Enjoyed being able to catch up and talk with my friend, Matt Purvis, and discuss the importance of discipleship, a unified church staff despite their differences, and the ultimate authority of God's Word.
"Election seasons can cause division on a variety of issues. But what happens when you disagree with someone in your local church community? Authors Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli propose that Christians should learn how to disagree on such issues with a spirit of gracious understanding by recognizing the importance of what binds us together as a local church body - the gospel of Jesus Christ."
On this weeks episode, we get to hear from James Barnes, the Lead Pastor of Wrens Baptist Church in Wrens, Georgia. New to this pastoral role, James provides unique and insightful conversation as he talks about his new local congregation and some of the most influential people in his life that have provided wisdom and guidance in his pastoral ministry.
Keith Foskey, pastor of Sovereign Grace Family Church in Jacksonville, FL joins the Down to Earth Podcast and shares how he got into pastoral ministry, how he would like to see his local congregation grow spiritually, and how he would encourage new pastors entering the ministry to "smell like sheep" as they lead and shepherd their congregations.
Lately I have wanted to be more intentional about having practical definitions of words or phrases that are commonly used in the Bible, at church, or in Christian circles. Words and phrases like “blessed”, or “abiding in Christ”, or “fellowship”, etc. Sometimes, we can be so familiar with a word or phrase that we forget the actual meaning, weight, or depth of it.
In this episode, with the help of a book recommendation and a few pastor friends of mine, we are going to look at what the gospel is and what the implications are for those who believe it.
Thankful to have the opportunity to sit down and talk with my little brother, Shaun Forrester, and reflect on how good and faithful the Lord has been in his life and how the Lord has been using him to teach and disciple students!
Big thanks to my friend, Trevor Hoffman, teaching pastor of Ridgewood Church in Greer, SC for joining the podcast! In this episode we talk a lot about the true meaning of biblical community and fellowship, and why it is important for Christians to be intentional about loving and serving one another, both inside and outside of the gathering on Sundays.
What started as a simple interaction with a customer, quickly turned into a Jesus-honoring friendship. Listen in as Bishop Harry Williams shares his story and how the Lord is using him and his church to meet both the spiritual and physical needs in their community!
The first book recommendation of season two is here! Listen in to the brief overview of one of my favorite books so far in the 9 Marks series, Building Healthy Churches. Does the why, when, and how of the corporate worship gathering really matter according to the Bible? Why does God gather Christians to worship on Sundays? Is worship really more than just the singing section of the worship service? These are questions that Matt Merker answers as he helps us look to the Scriptures to see what God has to say about why God gathers His people together for worship.
Eternally grateful for my dad, Ken Forrester, and the wisdom that he is willing to share as we start season 2! Listen in as we talk about the favorite child in the family; the importance for pastor's to have a healthy ministry/home life balance; the necessity of the role of the pastor's wife; and a plethora of other helpful areas for both pastors and church members alike!
The first season recap of the podcast! Take a few minutes to listen in to some encouraging themes and common ideas that were present throughout the first season; another book recommendation, specifically about how church members can serve their pastors; and lastly, a few updates about the future of the podcast!
Will Pareja joins the Down to Earth Podcast from Chicago, IL giving us insight to the city as he shares about Addison Street Community Church, his ministry journey, and how he has learned from church conflict and would encourage other pastors and church members alike.
Matt Owen from Community Bible Church in Orange Park, FL sits down and opens up about his ministry journey and dives into the importance of church members genuinely encouraging their pastors and how the gospel needs to be at the center of the local church from which everything else springs.
Back again with another book recommendation! Today I would like to recommend Jonathan Leeman's book on church membership. Whether you have been a church member for quite some time, a former church member, or maybe you have never been connected to a local church, this book is for you! Leeman simply, and yet, profoundly, explains what the local church is, as well as its significance, and why it is important for Christians to commit to being a part of it. I hope that this book will be helpful reminder or refresher to those who have been faithful members of a local church or a helpful starting point to those interested in learning more!
Allen has been the Lead Pastor at Sunrise Community Church in Atlantic Beach, FL since January of 2013. He received his MDiv from The Masters Seminary (2005) and a DMin from Southern Seminary (2017). Allen and his wife, Mindy, have 3 children, Kate, Jacob, and Karis. Allen loves the outdoors-especially fishing, reading, and spending time with the family.
Jonathan Crum is a preacher, life coach, theologian and chaplain. He works at Gordon-Conwell as an admissions representative while earning his Masters in Theological studies. Currently Jonathan lives in Jax with his wife and two kids and enjoys all things Marvel.
I am grateful for my new friend, Kevin Bigelow, and his willingness to meet with me and talk about his church planting experience, the importance of healthy church leadership, and his love for his local church in Jax Beach, FL!Music By:Lucid Dreaming by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.comMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Excited to have Daniel Barta from Christ Fellowship Northwest in Travelers Rest, SC! Daniel serves as the pastor for discipleship and executive administration. Listen in as we discuss our mutual hatred for Clemson athletics, the local church, and how the Lord uses difficult ministry situations in the lives of pastors and church members.
In this episode, Silas gives a brief update on the podcast, life events, and how the Lord is working in his current circumstances.
We are happy to have Chul Yoo from Christ Community Church out of Ashton, Maryland on today's episode as we discuss his extensive ministry journey and learn about how the Lord has used him as a local church pastor, a church planter, and in church revitalization/merger efforts!
Music by:
Lucid Dreaming by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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