support one another moving forward.
Thanks to listeners Emily and Amanda for sharing the things you're enthusiastic about. We want to hear from everyone! What are you really vibing on right now? Email theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com. You can send a written email or voice memo!
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Some people are performers, and some people are cultural touchstones. Britney Spears has gone beyond singer/dancer/actor/talent judge to permanent icon status. I've had a long love affair with Britney, so I was thrilled to find the podcast We Need To Talk About Britney. Actor and writer, Jen Zaborowski hosts the show, and talks not only about Britney's work, but also how Britney's life in the public eye mirrors so much of our culture at large.
Thanks to listener Mike for sharing his bit of enthusiasm for this episode. We want to hear from you! Send us something you're really enthusiastic about right now via voice memo or written email to theenthusiasmenthuiast@gmail.com. You can tell us who you are or stay anonymous.
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Call Jen's Britney Spears Hotline: 814-277-3277
On this episode, Ahmed Best and I continue our discussion about Star Wars. We talk about how the backlash Ahmed experienced is both similar and different to what Loan Tran(originally known to audiences as Kelly Marie Tran) experienced with The Last Jedi. We also talk about how excited we are for Andrew Gillum's campaignfor Governor in Florida and how we believe displaced Puerto Ricans might save us all. We love our Puerto Rican sisters and brothers!
We get enthusiasm from Kristi Lee of Canadian True Crime Podcast. Please send voice memos or emails about the things you're enthusiastic about to theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com. We want to hear from you!!
Got some delicious sauvignon blanc from Lapis Luna Wines. You should check them out.
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Trigger Warning: Suicide
In July, my friend Ahmed Best revealed that in his darkest days he contemplated taking his own life. The pendulum of his career has been nothing short of extraordinary. He got his big break performing in the cast of Stomp The Musical which led to an offer to play a first-of-its-kind character in the Star Wars prequels. His character, Jar Jar Binks, would lead the way for the development of motion capture technology in film, but he would also become the punching bag for everything fans didn't love about the movies. Ahmed was in the precarious position of being associated with a character who both was and wasn't him. He took the hit, but not the accolades, until a generation of Star Wars fans had kids who LOVE Jar Jar. The part no one seems to address is how racism played a huge role in the blowback. After years of trying to pivot away from discussing the toll it took on him, Ahmed is now developing a one man show to dig in to the dark and the light. You can follow this evolution here. We had such a great talk that I'm bringing you two episodes with Ahmed!
If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-TALK.
Our burst of enthusiasm comes from Laura Higgs. She's loving the book How To Raise An Adultby Julie Lythcott-Haims. Please tell me about the things igniting your enthusiasm. You can send emails or voice memos to theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com.
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When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, my heart dropped, and I wasn't alone. Millions of women who have marched, organized, and donated saw their civil rights being swept away from our current administration by the recommendation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Women's health is not the only issue in grave danger if Kavanaugh gets the seat. Immigration, LGTBQ rights, and almost every facet of American life will be affected. We're being told Kavanaugh is a foregone conclusion. What you will hear in this show is that IT IS NOT. But we need your help. Please listen to and share this episode featuring the Los Angeles stop on the Rise Up For Roe Tour. The arguments that this is the most important issue, and we can win are compelling.
You'll hear from some incredible leaders and some of my personal heroes:
Please share this episode on social media, and email me a voice memo with something YOU are enthusiastic about. I want to hear from you! Email theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com. Find me on Twitterand Instagram@katiefward. Special thanks to Jen Edds from BrassyBroad.comfor helping with the audio on this episode.
One of my favorite things is to see is when a friend keys into their passion. This has been the case with my friend and repeat guest, Nina Manni. She left her comedy career behind when she realized it wasn't making her happy. What DID make her happy was traveling all over the world for CHEAP, but doing it well. Once she figured out how to do it, she wanted to help others do it too. She's got some great tips for everyone!
Here are some of the links to the other things we discuss:
Nina's course to help you learn about miles/points.
