
  • Supplements can be a bit of a minefield with so many options out there and so much advice on what we should be taking to support our health and wellbeing. And while I do believe that we should be looking to get as many nutrients as we possibly can directly from our food, I do also know that a few well chosen supplements can be a really amazing way to add to that in a really targeted way.

    So today, I wanted to cover off a few of the key supplements that you might have heard about, the ones that I mostly get asked about, and ones that you might want to consider adding into your very own health and wellbeing toolkit.

    We’ll be including:


    -Protein Powder


    -Vitamin D

    -Prebiotics & Probiotics

    -Menopausal supplements such as black cohosh and red clover

    NB - this is not an exhaustive list of supplements - just the ones I get asked about the most and some that may be particularly beneficial. Also note that I am not a doctor or nutritionist, so my aim here is to provide you with the basis for further exploration, research and consideration in a way that I hope will be easy to understand and help you narrow down your choices and reduce the overwhelm.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

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  • Diet culture has existed our entire lives. From thigh gaps to heroin chic to Kim kardashian bums to leggings legs. And call me stupid, but I kind of hoped that in my 40s some of that stuff would start to fade away. That there would be fewer demands on us to look a certain way and maybe, just maybe, we could be allowed to just enjoy our bodies as they are right now.

    But of course, that was never to be. Because I don’t know about you but I’ve noticed a brand new trend emerging which, on the one hand, is showing women what is truly possible in their 40s, 50s and beyond, which is totally amazing. But which, on the other hand, appears to be creating a new ‘no excuses’ standard that we’re now all meant to live up to for the next part of our lives.

    Honestly, at this point it just feels exhausting. So in today’s episode I’m talking all about:

    -The new standard for what our midlife bodies apparently “should” look like

    -Why it’s damaging our self-esteem and confidence

    -How this is taking away from the conversations that we should be having

    -How you can take steps to prevent being negatively impacted by this new standard

    Ultimately, we already have a whole lot of ‘stuff’ going on in our midlife years that’s actually way more important than just how we look. And this is my call to help us keep focused on what’s actually important. 


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

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  • Let’s be honest, sometimes it can feel pretty hard to pull those leggings on and get a workout done. Even the most dedicated amongst us can go through periods where working out just feels hard. So, to lighten things up, today I want to share with you 7 mini challenges that you can add into your routine to make fitness more fun and help you to get your mojo back, or just add a fun and interesting challenge into your usual routine.

    The Steps ChallengeThe Press Up Challenge10 in 10A mile a dayEvery minute on the minuteAdd 5 Challenge100 Squats Challenge

    If you want to join us for the next 10 in 10 Challenge coming up inside the ChickFit Members Club at the end of June 2024, just head to www.chickfit.co.uk/membersclub


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Boundaries - something that we’re not always that good at, especially as women who have been brought up in a society that tells us it’s our job to look after everyone else. But the problem is that when we don’t always have those healthy boundaries in place in our lives, it can lead to stress, overwhelm and resentment as we scramble to keep everyone else happy at the expense of our own wellbeing.

    So today we’re going to look at boundaries:

    -what they are

    -why we need to create healthy boundaries 

    -and how to start doing that in our own lives. 

    So that we can be less stressed, more relaxed and also ultimately have more energy to do the things that are actually important to us.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • If you’re in your 40s and beyond, it may well feel like your body has turned against you and you seem to be putting weight on - and yet still doing all the same things you’ve always done. And so many women say to me that because they’re menopausal or perimenopausal, their metabolism has tanked and their hormones are making them put on weight.

    But is that as true as we think it is, or is there a different story here? Are our hormones alone responsible for our weight gain? Are there other forces at play here that we need to be aware of? Well the answer is no to the first and yes to the second.

    And in today’s episode we’re going to discover the ins and outs of this, and find out what’s really going on and what you can do to tackle midlife weight gain and keep that metabolism stoked up.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Improving our nutrition so often comes with a side serving of guilt and willpower and restriction. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a different way we can look at eating better that can feel so much lighter, easier and more fun.

