In this episode i told my funny story about visiting Germany for a few times just to update my Ukrainian documents. It was a nice and importantd lesson for me so i give you a really helpful advice with it.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast -
In the episode #10 with my friend Katya we talked about our media improvement and unexpected meetings with the future friends. It was lovely and cozy.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast
Katya's instagram: @katelips_mua
Katya's Youtube: @katelipsmua -
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode from Germany we spoke with my new guest Natasha about her story with phone and how she found one and then lost one. Also we spoke about people and their attitudes because nowadays it becomes more and more important.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast
Natasha's Instagram: @nataliia_liaa -
In our episode from Germany with my best friend Grisha we talked about uor first meeting and how football connected us with each other.
Link to video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FMUmtHRbmDI
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
Host Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1
Grisha's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grisha_sachko?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== -
In that episode we spoke about my friend's story of catching santa claus when she was young. It was a really good expirience for her en her parents. So listen to the Episode #7 and find out how it was.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1
Sasha's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aleksasha_zzz/ -
In our second part with Ethan we talked mor about chances that life gives to us every day and how we really have to appriciate this moments and opportunities.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast
Youtube: @the_duckshow -
In our first episode with my friend from England Ethan we talked about our first meeting and actual friendship on distance.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1 -
In that episode i was telling my own story from my vacation in Ukraine. Especially my meeting with my family and spanding great time with my father.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=WfEIjYPGvTAMfZt3 -
New episode and new story. Today we recorded an episode with my mom.
She told me a few stories about small myself and her passion for football. It was really interesting!
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
And my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1
Also you can find my podcast on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/the-duck-show/id1728889097 -
Today, in episode 2, we listened to the story of Sophia and her dog Salvik. It was very interesting, so listen and leave your comments about this format.
Subscribe to the podcast's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
And to the author's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1 -
In this episode, I talked about my vacations of small changes and also presented a new format and a new season. It will be fun!
Subscribe to the podcast's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr
And to the author's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1
Enjoy en stay informed -
У нашому останньому епізоді ми обговорили наш другий сезон, усі позитивні та негативні аспекти. Також ми згадали важливі моменти та події, які зі мною тут сталися. Сподіваюся, цей сезон допоможе тим, хто хоче поїхати до Бельгії або потім жити в ній.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast -
In our last episode we discussed our season number two, all the positive and negative aspects. We also remembered the important moments and events that happened to me here. I hope this season will help those who want to travel to Belgium or then live in it.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S -
У цьому випуску ми говорили про ціни, фінанси, знижки в зарплаті та багато іншого. Ми також порівняли ціни в Бельгії з цінами в Україні і показали, наскільки велика різниця, тому що вона колосальна. Також ми розповідали про період знижок та найкращий час для покупки одягу незалежно від стилю. Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S
In this episode we talked about prices, finances, salary discounts and much more. We also compared prices in Belgium with prices in Ukraine and how much difference there was because it was colossal. We also talked about the period with discounts and the best time to buy clothes, regardless of style.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariyyyyyyyy/profilecard/?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S -
У епізоді номер 10 ми говорили про мови, їх використання, мови, якими я володію, як я їх вивчив і як мови допомагають тобі в житті, знаходити нових друзів, відкривати нові можливості та розширювати свій словниковий запас. Ми також обговорювали мови в Бельгії, як офіційні, так і неофіційні, а також згадували тему змішування голландської та англійської.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast -
In episode number 10, we talked about languages, their use, the languages I speak, how I learned them, and how languages help you in life, find new friends, discover new opportunities and expand your vocabulary. We also discussed languages in Belgium, both official and unofficial, and we also mentioned the topic of mixing Dutch and English.
Subscribe to our Instagram: _theduckshow_
My Instagram: nazariyyyyyyyy
Tiktok: @theduckshow_podcast -
У цьому епізоді ми говорили про пошту, її значення в житті бельгійців та про привілеї та недоліки, які вона приносить. Також ми обговорювали тему переходу на цифрові версії документів і листів.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariy_35?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1&utm_source=qr Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S -
In this episode we talked about mail, its importance in the lives of Belgians and the privileges and disadvantages it brings. We also discussed the topic of switching to Digital versions of documents and letters.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariy_35?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1&utm_source=qr Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S -
Сьогодні ми обговорювали тему погоди в Бельгії, як вона змінюється і невелике порівняння також з українськими порами року, наскільки вони там яскраво виражені. А яка одноманітна погода в Бельгії з постійним дощем і вітром.
Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_theduckshow_?igsh=Zm1kem1jM2FvenN3&utm_source=qr My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nazariy_35?igsh=ZW1yb3RtMTdwY3J1&utm_source=qr Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theduckshow_podcast?_t=8mEd0VOiDP3&_r=1 Youtube: https://youtube.com/@the_duckshow?si=UGSgn59w4OdV1R7S - Visa fler