
  • Frank and Jacque talk about how the pools with DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filters get DE into the pool, why phosphates are such a problem now, and how to control them.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Introduction

    07:00 Best post we've seen on facebook. "My pool is not level, one side is higher than the other three. I have drained it three times, and it is still out of whack."

    10:55 DE getting into the pool on pools with DE filters. Bad grids, manifolds, backwash valves, standpipe o-rings, and back-flowing through the skimmers and floor drains when the system is off.

    38:40 Phosphates in pools. This is a big problem this year

    40:20 Phosphates are more of a problem with salt pools.

  • Frank and Jacque discuss a few topics he has seen in the field over the last few weeks. Rats in pool heaters, weir door (skimmer doors), variable speed pumps and low flow chlorine feeders, salt systems, and air in pumps.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 intro

    06:45 rats in pool heaters. how to prevent rats from getting into pool heaters. Lizards are also an issue with some electrical circuit boards in heaters and control systems.

    11:20 Weir doors (skimmer doors). Serve an important purpose in skimmers.

    20:15 air in pumps. There should not be air coming into your pump. If there is air coming into your pump, you need to correct this. There are many possible causes.

    23:40 how high should you keep the water in your pool.

    24:40 you cannot count on autofills because the frequently fail open or stuck. You still need to check your water levels in your pool on a regular basis.

    26:05 if you use a water hose and spigot to fill your pool, you can get a timer at the spigot to shut the water off for you so you don't forget.

    27:30 It is a massive liability for service companies to add water to a pool.

    32:17 issues with chlorine tab feeders and variable speed pumps running at lower speeds. There are low flow chlorinators now to mitigate these issues.

    35:00 stop putting money into repairing single speed pumps, replace it with a variable speed pump and start saving huge amounts in your electric bill.

    36:16 google "jandy pump calculator" to see how much electricity you can save with a variable speed pump.

    38:15 salt water pools. it is an alternative, but do not expect it to make managing your pool that much easier.

    39:28 lubing o-rings. o-rings do not need a large amount of lubricant. If an o-ring is leaking, and has splits or cracks in it, then replace it. Do not use vasoline as a lubricant on your pool parts.

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  • Frank and Jacque discuss different ways to cool your pool in the summer heat and thoughts on choosing a pool service company. In the last segment they discuss Frank's opinion of a couple of the popular automated cleaners available.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Introduction

    11:48 pool water temperatures coming up quickly in North Texas due to higher humidity reducing evaporation, which is heat loss.

    13:55 pool chillers, evaporative chiller from Glacier, and heatpump chillers from Aquacal and other manufacturers.

    15:35 Evaporative chillers use a system to expedite evaporation, which is heat loss.

    16:35 Waterfalls and deck jets also help chill pool water, especially if run at night. Do not replace daytime filter cycles.

    21:25 Heat pump chillers use refrigerant, like an A/C unit, to remove heat from the water and release it into the atmosphere.

    23:55 Pool service. different levels of service available and different ways companies operate.

    47:02 Frank's opinion on Polaris vs Maytronics Dolphin

  • Frank and Jacque discuss preventing and killing algae in swimming pools. As the water warms up and pools are getting used more, algae is becoming more of a problem.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Intro

    06:00 evaporation is heat loss, helps cool water. High humidity reduces evaporation and water heats faster. Many forms of algae like warmer water.

    07:35 Avoid putting flower beds around pools or any landscaping that may wash into the pool. This puts nutrients in the water that algae need to live.

    10:35 Phosphates is algae food.

    10:50 debris in the water, diluting water with heavy rains, filters getting dirty due to wash-in, all help contribute to algae growth.

    11:41 nearby natural water sources, heavy foliage over the pool, close by golf courses, all may contribute nutrients to the pool that feed algae.

    12:00 algae is also airborne and can always get into outdoor pools. it may also be introduced by insects and animals coming from natural water sources.

    14:15 Tap water may be treated with phosphates

    14:48 Rough plaster and surfaces in your pool give algae protection from currents and chemicals. Algae likes calm water.

    15:45 Algae can double every three to four hours

    15:55 Rough and jagged natural stones in water give algae-protected areas to create a colony.

