On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about how your fitness tracker (Apple Watch, Garmin, Fitbit, etc) are NOT giving you an accurate number . . .
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @breakthroughbyjill @alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about how alcohol impacts your body.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @breakthroughbyjill @alex_cottingham_ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
On thisi episode, Alex and Jill talk about tips for eating out.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @jillthornton814 @alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill interview Grant Keller, a member of Cumming Strength & Fitness and client of Breakthrough. Grant has an incredible story that you do not want to miss!
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @jillthornton814 @alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about tips & tricks to make meal prepping a success!
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about why strength training & steps are the keys to success.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about why the plate method works.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @jillthornton814 @alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about how to stay on track through the holiday season.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@cummingstrengthandfitness @your.breakthrough.health @jillthornton814 @alex_cottingham_ -
On this episode, Alex and Jill talk about why diets don't work.
The Body Breakthrough Podcast is all about simplying fitness & nutrition. Alex Cottingham (owner of Cumming Strength & Fitness) and Jill Thornton (owner of Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching) provide simple & clear episodes to help you reach your health & fitness goals.
Be sure to check out Cumming Strength & Fitness and Breakthrough for more!
@alex_cottingham_ -
In this episode, Alex & Jill talk about one of the most important aspects of sustainable nutrition: flexibility. Their conversation ranges from common misconceptions about flexibilty, what it is & what it is not, and practical tips to help!
On this episode, Alex & Jill talk about CS&F new partnership with Breakthrough Nutrition Coaching!
In this episode, Alex interviews CS&F members David & Mandy Bolton. David & Mandy have been attending for several years, but also have 4 kids, other businesses and volunteer responsiblities, yet continues to prioritize theri health among a very busy season. If you want practical tips on how you can as well, give this episode a listen!
On this episode, Alex interviews Coach Taylor here at CS&F. Taylor is the newest member of the CS&F coaching staff, and this episode is dedicated to him. He talks about his family, his CrossFit journey, and how it helped him get through a difficult time in his life!
On this episode, Alex, Jill & Jen talk about coffee, and what everyone should know. This includes how much, what's in it, the pros & cons, healthy orders & more.
On this episode, Alex & Jill interview the newest edition to the CS&F coaching staff: Jen Cook! Get to know her, her health story, why she enjoys coaching & how she can help you reach our goals!
On this episode, Alex & Jill talk through nutrition tips for competition.
On this episode, Alex & Jill talk through how to best prepare for a local CrossFit competition.
On this episode, Alex interviews Shelby Thurman, the newest coach here at CS&F. Get to know Shelby as she explains her story, how she came to CS&F, and why she loves to help others.
On this episode, Alex, Jill & Chrissy talk about the WHAT behind sustainable nutrition. What do you eat? What is a protein, carb & fat? What do they each do? What does it do to your body? What are the results of sustainable nutrition? Listen to this episode and find out!
- Visa fler