In this episode we delve into the transformative concept of self-mastery. Learn what self-mastery is, why it's crucial for emotional intelligence, resilience, and achieving personal goals. Discover practical steps to embark on your own journey toward mastering yourself.
Key Takeaways:
Understanding Self-Mastery: The art of controlling and improving oneself through self-awareness and self-regulation.
Importance of Self-Mastery: Enhances emotional intelligence, fosters resilience, and empowers goal achievement.
Wise Story: An ancient Chinese tale illustrating the power of flexibility and resilience in self-mastery.
Practical Steps: Practice mindfulness, set clear goals, develop self-discipline, embrace lifelong learning, and reflect regularly.
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In this insight I talk about inner work and why it is important. The deeper we know ourselves the deeper we can meet others. Knowing ourselves completely can transform how we see the world and our relationships. A really important message today :) I hope it helped.
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I am here with some inspiration today. In today’s episode, we’ll uncover simple yet powerful techniques to transform anxiety. I will be posting episodes as they come with flow and being in spirit. I have missed you and hope to see more new listeners each week.
Meet Pippa Leslie here
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Shelby is a 27 year old professional horse trainer and behaviour consultant based in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Shelby has over 22 years of experience with horses. From the Arabian horse circuit to hunter/jumper to dressage and exercising race horses, Shelby’s practical experience with different kinds of horses has made her a well rounded horse person. On top of her practical experience, Shelby has also taken her post-secondary studies seriously, taking several Equine Science based courses through Guelph to work towards her Certificate of Equine Science, choosing to emphasize her studies and education on Equine Behaviour. In early 2021, Shelby received her Equine Behaviour Consultant certification from the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants.
The understanding and correct application of equine learning theory has allowed Shelby to hone her skills as a horse person and continue modernizing her approach as a trainer, with emphasis on equine ethology and ethical practice. Shelby attributes her history with horses to shaping the hardworking, patient and driven individual she is today.
Shelby Dennis https://milestoneequestrian.ca/shelby-dennis
Get Shelby's book - https://milestoneequestrian.ca/my-book
Shelby Dennis podcast - https://makingmilestones.podbean.com/
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I thought I would share some things I have been learning in my masters degree. It really is fascinating to me and I want to share the knowledge to help you understand more. I cannot wait to apply this knowledge to my friends and clients. I hope you enjoy.
Connect with host Pippa Leslie www.iampippaleslie.com
Work with Pippa! Find out more here
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Dr. Steven Farmer brings years of extensive training and study into his practice. An expert on a broad range of therapeutic techniques, he offers clients a unique and powerful synthesis of psychotherapy, somatic therapy, hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Tapping, and oracle card readings. This multi-modality structure allows Dr. Farmer to offer highly individualized and personalized therapeutic programs for his clients. Pippa takes a deep dive into these powerful healing techniques with Dr. Farmer.
Connect with Dr. Steven Farmer www.drstevenfarmer.com
Find books by Dr. Steven Farmer and other MindBodySpirit.fm podcast hosts in the online store
Work with Pippa Leslie- Discover her healing services
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This episode took me by surprise, John took me through some simple yet powerful exercises to help me release some blocks and get some healing answers. John is awesome at what he does and he gives so much healing and light wherever he goes.
John is the owner of Gold Coast Hypnotherapy.
John has many clients including lawyers, surgeons, doctors, psychiatrists and all sessions are 100% confidential. John lives and breaths hypnosis. John has studied for decades how the mind works and how powerful or destructive it can be. He understands the science behind human psychology, behaviour and the brain connections and how to change these patterns and behaviours very quickly and effortlessly at the unconscious level. John will help you change and enhance your life.
John graduated top of the class at the Australian hypnosis academy and is a very proud level 3 Qhht practitioner (John is one of only 2 males in the world to pass this elite qualification and the very first Australian resident in history to do so).
So ask yourself ‘what do I have to lose?’, If you feel like you would like to give hypnosis ago then please feel free to contact John.
Find John McLuckie on Facebook
Connect with Pippa Leslie
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About Pippa's guest Lysa Black- I am an Empath, a Heart Reader, a Healer, and Business Mentor from West Auckland, New Zealand and I want you to rise! I want you to prosper on purpose. To see the impact you make in the world amplified and celebrated, because I know what you have endured and suffered to even get here. Your faith, perseverance and wisdom has brought you this far – I want to see you go all the way! I have been in business for over 13 years and written 4 books. I teach empaths who are seeking to turn the burden of being an empath into the embodiment of healing presence. I help Empaths to know how to discern there own hearts, emotionally meet there own needs, read situations accurately and trust there perception implicitly so that they have an unshakable sense of trust, confidence and safety within. I specialize in helping empaths to discover the meaning, purpose and power of their abilities, and want to deepen into our sacred gifts. AND you can learn more about prospering on purpose in my Metaphysical Musings episode: “ Rebellious Business: FEMININE PROSPERITY!" on YouTube
Find Lysa Black at the Metaphysical School
Connect with Pippa Leslie and find out how you can work together
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About Adriana Bucci - I’ve been coaching since 2019 after a 4-year struggle with chronic physical pain that I had no idea was linked to my tumultuous childhood. I have truly been there in my life, and decided to use my experience to help as many people as possible to recover.
