Anna Jinja Mather was adopted from Seoul, Korea, and grew up inIowa. Her heart is filled with love for people and their stories. Bysharing her adoption story and all that she is learning to help hernavigate through personal and professional challenges, she hopesthat this will lead us to believe, accept, and value the inherentworthiness of all people. She has dedicated her life to a number ofnonprofit organizations and causes as a volunteer or employee,which has led to a myriad of unexpected opportunities andadventures – including stepping into the role of a radio producerand host at KHOI 89.1 FM.
Anna recently relocated to Athens, Ohio, from Ames, Iowa, whereshe served as the executive director of Able Up Iowa, a non-profithelping people of all abilities become independent. Her previousemployment includes working for several nonprofit organizations,including Habitat for Humanity, the Dayton Contemporary DanceCompany, and Able Up Iowa.Thanks to Hope (a wise mutual friend), Anna met and fell in lovewith Pete while he was traveling in the Pacific Northwest duringhis car-top tent adventure. In 2022, Pete surprised Anna with amarriage proposal at their favorite local hangout on April 12. Thenext week, they were married at the Ames Public Library. She nowlives happily with her husband, Pete, and their dog, Floyd, in thelittle blue house of happiness.
Get Connected with Anna!
Podcast:www.annajinjashow.com Book - Adopting Grace:https://www.amazon.com/Adopting-Grace-Anna-Jinja-ebook/dp/B0DJZPQ44K/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/annajinjashow Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/annajinjashow/ LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/92727927/admin/dashboard/---------------------------------
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Appreciating my loved ones and cats :)
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Saknas det avsnitt?
“Nobody really knows what life will throw at them. And how they’ll change as a result,” says FrankeJames. She is an activist, artist and author of four books on disability rights, climate change,government censorship, and ethics. She’s fought City Hall to build a green driveway (and won).Been blacklisted by the Canadian Government for her climate change art—and turned thegovernment’s silencing into international news. Her latest book, Freeing Teresa: A True Story aboutMy Sister and Me, is about choosing her sister’s freedom over her family. Franke helped heryounger sister get out of a nursing home. Then all hell broke loose. The two sisters had to standtogether—against their siblings, the medical system, and the police—to defend the right to be free.
Franke and her husband, Billiam James, helped Teresa regain her decision-making rights and get apublic apology from the Ontario Minister of Health. The memoir has won eighteen book awards inthe categories of Nonfiction Audiobook, True Story, Social/Political, Inspiration, Family Challenges,Special Needs, and Leadership. Franke lives in Vancouver, BC, with her husband and her sister,Teresa.
Get Connected with Franke!
Audible Link to Freeing Teresa: https://www.audible.com/pd/Freeing-Teresa-Audiobook/B0DCZZRX25Freeing Teresa site: https://freeingteresa.com/
Social Media:BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/frankejames.bsky.socialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/franke.james/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankejames/Mastodon: https://mastodon.online/@frankejames
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Visiting family and making soup for friends
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Helen Sernett, founder and host of the Sleep Lists podcast, was a non-profit fundraiser at the end of her rope, struggling with a long list of medical issues. Underlying all of it was the fact that she could no longer get herself to sleep. With Sleep Lists she serves up bedtime dreams every episode by reciting a lulling list of similar items. Lately, she’s more well rested and less on edge. She records voice over work and speaks at events about her experience with resilience and the power of neuroplasticity. Helen enjoys family time, cooking from scratch, and cozying up with a good book or movie.
Get Connected with Helen!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SleepLists/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfMvDMHSELtQyGWfYIkmwQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sleeplists
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sleep-lists/
Website: https://www.sleeplists.com/
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Laughing with your whole heart feels good within your soul
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Wendy is an Interview and Career Coach who helps people look so good that hiring managers can’t ignore them. She was stuck once, not knowing how to get out of a financial and emotional mess after a relationship break-up left her a broke single mum drowning in debt. But things changed when she changed – she invested in herself and found mentors and a supportive community to turn her mess into her success. And there's been plenty of hiccups along the way. From growing up a woman of color in apartheid South Africa to being held up at gunpoint in her first job in Australia and more than her fair share of health challenges - she's beat them all. Now she runs her company on her terms and helps professional people fearlessly get the job they want, negotiate the income they want, and ultimately the lifestyle they want.
Connect with Wendy!
Website: https://happycareerhub.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendyaalexander/
Get Connected with me, Tina! Bookshop Affiliate Link: https://bookshop.org/shop/thecourageousinnerbeastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinaohoangFacebook: https://tinyurl.com/tinaohoangWebsite: www.tinaohoang.comEmail: tinaohoang@gmail.comTo Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tinaohoang -
Continuation and keeping the connections you create
Get Connected with me, Tina! Bookshop Affiliate Link: https://bookshop.org/shop/thecourageousinnerbeastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinaohoangFacebook: https://tinyurl.com/tinaohoangWebsite: www.tinaohoang.comEmail: tinaohoang@gmail.comTo Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tinaohoang -
A church is where an insecure sixteen-year-old girl should feel welcome, happy, and most importantly, safe. Tragically for some, the church can become a place of great harm. Sandy Phillips Kirkham experienced the deceit and lies that come with being the victim of a wolf in sheep's clothing… her church’s youth minister. After decades of keeping her deep secret, Sandy discovered her voice and has made it her life’s work to be an advocate for others. Sandy continues to use her voice to help victims of clergy abuse.