Shoutouts to HK Fitnessdoing the Snatched program created by Mark Fisher Fitness.
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Send me a voice memo of what YOU are really enthusiastic about right now! Email theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com.
If you have ever felt like therapy was not for you, this episode is for you. I wanted to open up a little about my experience with therapy, and eliminate some of the stigma around it. It was the perfect time to give you a talk with Matt Marr. Matt is a therapist, an actor, and hosts The Dear Mattie Show.
We met after he killed the competition at the Podcast Movement. Within moments, we became fast friends. He's Southern, gay, and loves Wonder Woman. This is my trifecta! I hope you'll check out his work! And if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by life and the world, please know there is no shame in seeking the help of a therapist. I promise, when you find the right fit, it can be life-changing.
Don't forget to send me your voice memos telling me what YOU'RE enthusiastic about right now.
Send them to theenthusiasmenthusiast@gmail.com.
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Twitter - @themattmarr @katiefward
Instagram - @themattmarr @katiefward
Do you know who holds office for your district in the House of Representatives for your State? If you don't, you're not alone. With the country so hyper focused on national politics, it might seem tedious to focus on local government. However, no one is having a greater impact on your daily life than your locally elected officials. Not to mention, as we are all connected, we also need to know what's happening in cities and towns across the country. This is why I wanted to talk with Anna Eskamani. She's running for the 47th District State House seat in my hometown of Orlando, FL. She's not your typical candidate.
Anna is the daughter of Iranian immigrants. Her dear mother passed away when Anna was only 13 years old. She was a Senior Director for Planned Parenthood. She holds multiple degrees from the University of Central Florida and is pursuing a doctorate as well. Anna has been on the front lines of community building from a very young age. She is the embodiment of the American dream including the most important part of the dream where those who succeed pay it forward. To donate to her campaign, go here!
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Raise your hand if you need a mental health break. I know I do. If this is you too, I highly recommend checking out the Netflix film, Ibiza. It stars Gillian Jacobs (Community), Vanessa Bayer (SNL), Phoebe Robinson (2 Dope Queens), and Richard Madden (Game Of Thrones). I loved the movie so much, I asked screenwriter Lauryn Kahnto talk with me about her career, her fave rom coms, and why you can be a feminist andlove the Real Housewives. She also shared with me her feelings on how weed an empathy go hand in hand. If you want to check out the Women & Weed episodes we discuss, go here. She gives me the skinny on her long and winding road to Ibiza. Check out this profile on her from Glamour.
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It's Pride Month! I want to wish all of my LGTBQ+ listeners a joyful Pride!
As part of the celebration, I wanted to talk with some of queer people in my life. On this episode, you'll hear from my dear friend and social media tycoon, Jamie Grayson aka The Baby Guy NYC.
You may know Jamiefrom the Martha Stewart Show, The Today Show, and as New York Magazine's "Best Baby Gear Expert." Not only is he a childless gay man leading conversations about breastfeeding and baby wearing, but he's also built a rabid and devoted social media following of hundreds of thousands of people who tune in for his thoughts on cocktails and horror films. During our talk, he tells his coming out story, which really moved me. We also got into the theme of authenticity came up over and over as the stepping stones to his success. I'm so honored to be his friend and the first girl to buy his booze.
Btw, here's the Lisa Loeb episode we reference.
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One of my favorite parts of the United State Of Women Summitwas attending the Athletes As Activists panel. It was organized by Dr. Kimberly Clay who created Play Like A Girl. It's a wonderful organization that supports girls in both sports and STEM. Dr. Clay and I quickly bonded over our love for Mississippi since she's from Batesville, and I went to Ole Miss a few miles down the road. The panel was informative, heartwarming, and filled me with determination to keep sports as a part of my daughter's life where I had let them go in my own. Liz Loza of Yahoo Fantasy Sports (and previous Enthusiasm Enthusiast guest on Feminism And Football) was a wonderful moderator. The panel featured some amazing women, and I'm honored they let me share it with you. You'll hear powerful stories from:
Celeste Bell - MLB recruiter and 1st woman in the world to complete 8 marathons on 8 continents in 8 days @bellasbucket
Scout Bassett - Track & Field Paralympian, Nike Athlete @scoutbassett
Dr. Jen Welter - NFL's first female coach, author of Play Big @jwelter47
Liz Loza - Yahoo Sportsanalyst and cast member of Fantasy Football Live @lizloza_ff
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The Panda Plannergiveaway ends today, so post an episode on your facebook page and tag The Enthusiasm Enthusiast or post a screen shot of the episode on instagram and tag @katiefward to enter to win! You can enter as many times as you want!
