
  • Why Does Genesis 3:16 Matter? This was the 2024 316 Day Keynote Address by Joanne Hagemeyer. Joanne was a long time Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Teaching Leader and was the recipient of the first Tru316 Medallion Award for her service in "tru-ing" the verse through her work with the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com). In our coming episodes we'll play for you highlights of the 2025 Tru316 Day Celebration, including the Keynote Address by Dr. Jennifer Holloran, President/CEO of American Bible Society of Philadelphia and former COO of Wycliffe USA.

    Give now? Click Tru316.com/donate

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • "How do we do revision of Bible translation?" This is a replay of the Inaugural Address on 316 Day 2023 by Dr. Jeannine Brown of the NIV Update Committee! Learn why the NIV updated "thong".

    Visit the Tru316 Foundation YouTube Channel for this year's 2025 316 Day Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jennifer Holloran, President and CEO of American Bible Society!

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

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  • Dive deep into this MAJOR PASSAGE! What about "submission" in Ephesians 5:22-24? Paul teaches reciprocating submission among Spirit-filled believers (compare 5:18b-21, and 5:33). What about "love"? Paul teaches that even mutual up-building must have LOVE as a major component. Just "as Christ" loved in 5:23b, 25b and throughout this passage, so too for the partners in the Christian marriage of 5:33. What about "head"? Paul is not not referring to authority or source. He is talking about the GREAT MYSTERY of 5:31 and 32 - the unity of believers and Christ in one joint-body.

    Go deeper? Read Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5:15-6:9 by Bruce C. E. Fleming, available on Amazon in paperback (with Study Guides, great for group studies), as a Kindle eBook and on Audible as an audio book!

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • E Free Church Pastor, Jay Pound tells his three Stories. Yes. This is our own pastor!

    Plus the 316 Day Celebration with Keynote by the President of American Bible Society. We will also present the Tru316 Medallion Award to former First Lady of Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru Judy Douglass for her lifetime of ministry! Plan to join us on site or online on the Tru316 Foundation LIVE feed on YouTube.

    Then, one of our Tru316 Foundation Prayer Partners, Pastor Jay Pound tells his stories in depth on The Eden Podcast.

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Be filled with the Spirit? Submit to one another? These two commands are NOT saying what many claim. Learn what the patterns in this passage tell us about these key verses in Ephesians 5:18 and 21.

    WHY? When we come to the "women verse" in 5:22 we will know the context of THAT verse and understand it much much better.

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Too often verses in Ephesians 5-6 get taken out of context. Beyond Eden Insight #1 places these verses in context which is the Jump, Jump, High Jump pattern that runs from 5:15 through 6:9. The main point of the entire passage is found in 5:32! Have you seen it? We go deeper into this passage in the book "Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5:15-6:9" available on Amazon and on Audible!

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • She used our book, "Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5-6" in her preparation of her powerful Sunday sermon. She appreciates the resources Tru316 provides pastors and Bible students on what happened to Eve and related positive insights from Eden. This is Part Two of her story on The Eden Podcast!

    Have you made your free reservation to attend online or in person the Tru316 Day Celebration on March 16 at 2:30 Eastern Time? Sign up here: TinyURL.com/Tru316Day205

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • She was in meetings where more than a million people trusted in Christ as Savior. She accepted Christ at home. How have you come to know Christ?

    Here is Part One of Pastor Stephanie's thrilling story. Learn her full faith story, her ministry story and her Tru316 story!

    Pastor Stephanie Williams O’Brien is the Lead Pastor at Mill City Church in Northeast Minneapolis. She is also a professor of ministry and preaching at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN. She is a Trustee of Bethel University of which Bethel Seminary is a part.

    Stephanie has opportunities to coach leaders around the world through speaking, developing resources and her podcast Lead Stories with her friend Jo Saxton. She and Jo lead the annual women's leadership intensive The Ezer Collective, hosted at her church in Minneapolis.

    She is the author of two books – Stay Curious: How Questions and Doubts Can Save Your Faith. and her latest book Make A Move: How to Stop Wavering And Make Decisions in a Disorienting World.

    Want to support The Eden Podcast and the other ministries of the Tru316 Foundation. Join now as a Tru Partner and get free access to our upcoming zoom workshops on the key passages on women and men in the Old and New Testament. Use this link:


     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • No! God Did NOT Talk to Eve about Pain in Childbirth. God talked to Eve about (1) toil in fieldwork because of the coming curse on the ground and about (2) conception in fulfillment of God's promise of offspring who would crush the serpent's head! Neither of these had to do with what you'll find in most English versions that talk about "pain in childbearing." Let's "true" the verse and let God's actual words come through. The closest we can find in English is the KJV.

    PLUS - how lives are being changed through our podcast, books and courses!

    AND - 3/16 Day 2025 is coming fast. Sign up to join us in Orlando at Cru HQ or online. Use this special link! TinyURL.com/Tru316Day2025

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Eden Insight #3. God's SIX-POINT Parallel Word Pattern to the Serpent and to the Man. Why this pattern? They were both first-degree rebels. Each merited a curse. Yet not one point is found in God's words to the woman! Have you noticed?

    Go deeper! Make sure to listen to Season One of The Eden Podcast where we go through Genesis 2-3 step by step.

    Even deeper? Purchase Dr. Joy Fleming's dissertation. Available from Tru316.com/shop

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • The Fall is not a biblical word! They were attacked! Each ate. Each died. But each acted from different motivations.