    22:10 brushing is critical in helping to minimize algae.

    24:45 footwells in spas are frequently colonized by algae due to poor circulation.

    26:50 Poor circulation on tanning ledges, along with water being heated quicker on tanning ledges, promote algae growth.

    28:30 Chorine is one of the best algaecides.

    03:25 Lower pH makes chlorine more active and effective. This can be problematic in salt pools that tend to run pH up. Algae will cause pH to rise, creating a better environment for the algae.

    35:00 good filtration helps control algae

    36:30 Chlorine is a good way to eliminate green algae. clean the filter, filter and circulate 24/7 until algae is eradicated. balance water. increase free chlorine to 30 ppm. brush brush brush

    42:20 Mustard algae is more difficult to kill than green algae. Sodium bromide can help kill mustard algae, but do not overuse sodium bromide in a chlorine pool. BlueRay XL or metal algaecides are effective with mustard algae. cannot use sodium bromide with salt systems, UV, or ozone. Manage metal levels when using metal-based algaecides. Use CULATOR sequestrants and metal remover to manage metals.

    48:20 ammonium sulfates can work to manage algae. Frank is not a fan. It can mess up chlorine residual for extended periods.

    50:00 black algae is a cyanobacteria. difficult to kill. can get bad enough that you have to drain and chlorine wash if doable on your pool. scrub with chlorine tab. BlueRay XL helps manage black algae.

    52:00 Controlling phosphate levels will help you manage algae. Phosphate removers require more frequent filter cleanings and/or backwashing.

    54:20 borates help slow the growth of algae.

  • Always one of our favorite episodes, Frank and Jacque discuss how to deal with some of the insects and animals in and around your pool and equipment.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 introduction

    07:25 Frank got bit by a dog

    09:04 always look into your skimmer before you put your hand in.

    10:00 Frank's injury resulting from a bullfrog in a skimmer.

    11:00 skimmer baskets and attachments that allow you to empty the basket without getting your hand in the water. SkimPro, FlowSkim, and Skimmer Angel. Skim Pro and Flowskim allow flow through skimmer even when there is a lot of debris in the basket.

    14:29 Frog Log, allows insects and small animals to exit the pool.

    19:40 story of 3 baby opossums in a skimmer

    20:50 The food chain for animals is a major cause of why different animals come to your backyard.

    23:10 Cats do a great job keeping snakes away.

    27:40 pool lights and other lights around the pool area will draw insects. Insects draw animals and other insects that eat those bugs. Animals follow their food.

    29:22 plants and oils to keep snakes away. Cinnamon plant, onions, garlic, lemongrass, marigolds, mother-in-law's tongue

    32:10 Mice and rats get in pool heater cabinets. 37:00 moth balls in heater cabinets, not in the burn chamber, will keep mice and rats from nesting. Rats and mice are very destructive.

    33:15 rats in heater story.

    35:40 use care and protection to protect yourself when cleaning up rat nests.

    37:45 moth balls also repel lizards. lizards are known to short out circuit boards and jam up gears in heaters and control systems.

    40:30 s.Make sure to use non-conductive and non-flammable wasp and insect sprays near electrical components.

    41:20 wasp traps to catch and eliminate wasps.

    44:40 keep ducks away from your pool. they track algae from natural water sources. Duck poop causes a lot of issues for water chemistry and plaster. Prevention: string things over the pool area, enzymes, Duck Off.

    49:20 Raccoon poop is known to have deadly roundworm larvae in it that chlorine cannot kill. raccoons will pool in your pool. Bright motion sensor lights will help repel raccoons. Sprinklers may also help.

    51:10 Flies, use fly traps. Do not leave food sources out. Fans in covered areas will help repel flies. They do not like wind.

    52:45 Water Boatman and Backswimmers. Boatmen eat algae, back swimmers eat boatmen. eliminate algae and eliminate both

    54:20 mosquitoes. bat and bird houses will help control mosquito and other insect issues.

    56:40 Fire ants. get into electrical components like circuit boards and motors and short them out. Take steps to control fire ants.

    58:50 essential oils for insects and animal control. cinnamon oil for ants, peppermint oil for spiders and mosquitoes, lemon grass oil to repel flies. Find a local botanist to recommend plants to help control insects and animals. Always go natural if possible.

