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Ever find yourself dragged into shiny object syndrome? With every passing moment there seems to be something newer, better, more effective popping up. Whether it’s a brand new diet which is promising all the results for minimal effort, a new workout programme that can give you the body you desire in less time than it takes to have your shower in the morning, or the latest so called miracle cure to a problem you didn’t even know you had.
It’s what I call the noise. The noise that is constantly being projected by the world, that tells you that the answers that you’re looking for are hidden in their awesome 3 step programme, or magical supplement. The noise that consistently tells you that what you think you know - well that doesn’t work any more and it’s time to move on.
And it’s so distracting. It makes you second guess yourself, it can feel ridiculously confusing and it can keep you in this kind of state of paralysis where you either don’t know what to do for the best, or find yourself bouncing from one thing to the next in the vain hope that one day one of these things is going to start working.
We’re diving into this today and we’re going to figure out:
-what’s going on with the noise
-why you’re trapped in shiny object syndrome
-and how you can start to dial down the volume or even turn off the noise altogether to find consistency and balance in your life.
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If you’re ready to get out of limbo and start getting results, it’s time to explore coaching opportunities with me! Check out what I can offer at https://chickfit.co.uk/therapeutic-coaching/
Do you ever feel like you’re living in a state of suspended animation? It’s that place where you feel like you’re kind of doing things to start progressing towards your goals - the research, the dreaming, the thinking, but in truth, you’re not taking concrete action yet. You’re caught between knowing what you want and actually starting that journey.
It can be a really comfortable place to be sometimes - full of the possibility of what lies ahead. But what if we end up spending way too long there? And that waiting becomes too comfortable. So comfortable in fact, that we stay stuck and just can’t seem to move forwards.
That’s what we’ll be tackling today. How to get you out of suspended animation and into action taking so you can finally start to realise your goals. Here’s how you can do it:
-Utilise “the gap” to it’s full potential
-Focusing on process rather than outcome related goals
-Leaning into imperfection
-Make the individual steps work for you
-Stop searching for more information and instead turn inwards to what you already know!
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Saknas det avsnitt?
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If you’ve ever felt guilty about taking time out for yourself, then I can confirm that you absolutely are not alone. For so many of us, it feels like to be a good mum, a good partner, a good employee, daughter, friend…or whatever other roles we might have in our lives, we have to give as much of ourselves as possible.
Which means that when we’re not doing that - when we’re not hustling, achieving, being productive or putting other things and other people first, the guilt can start to creep in. So that even when we know that taking a bit of time out would be good for us, it can start to feel almost impossible to do that.
So let’s get to the bottom of this today. Here’s what we’re talking about:
-Nervous system regulation and why it’s the glue that holds us together!
-Why we feel guilty for taking time out - and why it’s part of our conditioning and not ours to carry
-How guilt ties into our sense of worth and our sense of identity, therefore making it hard to shift
-3 ways to reduce the guilt and reframe the idea of rest
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Sometimes it feels like you’re doing a lot of the things you need to get a result - but you’re not quite doing everything you could. And yet in spite of the fact you know this, there’s still a big part of you that’s just getting frustrated that you’re not getting the result that you truly want.
And we can sometimes end up here for a long time - hoping that we can keep doing the same things and something is just going to magically shift or change, or that some super easy, effortless hack is going to pop up that means we’ll finally get where we want to.
But we all know that’s not the way things work. So today, I’m talking about how to decide the best route to take when you’re in this situation, and how to decide what you’re truly willing to do to see the changes that you want.
Takeaways include:
-Why staying on “resistance road” is tempting - but unhelpful
-Empowering yourself by choosing between “acceptance avenue” or the “commitment causeway”
-Weighing up the compromises and pros and cons to each approach
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Safe to say that we all engage in a bit of emotional eating from time to time. But if its something that we start to feel is sabotaging our efforts with healthier eating on a regular basis, then it can become really tempting to try and control it with diets, restriction and cutting out certain foods for periods of time.
We feel like the more control we have over ourselves, the less likely we will be to react emotionally to food. But unfortunately, that strategy often falls on it’s face. Today we’ll be delving into what’s going on with emotional eating - whether what we’re experiencing is actually the result of something different, and then we’ll explore some practical strategies for tackling the self sabotage of emotional eating once and for all.