    And wouldn’t that be an amazing thing - if better eating didn’t have to feel like hard work. Well today, I’m going to share with you 3 fun and easy ways that you can improve the way you eat and feel better, including:

    -The plant foods challenge

    -Increasing your protein

    -Gentle’ meal planning


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Summer is on it’s way - and with it I know a lot of panic and worry about getting fitter and maybe losing some weight ready for beaches and more heat and generally less clothing to cover ourselves up with. It’s a classic time for quick fixes and suddenly going for it with a ridiculous workout regime to get so-called bikini ready.

    Now you already know that I think you’re amazing as you are right now, but as a realist I also know that how we look and how we feel about ourselves is also pretty important to many of us - myself included. So, in today’s episode I’ll be talking about non quick fix ways that you can prep for your ‘fit woman’ summer - and hopefully beyond that a ‘fit woman’ life.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Ready to change the game when it comes to stress? Ready to finally get out of fight or flight mode, to reduce the overwhelm and to feel more in control? Then in part two of this mini how to manage stress series, I’m going to go deeper. And today we’re going to get into the longer term things you can start to do to address stress and overwhelm in your life.

    And be warned - this stuff might not be what you think it is. We’ll be covering everything from self esteem, to how stress is serving you right now to the classic phrase “I just prefer it when I’m busy”.

    So that by the end of today’s episode you’re ready to tackle that stress and overwhelm in your life for good.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • We all know that stress is such a common part of modern life. We are always on, we’re all trying to manage too much and juggle too many things in our lives. And of course we all know that it’s not so great for our mental, physical or emotional wellbeing to be dealing with that on an ongoing basis.

    And while some stress is good and even necessary in our lives, it would be fair to say that most of us would definitely like quite a bit less of it. So, in this two part series, we’re going to explore ways to manage stress - in part one what you can do when you’re right in the middle of it, and in part two we’ll look at some longer term strategies to reduce the power that stress has over your life more generally.

    In this episode we’ll talk about:

    -Controlling the Controllables

    -Reprioritising and breaking down the problem

    -Knowing when to walk away

    -Learning how to drop into your body

    -Focusing on sleep and reducing phone time


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll probably know that HRT has been having a bit of a moment recently. Whether its Davina’s documentary about it or stories that pop up every now and again about HRT shortages and women left without, there is no doubt that in the last couple of years, the menopause and HRT has definitely come up on our radar.

    In fact, there are some that think that every woman should be on HRT to protect us against a host of issues and diseases as we age. And most certainly, we have been given the message that HRT could well be the saviour for us - whether its symptoms we’re currently experiencing, or future proofing our minds and bodies.

    So I wanted to get into this today and talk a bit about HRT - is it in fact the answer to all our ills, or are there some other things we should maybe be considering along the way too?

    We’ll be getting into:

    -A few caveats around this sometimes controversial topic!

    -My personal (and I emphasise PERSONAL) take on HRT

    -What exactly is HRT and how is it usually prescribed

    -The current viewpoints on HRT

    -The things I think all of us should be considering when we’re applying these viewpoints to ourselves, to our own lives and to our own experiences


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Have you ever heard the phrase “let go or be dragged”? Well, for many of us there are loads of times and situations in our lives where we reach a crossroads. Where we have a decision we need to make about how we approach a certain problem.

    A decision between being dragged through that problem or that change kicking and screaming, or letting go and accepting the things that need to change and then working to change them.

    And if you’re in any situations right now, especially regarding your health and wellbeing, which are feeling painful, or frustrating or uncomfortable, then you are at one of those crossroads. And today’s episode is going to help you decide which road you go down and whether you choose to let go or be dragged.

    We’ll talk about:

    -The ‘symptoms’ of being at a crossroads where you’re at risk of being ‘dragged’ into a new reality

    -How to identify that crossroads and the two ways that you can approach that

    -The ways in which I see this dilemma showing up for women in the fitness and wellness space

    -How we can let go and choose the path of ‘least pain’ and ‘least resistance’


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • As we move into spring, this is an absolutely brilliant time for setting some new fitness goals for ourselves. Our motivation is naturally higher, we’re feeling ready to move our bodies a bit more, we’re leaving behind the comfort food. 

