
  • No parent likes to see their little one feeling miserable. Talk about tummy troubles, endless trips to the doctor, and the constant worry that they're missing out on all the fun.

    Although being healthy and having chronic stomach issues for years is another level. Then, 16 years ago, you would not expect that water is the only solution to these problems.

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos shares a testimonial from his life-changing experience when he got healed by water after suffering from stomach issues since childhood.

    His mother discovered the Kangen SD501 machine in 2008 because it takes a different approach to health and business. Now, you're thinking water is water? Not quite.

    Kangen Water uses technology to create different types of water. It might sound complex, but it goes into a machine that helps create acidic and alkaline water. The alkaline is for drinking, while acidic is for skincare, cooking, and cleaning.

    Enagic, the company behind Kangen Water, isn't just about selling products but empowering people to take charge of their health. With a Kangen machine at home, you can choose the type of water your family drinks and see how it affects their well-being while creating a high-ticket business for yourself and your loved ones.

    "It's not a product that you use sometimes. It's not something that sits in a storage drawer or someplace. The most valuable products, services, and companies on the planet are things we cannot live without, and use every single day." - Balazs W Kardos

    Catch this episode to learn more about the science behind Kangen Water, explore the possibilities, and discover how it can transform your family's health, and your entire approach to well-being and entrepreneurship.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can understanding the types of water impact your health?When did Balazs discover the Kangen water?How did Balazs heal his chronic pain from childhood?How can you find purpose in water through Enagic?How can drinking Kangen water transform your health and business?

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  • Experiencing breakthroughs often comes with challenges. 

    There are no shortcuts to excellence. You have that burning desire to be the best, but there's a tipping point where it turns into crippling perfectionism. 

    On the other hand, you also meet people who are okay with being "average." They put things off, blame their circumstances, and settle for "good enough." And then you're back at thinking if this is "okay."

    We've all been there, and let's be honest, it can be tempting. But aiming for excellence isn't about comparing yourself to others; it's about realizing your full potential.

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos shares his most vulnerable moments as he succeeds in the high-ticket business and continues to live a life of freedom and lifestyle with his loved ones. With a second baby on the way, the GPM community, podcast, and his mentorship program, having self-doubt and criticism sometimes still comes at the cost of his health and well-being.

    To thrive, however, he must maintain discipline, balance, and high standards in both business and personal life. He embraces the chaos and finds ways to involve his family in the journey. 

    So he wants you to focus on progress, not perfection. Surround yourself with positive influences who uplift and support you! High standards are what fuel your ambition and self-improvement.

    "We love our family, children, spouse, and business. We love our growth journey. And stepping into that potential, we become freer and want to do what we know we can." - Balazs W Kardos

    Catch this episode to conquer stress, silence your inner critic, and build a successful business and personal life as you manage your time and achieve your goals.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    When does setting high standards lead to mental and physical challenges?How can you prioritize work-life balance while maintaining discipline and productivity?How can you face self-doubt and criticism and stay excellent?Why do you need high standards to strive for self-improvement?What coping mechanisms should you use to deal with stress?

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  • Have you wanted something and asked yourself, "Can I afford that?"

    Stop right there.  

    What if you flipped the script? Shift your perspective from "Can I afford it?" to a powerful  "How can I make it happen?"

    The truth is - focusing solely on needs keeps you stuck in a cycle of just getting by. While needs are essential, what truly fuels a fulfilling life is the pursuit of wants – those experiences, possessions, and goals that spark excitement and propel you forward.

    So, how can you bridge the gap between wanting that dream vacation and booking the flights? 

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos wants you to shift your mindset to aiming for wants (along with your needs), dreaming big, and reaching your goals. 

    He wants you to embrace the abundance mindset and ditch the scarcity where there's not enough to live by. Instead, believe in the potential for growth and possibility. 

    When you do that, you start making it happen, take risks, and go for a high-ticket business to discover creative ways to manifest your desires. You focus on value, not just the cost, so the price becomes an investment in your happiness and future.

    "No one can tell you that you're not worth as much as you believe you're worth. Even if you are currently in a world or a circumstance and struggle, elevate yourself to the goals that you want to have. " - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to this episode to start shifting your perspective, live a life overflowing with possibilities, and finally get the things that make you happy. 