Takeaways include:
-How to find out if you’re really experiencing emotional eating, or if it could be something else
-Why emotional eating isn’t necessarily a bad thing
-The steps we can take to stop sabotaging with emotional eating
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We’d all love to feel more in control right - to be able to deal with all the day to day stuff that life throws at us, to be totally organised and to have the time to look after ourselves as well. And in that mythical land where we are the ones in control, everything suddenly feels easy, we can finally be exactly who we want to be, and we can have the life that we crave.
Except what if all of this effort we’re putting into having control is actually having the opposite effect - making us feel more anxious and keeping us awake at 3 in the morning as we try to figure out how to keep it all together and manage life to the very best of our ability.
Well today we’re going in. We’re talking about what we think we’re going to achieve and feel in our lives by having more control - and we’re maybe going to busy a myth or two around that which will have you thinking very differently by the end of this episode.
Takeaways include:
-What really happens when we try and exert more control in our lives
-The dangers of super high personal expectations and all of those “should”
-What happens when you finally let go of people pleasing
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I’ve been a personal trainer for well over 11 years now - and in that time I’ve learnt so so much. But what I’ve particularly learnt from are some of those early experiences I had where I showed up full of the naivety of a newly qualified PT thinking that all I needed was to show up with a brilliantly designed programme and everyone was guaranteed to get the results they wanted.
So you can imagine my disappointment when it didn’t always go to plan. But the great news for you is that it means I’ve learnt an awful lot about what women actually need - and I want to share that with you today - 5 of the key lessons I’ve learnt that you can apply to your own life to get so much closer to those fitness, wellbeing and lifestyle goals that you have right now.
Takeaways include:
-Why cultivating your own motivation is crucial for achieving fitness goals
-How connecting to the deeper emotional reasons behind fitness goals can drive real change
-What procrastination is REALLY about (it’s not what you think)
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BOOK YOUR UNSTUCK & UNSTOPPABLE SESSION RIGHT HERE >>> https://chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
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Listen to episode 173: The 3 vital phases you need to know about to create consistency with your fitness - https://pod.fo/e/27d857
Plateaus in fitness (and motivation) can be super frustrating. BUT they are a natural and necessary part of the journey toward long-term health and wellness. So this week we’re diving into how you can approach, bust through and even embrace those plateaus rather than seeing them as a failure which can ruin your long term progress.
In fact, fitness plateaus can be an amazing time to build resilience and mental strength - we just need to cultivate a few key skills and strategies in order to make that happen. Here’s what we’ll cover:
-Plateaus are a normal part of any fitness journey, and learning to embrace them is essential.
-The different ways in which we can measure our fitness, change our perspective, and therefore recognise the other ways we’re making progress.
-Learning the skill of patience - and all that it brings with it
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
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Listen to Episode 153 - Body Image & Midlife - The NEW Impossible standard? Right here - https://pod.fo/e/248434
Our 40s and 50s can be a huge flashpoint when it comes to our relationship with our bodies. A flashpoint that can feel even harder to navigate when it feels like all the strategies that used to work for us are no longer working - when our bodies are changing in ways that we don’t feel comfortable about and yet it feels like there’s nothing we can do to stop it.
Now of course, there are absolutely things we can do to hold back the tide - I’m sure you all know by now that things like more protein and strength training are the way to go - but I believe there’s more to it than that. That this is also an opportunity for us to really address our body image and how we feel about our bodies in a way that we might never have done before.
So today I want to dive into body positivity and body neutrality, and how we can use them (especially the latter) to not just make friends with our bodies, but to improve our overall health and wellbeing too.
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BOOK YOUR UNSTUCK & UNSTOPPABLE SESSION RIGHT HERE >>> https://chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
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An honest hands up if you’ve ever blamed a lack of willpower or motivation for why you’re not fitter, or why you can’t seem to eat better, or why you’ve not lost weight yet?
Well today, we’re going to tackle the concepts of willpower and motivation - and how basing our progress on these fleeting and unreliable resources could actually be holding you back from achieving your goals.