  • Frank and Jacque discuss many of the weather issues they have been facing with all of the severe weather this spring. High water level damage in equipment areas, wash-in into pools, stain treatment and prevention after flooding.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Introduction

    04:23 There are issues with servicing pools once per week, with weather impacting the condition of the pool a few times every week.

    10:00 Water chemistry changes quickly with heavy rains and severe weather, and service techs cannot perform all duties with lightning in the area

    11:00 Drainage can change over time around pools as turf and flower beds build up as slopes change.

    20:10 How to treat a pool when you get oil in the pool. Enzymes

    22:30 High water levels from severe storms around pool equipment are causing pump and other electrical equipment failures. Raise equipment or improve drainage around pool equipment.

    31:00 Down spouts on gutters need to be directed away from pool equipment.

    31:45 Drainage off the house from heavy rains can cause pumps to fail.

    36:00 Surge protectors for pool equipment. As equipment becomes more expensive, you may want to protect it with surge protectors.

    37:42 Run off into pools can cause heavy loads of soil and minerals into the pool. Once cleaned up, you need to treat staining quickly if not drained. Once metal stains are removed, those metals are in your pool water. The only way to remove the metals is CU Lator metal eliminator. Culator.com. Use coupon code DEEPEND44 for saving on on-line purchases.

    41:10 Flocculants will remove particulates in the pool water and allow them to be removed with a vacuum to waste systems.

    43:40 The sequestering agent and chelating agents break down over time with chlorine, allowing the metals to stain again. Remove the metals from the water while they are sequestered.

    45:10 Fillfast from Culator.com

    47:35 do not run muddy or filthy water through your filter without frequent cleaning.

  • Frank is solo in this episode and discusses some issues brought up in FB groups and listener questions. He dives deep into how much chlorine you should keep in your pool, the benefits of borates, and metal issues and how to prevent them.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 introduction

    02:45 Dealing with the changing nature of each pool's chemistry.

    05:35 Properly test, then calculate and add measured doses. The amount needed for chlorine varies from week to week.

    06:00 How much chlorine is needed in your pool?

    08:00 Without borates, calculate 7.5% of your CYA and adjust chlorine dosing to maintain your chorine at 7.5% of your CYA. With borates it is 5% of your CYA.

    10:00 anytime your chlorine falls below the need amount, super chlorinate your pool (7-8 ppm) to handle that extra load, and increase your maintenance dose of chlorine.

    13:30 Salt systems may need to increase the percentage of chlorine production and run times on the filter pump to keep up with chlorine demand.

    21:30 Borates. Softens water, it's a natural clarifier, helps stabilize pH, and slows the growth of algae.

    23:55 chlorine is more effective at lower pH, and CYA protects chlorine from UV rays better with a lower pH.

    27:00 with borates in your pool at 40 to 50 ppm, you need to maintain a chlorine residual of 5% of your cya vs 7.5% without borates.

    31:00 we found that running a little higher pH is the chlorine does not last as well. The higher pH affects the ability of cya to protect chlorine from UV rays.

    33:10 pool staining. CU Lator removes metals from the water.

    34:00 metal staining on plaster or pool surfaces means the metal in the water has gone out of solution. If the metal is on the surfaces of the pool structure, it is not in the water to be tested, though some may still be in solution.

    36:00 Mineral purification systems, like BlueRay XL, do add metal to the water. You need to manage your metal levels when using these products. Regular testing of metals, and using CU Lator metal remover as needed.

    38:00 Keeping LSI balanced is critical to prevent metal and calcium staining.

  • Frank and Jacque discuss the logic in filter pump run schedules and some safety warnings about filters.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Introduction

    04:45 problems even when you have weekly service. Water still changes daily, service techs manage pools for known current conditions.

    07:00 There is very little consistency with pool chemistry after weather events.

    07:35 Opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one. Frank's addition to this. "Do you know the difference between an opinion and a butthole? You can't get a butthole from an opinion, but you can get an opinion from a butthole".

    09:24 joke: Why does a duck have feathers on it's tail? answer: To cover it's butt quack.

    09:45 how long to run your pump. 1 hour for every 10 degrees of air temperature is a worthless formula.