I was introduced to Intuitive Eating through listening to The BodyLove Project with Jessi Haggerty. It's been a formative influence on me, as it has been for so many others who listen to her show. I was honored when Jessi agreed to talk with me about her experience as a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Personal Trainer, and Health At Every Size practitioner. Jessi not only helps her clients understand and love their bodies, but she teaches personal trainershow to motivate their clients without focusing on weight, shame, and judgement. I think you'll love hearing from her as much as I do. We share a love of dogs with people names and a love for shirts that say IDGAF ABOUT YOUR DIET SUSAN.
Next, I wanted to include part of the conversation that didn't make it into the original Intuitive Eating episode. In this bonus content, the co-creator of Intuitive Eating, Elyse Resch, talks with me about her upcoming book for teenagers. She also talks about some simple steps every parent can do to help their kids create healthy relationships with food.
The Panda Planner giveaway is still happening! To enter, you can either post a linkto an episode of The Enthusiasm Enthusiast on your facebook page and tag the show. Or you can post a screenshot of an episode to your instagram and tag me. You can enter as many times as you like until May 31, 2018. Winners will be chosen at random and will receive a Panda Planner because I am enthusiastic about organization as self care!
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Some women are earth shakers, and on this show, I'm grateful to speak with lots of them. In this case, there was a magnitude 5.3 earthquake while I was interviewing registered dietician and author, Elyse Resch. I think it was a sign! The earth shattering news that we're sharing with you is that it's time to stop feeling guilty about what you eat. It's time to exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it. About a year ago, I started listening to We Are Still Hungryand The BodyLove Project With Jessi Haggerty. From these podcasts, I began to learn more about fat phobia, body positivity, and Intuitive Eating. Elyse co-authored Intuitive Eatingwith Evelyn Tribole, and they've trained certified counselors in the practice, all over the world.
On this episode, we talk about how raise children who eat intuitively, how "clean eating" and 30 day restrictions are often coded forms of insidious diet culture, and the shame associated with certain foods can distort your perception of their healthfulness.
Because I hope you'll share the show with your friends, I'm running a give away. The lovely people at Panda Plannerhave given me some of my favorite planners to give to my listeners. I legitimately love these planners and attribute them to me keeping myself together this year. To enter, just post your favorite episode of The Enthusiasm Enthusiast on facebook, and tag me. Or post a screen shot of the episode you're listening to on instagram and tag me. Winners will be chosen at random. Let's get you some free stuff, loves!
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If you missed Part 1 (Moms & Weed) and Part 2 (Women Running The Cannabis Industry) of my Women & Weed series, definitely check them out. In part 3, we get down to brass tacks. What's the difference between THC and CBD? How did William Randolph Hearst ruin the cannabis industry? What does it feel like to go from being a black market seller to one who is legit?
Aliza Sherman has had many incarnations in her career. From pioneering the internet to pioneering legal cannabis, she's comfortable leading and supporting women. She's now co-founded Ellementa, a support system for women wanting to learn about and explore cannabis to improve their health.
I attended an Ellementa gathering, and it was incredible to see such a group of very diverse women ready to support each other. Some were cannabis professionals who were happy to educate newbies. Some were women with long-term health concerns, looking for relief. It was a safe space for all. You'll hear my talk with Pam Chotiswadti, MPH. She served as the event's delightful host. She's also tackling cannabis from a public health standpoint which is revelatory.
