
  • Today, we're talking about harmony – that elusive balance we all crave in our busy lives.

    As a mom, a business owner, and someone navigating the corporate world, I get it. The juggling act? It's real. But here's the thing: knowing when to stop juggling and focus our energy intentionally? That's the key.

    In this episode, I'm getting real about my own journey. Yep, I'm spilling the beans on a major decision I've made – leaving my corporate gig to dive into the world of self-employment. Terrifying? Absolutely. Exciting? You betcha.

    This shift is all about seeking new ideas, embracing flexibility, and fueling that creative fire. And guess what? With change comes... more change! I'm hitting pause on the Efficiency Bitch Podcast for a bit to make room for something fresh – a show geared towards helping small business owners master time and money management.

    To my incredible listeners – thank you. Your support has meant the world to me. And hey, as we navigate these changes together, I promise one thing: valuable insights and actionable tips are on the horizon. So, stay tuned for the revamped podcast – it's going to be epic!

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  • Welcome to the Efficiency Bitch Podcast! Today we’re delving into the realm of connection with Nicole BZ. Nicole cut her teeth in small businesses, local economies, and optimizing 21st-century technology for visionary leaders. A die-hard fan of all things creative, connection, and community, BZ weaves her passions with her expertise empowering business owners and CEOs to make their dreams their reality. BZ has worked across the globe and industries, and is currently obsessing over Web3 and making NFTs the next big thing in your business.

    During our conversation we talk about:

    Definition of business as taking yourself seriouslyThe power of numbers in business and financeScaling your business sustainablyImposter Syndrome and overcoming Challenges.

    Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, investing in what truly matters sets the stage for success. I urge you to identify your values and embrace the journey, emphasizing continuous learning and growth.


    Connect with Nicole BZ: https://www.nicolebz.com/

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  • In this episode of the Efficiency Bitch Podcast, host Melissa Leon interviews Melissa Mitt, a financial coach who helps women manage their money. They discuss Melissa Mitt's journey to becoming a financial coach after struggling with student loan and credit card debt in her 20s. She realized she needed to learn how to manage her finances after accepting her dream job but still struggling to make ends meet and stresses the importance of financial education, which many people lack growing up. She shares tips for people feeling overwhelmed with money, like journaling to identify sources of anxiety and thanking money when it comes in and goes out. Melissa Mitt explains common budget pitfalls like forgetting to account for irregular expenses and living off credit card float. She advises saving up for predictable expenses in sinking funds and trying spending only with debit for a month. Melissa Leon strongly cautions against credit card debt and interest. They discuss the concept of "pay yourself first" - putting savings away before spending on wants. Melissa Mitt explains this flips the mindset from saving leftovers to prioritizing savings. They stress the importance of providing for your future self.

    Key Takeaways

    Journal about finances to identify sources of anxiety.

    Thank money when it enters and leaves to change mindset.

    Save for irregular expenses in sinking funds.

    Try spending only with debit to understand true expenses.

    Credit card interest can lead to decades of debt.

    Pay yourself first by saving before spending.

    Provide for your future self now.

    Focus on learning one money skill at a time.

    Money management is a lifelong process, but we can make it less stressful by starting with small steps focused on areas we want to improve.

    Connect with Melissa: https://melissamitt.myflodesk.com/organized/

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  • In this episode of the Efficiency Bitch Podcast, host Melissa Leon interviews Amy Singleton, a digital marketing expert and owner of a marketing agency in Oklahoma City. Amy shares tips for effectively communicating with clients by telling stories that position the client as the hero, rather than focusing too much on your own business's story.

    She advises choosing just one or two social media platforms to focus on, rather than spreading yourself too thin trying to be everywhere. Amy and Melissa also discuss the importance of showing up authentically across all areas of your life, from social media to community involvement, to build trust and connection with potential clients. Overall, they explore practical strategies for improving communication, connection and marketing through storytelling, social media focus, and genuine relationship building.