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can you shift your perspective from aiming toward wants vs. Needs?How can you dream big and take action on it?Why do personal transformation and abundance mindset work in a high-ticket business?How do you embrace generosity when prioritizing wants?What are minimalism and maximalism in living life to the fullest?

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  • Have you ever had an enormous idea that can significantly change a big part of the company you're doing business with?

    Like meeting with the CEO and presenting ideas to improve the company's system, funding, and overall marketing strategy?

    How brave and daring is that?

    That's just how Balazs W Kardos is when setting goals. When he's passionate about it, he takes risks no matter the circumstances, as long as it will contribute to growth. 

    In this episode, Balazs goes live in the Global Prosperity Movement to talk about his incredible trip to San Diego last week and why this is relevant when doubling down on goals.

    That is because that private meeting is only for the top leaders in Enagic. Balazs' "go-getter" attitude landed him a face-to-face meeting and potentially positioned his ideas as the next big thing for Enagic. 

    And guess what? He presented the Global Prosperity Movement's upcoming changes and how they can help streamline Enagic's system as a multi-billion business. CEO Hironari Ohshiro likes it, and from Balazs' three ideas, it will have the opportunity of a lifetime at Enagic's 50th-anniversary celebration in Okinawa, Japan, next month. 

    That happens when you set ambitious goals – they can take you to unexpected places and open doors you never thought possible.

    Finally, achieving this is a team effort. By sharing goals with the other leaders, he continues to create a sense of accountability and community. As a result, they can come up with even better ideas, using their different strengths to overcome challenges and reach new heights. 

    "Don't let your foot off the gas. Don't start doubting yourself. You have plenty of time to make this business work." - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to this episode to start setting ambitious goals, chasing those numbers, and working with your team to unlock your growth.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why is it crucial to forecast your goals and increase the numbers?What was the magical moment of Balazs meeting with Enagic CEO Hironari Ohshiro?What to look forward to in the Global Prosperity Movement?How do you set clear, measurable goals for growth?How can you double sales targets through collective effort?

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  • There is something special and brave when you're in your 20s and attending University. Yes, it teaches you how to improve critical thinking, interpersonal relationships, and problem-solving, but it also makes you realize the challenges awaiting you in the real world outside.

    Finding a satisfying career and building a dream lifestyle that aligns with your skills and passions can be difficult.

    That is why sometimes, you also think of quitting University and taking risks to start a business and break the stigma of getting stuck in an employment mindset.

    Balazs W Kardos takes us into the business life of a 24-year-old Jack Ruddell in today's Diamond Life Mentor Uncut Client Success Interview. At 21, he quit University and invested in various businesses and mentors while he had a full-time brokerage job to live his dreams in Gold Coast, Queensland. 

    But it wasn't enough. Jack moved back to his parents to gain clarity in the business, challenged himself for a year, and discovered the high-ticket network marketing industry. He went from having rough months, working mornings and evenings, to having consistent leads and earning $5k, $8k, $12k, to over $25k monthly because of his leadership skills and duplicating himself with team members.

    Two years later, he discovered Balazs' mentorship program, and that's when his business skyrocketed more, making him rank 4A to 6A six months into the program. That led him to quit his job and dedicate himself full-time. 

    Jack attended the calls regularly, took action, and grew his numbers exponentially. His new goal is to earn $100k monthly and rank 6A-2 in the beautiful sunny Gold Coast. 

    So, the question is: are you still stuck wondering if there's more to life than the daily grind? It might not be the traditional path, but with guidance and a killer work ethic, everything is possible, as Jack did.

    "It's just laying the foundation and the groundwork. But often because we expect to make boatloads of money in our first month or two months like other people in the community get off to a fast start, and it could be a mental obstacle that is unnecessary." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into this episode to learn how to crush your goals no matter how young you are as long as you are committed to your dream lifestyle.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Is quitting University a bad thing as you pursue business?How can a 21-year-old transform his lifestyle by investing in a mentor?Why reframe your expectations in the first year of business?Why do you have to focus on growth rather than immediate success?What is the importance of leadership in a high-ticket business?

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  • You discover network marketing, and your mind starts visualizing freedom, no more boss, and living on your schedule. 