I truly believe that no matter how much emotional abuse you have been through, no matter how much physical chronic pain you are in, no matter how brainwashed you may have been as a child, you have the power to heal and transform from all those wounds.
I don’t even know you (yet), but I already know you have that power. My purpose as your coach is to shine the light through the darkness you are going through because I too, went through that darkness. Most people do not know how to heal from narcissistic abuse, I had no idea myself. I thought I would just be scarred for life after figuring out I was raised by a narcissistic mother. I went through years of what seemed like never-ending therapy, yoga, meditation, and seeking for the next best thing to feel better. After 4 years of chronic physical pain (a manifestation of my repressed emotions from childhood), I learned that healing was possible.
My journey with chronic pain and decades of emotional/mental confusion as a result of narcissistic personalities in my life were what led me to discover my true passion of helping others.
I truly believed, for most of my life, that something was wrong with me. I believed something was wrong with me mentally, emotionally, physically, as a person in general, in my personality, I thought my brain must have been broken. I wasn’t really sure what was wrong with me, but definitely something. I never truly related to most of the people in my life. As a child, I battled feelings of inadequacy from as early on as I can remember.
Find Adriana Bucci on Instagram
Connect with Adriana Bucci- Let's Get Your Shift Together
Meet Pippa Leslie and find out how you can work together
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Pippa introduces you to Lindsey Lockett- Hey, I’m Lindsey — a trauma educator, coach, awareness junkie, and nervous system ninja.
I help people heal from trauma and the subsequent nervous system dysregulation, brain inflammation, unconscious patterns, and soul fractures that happen as a result of trauma.
I create gentle, yet powerful containers to ignite awareness, illuminate out-of-alignment lifestyle choices, soothe brain inflammation, and reduce nervous system dysregulation.
These are the 4 Pillars of Holistic Trauma Healing:
Increase awareness
Decrease lifestyle inflammation
Decrease brain inflammation
Decrease nervous system dysregulation
Holistic Trauma Healing is the term that dropped into my awareness one day as I was in what I would later realize was the liminal phase of my own healing: going from survival, fix-it mode in my own body, mind, and soul and transitioning into a teacher and coach.
Find Lindsey Lockett here Find Lindsey's podcast Holistic Trauma Healing Podcast
Meet the host of The Conscious Convo Podcast Pippa Leslie and find out how you can work together
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Today I wanted to update you with some challenges I have faced over the last few months and how I have navigated them. Life can throw things at us but if we can always choose to see the blessings in them. I wanted to share a bit about my journey the last few months and to share more of myself, to be authentic and to share wisdom for you all. Thank you for listening and I hope this episode resonated with you.
Meet Pippa Leslie host of The Conscious Convo Podcast
Work with Pippa Leslie
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There are many different modalities in the world right now to help us heal and become more balanced. Breathwork has been one that has really helped me shift emotions and heal trauma. Gemma and I talk deeply about trauma and breathwork, how it has helped her and what it can do for others. What a juicy conversation.
Breathwork is a dynamic and intentional practice that harnesses the power of conscious breathing to enhance overall well-being. By focusing on the breath, individuals can tap into a range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. This transformative technique promotes stress reduction by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering a sense of relaxation. Additionally, breathwork serves as a gateway to mindfulness and meditation, grounding individuals in the present moment. With various techniques available, such as diaphragmatic breathing and alternate nostril breathing, breathwork offers a versatile toolkit for improving energy levels, releasing pent-up emotions, and fostering a deeper mind-body connection. Incorporating breathwork into daily routines has been associated with holistic healing, contributing to improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and an overall sense of vitality.
Find out about Gemma Rose
Gemma Rose podcast Take Your Meds
Meet Pippa Leslie and find out how you can work together
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Pippa shares her conversation with Libby Robertson. Here is Libby in her words. Hey beautiful soul, I'm Libby Robertson - the Founder and CEO here at Parradiigm. With a degree in Psychology, certification in Shamanism and years of corporate leadership and development, I'm the one who's going to show you how to create the life and business of your dreams inside all of the programs we deliver. Along with my husband Dane, we've also created the School of Spiritual Healing Arts, and charitable initiatives like Hope2Fam and The Self Wealth Project - helping raise money for underprivileged families around the world. I'm SO excited to partner with you on this journey - so send me a message and let's start ushering in A Whole New Way!
