The Art of Excellence is an in-depth interview-style podcast about people who have accomplished great things in their lives. The goal of the show is to deliver inspiring stories from ultra-successful entrepreneurs, athletes, entertainers, authors, thought leaders and anyone doing something extraordinary. We will explore the backgrounds, talent, work ethic, sacrifices, mental outlook and serendipity that led to their success.
As a coach building a business, you’re learning so many skills at once – improving your coaching, marketing, sales, running a business, serving your clients – it can be pretty overwhelming.
The fears, doubts, and confusion that set in can stop you in your tracks if you let them. Molly Claire has been in your shoes and she has helped hundreds of other coaches to move forward and create successful, meaningful, and profitable businesses that make a difference in the world. In this podcast she will offer you insights on improving your coaching impact, learning the basics of running a business, how to move forward through doubt and fear as you step into belief, all while staying true to your values and the life you want to create. Ready to up-level your coaching impact and make a difference in the world? Let’s get started. -
Have you ever felt lost, stuck, or clueless about where you are in your career or your life? I've definitely been there, and found myself running the rat race on the path to 'success', and going through the motions just to make it to the weekend only to find that there wasn't any 'cheese' for me at the end and that the feeling of emptiness lingered on. If this sounds at all familiar, I want you to know that you're not alone, and that this is the perfect podcast for you that will provide you with a sense of community focused on sharing ideas and stories around self empowerment, mindset, and fulfillment that will help you get closer to finding a true sense of inner fulfillment- no matter where you are in your life.
I'm your host Karl Sona, and I believe that your free time is the greatest asset you have to help you take back control of your life so you can tap into your potential and discover what really makes you come alive. Every Monday and Thursday I share the conversations I have with other inspiring young professionals and sales leaders, who are really no different than you or I, and we discuss ways that we can all become more intentional with our time in order to win at life and at work.
Facts are, we were all put here for a great reason. Aren't you curious about what yours is? Listen to The Free Time Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the show if you enjoy it. Remember, we're all on this planet to help one another level up, so go out, be kind, and lend a hand where you can.
Follow me on Instagram @karl.sona -
Литературно-терапевтическое аудиошоу доцента МГУ Бориса Прокудина и психолога, арт-терапевта и клоуна Филиппа Жевлакова. В подкасте Филипп и Борис обсуждают литературные произведения, их авторов и героев с точки зрения современной психологии.Наша цель — на примере жизни героев выпусков нащупать личные и социальные проблемы. А после попробовать найти их решение, чтобы помочь себе и слушателям стать немного счастливее.
следить и взаимодействовать:
inst @palec.bazarova
tg @palecbazarova
vk @palec.bazarovaподдержать: -
Vítám tě! Jmenuji se Petr Mutinský a jsem autorem projektu MojeVize. Působím jako profesionální osobní a online trenér, výživový poradce, učitel jógy a lifestyle kouč. Od roku 2017 také studuji obor Psychologie na FF UK, kde nyní dokončuji magisterské studium. Kromě psychologie se zabývám nejen již zmíněným koučováním a trenérstvím, ale také rozvíjením se napříč pohybové disciplíny jako je kalisthenika, equilibristika, silový trénink nebo různé sporty. Snažím se na člověka nahlížet komplexně a baví mě poslouchat inspirativní příběhy druhých, díky kterým se tvaruje má vize. Zajímá mě jejich životní styl, rutiny, triky a tipy, jak maximalizovat lidský potenciál a zkvalitnit svůj život. Mám vizi harmonie mysli, těla i duše a na této cestě se snažím získat a aplikovat co nejvíce informací pro lepší cvičení, výživu, spánek, výkonnost, mezilidské vztahy, psychiku či životní přístup. Právě to vše se snažím formou podcastu s vámi sdílet skrz rozhovory, tipy a triky. Pokud chceš vědět více informací, tak koukni na www. nebo a sleduj @petr.mojevize na Instagramu. Nebo mě kontaktuj na
Ahoj! Já jsem Kristý a moc tě vítám v podcastu Možná je to jinak! Pokud tě zajímá osobní rozvoj, zákon přitažlivosti, hojnost ve všech oblastech života, podnikání, spiritualita a v neposlední řadě taky zdravý životní styl, tak jsi tu správně. Snažím se lidi inspirovat a motivovat k tomu, aby si tvořili život podle svých nejkrásnějších představ a plnili si i ty nejdivočejší sny.
Můžeš mě najít na mém instagramu a webu . -
Petře, drsná pravda na závěr: Žádná knížka Ti život nezmění.
Doufám Tě nakopla. Teď je ale potřeba ty rozumy začít zavádět do
denodenní praxe. To bolí. Vím. Budeš ztrácet motivaci. Zapomínat, proč to děláš. Váhat. Jeden krok vpřed a dva dozadu.
To je v pohodě. Kryju Ti prdel, neboj se. Každý týden Ti budu připomínat naše hacky. Přidávat další, co v knížce ani nebyly. Budu Tě hecovat. A pokusím se Tě udržet na správné cestě k vyšším výkonům, příjmům a štěstí.
Nahrávám to v autě cestou z práce. Ty to zase po cestě do roboty poslouchej. Ať žije produktivita a grupáč. -
Real. Raw. No Holding Back. Stories from people like you who've burnt out and come back to tell the tale. From thought leaders to your friend down the street, there's a story in FRIED that you will relate to, guaranteed.
You are not alone. You might be fried crispy at this point, but I promise you there is a way through. Each week, there is a story of breakdown and build back up and we don't skip over the nasty bits. The journey through burnout is rarely a beautiful one, but it creates some pretty amazing careers and lives. The point of this space is to assure you that you aren't alone and that there is a way through. If one week doesn't resonate, be sure that another week will. There's a solution for every story and we will cover them all. I promise.
And - the help doesn't stop there. UNFRIED is a small group coaching program (under 10 people per cohort) that is available for you. Find the info here. (
The Resilient Lawyer podcast is inspired by those in the legal profession living with authenticity and courage. You'll meet lawyers, entrepreneurs, mentors and teachers successfully bridging the gap between their personal and professional lives, connecting the dots between their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves. This podcast is about ordinary people making an extraordinary difference.
The mission of the podcast is to inspire and mentor Latinos & Latinas to help them achieve their American dream. I interview successful Latino, Latina and Latin inspired entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories to inspire you, mentor you and provide you the business advice you need to get closer to your American dream.
Millennials are fundamentally shifting the world. They are re-writing the rules, challenging the status quo, and raising the collective consciousness of the planet. They are pulled by their vision, and are relentlessly optimistic in their pursuits of individual and collective wellness, fulfillment, and excellence. Although they may appear to be superhuman, this generation of game-changers still need to fuel up every single day. This is their oxygen. Breathe in.
Become a Paid Subscriber: space where I speak candidly about my life experiences, relationship, and topics that need to be discussed. Through it all I empower you to be the best version of self and provoke change through taking a good look at self in the mirror and fixing the parts of self that need to be worked on. We are family around here and keep it 100
The Gymwright LIVE Mission: 1) To increase the longevity and impact of motivated gym owners around the world who are committed to making a positive change in their community. 2) To ensure the leaders of this community are empowered with the information they need to fulfill their mission of building the kind of business that leaves the world better than they found it.