The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 50: Devotion to St. Joseph - My Testimony of this Wonderful Saint!
What a wonderful episode this was to record. You won't find a whole lot of "facts" and "life story" of St. Josesph in this episode, but rather you will hear my own personal testimony of St. Joseph and simple steps for how you can get started with your devotion as well.
Resources mentioned:
"The Life of St. Joseph As Seen by the Mistics"
The beautiful prayer to St. Joseph that I mentioned
A few other (very affordable) favorites from my Church book store: “Visits to Saint Joseph for Every Day of the Month” “Go To Joseph"Be sure you're on my EMAIL and/or TEXT list to hear about the next Rosary bracelet launch and other important announcements!
And since so many ask: HAPPY JUICE links can be found here
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating over THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
Thanks for being here!
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 49: Is Your Smartphone Sabotaging Your Life?
I realize this is a pretty drastic podcast title, and after recording it I actually think I’ll be doing some additional episodes on the topic in the future because there’s just so much to say!
In this episode I dive into my personal journey with the use of my phone as a mother and as an entrepreneur. I truly believe there is a season for everything and while my phone has been the source of many financial blessings by means of social media, it seems that God is calling me to make a shift and I’m so excited to see what’s in store.
The Huberman podcast episode I mentioned can be found here.
CRUNCHI make up and skin care info can be found here.
HAPPY JUICE links can be found here (which btw Amare recently collaborated with The Rootist hair care which is a “fermented hair care” line only found in Sephora and now also available through Amare, for a tad less might I add!)
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating over THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
Thanks for being here!
Saknas det avsnitt?
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 48: Celebrating One Year of Drinking Happy Juice - Is It Worth the Hype?
I sort of can't believe it's already been one whole year of drinking the "viral gut-health drink" HAPPY JUICE! In this episode I talk about my story of dealing with feelings of depression and anxiety during my first trimester of my fourth pregnancy, even going so far as experiencing mom rage and such overwhelming mom-guilt for feeling this way. Whew! Enter Happy Juice to save the day - I can't wait for you to take a listen!
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating over THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 47: "What I’m Doing in 2025 to Feel Better Mentally and Physically" - Maternal Mental Health - Postpartum - Gut Health - Mindset - Fitness
If you’re like most of us, you’ve hit a bit of a “post holiday slump” or “winter blues” or whatever you want to call it. Most of us are experiencing the seasonal deficiencies of vitamins and nutrients and the cabin fever of not being able to spend as much time outside.
In this episode, I mention 5 things I’m resolving to stick to so that I can improve my mental and physical health.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Dr. Huberman episode on sugar
Dr. Huberman episode on alcohol
Parasite cleanse
Simple app (Workouts/Fitness)
Glorious Heritage books (Save 10% with code CRUNCHY)
Tessa Romero’s Podcast & Journaling Course
AppBlock (save 30% using my link!)
40 Day Sugar Fast book (I found the audio for free using the HOOPLA app)
Mental Wellness Challenge FB Group starts 1/10/25: I actually can't send you the link unless you're a customer so reach out if you already are, or HERE IS THE LINK to purchase Happy Juice:)
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 46: "Sheltering versus Shielding Your Children"
Well if you want to hear the fired up side of me, then buckle up because in this episode I talk about the things of the world and why we must protect our children from it - where is the happy medium exactly?!
Also mentioned in the episode is my (free) December Declutter Challenge which has a HUGE turnout so far! You can join at any time in December as it is self-paced.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 45: "Holiday Mindset Tips for Moms of Littles"
I think this is an episode we ALL are in need of right about now! If you ever find yourself caught up in the comparison game while scrolling social media, please remember that Instagram/Pinterest is typically a highlight reel of someone’s life. Listen in as I keep it REAL (not reel) with actually navigating the holidays with littles.
To be on my BLACK FRIDAY list for the Happy Juice sale, go ahead and message me BLACK FRIDAY either on Instagram or via email.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 44: "Rediscovering Your Style or Wardrobe as a Mom - Fashion, Modesty, Nursing-Friendly Clothes and More"
When we become a mama, EVERYTHING changes… including our body! It can be hard navigating what clothes to keep or toss. Has our style changed? Has our standard changed? What about modesty? While this is all SO subjective, I hope you’ll find some takeaways as I share my own journey as I transformed my style and my wardrobe over the last several years of motherhood.
The black leggings that I mentioned which are a STAPLE to my wardrobe (under a dress) as well as a few of my favorite nursing dresses from Amazon:
This one, this one and this one!