    Communicate with clients by telling stories that focus on them as the hero, not your business's storyChoose just 1-2 social media platforms to focus on rather than spreading yourself too thinCommit to one marketing strategy long enough to see resultsShow up authentically in all areas of life to build trust & connectionHelp clients evolve over time through free offerings and educationUse storytelling frameworks like Story Brand to craft compelling messagingProvide free value to nurture relationships over time

    Amy and Melissa provide marketing tips for effectively communicating through strategic storytelling, choosing social media focus, and building authentic relationships. By positioning clients as the hero in stories, committing to strategies long-term, and showing up genuinely across all platforms, business owners can improve their marketing and connections with customers.


    Connect with Amy:

    A free 30 minute website audit call with Amy: https://link.hitedigital.com/widget/bookings/amycalendars/discoverycall

    Free website toolkit: Get Your Website Sh*t Together & Attract Your

    Ideal Client Link: https://amysingleton.plannerpack.co

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  • Hey there,

    Today I’m joined by Lisa Eckerle. Lisa is the founder and CEO of The Designer Organizer, a company based in Carmel, Indiana that provides luxury in-home organization, space planning, and organizational design services. She founded her business in November 2019 while working full-time in advertising. In 2021, she made the jump to full-time entrepreneurship and has grown her team, service offerings, and revenue every year since, even amongst a company name change earlier this year.

    Her work and expertise have garnered online recognition from esteemed brands such as Crate & Kids, Architectural Digest, West Elm, The Container Store, & mDesign.

    Lisa describes herself as a combo of Dorothy from Golden Girls, Sporty Spice from the Spice Girls, and Punky Brewster. She has been married for 11 years and has a daughter named Nina in 2nd grade and a son named Leo in Kindergarten. Her perfect evening is spent outside around a campfire with a glass of red wine in hand.

    During our conversation we discuss the emerging professional organizing industry, the strong sense of community amongst organizers, and managing competition locally. Lisa emphasizes slowing down the organizing process to fully understand clients' lifestyles and design customized systems.

    Key Takeaways

    The professional organizing industry has grown rapidly due to Marie Kondo and shows like The Home Edit.Organizers have an exceptionally strong sense of community, supporting each other with education and resources.It's important to differentiate yourself from local competitors through your personality, expertise, services.Slow down the organizing process to deeply understand clients and design customized systems.Build a team to meet demand but don't sacrifice strategy and thoughtfulness.Support the national community but set boundaries with local competitors.Don't let community overpower your own business goals and innovation.Female-dominated industries tend to prioritize community over competition unlike male-dominated ones.

    This was an insightful discussion about both the supportive community and competitive dynamics in the professional organizing industry. Lisa offered practical advice for standing out from local competitors while still contributing value to the broader community. She emphasized not sacrificing your business's goals and innovation in the name of community.

    Connect with Lisa https://thedesignerorganizer.com

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  • Melissa shares a personal story about feeling overwhelmed trying to balance her career and family responsibilities. She would take on most of the household and childcare tasks in addition to her demanding job.

    This led to burnout and conflicts with her husband. They made a list of all the tasks and divided them more evenly between them. Over time, they also delegated age-appropriate chores to their kids.

    A year and a half ago, her husband left his job to work for their business. He now handles the majority of household tasks. Melissa realized recently that she no longer thinks about or remembers many of those tasks because they are fully off her plate.

    She explains that when responsibilities are not part of your routine, they fall out of your mind. She encourages listeners to delegate tasks that don't belong to them. It takes time, but you may not even remember what you used to do with them.

    Key Takeaways

    Melissa was overwhelmed balancing a demanding job with managing most household tasks.She made an exhaustive list of all her daily tasks and responsibilities.Melissa and her husband divided up the tasks more evenly between them.They also delegated age-appropriate chores to their children.A year and a half ago, her husband took over most household tasks.Melissa realized she no longer thinks about or remembers tasks that are not her responsibility.When tasks are not part of your routine, they fall out of your mind.Delegate tasks that don't belong to you for a lighter mental load.

    In this episode, Melissa shares her journey to delegating household and childcare tasks after feeling completely overwhelmed. She explains how responsibilities you don't routinely perform eventually fall out of your mind. Melissa encourages listeners to list tasks and delegate those that don't belong to them. This reduces mental load and frees up time and energy.