    But then, the doubts creep in - what if people think it's a scam, you mess up or do not get your investment back?

    Now, know that success in network marketing, or any business, needs belief. Believing in the industry you are in is what keeps the fire and prevents the fears and the lies. That lets you know your product, company, and yourself are incredible. 

    Belief and knowledge are just the first steps. When you go all-in, when you truly dedicate yourself to it, that's when success and freedom happen.

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos and Clint X Morgan share a live special training call as they recall their secrets in ranking 6A eight and ten years ago. They talk about how network marketing gets a bad rap, but as they've been to other similar businesses, they knew what was worth it and what was not. 

    With Balazs in Enagic for 11 years, ranking 6A in 10 days, and now living his dreams of ranking 6A2-6, they are busting these myths with mentality and strategy so you can do the sprint in 6 weeks or less:

    Do your research - understand your products, how you get paid, and the company's history. It is about connections and the benefits your products offer. Lead with how the products can help people, share your experience, and let the products speak for themselves.Use the power of social media, share success stories, and build relationships with potential customers and team members. You are not recruiting everyone you meet; it's about connecting with people who are a good fit to solve their problems.Find a mentor who supports you, keeps you accountable, and has experience to share.
    "So, the biggest thing that will unlock everything else is to overcome your fear. Once you do that, you'll realize that you have the support of the community, the necessary tools, and everything you need to be successful. The only thing standing in your way is yourself." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into the episode to ditch the doubts, embrace the opportunity, and build the life you deserve.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can you overcome the stigma around network marketing?How do you succeed in sales through recruitment and leadership?How does learning from past mistakes contribute to growth?When is the best time to invite people in business?What are the sales strategies in network marketing?

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  • We've all been there. You sign up, excited to learn and grow, but somehow, months later, the results just aren't there. You start to wonder, "Is it the program? Or is it me?"

    The truth is that success in any mentorship program hinges on more than just the mentor. It's about you, the client, and your approach to the experience. 

    Balazs W Kardos shares the experiences of the two Diamond Life Blueprint clients in today's episode. These two clients were brimming with enthusiasm and a shared goal: achieving their dream income in their businesses. But while they both had the tools, strategies, and support they needed to succeed, their results came out differently. 

    How come?

    Well, one of them joined 18 months ago - and never showed up and implemented the strategies inside the program. They paid thousands of dollars to be part of this mentorship but failed to reciprocate the value they got inside. The result? They did not get the expected outcome and wasted the opportunities waiting for them. 

    But what happened to another client was the opposite because five months into the program, they did not miss any training calls, showed up, asked questions, helped others, and took action. They implemented the Blueprint and got a slot in one of the client success interviews because they tripled their investment.

    So the key to their success wasn't just the knowledge Balazs offered but their willingness to take the program and give back. The more they shared their wins and struggles in the business and learned from them, the more value, personal development, and growth they received in return. Compared to having "takers" energy from the program, this shows the win-win or give-and-take situation between them and their mentor.

    "You can't lead somebody who won't move their feet. You can't lead somebody who doesn't trust your process, your framework, and how you do things." - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to the full episode to learn how win-win synchronicity works by applying, embracing a growth mindset, and giving back to any community you are part of or invested in your business. 

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why is a coach or mentorship program crucial to life transformation?What does it mean by "takers" energy?How does giving impact the frequency of your success?How can you exercise gratitude and respect in business?What can you do to reciprocate business partnerships?

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  • High-ticket network marketing might sound fancy, but it's all about building a team.

    Forget about having a salesperson chasing sales alone. Here, you share how life-changing a product is with people and help others do the same. And the more people you bring on board, your team grows, and everyone climbs up the ranks.

    But building a big team takes time and effort. Think of it like working out – you wouldn't expect results after one session, right? Reaching out to people, training them, and following up – that's the consistent effort that makes things happen.

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos shares a live training call on the Global Prosperity Movement community about how their team belonged to one of the top-ranking members joining Enagic's 50th Anniversary in Okinawa, Japan. 

    But it did not happen overnight. Balazs started at the bottom, too, and put in all the hard work to get to where he is now. After 11 years, everything works because of compounding efforts and exponential growth. That earned them a $40M bonus for the GPM community in just 90 days!