As mentioned, CRUNCHI make up and skin care is having an amazing Skin Care sale with products up to 50% off! Click here to shop!
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 43: “Tips for Dealing With Anxiety as a Catholic Mom”
Well this is a topic I haven’t really talked about yet! Nobody wants to talk about anxiety but I think everyone has experienced some level of it. Perhaps this will be the first of many more episodes on the topic!
Resources Mentioned in the episode:
Several times I referenced my Happy Holy Home course which is currently being revamped but is available (at a discount) for preorder!
Or, to check out my free workshop, “Homemaking Hurdles and How to Overcome Them” you can go back and listen to episodes 32-35, or for the full experience (videos and free downloads) you can sign up for free here.
The “21 Days” book that I couldn’t remember the title of is literally called BREATHE, and I got it from our library but here is the Amazon link.
RENEW is another digital product of mine, a 10 day workbook to RENEW your priorities as a Catholic wife and mother. Save $10 with code PODCAST10.
Here is the podcast episode I referenced regarding the effects of alcohol.
Last but not least for more info on the amazing HAPPY JUICE you can either read my blog article or jump straight to my shopping link where you can save $10 on your first order.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 42: “The Birth Story of Melody Rose - a Test of Faith and a Testimony of the Goodness of God ”
Oh my goodness gracious was this quite the roller coaster ride! Every one of my children's birth stories ends up being not only a life-changing experience in and of itself, but also a life lesson because of how much my Faith is tested in uniquely different ways every time. God is always allowing certain things to happen for very specific reasons that we may not always understand at the time, but He knows best and it's beautiful when that Truth unfolds (long as it may feel) before our eyes.
It's a bit vulnerable to share a birth story on such a public platform but I do feel compelled to shout this victory from the rooftops. God's goodness in this story is just too beautiful to not share it with others! I hope you enjoy.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform. That RESOURCES link includes the Happy Juice I frequently mention!
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 41: “Seven Swaps for Starting Your Crunchy Living Journey”
Are you a beginner “crunchy mama” and trying to figure out where to begin with converting your home to be less toxic? You are SURE to find some amazing takeaways as I cover these 7 categories of things around your home you can convert to be less toxic.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 4 and I am thrilled to be celebrating THREE YEARS of this podcast, offering many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Here are links for all of the things mentioned:
"Cleaners" - I mentioned the Earthley all-purpose cleaner, you can shop Earthley HERE and use code CRUNCHYCATHOLIC to save 10%!
Also mentioned is the Truly Free brand - you can save BIG time by adding 5 or more products (which unlocks 40% AND 2 Free Products!) then add my CRUNCHYCATHOLIC promo code which unlocks 30%! Crazy savings - TRULY FREE.
"Laundry" - Again, talked about Earthley (see link above) and Truly Free (see link above)
"Personal Care" - Apps mentioned: EWG Healthy Living & Think Dirty. Deodorant mentioned by Beauty by Earth, use this link to save 10%.
"First Aid" - All-purpose salve (also recommend their Arnica!) and PEST-ASIDE are from Earthley (see link above)
"Medicine" - Many wonderful tinctures from Earthley! The (natural) Mental Wellness Company mentioned: Amare. Explore my links here to save $10 stacked with 10% off!
"Candles/Air Fresheners" - No links mentioned
"Make up/Skin Care" - During September only, you can save 20% off your first order! Use code ADVOCATE20, or if it's after September you can still save 10% by using ADVOCATE10. Shop CRUNCHI.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
UPDATE: It has come to my attention that this episode is not playing any audio past the intro on SOME devices - it's hard for me to fix because it works on Spotify, it works on Apple on my laptop but not on Apple on mobile devices. So strange! Fortunately, I actually published the exact same episode on my OTHER podcast, and it seems to be working just fine over there: The Crunchy Catholic Pregnancy and Childbirth Podcast.
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 40: “Ten Crunchy Things to Have On Hand As You Approach Your Due Date - Natural Minded Pregnant Mama's Hospital or Homebirth Bag”
Hey friends! This is actually the exact same episode as episode #7 over on my Anchor of Hope Pregnancy and Childbirth podcast, but like I said in the intro here, there will be some episodes that I feel belong on both podcasts:)
This was such a fun topic to talk about! Here are links for most of the things mentioned:
1. The "Nourish Her Naturally" Multivitamin tincture that I take as a prenatal can be purchased from Earthley (affiliate link) and you can use code CRUNCHYCATHOLIC to save 10%!