Please support Drug Policy Alliancewhich helps "reduce the role of criminalization in drug policy, so that people are no longer punished for what they put into their bodies, but only for crimes that hurt others."
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Millions of women experience the anguish of postpartum depression. For Leslie Siu, her burden became her inspiration. The antidote to her PPD was also the synchronistic moment she found her business. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Mother & Clone, Leslie and her team are bringing a new kind of cannabis product to the market. Their sublingual sprays are designed to be absorbed quickly in small doses to relieve, but not incapacitate, the user. The packaging is stylish and the sprays are child resistant which is wise given women, moms in particular, are their target demo. Knowing that women make the majority of household spending decisions and how stressed out today's moms can be, it's a forgone conclusion Mother & Clone is going to be in a LOT homes, purses, and diaper bags very soon. Meanwhile the company is "leaning in" to a family friendly corporate culture also keeping the environment in mind. Welcome the modern approach to selling weed.
Follow Mother & Clone and me on instagram!
Cannabis should only be consumed in places where it is available legally, by adults only, and never while operating machinery or a vehicle.
Is weed the new "wine" for moms? As cannabis products become widely legally available across the U.S., women are finding themselves exploring everything from edibles to vapes to sublingual sprays. They're using cannabis to address their physical and emotional well-being. Women are micro-dosing in lieu of using anti-depressants. They're using CBD to treat pain. There are even suppositories to help women handle period cramps and sexual dysfunction. How do moms come out from the shadows to discuss their cannabis use when it has been the source of crime, shame, and judgement for their entire lives? How do moms raise their kids to understand responsible, legal use? I spoke with actor, teacher, mom, and cannabis user, Kim Griffin, about the role weed plays in her health and well-being. You should also check out this incredible article from our buddy Lindsey Hunter Lopez on the topic of Marjuanna For Moms.
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Are you addicted to your phone? Do you want to sleep better? How much of your joy or pain is related to social media? These are the questions Thrive Global is aiming to help you navigate. Callie Schweitzer is the Chief Content Officer for Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington's new company. I loved hearing about the behind the scenes of a company that strives to improve our lives. I also wanted to hear about how a woman who is a CCO, an award-winning journalist, and has been included on multiple top 30 under 30 lists keeps herself organized. Spoiler alert: she makes lists! Callie even shares the area of her life that is still a work in progress.
Here's the link to my Panda Planner. Use PANDAFAM for a 10% discount.
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In the 3rd and final episode in our women's health series, Dr. Sherry answers your questions about the elusive G spot, the benefits of working with a primary care physician vs. an ob/gyn, pelvic floor exercises to help prevent incontinence, and the REAL DEAL with vaginal rejuvenation! The Mona Lisa isn't just a painting in the Louvre. It is a laser that might improve sex, help juice up your vagina (especially if you're a breast cancer survivor), and make your fear of sneezing in public a thing of the past.
Dr. Sherry talks about her discussion with the ladies of Desi Outsiders. I long for days gone by in listening to Making Obama.
We still have copies of She-Ology to give away, so contact me if you host a listening party. I want to get you this book! It covers all the things we couldn't get to discuss in these episodes.
Thanks to everyone who sent us questions! Please share these episodes with people you love. The more you know!
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We still have copies of Dr. Sherry's book, She-Ology, to give away. If you'd like a signed copy of the book, please email TheEnthusiasmEnthusiast@gmail.com. We love seeing pictures of you listening to the show, so send those too!
Dr. Sherry and I are back! If you missed Part 1 about periods, hormones, and perimenopause, definitely go back and give it a listen. This time, we're tackling fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum depression. Thank you so much to listeners from all over who have been submitting questions for us to discuss. We are so grateful for your honesty! We also talk about how pornography is changing the way people view their bodies and how children and teens are harmed by over-exposure to porn at a young age.
Don't miss Dr. Sherry's article on Ending Sexual Assault In Medicine. Very important given everything we've seen with the U.S. Gymnastics athletes.
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