
  • Host Simon provides a detailed guide on managing the end of a tenancy.
    Simon addresses a listener's question about handling council tax, utilities, and other administrative tasks, especially for properties owned by limited companies. He shares his own experiences as a self-managing landlord, highlighting the need for effective communication, documentation, and thorough inspections. Simon's insights offer valuable advice for landlords and property managers to ensure a smooth transition and address key administrative tasks efficiently.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Building a Time Efficient £Million Property Portfolio (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/237).
    * How to make £1 million from buy-to-let property (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/238).
    * Streamlined property management with PaTMa Manager (https://www.patma.co.uk/property-manager/).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • In this episode, Simon delves into a follow-up discussion on achieving £1 million from a buy-to-let property portfolio, addressing listener questions from the previous episode.
    Simon introduces updates to the PaTMa Prospector software, which now offers enhanced features for evaluating multiple property strategies and clearer financial forecasts. Simon also offers a seven-day trial for the software and encourages feedback. He answers questions about his own portfolio and the feasibility of the £1 million model, considering current market conditions.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Last week - How to make £1 million from buy-to-let property (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/238).
    * Today's spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VAMkll0m7trFHl_Bl4kNv5g-ImRL5ub_TWSfMB0LYDI/edit?usp=sharing).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

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  • In this episode, Simon explores the pathway to making £1 million from buy-to-let property investments.
    Simon outlines a simplified model that focuses on rental profit and equity gains. He details an investment strategy involving purchasing standard three-bedroom family homes in Brighton. Listen to find out how this simple property investment strategy can make £1 million.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * The previous "Replace your salary from property" series...
    * Replacing your salary with rent-to-rent (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/80).
    * Replacing your salary with an HMO portfolio (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/82).
    * Replacing your salary with a buy to let portfolio (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/86).
    * Replacing your salary with serviced accommodation (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/89).
    * Today's spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x5bSdX-c_J5aVKyKJvRA3qnB0y3W110_EcgtuSa19GU/edit?usp=sharing).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • Simon explores strategies for optimizing a £million property portfolio for minimal time investment, without fully outsourcing.
    Have you considered how the structure of your property portfolio, and the properties within it, affects the amount of time you spend? Listen for Simon's thoughts on how you should structure a £million property portfolio with the intention of minimising the cost on your time.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * My last solo episode - 231 - How do you evaluate a property? (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/231).
    * Property Hub episode (https://podcast.propertyhub.net/tpp583-how-we-manage-million-pound-portfolios-in-60-minutes/)
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • Simon welcomes Julia Scoville, the organizer of Crawley Property Meet. Learn the secrets of (attending) a successful property networking event.
    Julia recounts the meetup's humble beginnings in a hotel foyer, its growth to larger venues, and the pivot to virtual gatherings during the pandemic. She emphasizes the importance of support for landlords facing everyday challenges. Now at the helm, Julia is reinvigorating the meetup with a focus on networking and value for attendees. Despite initial post-pandemic attendance hurdles, Julia's enthusiasm suggests a bright future for Crawley Property Meet and its members.
    Please accept my apologies for the minor sound issues on this recording.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Crawley Property Meet on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/308192232886588).
    * June's Crawley Property Meet, on Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crawley-property-meet-tickets-905962085987).
    * Julia's previous episode (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/214).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Julia Scoville.

  • Host Simon welcomes Rob Turner, Land Director at Virtue Property Group, to discuss the intricacies of land acquisition and the planning permission process.
    Rob shares his strategies for identifying land opportunities, emphasizing the importance of relationships with agents and thorough site evaluations. He details the planning application steps, including pre-application meetings with councils and working with architects. Rob recounts a successful development where he personally invested, transforming a rundown bungalow and outbuildings into an attractive courtyard housing scheme.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Special guest - Rob Turner from Virtue Property Group (https://www.virtuepropertygroup.com/).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Rob Turner.