    And that $40 million in 90 days was not magic. It happened because of:

    A product that changes lives, and people believe inA generous company with leaders with a vision who inspire everyone to dream big A supportive community helping each other grow and celebrating their winsShowing up every day with consistency and commitment

    It's about a team that came together, shared a dream, and hustled to make it real.

    "See what's possible, celebrate, and acknowledge other people. If you have bitter energy towards other people winning, other people getting big contest bonuses or any of those kinds of stuff, you're sabotaging your ability to receive that for yourself in the future." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into this episode to implement the strategies for choosing a high-ticket business and creating a team that can make the $40M possible in 90 days.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can a high-ticket network marketing business compound and grow exponentially?How does the direct sales business encourage teamwork?What mistakes do most people make in sales?How is consistency a crucial part of direct sales business success?What made $40 million in 90 days possible?

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  • It's the end of the quarter, but instead of feeling relieved, you feel swamped. 

    Despite having a to-do list you can handle, new things keep getting added - you're working overtime, dealing with unexpected problems, and feeling like you're always falling behind. 

    But what if you looked at this differently?

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos wraps up the first quarter with The Diamond Life Mentor Podcast's 88,000 unique listeners and 160,000 all-time downloads, along with the updates in the past 90 days of 2024 as a mentor and business owner.

    Even in the high-ticket business, he, too, faces obstacles and negativity as he lives the same human experience. You need to understand this equality and appreciate that things will turn again in a different direction. 

    He also recommends resetting, reflecting, and detaching from the timeline. Think about how you've handled similar situations in the past. That identity is how you learned and grew from those experiences. Once you are grateful for your progress, it will give you the energy and motivation to keep going.

    Did you finish a big project or learn a new skill? These achievements might seem small, but they're proof of your growth. 

    Track your numbers, especially each quarter, and use those data (whether in sales, expenses, investments, productivity, health, or nutrition) to compare and tweak your performance every time.

    Feeling overwhelmed is normal. By taking breaks and consistently implementing what works for your identity, you will be stronger and more capable of new surprises in the future.

    "You are relentlessly pursuing a better version of yourself. And if that's true for you, smile, and give yourself grace because you deserve that." - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to the full episode to make the most of your quarter check-in, not just with numbers, but with your well-being and growth.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why is it crucial to pause and reflect to avoid stress and overwhelm?How can the tension between urgency and appreciation affect you?How do you develop gratitude from self-reflection?Why is your journey unique and part of your identity?Why should you track your numbers at the end of each quarter?

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  • Everyone faces challenges when they're trying to grow. That is normal!

    When hustling to reach your goals, all the tasks and pressures can feel overwhelming, but the key is learning to handle them without succumbing to stress. 

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos gives a life update as he returned from his last-minute trip to Japan last week, realizing and dealing with current challenges and wins in his business. 

    He understands that it also happens to you or anyone else, so he wants to help you better as he pivots on new systems and strategies. He aims to reduce the overwhelm and get your life and business back on track using the revamped content inside Diamond Life. 

    Balazs and his team will identify what is most important in your life. Maybe you are trying to do too much at once or unsure where to focus your energy; at the end of the day, you will create a plan that works for you to ditch the overwhelm and start making real progress.

    "A vital component of success is the ability to problem solve, think critically, take a pause, and reflect. Assess your commitments and priorities and then reorganize the deck." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into this episode to have the tools and strategies you need to succeed on your terms and build a life and business you love.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why do you have to face challenges while pursuing growth?How can you realign priorities in life and business with a mentor?What makes a mentorship program a life system?How can you manage expectations when things do not happen as expected?How can you reduce business overwhelm while taking action?

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  • There's no such thing as "the one perfect ad."  

    Even though a fellow entrepreneur has been bragging about crazy sales with peanuts for ad spend, and it feels like they're winning the game, leaving you stuck with your "meh" ad. 

    Fear creeps in because you don't get leads and sales yet, but guess what? You don't have to focus on one ad and treat it as your best buddy. It's just a tool in your marketing toolbox. 

    Remember what you've done on that first ad and its performance, but don't let it hold you back. Try new things, and create ads that resonate even deeper with your audience. With more other ads, you can tweak each one and talk directly to a different type of customer, in their own words, about the problems they care about. 