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy



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  • Today's episode of the Efficiency Bitch Podcast focuses on rising above "money fog" - feeling stress and anxiety due to confusion about finances. Guest Mikelann Valterra, a money coach, defines money fog as fear, feeling overwhelmed or guilt from not having clarity about money.

    Signs of money fog include wondering where money went, not tracking spending, and not knowing how much money you need to live comfortably. Money is emotional because it relates to survival and childhood experiences. To rise above money fog, prune accounts to create "elegant simplicity" rather than having multiple credit cards and accounts that lead to losing the big picture. Exiting money fog opens up possibilities and dreams. You can start by closing unneeded accounts online.

    Money fog is stress/anxiety from confusion about financesSigns include wondering where money went and not tracking spendingMoney is emotional due to survival, childhood experiencesToo many accounts contribute to money fogPrune accounts to create "elegant simplicity" Exiting fog opens up dreams and possibilitiesStart by closing unneeded accounts online

    Rising above the money fog can open up dreams and possibilities.

    Connect with Mikelann: https://www.seattlemoneycoach.com/

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy



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  • Hey there!

    Today we’re talking with Whitney Alexandra. Whitney is a Performance Coach for top women entrepreneurs who want to create limitless wealth and a fabulous life beyond their wildest desires. She guides entrepreneurs out of overwhelm and into their first taste of real freedom, joyful growth, and their first six-figure months.

    Whitney’s spent the past 20+ years helping powerful business owners unlock their peak potential. Through her signature approach rooted in evidence-based performance coaching strategies, Whitney’s clients experience transformational shifts in a fraction of the time—often up-leveling every area of their lives and businesses in a matter of mere months.

    She loves teaching women entrepreneurs how to build their business and goals around DESIRE. SMART goals are out - her proven system breaks through your current income level and hits a new level of income. Whitney loves teaching women how to visualize their next level self and become HER fast.

    During our conversation we talk about:

    DESIRE and how this drives better business results for women entrepreneurs?

    Why SMART goals are out and what method to use instead

    And the best way for you to become your next level self.

    Connect with Whitney: [email protected]

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy



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  • Hey there,

    In today's episode, we're diving into the good stuff—time-saving hacks and the art of doing less but better. Joining me today is Leah Remillet. Leah is an international speaker, the host of Balancing Busy Podcast, a top 100 podcast, and a systems strategist for time-starved entrepreneurs. Leah has helped thousands of small business owners ditch the overwhelm and start scaling - without sacrificing their home life, health, or happiness. Leah shows you how to optimize it all. from professional to personal so that you can do less but better!

    We chat about:

    work-life balancenifty strategies to crush overwhelmwhy clarifying your core values is a game-changer

    Plus, snag some killer productivity tools for time management wizardry!

    Don't forget to grab your resource pack at gift.balancingbusy.com.

    Connect with us over on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes fun! 📸 And of course, hit that subscribe button for a regular dose of wisdom on thriving in this ever-changing world. Let's do this!

    Connect with Leah: http://balancingbusy.com/

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy



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  • Hey, welcome to the latest Efficiency Bitch Podcast! This time, I sit down with the incredible Sabrina Ramirez to talk about something near and dear to our hearts: the power of connection in the business world.

    Sabrina's got some profound insight into teaching folks how to relate and connect with customers. She's all about those first impressions, especially their impact on customer loyalty—especially from the front desk crew in any business.

    We dive deep into how communication and connection are the keys to success in any business relationship. We cover everything from body language to eye contact, aiming to make customers feel genuinely valued.

    I found Sabrina's undercover-style observations in coffee shops and restaurants fascinating, looking for areas where businesses could seriously step up their game.

    We also touch on the vital role of empathy in resolving conflicts and the necessity of brushing up on those interpersonal skills in our post-pandemic world.

    Stay tuned until the end—I'll hook you up with ways to connect with Sabrina for some further guidance. Trust me, you don't want to miss this episode!