    10:44 Gage and Bidwell law of dilution.

    20:00 using varying speeds with a variable speed pump and taking advantage of the huge electricity savings of lower speeds.

    25:50 filter cleaning. It is not that difficult, but can be dangerous. Frank had a customer get killed by their filter.

  • Frank and Jacque discuss the advantages of the Poolside Tech control systems he's been installing, the drainage issues many clients are having, and the benefits of borates.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 intro

    09:55 Poolside Tech "The Attendant". We've been selling and installing several of these lately. The most advanced automation system that is available for swimming pools.

    18:55 Different levels of service available.

    19:18 Very wet spring messing with water chemistry

    20:20 drainage around the pool needs to be corrected. runoff into the pool leads to many problems

    22:19 using aluminum sulfate as a flocculant to sink out muddy water.

    31:20 Borates,

  • Frank discusses metal issues and how to eliminate them, water cloudiness and its causes, and a few other things that he encountered this week.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM

    00:00 Itroduction

    02:15 motor buried into dirt. the area around the motor has built up, causing frequent motor outages

    05:10 A bad diverter on the suction side was causing the pump to pull water from the pool into the spa during spa mode. This resulted in constant cool water being added to the spa, making it impossible to heat the spa in a reasonable amount of time.

    15:15 Aggressive water over the winter draws in metals. this increases the saturation of metal and calcium in the water. Then when the LSI increases it dumps these metals in the form of metal staining. CuLator can remove metals from the water.

    23:10 metals that have stained pool surfaces may not test high in water samples, because much of the metal is on the surface and not in the water.

    28:00 CU Lator STAR (Stain Treatment and Removal) certification program

    30:58 Black staining from calcium hypochlorite. changes ph and oxidizes metals. Alum is a quick removal process with this type of staining. Very easy fix

    33:00 adding chlorine to water with high metals can result in the water changing color. Brown = iron, mint green = copper. the increase in pH along with chlorine oxidizing metals can cause crazy colored water.

    35:30 High LSI can result in calcium turning the pool water white or very hazy.

    38:48 poor filtration and circulation can result in hazy or cloudy water. problems in backwash valves can result in unfiltered water.

    44:40 Fire ants. I found that if I laid cardboard over the fire ant mound, the ants did not come over or around the cardboard

  • Frank interviews Vincent Gerstel of SafeSplash Swim School safesplash.com, a national swim school organization. Vincent discusses the many programs they offer and the statistics surrounding swim safety.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products / CULATOR.COM00:00 Introduction

    09:55 Meet Vincent Gerstel of Streamline Brands, Saf-T-Swim.com, SafeSplash.com, AquaKids.com, MillerSwimSchool.com, SwimLabs.com, and Swimtastic.com

    12:14 Swim lessons for children as young as 4 months. Early exposure is swim survival.

    12:20 Drowning is the number one cause of death for children under the age of 4 and the second leading cause of death for children under 12 years of age.

    16:00 Parents/adults also need to learn to swim. 40% of adults worldwide do not know how to swim.00:00 introduction

  • Frank conducted an interview with Sai Reddy, the founder of Camereye. Camereye is an intelligent video monitoring system that keeps an eye on your pool area and can distinguish between normal activity and a potentially tragic drowning situation. By utilizing artificial intelligence, it accurately recognizes the number of people in the pool area and determines the difference between normal swimming or playing and a drowning emergency. If a drowning emergency is detected, it will quickly alert the people in the pool area, notify the people in the home, send mesaages and alerts via the app, and can even call 911 with accurate information.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    Save 10% on CycloneFilterTools on purchases from CYCLONEFILTERCLEANER.COM with coupon code DEEPEND

    Big savings on CU Lator products at CULATOR.COM, use coupon code DEEPEND44

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com, Periodic Products CU Lator

    00:00 Introduction

    08:10 Sai Reddy of Camereye.ai

    10:55 drowning is the

    12:40 National Drowning Prevention Alliance. ABC of drowning prevention. A: adult supervision B: barriers C: Classes, swim lessons and CPR

    13:25 Within the active layers of drowning prevention, Camereye detects the potential drowning before and while it is happening.