    In this episode of Diamond Life Mentor Uncut, Balazs W Kardos digs deep into ads and talks about fear, managing ad spending, return on ad spend (ROAS), front-end sales, cost per acquisition, and commissions with Csilla Deak, one of his students in the mentorship program. 

    Balazs tells her that the ad spend isn't a waste. The money she spends finding customers (ad spend) should flow back to her with interest (commissions). It's an investment because she's putting money into finding customers and hopefully getting more in return. 

    His advice? Keep A/B testing, set timelines, and diversify using different styles of photos and videos addressing people's problems. And that's how she will reach more people and make more sales, especially in direct response and network marketing.

    "The most important number is how many front-end sales to make to get it back in an Enagic sale. Now, typically, this is about 30%. Some people have 50%, 60%, or 70%, which is even better. That means that ads, marketing, branding, and funnel are congruent to what they get when they pay." - Balazs W Kardos

    Catch this episode to learn the "shotgun approach" to crush your ad game, test new ads, and skyrocket your sales.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can you face fear when diversifying ads for your audience?Why shift from having fear to gratitude in advertising?How can your front-end commissions cover your ad spend in direct response marketing?Why view your ads as an investment rather than an expense?Why should you focus on the ad spend and the return on the ad spend ROAS)?

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  • You've been telling yourself a story, maybe one filled with doubts and negativity.

    But sometimes, all it takes is a simple shift in perspective. Instead of believing those negative thoughts, you can say, "Hold on a minute, I don't believe that about myself. I am enough, and I deserve to feel good."

    It might seem small, but it's a significant first step. By changing that inner voice, you can start to let go of the pain from the past and embrace the truth: you are worthy. 

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos dives deep into applying the power of personal transformation with one of his mentees in another Diamond Life Uncut call last February, as he answers Felipe's questions about overcoming limiting beliefs, building a connection with his audience, and tweaking his top and bottom sales funnel to achieve his goals. 

    Felipe thought he was doing great at his sales calls and advertisements by being pleasant and accommodating. Then he realized he wasn't making sales because despite showing them what they liked, he wasn't making a deep connection with them.

    While the truth hurts, Balazs tells Felipe it is part of the process. What matters now is he will be more authentic to his leads by sharing his story, wins, and challenges, and make sure he also practices daily gratitude, visualization, and meditation for his personal development.

    "By sharing our defining moments, we create deeper connections and understanding of ourselves, the world, and others. It's how we become authentic in a leveraged way." - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to this episode to discover how honesty, vulnerability, and connecting with your audience can take your business to a new level.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    What is the difference between being nice and authentic in sales calls that hinder sales?How can you overcome limiting beliefs to achieve goals?Why should you build deeper connections with your leads?How can micro videos transform your story to connect with the audience?How do the top and bottom sales funnel get disconnected when closing leads?

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  • Many people romanticize success.

    You see stories of dream lifestyles, sales figures, homes, cars, traveling the world, etc. It can be inspiring, but there is also the dark side of discouragement. 

    And it is where the "It Doesn't Matter How" mindset becomes crucial - an approach that isn't about dismissing the achievements of others but about shifting your focus from the "how" of success (the specific numbers, strategies, or timelines) to the "what": consistent, focused action.

    That is because these successful people reach their goals through hard work, and believing you can do that is more important than thinking it is impossible to achieve those numbers. 

    Imagine that happening after eleven years as Balazs W Kardos celebrates his double anniversary in Enagic and The Diamond Life Mentor podcast!

    From starting with 80 sales in the first year, he increased it to 46,000 in five years, joined the ranks, bought his dream home, and crossed the exponential growth curve because of the sequence of leadership, sales team, and overall collective effort that he established. In February 2024, he made 270,785 high-ticket product sales in the Global Prosperity Movement, 1,446 people in his community ranked 6A, 78k unique listeners, and 128k podcast downloads. 

    His secret was to focus on the data and not how long it took him. That is why his vision finally happened and continued to grow because everybody was duplicating - he did not celebrate success alone because he helped more people create expansion. And that is what makes the Diamond Life happen. 