    Connect with Sabrina: http://itsaboutthedetails.com

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

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  • Hey there, and welcome to the Efficiency Bitch Podcast! I’m Melissa Leon, your go-to guide for balancing career and family life. Today, let's dive into the whirlwind world of inbox management.

    But before we jump into that, let me peel back the curtain on my bustling life. I’m a mom of three and the boss lady behind a consulting company, constantly on the move. With the hubby away this week, I've noticed something surprising: things are oddly smooth. It got me pondering the dance of marriage dynamics. Turns out, it's not always that perfect 50-50 split. Someone's carrying the heavy lifting some days, and that's alright. But when energies clash, tensions can brew.

    My heart goes to the single parents, superheroes operating at full throttle without a breather. This insight made me craft a game plan for these periods. I sorted tasks, focusing on the ones usually brushed aside. This system’s been my North Star, keeping me organized and driven, even when life’s on fast-forward.

    If you're in a similar juggling act, know this: efficiency and balance aren't myths. Join me in creating a running list of tasks, waving goodbye to that endless race feeling. Only some things demand immediate attention. I used to pounce on tasks when they popped up, but I’ve learned the art of letting things sit. Sharing this with you reinforces my commitment to this mindset shift.

    I hope this resonates and brings a glimmer of positivity your way. My mission? To keep life as stress-free as possible so I can savor the masterpiece I've built. I wish the same for you, my dear listeners.

    Thanks for being part of the Beehive. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and leave a review. Find me on Facebook and Instagram at EfficiencyB. I’m all ears—I’d love to hear from you. Until next time, take care, and keep that efficiency game strong!

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

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  • Welcome to the Efficiency Bitch Podcast, where we unpack the magic of balancing careers and family life with a touch of efficiency. I dive into the acronym “BITCH”: Bank, Inbox, Time, Connection, and Harmony, showing how these aspects can blend for an excellent, balanced life.

    In today’s episode, I'm joined by the incredible Genesis Kemp, a podcast host on a mission to educate, inspire, and foster diversity and inclusion. Genesis shares her journey, starting from personal loss, finding solace through podcasting and writing, and mirroring my healing and connection through the microphone.

    We delve into the vital role of human connection, bonding over personal losses and the silver linings found in challenging times, even amidst what felt like the world ending in 2020.

    Excitement buzzes as we talk about Genesis's book, “Chocolate Drop in Corporate America,” bridging into the significance of connection, a topic we both explore extensively. We delve into how the company we keep shapes us, recounting personal experiences of evaluating friendships and the value of authentic relationships in all aspects of life.

    We discuss family relationships and the sensitivity around sharing dreams with those who might not grasp or support them, sharing personal experiences of evolving familial dynamics.

    Wrapping up, I urge listeners to choose their companions on life’s journey wisely, likening it to choosing seatmates on a bus ride. Mindfulness in the media we consume, the impact of social media explored in "The Social Dilemma," and the power of podcasting to expand networks take center stage. We recommend reverse engineering goals, surrounding ourselves with mentors, and embracing constructive criticism for personal growth.

    Genesis shares her website for continued connections, and we sign off with warm closing remarks and an invite for listeners to subscribe and share their thoughts through reviews. Thanks for tuning in!

    Connect with Genesis: https://genesisamariskemp.net/

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

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  • Hey there, welcome to the latest episode of the Efficiency Bitch Podcast!

    Today, we're diving deep into the world of money management. We'll break down the essentials of handling your finances, introduce you to the concept of MATS, and guide you through the art of budgeting for all your expenses.

    Plus – we stress the importance of keeping tabs on your actual spending and how it can make or break your financial game. Properly allocating your money is the name of the game, and we'll send a friendly reminder to steer clear of credit card debt – that sneaky financial pitfall.

    We'll wrap up with some gratitude vibes from Melissa Leon, and don't forget, we'd love to hear from you! Join the conversation, and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more awesome insights on the Efficiency Bitch Podcast!

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

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  • Hey there,

    In this episode, we're exploring self-compassion and finding harmony.

    Our inspiring guest, Kamini Wood, shares her journey from people-pleasing and perfectionism to becoming a human potential coach. She helps individuals understand limiting beliefs and find harmony.