She is a highly requested speaker, podcast guest and media liaison on the topic. Sandy has spoken before the Ohio Senate, a Maryland court, and appeared on a local television show in Boston. Her story, “Stolen Innocence,” was told in a documentary produced by The Hope of Survivors. Sandy works with survivors conducting victim support conferences. She has participated on panels moderated by SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), sharing her perspective from the non-Catholic point of view.
Connect with Sandy!
Amazon Book: https://www.amazon.com/Let-Prey-Upon-You-Ministers/dp/1734195223
Website: https://sandyphillipskirkham.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KirkhamAuthor
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandy-kirkham-37372313/
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A bit of my experience with EMDR and Empty Chair
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Native New Yorker currently based in Prague and Barcelona. Inbound marketing specialist with a boutique digital marketing agency for 13 years and a specialisation in helping bring blockchain solutions to the market. A traveling, headlining stand up comedian who recently launched her first solo show, the Heart, Mind, C!nt Connection.
Get Connected with Belinda!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/begood.bebad.belinda/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@begoodbebadbelinda
Website: https://www.belindacomedy.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/belindafilippelli/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/begoodbebadbelinda/
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Loneliness and coping with it
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Looking back two years ago, giving myself grace, and appreciating what I've learned now to proactively make choices that represents me.
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Born in the Queen of Angels Hospital in Los Angeles, CA, Patti knew she was chosen, though she didn’t know why. And then she discovered a small lump behind her daughter, Amber’s, ear in August of 1979. It was a discovery that would change her life, her destiny, and the world. Patti's story, chronicled in her book, "Embrace the Angel," challenges the notion of death and invites us to use the power of “Crossing the Threshold” to transform this world for the better.
She is a Life Coach, an End-of-Life Doula, a Certified Grief Educator, as well as an entrepreneur. Calling herself a "Student of Life" and a "Pebble Thrower in the still pond of Life," Patti has given tiny pewter Guardian Angel coins (Pebbles) to thousands of people as she travels the world. Using her God-given talents to serve Humanity, she created Tobias & Co. LLC, a company which creates products from the photos she's taken around the world. Their Giving Back Division, "Embrace the Angel," is devoted to elevating others. They donate silk scarves, ties, and pillow covers filled with Angels and inspirational quotes to those who need it most—those who are dying and the Loved Ones they leave behind—so that they can FEEL comforted and loved.
Her Why is spreading Amber’s message of “hope, heaven, and the miracle of life and death," working with those who are grieving, and Living in the Light. Her latest endeavor, "The Gray Rock Project," teaches others how to survive, then thrive after living with a narcissist.
Get Connected with Patti!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbracetheAngel
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxlxN7pGUb14LHMZAHAxgA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracetheangel/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patti-d-b0b2854/
Website: https://www.embracetheangel.com/
Get Connected with me, Tina! Bookshop Affiliate Link: https://bookshop.org/shop/thecourageousinnerbeastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinaohoangFacebook: https://tinyurl.com/tinaohoangWebsite: www.tinaohoang.comEmail: tinaohoang@gmail.comTo Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tinaohoang -
New published English author who has written about her life story detailing the decades she spent with a covert narcissist and includes detail of expat life in Italy, France and Nicaragua and details bereavement and cancer. Sometimes funny, often self deprecating, but more often than not brutally honest Martina details how a lack of boundaries made me her a prime target for this sort of abuse.
Get Connected with Martina!
Website: https://martinagruppo.substack.com/
Amazon book: https://www.amazon.com/Hello-Flower-story-narcissistic-invisible/dp/B0D4VRRVCY
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Life is good despite some downfalls.
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Traci is a reinvention coach who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 32. She has struggled with mental health issues for the majority of her life, and she understands on a deep level the grief, frustration, and path to acceptance that can come with a late diagnosis and living with an unseen disability. Through her journey of unmasking, hospitalization for psychiatric observation due to severe suicide ideation, and becoming a certified life coach trained in Identity-Based Coaching, she seeks to help others create and embrace their identities for improved mental well-being and use her lived experiences as a means to inspire others.
Get Connected with Traci!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traci.lh.3/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/traci-h-04b2bb176/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thatautisticcoach?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Website: https://tracihallcoaching.com/
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Stories of what I did at the national parks ^_^
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Tracee Lydia Garner is an international best-selling author of 18 books, as well as a speaker, writing coach, and dynamic course creator. She writes fiction and nonfiction depicting African-Americans triumphing over adversity and meeting success whether that be in love, or life pursuits. Tracee loves public speaking, teaching workshops, and talking about her craft at every opportunity. She is the creator of Garner Solutions, LLC coaching new and aspiring writers through finishing the book and the publishing process, as well as helping people with disabilities reach their independent living goals. Tracee holds a BS in Communications and resides outside the DC metropolitan area with her family.
Get Connected with Tracee!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TraceeLydiaGarner/
Website: https://traceegarner.com/
Book: Disability: Anecdotal Field Guide for the Rest of Us
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On vacation and loving the National Parks because I feel in it
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