    "There is no ceiling on your potential. The growth never stops. So even though we always think like when we’re here, we’re done, no. You're there, but you get to go to the next part of the journey." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into this episode to focus on taking action, learning from mistakes, and not letting the gap between you and those success stories hold you back.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why does your income grow with skill development?Why should you focus on data and not time?What makes a great leader when celebrating success?How can you set measurable goals?Why should you invest your time and energy in personal growth?

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  • Do you know that even having a professional background in your chosen career or business doesn't mean you shouldn't seek help from someone else?

    Imagine being a nutritionist and owning a wellness clinic and a gym - it's a whole health and fitness package, right? Everything was working successfully, but suddenly between 2009-2011, the business faced its biggest challenges. As an entrepreneur, you realized that despite the experience, you lacked something crucial - salesmanship and personal development. 

    Face-to-face contact with clients does not guarantee you have the skills to close deals, nurture, and sustain them, especially if you're not using the right technology, are inconsistent, and are not visualizing your goals every single day.

    Balazs W Kardos shares Carlos Gonzales' journey in today's Diamond Life Mentor Uncut Success Interview when he discovered Enagic through someone who became his mentor by telling his transformation and the power of water behind it. 

    Without this person approaching him, sharing his story and how the business works, he would not have believed what success it brings by just buying this special water for the gym. 

    Ultimately, clarity brought him closer to learning more about the high-ticket business. 

    When Carlos outgrew his first mentor, he needed to reset and did a 7-year sabbatical to realign his vision. That's when he joined the convention and discovered the Diamond Life Mentorship Program in October 2020. Carlos learned more about showing up consistently, personal development, started daily routines for his morning and night rituals, practiced visualization and gratitude, and became a better leader for his community. Now, he hits his $20k weekly income goals, ranks 6A2-3, and aims to earn $83k-100k monthly by the end of 2024.

    "You possess the most valuable skill - being coachable and putting your ego aside. Many young people lack this skill. And then a coach and a mentor's goal, even in myself in my business, and my coaching business, is I want people to outshine the master. You did it before, and that is the biggest compliment for me." - Balazs W Kardos

    Don't miss this episode to discover how having a mentor's support, sharing your story, personal growth, powerful practices, and taking bold steps can help scale your business.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why should you invest in a mentorship program?How do you practice daily morning or evening routines effectively?Why take a sabbatical to focus on business?Why is personal development crucial for success?What was Carlos Gonzales' secret to hitting a $20k weekly income goal that outgrew his mentor?

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  • When you appreciate what you have, it turns obstacles into opportunities. Failures become lessons that build resilience. 

    Gratitude is your way of looking at setbacks, not as roadblocks but as stepping stones on your journey to success. And that makes you stronger to try and test again, start a new business, and continue moving forward.

    In the same way, Balazs W Kardos accepted opportunities and faced challenges from selling low-ticket networking marketing products like slimming coffee and shakes promoting a business opportunity on health and fitness to high-ticket sales. 

    Though he succeeded in selling these low-ticket products, he did not settle for less to provide his family and himself with the lifestyle and freedom they deserved. 

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos speaks from his experience as a guest in Momentum Mastermind last January 30. Balazs highlighted how Enagic, like water, has the potential to bring life to both personal and business aspects. With $168 million in sales revenue and 80 product sales in 2023, $100 million went to his community and changed many lives. 

    He chose Enagic because of leverage - how its business model can transform lives using the essence of water. That is when he recognized having the right timing as a business owner, looking at favorable moments, and taking action despite having yet to have sales for 21 days in January 2014. 

    By fearlessly focusing on a single product, not letting rejection discourage him, and strategically working on generating leads through invitations and tracking numbers, he and his team achieved outstanding results and exponential growth. That, for him, shows a delicate balance between gut feelings, market trends, and calculated risk-taking.

    "Forgive yourself for any procrastination you've been doing. I want you to forgive yourself for any fear holding you back from any habits you should be practicing, but you're not currently forgiving yourself on this momentum." - Balazs W Kardos

    Join Balazs W Kardos to learn about his Enagic journey and how it can help you build connections, strengthen relationships, and embrace gratitude.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why are gratitude and perseverance essential for success?Why is Enagic a great product and business model for helping people?What is the transformative power of water in business and personal life?How do you know when to go for the right timing and opportunity as a business owner?Why do you always take deliberate action to grow and pursue your goals?

