Did you know that the Love of God matures people? It’s very easy to spot somebody that is still immature versus somebody that is mature - the Love of God makes all the difference. The Bible is very clear about it that the one that walks in love walks in light and is free from sin.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
John 17:3 states that eternal life is not about living in Heaven once you get born again, it doesn't even mean that you get to live forever as has been commonly preached. Jesus the Head of the Church, God in the flesh said it's about knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ. From that comes something extremely valuable, find out more in this episode.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Mark 11:22-23 talks about faith in God and the confession of the mouth. From years of reading this verse of scripture, the LORD has opened my eyes to a greater truth that is embedded in these scriptures. Join Andrew as he shares a vital ingredient that will make your faith and confessions work.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
The Bible says in First Corinthians 13:13 that Love is the GREATEST and in Matthew 22, Jesus said that the whole law hangs on Love.
Now we understand that all these precious promises come from and work from a place of love. Without receiving God’s love, our faith won’t work and our fear will increase. This is why it is so important to have love as our foundation.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Many believers understand that feeding on the Word strengthens faith, and that faith can be directed toward the LORD. However, there are areas in everyone’s life that are considered 'BIG,' where our standard level of faith may not be enough to overcome. Fear can be like giants that hold our faith back, and the only way to defeat these giants is by receiving God's love for us.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Did you know that the only reason why you and I had the opportunity to become born-again is because God loves us? God’s love for us is the reason why we are all here today! There is no other Biblical message that comes close to His Love because Love is the greatest and all the other promises can only operate by this truth.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. - 1 John 4:16 KJV.
Did you know that you and I can live in the love of God? As a matter of fact, God desires that all of His children live in His love. His love is the place of true fellowship and provision. His love is the place where all your prayers are answered because true faith works in love. Join Andrew in today’s podcast as he shares the importance of dwelling in love.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
You are already BLESSED but before you can believe that, you need to be able to connect the dots so that it makes sense to you. Learn the origin of The BLESSING in this episode.
God is loving us all the time and He proved in when He sent His precious Son into this world. God’s love is the most powerful force in the realm of the spirit and in the natural realm as everything in the Kingdom hangs on God’s love for us. Studying out God’s love to us and receiving it will open up a deeper relationship with Him.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Praising God is more important than we all realise. We are instructed by God to praise Him and there are several reasons for this, all of which is for our benefit.
There are different levels of praise and the aim is to develop a lifestyle of praise so we can please the Father. Join Andrew in today’s podcast as he shares advice on how to perfect your praise.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Did you know that you are always one decision away from success? The great news is, Jesus is always speaking to us and telling us which way to go. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He will always lead us in the right paths. However, knowing the right thing to do and actually doing it are two completely different things. There are people that knew what to do, they had the key to success and because they never followed instruction, they failed. Don’t be like them, follow all the instruction Jesus gives you.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
When a person comes to the realisation that our Heavenly Father is the wisest Being out there, we will take His instruction more seriously and obey whatever He says. Everything the LORD tells us to do is ultimately for our benefit, this includes giving Him thanks. The Bible says: Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Join Andrew in today’s podcast as he shares more insight into thanksgiving/praise.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Developing a heart of praise is a beautiful thing as you enter the LORD’s presence with praise and thanksgiving (see Psalms 95:1-2). In the LORD’s presence there is every good thing He has promised you. You can develop a lifestyle of praise which means you will be living in His presence and in that atmosphere, all your needs will be met.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Do you know what the will of God is for your life? If you don’t, the Bible can help you!
The Bible says the following in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
There is a reason why the LORD instructs us to praise Him and that is so He can manifest in our lives. Join Andrew today as he shares insight into praising God.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Did you know that praising God in your time of need is the greatest form of releasing your faith? The Bible says that they believed His Word and sang His praises! When we praise God, we are saying that we believe His Word so much that we are praising Him even before we see the manifestation.
Praise puts you at the finished line so start releasing your faith by giving God glory - He is worthy of all praise.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
2025 is around the corner and the greatest thing you can accomplish in life is to get to know the Father on an intimate level. The LORD says in the Word that He is our GREAT reward and as time goes by, you’ll see this to be absolutely true.
We are nothing without the LORD and we need Him in every area of our lives. Bless yourself and your family by drawing near to Him.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
If you want strong faith, it will take time and effort from your side. Jesus spoke of this when He spoke about the man that dug deep and built his house upon the rock and that rock is the Word. Building up your faith is like building a house - laying down the foundation takes the longest period of time.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Jesus was the most valuable gift that the Father gave the world. Jesus who was flawless and perfect in all things, took our place when He took our sin, took our curse and paid the price for it. Not only did Jesus take our curse, but He also connected us to The Blessing of the LORD.
The Blessing of the LORD covers every good thing that God has in store for us. We honour the Father when we receive those things that was freely given to us in Christ Jesus.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
Did you know that the Word of God made everything? Did you know that Jesus is the Word? Did you know that there is a scripture that covers your situation? Did you also know that faith comes by the Word?
If you want your life to change for the better, you need to put the promises of God in your heart until faith comes out and changes your situation permanently.
Trevor van Vuuren Ministries aka The Daily Witness is a South African ministry that was registered in 2019. We do the work of an evangelist and train them up to live by faith.
For free faith-filled content, visit our website at www.thedailywitness.co.za, subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching @TheDailyWitness or subscribe to any of our audio podcasting websites (Apple Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, YouTube Music and Amazon Music) by searching for @TheDailyWitness.
If you enjoyed any of our content, feel free to share it and let us know so that we can rejoice with you. Email us on [email protected].
*To tithe or sow into this ministry, follow the link to our Yoco profile: https://pay.yoco.com/trevor-van-vuuren-ministries
For books by Andrew van Vuuren, follow the link to view all of Andrew’s books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0D4DGJ829/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=0694a27f-aeac-48ea-ac50-021f319a4c15&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380
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