I also have been taking the VitaGBX from Amare and you can read more about the tangent I got on about Happy Juice here!
2. Electrolytes! I take this sea salt from Amazon, and this is the Magnesium from Amazon I mentioned. There is also a wonderful Magnesium lotion from Earthley called "Good Night Lotion" that I love and highly recommend!
3. Birthing Ball from Amazon (I got the 30", the 26" was too small! I'm 5' 7")
4 and 5 don't have any links to share:)
6. Essential Oils! Either the "Sensual" by Plant Therapy (available on Amazon or Plant Therapy website) or the "Love and Romance" by Revive, as well as the many others mentioned in the episode.
7. Hypericum and Arnica homeopathy tablets from Amazon
8. No links to share
9. Ease the Ache again from Earthley (at this rate you'll meet your $50 free shipping no problem!) and here's the water bottle I got and love from Amazon!
10. No Links to share
Woo! I hope that was helpful:) If we haven't met yet, I'm Rosie, Catholic mother of 3 with #4 on the way. I am happy to be celebrating almost three years of this podcast and offer many resources within this platform.
(My favorite place to connect is through my Instagram so be sure to give a follow and say hello!)
Thanks for being here, enjoy the episode and God bless you!
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 39: “Ten Ways to Make an Income From Home – Side Hustles as a Stay at Home Mom”
Alrighty friends, I know “business talk” isn’t my usual topic but in this economy, I feel that so many mamas are looking for ways to alleviate some of the financial burden. I did say in the episode that I would include a bulletpointed list in the shownotes but I decided against that since I might lose some listeners by giving you all the juicy details in the description;)
If you’re curious about any links I mentioned, or wanting to further explore how I have executed these different income streams, please feel free to check out my LINK TREE which has most if not everything I’m currently involved with. Also feel free to reach out to me directly on Instagram, @the.crunchy.catholic
The most lucrative income that I mentioned (number 10 in the episode) offers free sign-up promos from the 1st through the 15th of the month, so if you’re listening in real time and that income opportunity interests you, be sure to reach out right away so we can see if it’s a good fit for you!
Speaking of number 10 (which is my affiliation with selling "Happy Juice") the blog article that I referenced can be found here!
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 38: “How to Talk to Your Toddler - Navigating the Beginning Stages of Discipline”
Well this episode totally went longer than planned! What a can of worms I opened to talk about parenting styles, discipline methods and navigating those beginning stages as your baby becomes a toddler. Please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram and let me know your thoughts on the episode! Or by joining my Catholic Moms Facebook group (both are linked here)
An Instagram account that I recommended on the episode, I said "Little Big Feelings" but it's actually @biglittlefeelings
My new podcast that I mentioned: "Anchor Of Hope"
PS One thing that REALLY has helped me with those extra hard moments, when it's difficult to regulate your own emotions and you start to wonder if something is wrong, is an amazing supplement drink I've been drinking for a few months now since the beginning of my pregnancy called "Happy Juice" - it has tremendously helped with my mental state, energy levels, motivation, gut regularity and so much more - I share more about this here!
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 37: “Are You the Mom You Always Thought You'd Be?”
Reflecting on a unique perspective in today's episode and giving some practical advice on how it's never too late to level up your motherhood. As a mother of 3, with my 4th on the way, this is a constantly evolving goal of mine.
(PS One thing that truly has helped me to level up my motherhood, is an amazing supplement drink I've been drinking for a few months now since the beginning of my pregnancy called "Happy Juice" - it has tremendously helped with my mental state, energy levels, motivation, gut regularity and so much more - I share more about this here)
Please see my LINK TREE for all other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 36: “Ten Ways to Not Lose Your Cool as a Stay at Home Mom”
As a mom of 3 under 6, (and expecting our 4th!) I have had my fair share of moments where I sure felt tested in patience and other virtues. I am not perfect and still have my days but these are 10 things that have definitely helped me!
Don’t forget we’re in the FINAL days of being able to jump on board with Happy Holy Home!
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 35: “Homemaking Hurdles and How to Overcome Them” Part 4 of 4: Implementing a System
(This workshop is available as episodes 32-35)
I am THRILLED to be finally (re)releasing this free workshop on the podcast! I originally ran this workshop on Facebook in the spring of 2023 as a 4 part video series, and now it is being repurposed as easy-to-listen-to podcast episodes.
As a mom of 3 under 5 (at the time of recording this, now I’m expecting our 4th!) I GET IT. I get the struggle of trying to maintain a home while juggling all the things life throws at you when you’re raising multiple littles.