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  • Have you ever been 100% committed to something after facing multiple challenges?

    It is what starting a business looks like. Going all in means more than just testing the waters because you are diving in with everything you've got. You have to take risks.

    It may involve launching something new, entering a new market, testing new strategies, or joining a mentorship program to get feedback, scale, and reach your goals. 

    In another Diamond Life Uncut Success Story Interview, Balazs W Kardos shares Dale Mohney and Hannah Borchardt's story of living the Diamond Life after moving to Tampa, Florida, to live together, travel more, and grow their business full-time without the 9 to 5.

    After being in a long-distance relationship, joining online businesses, getting scammed for over $2,500, and having separate jobs, investing in the Diamond Life Mentorship Program changed how they handle business and personal life. 

    Within 12 weeks of being in the mentorship, they consistently earned five-figure months like no other job or income source. It began with a mindset shift to step out of their comfort zone. They aimed to earn sales, acquire leads, and qualify them to ensure they align and get value. They continued asking for feedback and identifying areas of improvement to change their strategy for the better.

    This year, Dale and Hannah target to rank 6A by June, reach 50 product sales, and help 40 people earn $3k-5k monthly with $30-50k in commissions. 

    "It's like preparing their mindset to see it. They need to see it to receive the information the way it is. Because if you look at something with the wrong mindset, you see the almost like the opposite." - Balazs W Kardos

    Catch this episode to explore new horizons, take calculated risks, and know the importance of joining a mentorship program to scale your business.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why do you need to qualify your leads before making a sale?How do you calculate risks in the business by being open to challenges?Why is joining a mentorship program crucial to realigning goals?How do you track your business numbers to identify areas of improvement?What is the importance of pre-framing and gaining clarity in business?

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  • Every entrepreneur faces challenges, especially in the first year in business, transitioning from having a job to investing in a venture without guaranteed sales or return on investment. 

    But this is also where excitement, resilience, creativity, and determination come into play as you face rejection, failure, and judgment from other people in the process.

    That is why there should be a "daily method of operation" to overcome these obstacles as soon as the initial year. 

    One of Balazs W Kardos' mentees asked about his daily method of operation in one of their Diamond Life Mentorship calls, which led him to share how he went from the bottom to the top and his community ranking first for four months in a row in a global contest after ten years in business. 

    Balazs suggests that the key to reaching your goals and dreams is taking action without avoiding fear and rejection. He stayed determined and saw setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

    And Balazs didn't just talk about his goals. He also asked for advice from others to improve his strategies and balanced his work with his personal life, understanding that both were important for long-term success. 

    He also recommends that whatever you learn, you have to do it and teach it. Balazs' success shows that when you share your journey with others, you gain more knowledge and can help others. If you persevere, have sales skills, and are a leader, anything is possible.

    By the end of 2024, he expects to reach $250 million in sales and see a 30% increase in monthly downloads. 

    "I wasn't attached to what people would say. And, to me, it was a numbers game where I had to feel like I didn't waste a day. That was the level of urgency that I operated with, that became my daily method of operation." - Balazs W Kardos

    Tune into this episode to explore the nuances of entrepreneurship and learn how to navigate fear, failure, and judgment during the first year in business.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How do you balance work and personal life when transitioning into business?How can you transfer your current skill set to leverage in entrepreneurship?Why prioritize learning, doing, and teaching daily to be successful?How do you overcome the fear of rejection by asking for feedback?How do you build a successful business through sales and leadership?

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  • In life and business, getting things right often means keeping a close eye on what you're doing. It's like having a personal guide to show you the way. 

    And the thing is, results do not always indicate growth because it's a numbers game - you'll know if you're doing something right once you see the data around your routines. 

    For your health, it means keeping track of things like how much you walk, what you eat, and how well you sleep; in business, understanding the numbers behind sales, leads, and cost per lead is crucial.

    In this episode, Balazs W Kardos wants you to determine your ratio of success by tracking and measuring your goals and paying attention to business and health goals as he celebrates the Diamond Life Mentor Podcast's 50th episode milestone. 

    He wants you to ensure that regardless of making sales, you should understand your base amount to spend in business to remain profitable. The key is to put an arbitrary amount for each lead, know how many leads you get and the sales they generate, and how those same leads continue to buy your products and services over time. 