Because the truth is that willpower and motivation get easily disrupted Today, we tackle the often-misunderstood concepts of willpower and motivation, revealing how these fleeting resources can hold us back from achieving our goals. Here’s what we’ll be covering:
-Why willpower and motivation are unreliable resources and shouldn’t be viewed as prerequisites to going for your goals
-Why you need to get clear on what really matters to you first
-Why dumping the all-or-nothing mindset allows for realistic progress and eases motivation struggles
-How to develop the art of patience, dump the cookie cutter approaches and find a strategy that feels good for you as an individual
-Putting this all together to discover your own formula for lasting success.
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
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BOOK YOUR UNSTUCK & UNSTOPPABLE SESSION RIGHT HERE >>> https://chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
*And receive a complimentary 45 minute follow up session (for a limited time only)
One of the biggest complaints I get from women is that they’re knackered - exhausted, fatigued, burnt out - call it what you will, it feels like a bit of an epidemic. And the thing is I could sit here and give you 10 practical tips to increase your energy, but I’m fairly sure if you’re in the exhausted camp you don’t need yet another strategy or hack.
In fact, what you probably need is to look at growing your energy in a completely different way. So, that’s exactly what we’re doing today - 5 ways to have more energy this year that you probably haven’t even considered.
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Struggling with self-control around food, exercise, and wellness is a common challenge, especially as the new year approaches.
So this week we’re taking a deep dive to understanding the nature of self-control, exploring why it often feels elusive and how we can reclaim it in a way that feels liberating rather than restrictive.
Here’s what you’re going to take away from this episode:
-Self-control is often a learned behaviour influenced by our upbringing and experiences.
-Understanding the roots of our lack of self-control can lead to effective solutions.
-How calming the nervous system is crucial for improving self-regulation and decision-making.
Get ready to transform your mindset and discover practical steps to achieve your fitness and wellness goals with ease and confidence.
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Discover how Unstuck & Unstoppable can help you and book your session here - https://pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
Consistency is often touted as the key to achieving our fitness and wellbeing goals, but in truth the rigid ideas we have about what this really means can actually hold us back.
Because so many of us get stuck in a cycle of self-criticism when we can't maintain the perfect routine, leading to frustration and, ultimately, giving up. So this week, we’re diving into how we can redefine the concept of consistency in a way that will benefit our long term success in a life that ebbs and flows. This is about allowing more ease, rather than the relentless push for perfection that we often feel we need to sustain.
We’re going to talk about:
-How consistency is a long-term commitment rather than a rigid daily routine we must stick to.
-Why it's important to adapt our fitness and nutrition goals according to life’s changing seasons.
-Allowing ourselves flexibility in our routines so we can reduce the pressure to be perfect.
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Discover how Unstuck & Unstoppable can help you and book your session here - https://pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
Feeling stuck despite your best efforts? Well you’re definitely not alone! Which is why today we're diving into the frustrating reality of doing all the right things but seeing little to no change.
This episode is all about shifting your perspective to break free from that rut and find new pathways to success.
We'll explore the common areas where people often feel trapped, such as fitness, stress, and self-esteem, and discuss why the traditional approaches might be holding you back.
Get ready for some eye-opening insights that challenge the notion of "more is better" and encourage you to rethink your strategies for lasting change. It's time to embrace a different way of thinking and open yourself up to new possibilities!
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-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
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Discover how Unstuck & Unstoppable can help you and book your session here - https://pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable/
Today, we explore the journey of rediscovering your authentic self and the challenges many face in a world that often demands conformity.
We’ll talk all about the concept of authenticity versus attachment, highlighting how societal expectations can lead us to mask our true identities to gain acceptance. And I’ll be sharing some of my personal experiences of grappling with the pressures of fitting in, particularly as an introvert, and the exhausting effort of trying to mould yourself into what others expect.
We’ll dive into:
-The power of rediscovering your authentic self and understanding who you truly are.
-How you can be less apologetic for who you are to ultimately boos your confidence and live in a way that feels amazing to you.
-Ways in which we can challenge the societal expectations that we’ve internalised and which might be keeping us stuck in overwhelm and low self esteem right now.