  • Host Simon, a seasoned property investor, chats with Simon, an expert mortgage broker, about the intricacies of mortgage rates, the influence of the Bank of England base rate, and the specifics of limited company mortgages.
    The episode delves into the potential fluctuations of the base rate and its subsequent effects on mortgage rates, as well as the unique challenges and documentation requirements for portfolio landlords and limited company buy-to-let applications. Listeners gain valuable insights into the current mortgage landscape, including a look at a novel mortgage product that could benefit certain buyers.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Barclays (https://intermediaries.uk.barclays/home/lending-criteria/buy-to-let/#dk) - Joint borrower, sole proprietor.
    * Special guest - mortgage broker Simon Glastonbury (https://www.jsiassociates.com/).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Simon Glastonbury.

  • In the latest episode of the Business of Property podcast, host Simon welcomes Ami and Rita, co-owners of a property business specializing in blocks of apartments in the South East.
    They discuss their successful strategy of buying, refurbishing, refinancing, and holding properties, aiming to pull out all invested money with each project. The duo shared insights into a recent project involving a block of flats, detailing the challenges and strategies of managing refurbishments, tenant issues, and the financial aspects of property investment. Their hands-on experience and dedication to strategic growth offer valuable lessons for fellow property investors and landlords. For more insights, listeners can connect with Amy and Rita through their Facebook page, Your Property Family (https://www.facebook.com/yourpropertyfamily).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Ami and Rita - Your Property Family (https://www.facebook.com/yourpropertyfamily).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Ami and Rita.

  • In this insightful episode, Simon welcomes Annette Gardner, a seasoned property presenter and stager, to the Business of Property podcast. Annette delves into the nuances of property staging, sharing her valuable experience in transforming homes to captivate potential buyers or tenants.
    She highlights the significance of neutral decor and strategic touches to foster a welcoming environment. Annette's approach to sourcing furniture and decor is both eco-conscious and charitable, as she opts for upcycled and second-hand items. She recounts a poignant story of assisting a grieving son in Horsham, resulting in a swift sale and a substantial increase over the probate value. Annette's expertise not only aids in quick sales but also supports clients through emotional transitions, proving that staging is an integral part of property marketing.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Annette Gardner from Hepburn at Home (https://www.hepburnathome.co.uk/).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Annette Gardner.

  • In the latest episode of the Business of Property podcast, host Simon delves into his process for evaluating properties from his desktop. He shares valuable insights on assessing floor plans, scrutinizing photos, and the benefits of virtual tours for a better grasp of a property's layout and condition. Simon also discusses using Google Street View and Maps to understand the property's surroundings and highlights the importance of reviewing the Energy Performance Certificate for rental compliance and improvement potential. He concludes by mentioning financial evaluation tools, such as the free buy-to-let profit calculator available from PaTMa.
    Process overview:
    * Floor plans
    * Photos
    * (Virtual tour)
    * PaTMa combined Google Streetview and Google Maps tool
    * Costs ballpark (photos, again)
    * EPC
    * Start financial forecasts in PaTMa Prospector (https://www.patma.co.uk/property-prospector/)
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * PaTMa browser extension (https://www.patma.co.uk/page/property-tools-browser-extensions/).
    * Free buy-to-let profit calculator (https://app.patma.co.uk/prospector/property-profit-and-yield-calculator/).
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • In the latest episode of the Business of Property podcast, host Simon is joined by Stuart French, co-owner of Pineapple Group. Stuart imparts his expertise on navigating the myriad of challenges in the property investment landscape, from tax hurdles to financial planning and property management.
    Stuart's journey in property investment is nothing short of inspiring. Imagine achieving an infinite return on your first property investment! That's exactly what Stuart did with a property he bought for £130,000 and, after some extensive renovations, refinanced for £210,000. His background as a structural engineer, coupled with a keen eye for potential, led him to the Medway area, where he capitalized on the growth opportunities presented by significant infrastructure developments.
    But it's not just about the success stories. Stuart delves into the critical decisions that shape a property portfolio, such as navigating tax law changes and restructuring for efficiency. He shares his insights on balancing cash flow with capital growth and why London's current market conditions are ripe for investors with the means to dive in.
    The Pineapple Group's comprehensive services are designed to streamline the investment process for those looking to invest in the UK from abroad.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Special guest - Stuart French, from Pineapple Group (https://www.pineapple-group.co.uk/).
    * Free Strategy Session Link for all listeners (https://calendly.com/investment-strategists/free-30-minute-strategy-session). Join us for a chat (fully booked until summer) and we’ll get you moving, or moving faster.
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Stuart French.