    But you cannot be productive in sales if you are not healthy enough to operate the business. That is why, aside from staying on track with sales and leads, Balazs shares his secrets to preventing a plateau in fitness by meal planning, eating a balanced diet, checking his macros, sleep levels, and his goals around them. 

    Lastly, use apps or tools that simplify the process and remind you to get moving. And from there, you're one step closer to your growth because of commitment and daily dedication.

    "Track your progress to achieve your goal, whether it's body weight, body fat, income, or any metric. Use this data to teach others and succeed in your work."- Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to this episode to simplify success and optimize your life by tracking your habits, health, and business metrics.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    Why is tracking and measuring habits a must for personal and business growth?How is your physical health and energy relevant to your business improvement?Why should you start meal planning for your fitness goals?What tools can you use to optimize your habit-tracking?How can you maintain a healthy personal and business life to achieve the Diamond Life?

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  • Sometimes, it's not about setting new goals that push you forward. 

    It is having a do-or-die attitude where you have to take risks to grow and reach your dreams because if you don't, how will you live your life to the fullest?

    Take it from Balazs W Kardos, where seven years ago, when he was 6A2-3, they moved into their dream home worth $1.6 million within 18 months! It seemed a little impossible with their finances and that timeframe back then, but guess what? Because of setting a deadline, the vision was clear. That pushed him further to work harder and stay committed to his goal.

    That is how Balazs' good relationship with deadlines sets a target to keep him moving. Fast forward to 2023, he brought in a whopping $168 million in sales and got $100 million back to his community. 

    And while everything is falling into place tenfold, it doesn't end there because he will implement what works even better to achieve another Diamond Life milestone by 2026. 

    Balazs wants you to have this mentality that doesn't involve reckless decision-making but making courageous choices. It is embracing one shot at one goal, claiming it, and knowing there will be no next time. 

    "The only difference between where you are now and where you want to be is who you become, how you show up every day, and your daily method of operation. Keep chipping away at your goal persistently until you achieve it." - Balazs W Kardos

    Listen to this episode to take a moment to target something that either excites or scares you but fuels your journey.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can you prevent procrastination with a do-or-die mindset?Why always apply a deadline to your goals?How can you leverage determination, excitement, and certainty while under pressure?What makes taking risks a way to force growth and move forward?How can you set clear, bold targets to commit to?

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  • Many people dream about being their boss, working on their business instead of working for someone and getting stuck in the 9-5. 

    It is because even though entrepreneurship has risks, the ultimate ROI is the freedom to do what you love. This flexibility translates into a better work-life balance so you can be actively present for your family. 

    Imagine being a beach lover, having a yoga studio, teaching yoga and paddleboarding for 18 years in the Hamptons. Sounds even better? But dealing with the rich and earning up to 250k annually, charging $300 per hour can also lead to burnout.

    So, where to now?

    Balazs W Kardos shares another success story in this Diamond Life Mentor Uncut with Jess Bellofatto. She's a mom of three and has been an entrepreneur her entire life, as she values time with the family, health and fitness, and traveling. 

    Exhausted from running an active lifestyle business, Jess wanted something more with the same freedom to travel and deal with people. So she invested thousands of dollars in various coaches and plant medicine products for four and a half years, but it did not cut it either. 

    Discovering Enagic and joining the Diamond Life Mentorship Program changed everything. After a year of consistently showing up and eliminating her limiting beliefs, she went from earning 8k to 13k months to bringing in over 45k sales in just two days! She hit the 6A rank and reached the 32k month with bonuses in a short amount of time! 

    That is when she realized that mentorship wasn't about putting the training modules to work - it is transmitting the inspiration into reality by surrounding yourself with people sharing the same mindset towards personal development.

    "How can we ever attract something that we put so much negative emotion against? If you hate wealthy people, you subconsciously block yourself from being wealthy." - Balazs W Kardos

    Catch this episode to learn how abundance mindset and mentorship work for your personal and business development to take to another level.

    Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

    How can you become a top 1% earner online using affiliate marketing?How do limiting beliefs and not celebrating others prevent you from success subconsciously?What can a wealth mindset shift do for your personal growth?Why transition from low-ticket to high-ticket business clients?How can hiring a mentor help hit sales targets?

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