Join us as we uncover practical steps to reconnect with your real self, shed the weight of others' expectations, and cultivate the confidence to simply be you.
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
-Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit
To book your Unstuck & Unstoppable session, check out the details here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable
If you have ever felt like you’re never quite reaching your goals, you ever feel frustrated that the things you want never seem to get any closer, or you often feel stuck on your journey to better fitness and wellbeing, then this is the episode for you. Because in this episode we’re going to get into how we can rethink our goals, change our perspective and redefine success in order to get closer to what we want for ourselves.
We’ll explore:
-the kinds of goals that we’re typically going for
-why these might not be such a great fit for you any more and how they can actually be working against you
-and then we’ll look at new ways of defining your success so you can finally get unstuck and feel amazing.
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To find out more about the Midlife Reboot head here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/midlife-reboot
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I hear a lot about how to balance our hormones during the peri to post-menopause phase. So, in today’s episode I want to really tackle this thing - what does it really mean to ‘balance’ your hormones, is it really a thing we can do and what can we ultimately do to help ourselves feel more balanced, and importantly more resilient in this phase.
And guess what - it’s not just about the hormones - so I’ll also be talking about another key aspect of your menopause experience and how this can also have a direct affect on your personal experience of this big life transition.
We’ll cover:
-Stress management and why this is so hard and yet so important
-Nutrition and gut health and how this can have a direct impact on your hormones
-And the extra bit that we’re not talking about, but that can have a huge impact on the environment we create for this big life transition, and the experience that we ultimately have!
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-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
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To find out more about the Midlife Reboot head here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/midlife-reboot
To book your Unstuck & Unstoppable session, check out the details here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable
This week's podcast dives deep into the essential practice of self-compassion, a crucial element for personal growth and emotional well-being.
So many of us struggle with harsh self-criticism and unrealistic perfectionism, often forgetting to treat ourselves with the kindness we readily offer others. So today we’ll be highlighting the importance of becoming our own supportive parent, encouraging us to soften our internal dialogue and embrace our flaws while celebrating our strengths.
By recognising the difference between perception and reality, we can challenge negative self-talk and foster a more compassionate mindset. Ultimately, this episode is all about empowering you to let go of perfectionism and cultivate a gentler, more authentic approach to life.
We’ll cover:
-Why self-compassion is essential for personal growth and overcoming perfectionism in daily life.
-How recognising and challenging negative self-talk can significantly improve your overall wellbeing.
-Learning to accept our flaws and celebrate our strengths to allow us to embrace our most authentic selves.
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
-Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit
To find out more about the Midlife Reboot head here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/midlife-reboot
To book your Unstuck & Unstoppable session, check out the details here - pages.chickfit.co.uk/unstuck-unstoppable
Creating consistent workout routines can often feel like an uphill battle, but understanding the three vital phases of your fitness journey can make all the difference. Consider this the information you NEED to set you up for long-term success.
We’ll explore:
-The habit building phase we all need to start with to establish the strong foundations for fitness success.
-How our expectations around fitness can create unnecessary pressure, leading to inconsistency and frustration.
-Embracing the non-linear journey that’s a normal part of being consistent with our fitness
-And how to celebrate small victories to maintain motivation and commitment.
Tune in to discover how to shift your mindset, build sustainable habits, and ultimately create a more enjoyable and consistent approach to fitness.
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
-Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit
To find out more about The Midlife Reboot and get your hands on the very limited spaces available right now, head to https://pages.chickfit.co.uk/midlife-reboot/
Do you ever get tempted by all the amazing solutions that are out there these days for your fitness and wellbeing. Whether it’s the latest scientifically proven workout routine that’s going to give you results in no time at all, or you’re curious about cold water therapy, or you fancy trying out a few supplements that you’ve read about - there always seems to be something new to distract us and offer us a new way to do things.
And sure, there’s a lot of fun stuff out there to explore. BUT if we don’t have the fundamental and usually very simple, cheap and easy things in the bag already, then we could be missing a huge trick.
So today I want to talk about why keeping it simple is queen and how to incorporate those simple practices (for EXERCISE, NUTRITION and WELLBEING) into your day to day to create the foundations for your best results ever.
-My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/
-Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit
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