    But when it comes to setting those goals there are a few mistakes that I see people making over and over again, which can end up with us falling off the wagon within weeks, not achieving our goals and having to go all the way back to the start again. So the great news is that this year I’m here for you - here to help you avoid those pitfalls and talk about how you can set the kind of goals that are going to help you consistently keep moving towards them in a way that feels great.

    DOWNLOAD YOUR GOAL SETTING GUIDE & PLANNER HERE - www.chickfit.co.uk/goalplanner

    In this episode we’ll talk about:

    -The 3 big mistakes you’re making when you’re setting your fitness goals

    -Why these might mean that you’re not achieving your goals and feel like you’re going round and round in circles with them

    -What you can do for yourself instead to make sure you set the RIGHT kinds of goals and that you stay the course


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • If you’ve ever intentionally lost weight you’ll be familiar with the high that comes along with that journey. The euphoria you feel when the number on the scales shifts down, or when your clothes start feeling looser and everyone’s commenting on how great you look.

    But once the result has been achieved and that feeling has gone, what next? And is it possible that one of the reasons that our weight goes up and down, we struggle to keep on top of our nutrition, and our exercise levels constantly yoyo is that we’re addicted to the high. So when we’re not feeling it we give up, only to chase it all over again.

    Here’s what we’ll be covering today:

    -The weight loss / weight gain cycle and the role of “the high” that goes with that

    -The possible issues that come along with that “high”

    -Top tips for escaping that cycle and feeling great every day (regardless of whether you lost weight today!)


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Come and join me inside the ChickFit Members Club and get your resistance training journey started! Just quote 7for1 at the checkout to get your first 7 days for just £1. Head to https://www.chickfit.co.uk/membersclub

    Curious about resistance training? Or maybe it’s something you’ve dabbled in but never got really consistent with? Well today, it’s all about the joys of resistance training. My personal favourite type of workout and something that will honestly change the way you feel about fitness and about your body forever, 

    Inside this episode:

    -Resistance vs cardio training - which one is really best?

    -The toning up myth

    -How resistance training can make for stronger bones, a healthier brain and even better blood sugar management

    -And of course, how to actually get started with adding a resistance training routine into your life


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Have you ever felt like you're constantly struggling to stick to a fitness routine? Well, it might be because you're unknowingly buying into some sneaky lies. In this episode, I'm going to uncover three common lies that could be hindering your progress and holding you back from achieving your fitness goals. So, get ready to challenge your mindset and break free from these barriers!

    SPECIAL OFFER ALERT: And if you are ready to stop holding yourself back and start nailing your fitness and wellness this spring, then for this week only, when you join the ChickFit Members Club you will also receive a bonus 45-minute 1-to-1 Coaching Call with me.

    In this session we’ll dive into your goals, identify any obstacles that might be holding you back, tackle your mindset and help you to create a plan to take your fitness journey (and your results) to new heights! Just head to www.chickfit.co.uk/membersclub to claim this special bonus.

    Inside This Episode:

    -We’ll look at our tendency to compare our journey to others and challenge the idea that appearances reflect reality!

    -We’ll explore the comparison trap and the detrimental impact of believing others have it easier than us.

    -And we’ll bust the myth that fitness should become effortless over time. Embrace the challenge and recognise that growth comes from pushing beyond comfort zones, not seeking easy paths.

    Fitness is not about taking the easy route—it's about embracing the challenges and emerging stronger on the other side. By confronting these lies and embracing the journey, you'll not only build physical strength but also cultivate mental resilience.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Today, we’re diving into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: the desire to reconnect with our former selves. 

    But before we delve into that, let's talk about something equally exciting—Week 2 of Membership Month! If you’re tired of spinning your wheels in your fitness journey and you’d love to get your mojo back, then The ChickFit Members Club is the place to do it.

    And when you join me this week, you’ll also receive a special bonus - a 14-day Nutrition Reset Meal Plan which is going to help you kickstart your wellness journey in the right way! Just head to www.chickfit.co.uk/membersclub to join us today!

    Inside This Episode we’ll:

    -Explore the common yearning to rediscover our former selves, particularly during transitional phases like post-pregnancy or menopause.

    -Reflect on the tendency to idealise past versions of ourselves, often fixating on physical attributes as markers of identity and worth.