  • Host Simon is joined by Simon Glastonbury, a seasoned independent mortgage broker. They note an uptick in available properties but a corresponding dip in buyer urgency, and round-up the latest mortgage rates.
    They delve into the nuances of the UK property market, noting an uptick in available properties but a corresponding dip in buyer urgency, which may lead to transaction delays. Simon G sheds light on the high fall-through rates and the emotional toll of collapsed deals. He also touches on lenders' meticulousness in the mortgage process, the challenges of down valuations, and options for dealing with them. They also discuss the current state of the EWS1 requirements for flats with cladding issues. Furthermore, Simon G finishes up with the best of current mortgage rates (and fees) for BTL and HMO investors.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Special guest - mortgage broker Simon Glastonbury (https://www.jsiassociates.com/).
    * Property market "lack of urgency (https://thenegotiator.co.uk/news/uk-housing-market-news/blog-spectre-of-high-interest-rates-still-stalking-market-says-knight-frank/)"
    * There are still flats without an EWS1 (https://thenegotiator.co.uk/news/rental-market/leasehold-campaigners-issue-call-for-evidence-cladding/)
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Simon Glastonbury.

  • In this insightful episode of the Business of Property podcast, Simon chats with Philip Mallourides, a seasoned property investor, to unravel his unique property journey from rent-to-rent (before it was) to blocks of auction purchased flats.
    Philip recounts how he inadvertently became a landlord in 1996, a move encouraged by market conditions. He shares his early experiences in property management and the evolution of the rent-to-rent model. The episode takes a poignant turn as Philip openly discusses his conviction and subsequent imprisonment, which led to a complete loss of his property portfolio. Demonstrating resilience, Philip speaks about the power of mindset in overcoming adversity and rebuilding his life. He also provides valuable insights into property auctions, emphasizing the importance of due diligence and strategic planning. This episode is a blend of personal narrative and professional wisdom, offering a compelling look at the highs and lows of property investment.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Activate Your Success (https://www.activateyoursuccess.co.uk/)
    * Landlord Compliance Training (https://landlordcompliance.org.uk/)
    * Find us on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).
    Special Guest: Philip Mallourides.

  • In this episode of The Business of Property podcast, co-hosts Simon and Stuart delve into the realities of managing property businesses.
    Stuart reflects on the lessons learned throughout his property journey so far. The discussion provides valuable insights into the challenges and successes of running a property business, as shared by Stuart from his personal experience.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Stuart's £35k/month HMO business (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/220).
    * The spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/187a3vHhMaYqRkOEotFDLFOW_6RWR2n6TWF8Cqehd720/edit?usp=sharing).
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • In this episode of the Business of Property podcast, co-hosts Stuart and Simon engage in a lively debate about the meaning of a "real property business".
    Simon presents a scenario where a property business makes a loss initially due to investment and maintenance costs but still generates income through rentals. Stuart stresses the importance of real-world profitability and is sceptical about a business that only shows a 5.1% return after four years. They explore the implications of accounting for profit and tax strategies, with differing views on when a property business should be considered genuinely profitable.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * The spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/187a3vHhMaYqRkOEotFDLFOW_6RWR2n6TWF8Cqehd720/edit?usp=sharing).
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • Simon and Stuart engage in a detailed conversation about the complexities of managing a diverse property portfolio.
    They discuss the unique challenges that come with different types of properties, such as buy-to-let, commercial spaces, serviced accommodation, and HMOs. They stress the importance of having a clear strategy and understanding what 'freedom' and 'legacy' mean to you, and within the realm of property investment. Stuart advises taking time to reflect on personal goals, while Simon talks about the option of outsourcing management tasks to streamline a portfolio. The episode is a deep dive into optimizing property management and aligning it with long-term goals.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • In this episode, Stuart, Simon, and resident mortgage broker Simon Glastonbury discuss the recent budget's impact on property businesses.
    They cover the VAT threshold increase, the capital gains tax reduction for property sellers, and the decrease in the tax-free allowance. Stuart welcomes tax reductions, while Simon Glastonbury highlights how the lower allowance might negate tax rate benefits for some. They address the budget's effects on landlords and first-time buyers, expressing disappointment over the absence of 99% loan-to-value mortgages. They also debate the abolition of multiple dwellings relief and its implications for large investors. The episode offers a detailed analysis of the budget's influence on property investment and ownership.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Special guest - mortgage broker Simon Glastonbury (https://www.jsiassociates.com/).
    * The budget (https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/spring-budget-2024).
    * Removal of Multiple Dwellings Relief (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/stamp-duty-land-tax-abolition-of-multiple-dwellings-relief-from-1-june-2024).
    * Reduction in Capital Gains Tax (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/capital-gains-tax-changes-to-the-higher-rate-of-tax-on-residential-property-disposals).
    * Reducing CGT exempt allowance (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reducing-the-annual-exempt-amount-for-capital-gains-tax).
    * What the Furnished Holiday Let tax changes might mean (https://www.rsmuk.com/insights/weekly-tax-brief/impact-of-scrapping-the-furnished-holiday-let-tax-relief).
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/). Special Guest: Simon Glastonbury.