Find out about Paradiigm- A Whole New Way of Doing Business
Meet Pippa Leslie- Host of The Conscious Convo Podcast
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Pippa talks with Choiwee Moon she is an Intimacy Coach, Mental Health Advocate and Reiki Practitioner.
Here is her introduction in her words - My name is Choiwee Moon I have Māori and French heritage and I am Mama to three beautiful children. In 2016 I embarked on a deep journey into my own self discovery and healing. What began as an exploration into personal development practices rapidly became a spiritual awakening. I know the transformation that is possible and am beyond passionate about supporting others on their own journey back to pure love. From this burning desire to dive further into my own learning and to support long-term change for others, in 2020, this business was founded. Over the last couple of years I have discovered practices that incorporate meditation, embodiment exercises, breathwork, somatic therapy and many more holistic ways to create massive personal shifts. Whether you are seeking some clarity and guidance in your life or whether you want a deep metamorphosis there are many options available in what I offer. I work in person in the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand and online.
Connect with Choiwee Moon here https://linktr.ee/ChoiweeMoon
Meet Pippa Leslie Host of The Conscious Convo Podcast https://www.iampippaleslie.com/
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Pippa introduces you to Kim Mellor. Here she is in her own words. Hey I am Kim, I guide soul centered, paradigm shifting women back to their power, creating new levels of wealth, success, joy and abundance.
In late 2020, I gave away 90% of my possessions and booked a 1 way ticket to Bali! After many challenging life experiences, a successful 20+ modeling career and a thriving network marketing business, The Soul Digger podcast and community was born.
With over 100k downloads, 176 5* reviews the platform has inspired thousands around the world to dig deep, take the leap and go after their wildest dreams. The soul digger mission and magic is being spread throughout the world, through its podcast, community, retreats, and signature coaching, helping women all over the world achieve paradigm shifting, soul aligned success.
My mission is to be an example of what’s possible, and support you in living out every single dream, in alignment with every cell of your soul.
Connect with Kim Mellor https://www.kimmellor.com/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kimmellor_/
The Soul Digger podcast https://www.kimmellor.com/podcast
Meet Pippa Leslie Pippa is a qualified Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner, Reiki Master, Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Channel find out how to work with Pippa here
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Words from Tori - I am a mother, an artist, and a catalyst for heart-centred consciousness. I was born in England and moved to my present home in New Zealand in 2003.
It is my greatest pleasure to help you find the Love and Balance that already exists in the centre of your own Heart.
I have been creating the Reset to Love transmission since 2006, when a significant shift in my conscious awareness enabled me to see deep within the fractured heart of the collective consciousness of humanity.
Every day since 2006, I have been working within our collective heart, calling home the fragmentation from our battlefields of conflict and separation — creating a reflection of wholeness and unity to awaken the love and balance that exists within us all.
Reset to Love was created for these pivotal times, in which we are all being called to face and embrace our individual and collective shadow, like never before.
It is an honour to be of service. Find Tori Bassett here https://www.resettolove.com/
Connect with Pippa Leslie for support on your spiritual journey- QHHT, Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Private Mentoring
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In this episode of insecurities, we delved into the complex and relatable topic of insecurities, exploring what they are, how they affect us, and practical ways to heal and regain self-confidence. Insecurities are deep-seated feelings of doubt and self-consciousness that can stem from various sources, including social comparison, past traumas, and negative self-talk. We highlighted that everyone experiences some level of insecurity at various points in their lives, making it a common human experience. To overcome insecurities, we emphasized the importance of self-acceptance as the foundation of healing. Self-compassion was highlighted as a key element in treating oneself with kindness and understanding during the journey to self-confidence. We encouraged listeners to seek support, whether from professionals or trusted friends and family, as seeking help is a sign of strength. Please reach out for support. I Hope you enjoy this episode.
Connect with Pippa Leslie and find out how you can work with Pippa for QHHT, Reiki, or Intuitive Guidance
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This week we are re releasing a fabulous episode from last year. Learning more about QHHT with Suzanne Spooner.
Find out about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique with Suzanne Spooner
Connect with Pippa Leslie and find out about her services
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These topics have been coming up in my own life and others around me. I wanted to share a bit of inspiration about it today. It is ok to feel out of alignment, life is about balance. We create stress in our life, and we have to find ways to help ourselves connect and de-stress to live a more peaceful life.
Work with Pippa Leslie- Find out about her services
Meet Pippa Leslie- Intuitive Guidance, Reiki Healing, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and more
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Today I wanted to share my opinion on the pill. I was on it for 15 years and now I have been off it for 4 years my life completely changed. I wanted to share how being connected to our bodies is power. Our periods are not a burden, they make us women. I hope this episode gave you some inspiration today.
Check out Pip and her fertility massages, she has helped over 500 women get pregnant.
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