    The woman was deceived. She ate for good reasons.

    He ate rebelliously joining the serpent in rejecting God's words.

    Getting this clearly in mind prepares us for reading what happened next when God spoke to the serpent and to the man using the same six point pattern.

    Go deeper? You can take The Eden Course for free. Simply contact [email protected] and we'll send you a 100% off coupon code!

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Is it enough to study the word meanings in a Bible passage? Not in a passage like Genesis 2-3! Both the word patterns and the word definitions convey meaning. Perhaps missing these patterns is why there are so many contradictory interpretations of Genesis 2-3. Here we look at Eden Insight #1 and introduce the complex chiasm of Genesis 2-3. Go deeper? Join us for our small group study called "The Eden Workshop on Genesis 2-3." The link is Tru316.com/workshop

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • 2024 Summary Report! 1,001 donations! Listeners in 136 countries! A quarter million downloads and views on our Tru316 Channels! A grant made to launch Tabitha Center #316 in the DR Congo to provide the Good News and job training to at-risk women and men!

    Groundwork laid for the coming year Including our 316 Day Celebration, March 16 in Orlando at Cru HQ with our keynote speaker from The American Bible Society!

    SO many reports of lives changed from learning the positive insights from Eden.

    All this activity in our ADULT EDUCATION DIVISION.

    In 2025 we launch our CHURCH AND FAMILY EDUCATION DIVISION! You can help! Donate to The Eden Fund here: https://donorbox.org/the-eden-fund-1

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Do we learn of Christmas in just one verse on Eden or in two?? It is time to see Line 1 of Genesis 3:16 for what it is - the completion of God's Good News of the coming Messiah in the words of promise to Eve in Eden!

    We go into detail in "The Book of Eden" and in our small group sessions of The Eden Workshop on Genesis 2-3. Please visit tru316.com/workshop.

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Paul tells Spirit-filled believers to teach and correct one another in Ephesians 5:19b and 20. Then, in verse 21, he tells them to submit to the teaching and correction they are receiving from one another.
    In verse 24a he refers to the church as it submits to the teaching and correction it receives from Christ. And in 24b he refers to the mutual ministry and mutual submission of the Christian couple.

    Go deeper? the book Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5:15-6:9 gives an overview of the entire passage. Discover how Paul uses a Jump, Jump, High Jump pattern as he writes out verses 15-18, 19-21 and 22-6:9. The high point of the passage is 5:32 the great mystery revealed: his joint-body metaphor on the unity of Christ and believers all in one spiritual body!

    Here's a link: https://a.co/d/j1ALahC

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • "Study the Bible in the original language line by line." "Make sure your preaching respects the word patterns in the text." These are key lessons learned from Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Old Testament scholar and Seminary President, author of 95 books and counting! This is Part 2 of our interview for The Eden Podcast.

    His brand new book is preaching and teaching outlines on the Books of Ruth And Esther and how God called them! Here is that book link: https://a.co/d/3m5JXmU

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • Dr. Kaiser is author of "The Promise Plan of God," "Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics" and more than 90 other books. He is President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, MA. Dr. Kaiser personally encouraged Joy Fleming to continue in her theological studies and later endorsed her book, "Man and Woman in Biblical Unity, Theology from Genesis 2-3." This is Part One of our long form interview for The Eden Podcast in which Joy and Bruce and Dr. Kaiser explore his Faith Story and much more.

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • What about the history of Scandinavian women in ministry? Part 2 of "A Woman of Her Times" by Della Olson, read by Dr. Joy Fleming.

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • How did Cru go from little visible participation for women in leadership to now having women serving as 3 of the 7 Global Vice Presidents? This is the Remarkable Judy Douglass Story on this BEST OF episode of The Eden Podcast!

    Hear her Faith Story, her Ministry Story and her Tru316 Story! Judy is an in-the-book endorser of The Book of Eden by Bruce C. E. Fleming and a welcome advisor to the Tru316 Foundation.

    Here are Judy Douglass’ links:

    Website: www.JudyDouglass.comPodcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/when-you-love-a-prodigal/id1551846569

    Would you like to go deeper studying the Tru316 Message? ENROLL NOW to be part of the next Tru School cohort. Here's that link: www.Tru316.com/workshop

    The Tru316 Foundation(www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too.

    Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner HERE: www.Tru316.com/partner

    For just $3.16/month or more our Tru Partners are spreading the Word that God didn't curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way. Click www.Tru316.com/partner

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner

  • "Headship" isn't taught in the Bible and all the arguments in favor of it turn out to be weak arguments. So let's focus on what the Bible IS teaching us. At first, Zach returns to "headship" theories but Bruce redirects the discussion to the word patterns in Ephesians 5-6.

    Bruce takes Zach to Ephesians 6:1-4. There they discuss not only the parallels with the Ten Commandments (Honor your father and mother) but also Leviticus 19:3 (Each of you shall fear his mother and father).

    There is much more in Ephesians 5:15-6:9 to look at. We recommend our book Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5:15-6:9, the Great Mystery revealed: Mutually Submitting in Christ. It is available as an audiobook on Audible and as an eBook and paperback from Amazon.

    Link to our interview with Andrew Bartlett: https://youtu.be/TJ95GAvnN-M?si=qyV64WgBXccHYoTE

     The Tru316 Foundation (www.Tru316.com) is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series (Tru316.com/trubooks). Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here: www.Tru316.com/partner