    During our conversation, we discussed

    Discover the "locus of control" concept—empowering yourself by focusing on what you can control and choosing your response.Your inner critic isn't you—it's a mix of suggestions. The pandemic has shown the importance of understanding multiple perspectives.Self-compassion means choosing kindness over judgment, embracing shared humanity, and learning from mistakes. It's a mindset shift that fosters growth.Embrace self-trust and learn from your mistakes. Self-acceptance is vital in recognizing all parts of ourselves.

    We discuss managing anxiety, the pressure of being late, and self-care. Prioritize self-care through activities like meditation, exercise, and journaling.

    Join us for an enlightening episode on self-compassion and harmony. You're the master of your own destiny!

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:
    Connect with Kamini
    Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!

    Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram!

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  • Hey there, in this episode of the Efficiency Bitch podcast, we're diving into the world of efficiency in life. Meet our guest, Doug Sandler – a DJ turned author and podcast producer. His book, Nice Guys Finish First was the reason for getting into the game of podcasting and his story will inspire you to connect with your audience and meet their needs.

    Customer service is key, no matter your industry. I draw from my luxury hospitality background to highlight the value of going the extra mile. We'll chat about time management, delegate, eliminate, and automate. It's all about working smarter, not harder.

    Drawing from my luxury hospitality background, I'll highlight the importance of going the extra mile. Plus, we'll discuss time management, delegation, elimination, and automation.

    We can show you how to work less by eliminating, delegating, and automating! We'll also tackle how to price your services right because knowing your worth is crucial!

    Lastly, please support us by leaving reviews on Apple Podcasts, as feedback and ratings help us reach more people. Thanks to Doug and all you fantastic listeners.

    And don’t forget to grab the Daily Action Plan Here Or Grab a Hard Copy Here

    Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram!

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  • It's no secret that time is the great equalizer. How you spend it says volumes about you! But we get it; prioritizing what can be daunting, especially for a busy woman. That's where the Efficiency Bitch, Daily Action Plan steps in!

    This isn't just a planner; it's a game changer. It's not about scheduling your life; your phone calendar can handle that. This is about focusing on your daily tasks, tackling them head-on, and ticking off that list easily.

    📆 Use it daily or whenever you need a little push. Start a morning routine, change up your workflow, and use it! Tailor it to your needs and watch how it helps you master your time by eliminating, delegating, and automating tasks that you don't need on your plate.

    Get your free Daily Action Plan Here

    Or Grab a Hard Copy Here

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!

    Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram!

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  • Today, we're diving deep into the world of calendar efficiency because, let's face it, finding that perfect work-life balance is a constant juggling act. But don't worry; we have fantastic tools and strategies to help you stay on your game.

    First, let's talk about digital calendars and my favorite, Google Calendar. I swear by it! The seamless integration with all my email addresses makes life a breeze. Plus, the ability to color code events and tasks is a game-changer. Green for work, dark green for clients – it's like having a rainbow of productivity at your fingertips.

    And speaking of productivity, have you tried Calendly? It's my go-to for scheduling podcast recordings. Their user-friendly interface and automated features make scheduling a piece of cake. Just remember, when you're recording, make sure you've got a quiet and tidy space for that professional touch.

    But it's not all about work; family matters, too. I've linked my kids' calendars to our family one, so we're all on the same page. No more surprises or double bookings! And for that extra oomph, I've got an Echo Show in the kitchen, displaying our family calendar for everyone to see. It's a real game-changer.

    Here's where it gets interesting – the digital vs. paper calendar debate. I'm all for digital calendars, but there's something oddly satisfying about physically crossing off tasks in a paper planner. It's like a mini victory with each stroke of the pen. So, why not have the best of both worlds?

    To supercharge your day, try a daily action plan. Set those specific goals, intentions, and priorities. It's like having a GPS for your day – you know exactly where you're going.

    Juggling all aspects of life can be tough, but it's totally doable with the right tools and strategies. So, embrace those digital and paper calendars, make a killer daily action plan, and watch your efficiency soar.