    13:52 smart fence area. Camereye recognizes if the person or being in the area is a child, adult, pet, or wild animal through, shape, size, and movement characteristics

    14:25 Distress Detection. identifies the difference between characteristics of normal movement and characteristics of distress within the smart fence area.

    17:50Camereye is a safety system that helps prevent drowning incidents. It works by detecting distress in the pool area, and then alerts you through various means. For instance, it can sound a 95 decibel alarm within the pool area and in the home. Additionally, it can send notifications to cell phones via the app. If you choose, Camereye can even notify local 911 authorities through a partnership with a home security company. In the unfortunate event of a drowning, Camereye can send pictures to 911 to help them respond better.

    19:00 Camereye can count the people in the pool area, measure bather loads, even extremely large numbers of people in the pool area, and recognize the difference of activity from person to person as long as it has a line of sight.

    21:40 Unlike Ring like cameras, Camereye does not have to be activated by a measurable amount of movement. Distance from the camera makes no difference with camereye. Camereye constantly monitors the visible area and measures differences in the view frame by frame and in patterns. Even small changes in the camera view are identified.

    24:30 Camereye is the only system to meet type A, B, and C pool alarms. Type 'A' and 'B' is pool surface and below surface alarm, type 'C' is outside pool perimeter.

    25:18 Camereye meets UL2017 requirements, for door and window sensing

    26:30 can distinguish between pets and wild animals

    27:00 can distinguish between large numbers of people and each person's activity independently.

    27:50 can monitor bather loads, water color and clarity changes, and skim detection for surface debris

    29:40 Integrating with Jandy, Pentair, Hayward, and other control systems. In the near future, integrate with robotic pool cleaners.

    34:00 working with preventative maintenance and automation

  • Frank and Jacque discuss a dangerous electrical situation they found this week. Then, they discuss mineral purification systems, metal issues, filter pressures, and chloramines. You can see the video of the electrical issue on our tiktok or Facebook page. search @deependfrank.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

    00:00 introduction

    Total eclipse experience

    07:30 Our tech CC received a slight electrical shock from the water in a swimming pool.

    09:50 Bond wire was not connected to either pump. That doesn't cause the shock but would eliminate the chance of electrical shock if properly connected.

    11:30 Make sure bonds are connected before accepting clients on service

    12:27 I tested 122 volts from the outside of the motor body to ground or bond. If someone had touched that motor, they could have been electrocuted.

    13:40 There is an obvious electrical short in the pump wiring. The wiring to the booster pump was a mess. The wrong type of wire was used, and it was obviously not wired properly.

    14:30 The purpose of the bond wire and ground wire.

    20:00 In the state of Texas, pool Technicians who work on electrical equipment are required to have a RAIL (residential appliance installer license), and they have to be working for a company that has an Electrical Contractor License. Please verify that the Repair technician working on your swimming pool equipment has his or her license and works for a licensed contractor. They should have their license with them.

    21:15 Mineral purification systems. We use BlueRay XL.

    21:55 Mineral systems are not miracle systems. They still required proper maintenance and water chemistry. They are an algae-stat and help prevent algae.

    23:00 When facing unusually difficult pool environments and situations, a mineral system is a good option for managing the pool.

    24:00 If you use mineral systems, you should regularly test the water for metal levels and manage those levels.

    26:40 The best solution for removing metals from water is the "CU Lator" metal remover. Follow the instructions closely.

    28:00 If metal staining is present in your pool, you may not test high levels of metals in the water because the metals are on the pool surface and not in the water. You must remove the staining and get it back into the solution; then, you can test the levels and remove it from the water.

    34:44 Could you make sure you are staying on top of your filter pressures? Keep filters back-washed or cleaned. Know the pressure with the filter clean so you can judge your pressure when dirty. Higher pressure means less flow. \

    42:20 chloramines

  • Frank and Jacque discuss pool chemical safety and things pool owners and parents can do to reduce drowning risks.

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

    00:00 Intro

    08:30 pool chemical storage

    09:39 neutralize acid spills with alkalinity increaser/sodium bicarbonate

    11:00 do not vacuum chemical spills with a vacuum cleaner

    11:40 How to add acid to your pool, and always add chemicals to water, never add water to chemicals.