I hope these tips and tricks BLESS YOU! Please remember to click HERE for access to your Free Downloads as a thank you for tuning into this workshop. Please share with a friend and better yet, leave a rating (Spotify) or a review (Apple) on my podcast.
Thank You!
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 34: “Homemaking Hurdles and How to Overcome Them” Part 3 of 4: Overcoming Physical Hurdles
(This workshop is being released as episodes 32-35)
I am THRILLED to be finally (re)releasing this free workshop on the podcast! I originally ran this workshop on Facebook in the spring of 2023 as a 4 part video series, and now it is being repurposed as easy-to-listen-to podcast episodes.
As a mom of 3 under 5 (at the time of recording this, now I’m expecting our 4th!) I GET IT. I get the struggle of trying to maintain a home while juggling all the things life throws at you when you’re raising multiple littles.
I hope these tips and tricks BLESS YOU! Please remember to click HERE for access to your Free Downloads as a thank you for tuning into this workshop. Please share with a friend and better yet, leave a rating (Spotify) or a review (Apple) on my podcast.
Thank You! Stay tuned for Part 4 on Monday!
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 33: “Homemaking Hurdles and How to Overcome Them” Part 2 of 4: Overcoming Mental Hurdles
(This workshop is being released as episodes 32-35)
I am THRILLED to be finally (re)releasing this free workshop on the podcast! I originally ran this workshop on Facebook in the spring of 2023 as a 4 part video series, and now it is being repurposed as easy-to-listen-to podcast episodes.
As a mom of 3 under 5 (at the time of recording this, now I’m expecting our 4th!) I GET IT. I get the struggle of trying to maintain a home while juggling all the things life throws at you when you’re raising multiple littles.
I hope these tips and tricks BLESS YOU! Please remember to click HERE for access to your Free Downloads as a thank you for tuning into this workshop. Please share with a friend and better yet, leave a rating (Spotify) or a review (Apple) on my podcast.
Thank You! Stay tuned for Part 3 tomorrow!
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 32: “Homemaking Hurdles and How to Overcome Them” Part 1 of 4: Introduction
(This workshop is being released as episodes 32-35)
I am THRILLED to be finally (re)releasing this free workshop on the podcast! I originally ran this workshop on Facebook in the spring of 2023 as a 4 part video series, and now it is being repurposed as easy-to-listen-to podcast episodes.
As a mom of 3 under 5 (at the time of recording this, now I’m expecting our 4th!) I GET IT. I get the struggle of trying to maintain a home while juggling all the things life throws at you when you’re raising multiple littles.
I hope these tips and tricks BLESS YOU! Please remember to click HERE for access to your Free Downloads as a thank you for tuning into this workshop. Please share with a friend and better yet, leave a rating (Spotify) or a review (Apple) on my podcast.
Thank You! Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow!
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
The Crunchy Catholic Podcast - Faith, Motherhood & Natural Living
Episode 31: Why We Chose to Homeschool (Part 2)
I ended up having SO much to say on this topic that I decided to split the episode into two parts. This is part 2 of 2. To save you some time in case this episode isn’t for you, I don’t really dive into curriculum or any sort of “How To’s” of homeschooling (maybe another time)
This one really is all about my thought process behind deciding to homeschool and some general observations between the differences of homeschooling versus a traditional school setting. Even if your kids are currently in school or perhaps not old enough for school, it still might have some takeaways for you. If not, no worries – there will be plenty more episodes to come!
I mention in the episode that while we’re not extremely strict on any set curriculum (yet) a couple of resources that I have come to love are:
Arrows and Applesauce: A Christian based homeschool resource – she has fun and bright printables geared toward preschool ages through the first couple of grades. Most of these are intended to print, laminate, and some even utilize the little Velcro dots. We absolutely love them! You can use my (affiliate) link here and use code ROSIE15 to save 15%
If you feel overwhelmed by all their options, there’s a really cute “subscription” for just $7 for a month (or $5 if you subscribe) called “Apple Snacks”
Lastly, while there are SO many amazing homeschooling resources on Instagram, one account I want to shoutout is @raisingwildsaints – she is a Catholic Homeschooling mama with amazing digital resources including guides to homeschooling and different printouts for the liturgical seasons and just overall great inspiration on her account on homeschooling. Affiliate link to shop her products.
Please see my LINK TREE for other links such as my Facebook Community, Instagram, website, email list, and other recommended products.
Background music:
Track: Summer Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons
Attribution ND 4.0 https://youtu.be/UpRPzujTa7w
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