    For more juicy tips and insights, hop over to efficiencybitch.com. And hey, remember to hit that subscribe button so you can catch another episode on reclaiming your time and boosting your efficiency. Thanks for tuning in, folks!

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!

    Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram!

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  • Today, we're all about finding balance between your career and personal life. Our acronym, B.I.T.C.H. (Bank, Inbox, Time, Connection, and Harmony), guides our efficiency-focused episodes.

    Today I’m joined by Cara Steinmann. She's here to share her inspiring journey, from her marketing roots to her current mission of building online communities for women entrepreneurs.

    During our conversation we talk about:

    Emphasizing collaboration among womenThe value of online communitiesAnd the beauty of referring clients to those who align with our style.

    Our core values guide our choices, and it's all about connecting the dots and being open to starting anew.

    Leave us reviews, reach out with topic ideas or guest recommendations – we're all ears! Remember to take care and stay connected out there. 💕🌟

    Catch you in the next episode! 🎧👋

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram! EPISODE LINKS:

    Connect with Cara

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  • Hey there, welcome back to the Efficiency Bitch podcast! Today, we're diving into a hot topic: kids and cell phones. But we're not just talking about handing them over and crossing your fingers. No, no, we're all about using these gadgets to supercharge efficiency.

    So, here's the scoop: I gave my 10 and 12-year-old daughters cell phones, but with a twist. When they were younger, I started them off with Gizmo watches for safety and easy communication. As they got older, I handed them smartphones, but stripped away the social media and cellular service. Instead, it was all about efficiency and productivity.

    First up, I customized their home screens with essential widgets like calendars and weather forecasts. No more hunting for info - it's right there. I added school apps and parental controls to keep them on the right websites. Plus, I set up individual email addresses and synced their calendars with mine. Boom, instant time management skills.

    But wait, there's more! We tapped into the power of alarms. These tiny reminders work wonders for important tasks like wearing an ID or retainers. And guess what? These little tricks can help teenagers get organized and super efficient.

    But here's the real kicker: we adults often underuse our phones' potential. Take my brother-in-law, for example. He uses alarms to remember to take his vitamins. So, it's time for all of us to unlock our phones' true efficiency potential.

    If you've got some killer phone efficiency tips or stories, hit me up! You can email me or drop your wisdom in the show notes or comments section.

    Thanks for hanging out with me today. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newbie, make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any future episodes.

    Get your free downloads here
    Looking for a fun and engaging way to get your friends together? Try Book Club in a Box!

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!

    Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram!

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  • Joining us today is Tess Waresmith. Tess is a financial coach and the founder of Wealth with Tess, a financial education platform that helps corporate women and entrepreneurs in their 30’s/40’s (and beyond) learn how to grow their money using simple investing strategies so that they can have the financial independence to retire comfortably, chase their dreams, and live life on their terms.

    After losing 80k in bad investments in her twenties, Tess learned everything she could about wealth building and built her net worth to 1 million as a single 35 year old woman.

    Now she’s helped thousands of women learn how to grow their money using simple investing strategies anyone can do (even if you’re short-on-time or a total newbie investor). Thousands of women have attended her free investing workshops, hundreds of women have joined her small group coaching programs, and she regularly shares simple money tips for free on instagram at @wealthwithtess.

    She shares some simple strategies for women to supercharge their money. Tess shares her personal journey of conquering financial fears and her passion for women's financial empowerment.

    We tackle the complexity and jargon around finance, especially for women, and explore how upbringing and parental influence shape our money mindset. We offer tips to simplify your financial journey and get started with investments.

    Our favorite strategy? Buying and holding index funds for long-term growth and diversification.

    We also emphasize the importance of teaching kids about investing and building generational wealth.

    And for you, we have a free Savvy Investor Starter Pack and more resources on my Instagram page.

    Thanks for joining us! Leave reviews, reach out with suggestions, and remember, you're awesome.

    Stay fabulous and efficient, Melissa 🌟

    And don’t forget to ‘follow’ and leave a rating & review!Follow host Melissa Leon on Instagram! EPISODE LINKS:

    Connect with TESS

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