    13:35 Do not add chemicals to your skimmer unless the instructions on that particular chemical call for it

    16:15 Diatomaceous Earth is an inhalation hazard, where breathing protection, like a covid mask, to prevent inhaling the DE dust

    17:40 teach children to swim. You can start as young as 4 to 6 months old.

    18:45 Drowning is the number one cause of death for children between ages of 1 to 4, and the number 2 cause of death for children 5 to 13. A kid with formal swim training is 88% less likely to become a drowning statistic.

    20:20 do not swim or allow children to swim in cloudy water

    20:49 make sure swim vests or drowning prevention vests or floats are certified by the USCG United States Coast Guard

    21:15 make sure children have adult supervision when around water. Don't just be there, be aware

    22:50 learn CPR

    23:30 ASTM approved barriers to prevent entry to all pools and spa areas.

    26:00 child proof locks and alarms on windows and doors that open into a pool area

    26:20 camera systems. Camerey.ai has an incredible monitoring system that uses artificial intelligence to identify potential danger in and around the pool. Use coupon code DEEPEND24 to receive 10% discount on online purchases

    32:50 stay away from floor or wall drains. make sure existing drain covers are VGB compliant

    34:07 Keep long hair pulled up when swimming

    34:35 wear well fitted swimsuits and avoid swimsuits with lots of strings and decorations that can be caught on ladders, drain and return fittings, etc...

    35:55 Red Cross list: 1. Never swim alone. 2. Supervise children. 3. Always wear life vests. 4. Always jump in feet first. 5. Reach, throw, don't go. 6. stay away from pool drains 7. only swim designated areas 8. avoid alcohol 9. Know CPR

    39:41 if having a party for adults that will include alcohol, have a designated sober person

  • Frank and Dave Woods from Allsafepool.com talk about safety barriers for swimming pools. All Safe Pool Fence, Nets, and Safety Covers.

    Check out our youtube video of this podcast. will be available soon after this audio podcast is posted. www.youtube.com/@deependfrank

    Get 10% off on Camereye purchase from camereye.ai with coupon code DEEPEND24 - the ultimate pool safety and monitoring solution.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

    00:00 Introduction

    02:00 Teach children to swim, infant swim, as young as 4 months old. Drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1 to 4 years old.

    03:15 children with formal swim training are 88% less likely to become a drowning statistic

    07:10 Check your local code enforcement; there is an exception being allowed by many authorities, allowing an exception to barriers around pools if the pool owner owns an ASTM-approved cover. There is no way to ensure safety covers are in place if there is not adequate adult supervision around the pool. This should not be allowed because it dramatically increases drowning risks. Petition your local authorities to require adequate barriers to prevent access to areas around private pools, even if the pool owner owns an ASTM approved pool cover.

    11:30 Introduce Dave Woods of All Safe Pool Fence, Nets, and Safety Covers.

    03:50 Safety nets

    29:30 Safety fence

  • Frank and guest David Van Brunt discuss margins, certifications, licensing, and other business factors in the pool industry.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and your local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

  • Steve Noviello, an 11x Emmy Award-winning journalist known for consumer investigation, money-saving advice, bargain hunting, and product reviews and anchor of DFW Fox4 News, talks to Frank about how to vet contractors. They provide several tips to help protect both the pool owner and the pool professional from being ripped off. Following these tips will help ensure a satisfactory outcome with your pool projects.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and your local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

    visit our home page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

    00:00 Intro

    09:45 Introducing Steve Noviello. Facebook group "DFW Pool Owner Group". many victims of a single pool builder.

    13:00 Steve discusses how emotion and logic cannot exist simultaneously. Don't overlook red flags because they appeal to your emotional side. Recovering losses is difficult.

    14:30 Research your contractor before you hire. Cities in Texas will continue to issue permits regardless of complaints.

    15:30 Dig deeper into reputation management in reviews.

    21:20 Poor communication, scheduling issues, and getting the obvious run around should be red flags.

    21:55 See and record the driver's licenses of contractors if no applicable business license is required.

    23:20 Never pay in full before the job is complete.

    24:10 Be mindful of contractors time and work pre-contract. \

    25:50 Ask to hold back a final payment until the final punch list is completed.