  • Stuart and Simon delve into the UK house price index, discussing its meaning for the property market and examining regional price variations.
    They note a slight national decrease in property prices but highlight significant regional disparities. Personal anecdotes from Simon and Stuart reveal a more complex market situation than the statistics suggest, with properties still attracting offers near or above the asking price. The conversation also covers the rental market, observing shifts in tenant behavior and the balance of demand and supply. The episode offers a nuanced look at the property market, contrasting data with real-world experiences.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Hometrack index (https://www.hometrack.com/latest-news/uk-house-price-index/?goal=0_71d79157a3-9bf00a3ba1-88696566).
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • Stuart and Simon explore the financial journey of Simon's property business.
    They start with the 2016-2017 tax year, where Simon's three buy-to-let properties yielded £36,000 in revenue and £29,000 in pre-tax profit. The conversation then covers the challenges posed by Section 24, which affected mortgage interest tax relief, increasing costs and reducing profits. Despite this, Simon remains focused on the long-term advantages of property investment, such as capital gains and equity growth. Stuart acknowledges the hard work behind managing a property portfolio, and together they shed light on the complexities of property business finances.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * Simon's limited company property Episode 180 (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/180)
    * Simon's limited company property Episode 189 (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/189)
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).

  • Stuart and Simon share strategies for landlords on finding and selecting tenants for rental properties.
    They discuss the importance of preparing the property, taking quality photos, and writing effective listings. They explore options for advertising on rental portals and the benefits of self-managing the process versus using agents. The duo also talks about using automated emails to screen enquiries and the use of software to grade potential tenants. They share their approaches to scheduling viewings and the selection process, emphasizing the cost savings and relationship-building aspects of finding tenants independently.
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Episode links:
    * OpenRent (https://www.openrent.co.uk/)
    * Visum (https://www.visum.co.uk/letting)
    * SavvyCal (https://savvycal.com/)
    * Cal.com (https://cal.com/)
    * Google Calendar appointment schedule (https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/10729749?hl=en)
    * Find us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BizOfProperty), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfrbvIJfodFK8tikisCjVw) or LinkedIn: Stuart (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartlordan/), Simon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonpither/).
    Subscribe to The Business of Property podcast on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/73chI0Nqi9eRFUM7tkHc6r), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-business-of-property/id1495635728), and all podcast platforms (https://www.thebusinessofproperty.com/subscribe).
    Join our email newsletter (http://eepurl.com/icl-1f) for extra, exclusive resources.
    Please leave us a rating and review if you're enjoying the show.
    This podcast is produced in association with PaTMa (https://www.patma.co.uk/), the leading application for self managing landlords who want to save time and stay compliant. Easily track properties, tenancies, tenants, repairs, rent, mortgage payments and safety certificates. Get your FREE account today (https://www.patma.co.uk/).