    -Challenge the notion that returning to our old selves is the key to happiness, and the importance of embracing growth and evolution.

    -Help you shift your perspective from longing for the past to embracing the excitement of discovering your new self, feeling empowered to define your path and dream big.

    Instead of pining for who we once were, let's step boldly into the realm of possibility and chart a course toward our best selves!


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • March is finally here, which also means it’s Membership Month! So if you want to join me to get started on your own journey towards your fittest, strongest, healthiest version of yourself, come and join me inside the ChickFit Members Club this March.

    Join this week and you can enjoy your first 7 days for just £1 - head to www.chickfit.co.uk/membersclub and quote 7for1 at the checkout.

    In this week’s episode we’ll unraveling the mystery of motivation and discovering the keys to staying on track with your fitness goals. Inside this episode:

    -We’ll discover why motivation isn’t as important you think it is

    -We’ll talk about why staying motivated shouldn’t be the goal

    -We’ll get into what happens when you feel you ‘need’ to be motivated to take action

    -And I’ll share my top 5 strategies for rediscovering your motivation 

    Let’s get you ready for action!


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • In this week’s episode we’re talking all about that often-experienced feeling of disconnection that many women face, especially during transitions like new motherhood and the peri to post menopause phase. Here’s what we’ll be discovering this week:


    -What ‘congruency’ means and how we can start to find a closer alignment between the things that matter to us and how we’re actually living our lives.

    -Why our motivations (and whether they are extrinsic or intrinsic) really matter to us and how we can shape that to feel more connected.

    -How we can reflect on our true priorities vs the things we’re actually prioritising on a day to day basis - and how our habit of responding to certain tasks is fuelling our feeling of disconnection.

    -The idea of ‘living on purpose’ and balancing the needs of others with fulfilling your own desires.

    -The mind body connection and why this is such an important part of creating a stronger feeling of connection within ourselves.

    By the end of today’s episode, you’re going to be ready to start tapping into the things that are important to you, so you can reconnect with yourself, reduce your stress and overwhelm and find more peace and joy within your life. 


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Register for the FREE Power Up Your Perimenopause Workshop held on Monday, February 19th at 6:30pm at https://chickfit.co.uk/puypworkshop

    We've all been there—waiting for the perfect moment to prioritise our fitness and wellness, but what if all this waiting around is simply setting us up for failure, even if and when we DO find the right time? 

    Well today we’re going to delve into why playing the waiting game may really not be helping you. 

    -The two traps that we tend to fall into when we’re waiting for the ‘right time’

    -Why we need to focus first on building new habits rather than fixating on an immediate outcome

    -How to start developing the small daily habits which become our healthy non-negotiables

    -Leaning into acceptance of the ups and downs of life and having the necessary resilience to adapt rather than give up

    -How to cultivate a consistent commitment to your wellbeing and crushing the notion that this is only reserved for when the time is right!

    Let's break free from the "right time" mindset and create lasting change.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit

  • Become a Premium Podcast Member RIGHT HERE!

    In this week’s episode of The Busy Woman’s Guide to Fitness & Wellness, how you can find balance through your fitness routine, with a special focus on the transformative power of yoga. Join me as I chat with yoga expert Jolanthe from Bendy Life Yoga about building strength, fostering self-acceptance, and navigating the peri to post menopause years.

    Here’s what’s in store:

    -Yoga’s role in helping us to build strength, as part of a well rounded fitness routine, to enhance your results

    -How we can use yoga to help us develop a deeper level of self acceptance and to cultivate an appreciation for our bodies

    -Navigating menopause with the help of yoga, helping to support you through this vital transitional phase

    -How we can challenge age in fitness, debunking myths around needing to slow down and how this can be the perfect moment to re-define our capabilities and our relationship with our bodies.

    -How you can access some brilliant free sessions from Jolanthe to give them a try at home.

    I know this episode is going to inspire you to embrace the transformative power of yoga in your fitness journey. Connect with Jolanthe on Instagram or via her website and explore the free online yoga sessions she offers.


    -My website https://www.chickfit.co.uk/

    -Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alixchickfit

    -Review and subscribe to my podcast https://www.podfollow.com/chickfit