    27:00 Be careful with baseline pricing in contract. Avoid surprise costs.

    29:40 Read your contract. Ask questions. Ask for explanations, and do not accept unreasonable clauses in a contract.

    30:00 Take notes in construction meetings and have the contractor initial your notes. Memorialize conversations.

    32:50 If you have been victimized, do not allow it to destroy your family. It is very stressful when victimized, but don't let it ruin your life. Seek counseling.

    33:40 Typically, the salesperson will not be doing the work. Meet subcontractors on the job before the work begins. Don't rush the project.

    36:40 Set reasonable expectations.

    37:20 Research the owners and managers of the contractor, not just the company name.

    38:45 Client references.

    39:20 Understand and communicate variations in materials.

    44:00 Concrete poured later will not match.

    45:30 References should also include less recent builds. What does a post-relationship look like?

    48:50 Ask to have verification subcontractors were paid on previous draws.

    50:50 Be cautious of signs of financial instability.

    51:45 Understand warranties.

    54:10 Make peace with the price you've agreed to.

    55:10 Avoid future issues by utilizing mitigation processes.

    59:00 Do your research on products and processes.

    1:00:00 Research resources.

  • Unintentionally deleted and Reloaded

    Frank and Jacque discuss issues with maintaining a pool biweekly and review the five basics of pool maintenance in response to a listener question.

    The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and your local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

    Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected]. visit our home

    page thedeependpoolpodcast.com

    Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com

    00:00 Water temperatures are climbing quickly; algae is growing

    07:40 Listener question: BL from Georgia asked, “My first year of having a pool. We just bought the house, and the pool is 3 years old. 3 kids, 3 to 8 years old. Our budget is tighter than expected due to the cost of everything else going up and having to replace a 5-year-old car unexpectedly. I travel a lot and have some spare time, and I wonder if I can manage the pool by doing testing and cleaning every other week.

    11:10 Pool maintenance is difficult every other week in the harsh environment of the South. Any effort to save money will be for naught if you have to fight algae repeatedly and issues that come with inadequate pool maintenance. Inconsistent water chemistry alone can easily result in extra costs exceeding any savings hoped for by doing pool maintenance yourself.

    15:00 You need to perform the 5 basics of pool maintenance: brushing, removing debris, filtration, circulation, and water chemistry.

    21:00 Brushing is critical to controlling algae. Due to the physics of fluids, water movement right next to a surface is much slower than in the water away from the wall. Some algae develop a biofilm to protect themselves. Plaster and other pool surfaces have pits and crevices, fittings extending into the pool around returns, and skimmers create safe havens for algae. Brushing helps remove that biofilm and dramatically helps

    your pool chemicals do their job. It removes the algae off the wall and gets it into the body of the water, where the pool chemistry and sanitizers will be better. Brushing also helps remove debris, minerals, and organics off the surface, which can help reduce staining and scaling. You should also make sure you brush inside your skimmer throats.

    26:27 It is essential to remove debris and dirt from the pool. Dirt and organic debris introduce nutrients into the water that feed algae. Make sure you empty skimmers, cleaner bags, and baskets.

    31:19 Filtration removes small particulates from the water. Filters need to be backwashed and/or cleaned regularly as needed. Dirty filters will adversely affect circulation and turnover. Cartridge, DE, and sand filters have advantages, disadvantages, and different maintenance needs. Frank highly recommends replacing the sand media with glass filter media if you have a sand filter.

    36:00 Circulation is critical to proper pool maintenance. Adjust the return jets to turn the entire body of water clockwise or counterclockwise to eliminate dead spots in the pool. Frank also recommends a minimum of two turnovers per day. Variable speed pumps allow you to accomplish more turnovers for less energy costs.

    44:10 Pool water chemistry. Maintaining the appropriate water balance, as calculated by the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), and ensuring proper sanitizer levels are crucial in keeping maintenance costs low for a swimming pool. While it is possible for increased chemical usage to overcome deficiencies in the other four basic areas of pool maintenance, doing so will ultimately increase the cost and workload of maintaining the pool. You must know the water volume in your pool, properly test your water, properly calculate chemical dosing, and measure doses.