In this Joint with JP, Jeff and JP examine Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury. They discuss Ray Bradbury's writing challenge, why someone should write, the role of plot in a story, and other nuggets from the book.
For more on the craft of dialogue, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach JP Rindfleisch IX sits down with four authors for an "office hour." Office hours are times when members from the community come to ask a coach any questions they are struggling with. In this office hour, JP covers:
--what are the most important rules to follow?
--how do you edit a scene that is too long down to a digestible size?
--what do you do when a conversation in a scene is going too long?
--where do you come up with categories for a plot?
--how do you introduce a character who will be in multiple books?
And more.
For JP's work, check out https://shop.jprindfleischix.com/
For more on the craft of writing or to hire JP as a coach, go to https://dialoguedoctor.com/
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In this episode, Jeff and Dialogue Doctor Coach Laura Humm take questions from the community. They discuss how to manage beta readers, how to find the right developmental editor, what do you need to disclose to an editor about AI, large groups of people talking, and plotting long series.
For more on the craft of writing, check out DialogueDoctor.com
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach Laura Humm sits down with author Scott Veatch to talk about his work in process. They dig deep into one of Scott's scenes to talk about maintaining the emotional impact of the scene, using emotion to communicate dialogue, maintaining consistency in inner thought, and more.
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, 8 members of the dialogue doctor community sent in pitches of their work. Jeff sits down with Lindsey Hughes to discuss the goods and bads of each pitch. Whether you are pitching your book to an agent, your screenplay, or your book to amazon, the lessons in this episode will be helpful.
To find Lindsey and her work, check out https://thepitchmaster.com/
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach JP Rindfleisch IX sits down with author Lisa Bonneau to talk over her plot. They use tarot cards to work out the various plot beats. T
o work with JP or to learn more about the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Jeff sits down with author WV Rarick to look at WV's work in progress. They discuss when you should reveal how your character looks, using dialogue tags to change emotional context of an exchange, when to add prose to clarify emotions, and making sure your character growth arcs are clean and easy for the reader to follow.
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, the Godfather of the Dialogue Doctor Podcast, J Thorn returns to talk about a new AI tool he has created. Using multiple AI Engines J talks about how he analyzes manuscripts. In the process of discussing his new tool, J and Jeff speculate on the state of the market and on the future of book-selling and AI.
To find J's tool, check out https://www.fiverr.com/jthornwriter/critique-your-manuscript-with-ai-and-expertise
In this special episode, the coaches handle topics raised by the Dialoggers. After catching up on their work, the coaches discuss branding, social media, and organizing complex tasks.
To work with one of our coaches, go to https://dialoguedoctor.com/coaching/
In this episode, Laura Humm and author Mary Van Everboeck talk about Mary's work. They discuss what Mary is hoping for from her work, how she has evolved as a part of the Dialogue Doctor community, combining thrillers and literary fiction, how to lay out a story, and more.
If you want to join the Dialogue Doctor Community, or want to learn more about the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode of the Dialogue Doctor, our poetry teacher Edward Gillespie returns to teach Jeff all about Allen Ginsberg. They read some of Ginsberg's poetry, discuss the historical importance of his work, and then try to grapple with the controversies surrounding him.
To find Ed's work, go to https://apprenticehouse.com/qa-with-edward-doyle-gillespie-author-of-gentrifying-the-plague-house/
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach Laura Humm sits down with author Emma Jane Heaton to talk about the three book science fiction series Emma is working on. They discuss writing when you only have short bursts of time, keeping the complexity of a plot interesting for readers, intertwining multiple POV plots, and moving through a trilogy.
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
Also, subscribe to the free Dialogue Doctor Newsletter to get updates on the Dialogue Doctor. https://dialoguedoctor.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=486bed00f9c27e9e5f39bb863&id=9a924168ac
In this episode, Jeff and several of the Dialoggers discuss the Netflix romantic comedy, Nobody Wants This. They talk about the cast, how the personalities interact, and how we can use the VEAH System (Vehicles, Engines, Anchors, and Hazards) to build our own casts that work. For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Tom Holbrook returns for another Time with Tom. In this episode, Tom and Jeff break down their favorite stories recently, talk about the difference and similarities between fiction and non-fiction editing, and Tom shares some huge news.
In this episode, Jeff sits down with author Lisa Bonneau to look at the story she is working on. Lisa comes to the session with three questions:
How to increase the emotional tension of a scene? 2. How to create more artistic sounding body language? 3. When to add body language into a piece?In response, Jeff breaks down how emotions work on the page and the different tools we as writers have to enhance or diminish them.
Jeff, Laura, and JP are available to book for coaching sessions at https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Jeff interviews Emily Barrosse from Bold Story Press. They discuss Emily's 32 years in the publishing industry, how she has seen publishing evolve, her advice for new writers entering the industry, her passion for publishing female voices, and much more.
To find Emily and Bold Story Press, go to https://www.boldstorypress.com/
For more on the craft of writing, go to https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Laura Humm sits down for an Ask Me Anything session with author Julie Catherine. They talk about using different plot frameworks across a series, how a character grows across a series, points of view in a romance, how to distinguish differing points of view, how character growth arcs impact the plot of the romance, and more.
For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Jeff and Laura come together for a Q&A. Questions from the Dialoggers included: ---How do you keep track of everything for long, complex stories with elaborate world building?
---How do you make a novel's opening scene engaging while also needing to establish 'the new world'?
---Considering how expensive audio books are to produce, at what point should an indie author jump on it?
---What are some good tactics on how to improve your prose and more clearly find your voice?
---How do you make necessary transition scenes interesting without changing the plot?
---I want to take part in promotions/giveaways that help build my email list and give me reviews, but I have my books in KDP select which means I'm not supposed to give away free books. Do I take my books out of KU? Thoughts on which one would be more beneficial? Is it just unheard of that new authors don't have their books in KDP select?
---How is a book description different from a blurb? I'm struggling with this because I feel like I just nailed the blurb, but now I need book descriptions for when I have my book in a promotion. I looked up the difference so I'm familiar with the definition of a book description, but are there tips for writing one to make it different from the blurb?
---Can you offer titles similar to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and TV shows similar to Nobody Wants This? The more, the merrier. I haven't laughed this much in years! Love it!
---Any tips on summarizing the passage of time in between conversations. I generally handle the passage of time by changing scenes, but in certain examples I would end up with rather small scenes. Situations I have run into in the past follow the pattern: start with a conversation, summarize a non-trivial activity that would take too long to relay in real time, then end with another conversation.
For more on the craft of writing or to get coaching, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach JP Rindfleisch IX holds Office Hours with three authors. Office Hours are times when authors and hangout with a Dialogue Doctor Coach and ask questions they have. In this episode, JP and that authors discuss what to do when the middle of your book starts to fade, how do you keep someone interested in your character as you build out the character's problem overtime, ways to provide depth of perspective, and more.
For more on writing or to book a coaching session with JP, come to https://dialoguedoctor.com/
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