Plunging into the personal playlists of remarkable individuals as we explore the songs that shaped their lives.
Get ready for provocative discussions, filthy humor, and daring questions that aim to both entertain and enlighten. Gain fresh perspectives on your favorite creatives as they share their moments of laughter, tears, and heartfelt inspiration through a playlist of their all-time favorite songs.
Tune in and join the laughter—share your story on Music Junkies today! -
🍻 De la mousse et des invités de qualité🎙️ Animé par @adamo.grosbig⬇️ Nouvel épisode à tous les dimanches
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
À chaque épisode Dj Crowd et Jay Seven reçoivent des invités pour le temps d’un jujube! Suivez les émissions pour les conversations les plus comiques, informatives et absurdes du Québec! Salutations aux commanditaires:Les Frères de Feu, Sauza Gold, Quick Starter et MagikWoodz.Infographie par : Dj Crowd pour Muliani GfxMusique par : @BeatsbyGallo pour MajorWaySuivez-nous sur les médias sociauxDj Crowd :, Snapchat, Twitter : Dj CrowdJaySeven : : !!!!!!!
Ben Sosa Wright and Aba Amuquandoh bring you a weekly podcast produced with Aidan O'Loughlin; they come together to reminisce (sometimes drag) the pop stars of our youth. They often go off topic and they always go AWF! If you love pop, nostalgia, and kikiing... then this is the pod for you! If you are interested in bettering yourself and ummm... learning, then sorry go elsewhere.
Broadcast as live on Sunday Mornings from Norfolk in the UK, Richard J Hannah hosts The Sunday Radio Magazine for 19 stations internationally anda syndicated version for UK digital and community stations. A News Summary, TV and Film Reviews, Comedy sketches, Competitions plus regular features and shout outs. All produced and presented by Award winning Broadcaster, Voice actor and all round clever dick Richard J Hannah. Former Sky TV Presenter, TV and Video Producer and scriptwriter, still on the entertainment circuit.
Super Hero Productions is the home of award winning Radio Broadcaster, Richard J Hannah. Hannah is a multi talented professional who along side a career in entertainment and broadcast media, has had a highly successful parrallel career as an Executive Business Director in the IT and services industry.A long career has seen him go from BBC Radio Oxford, through Voicing Ads, TV Sports programmes, and Video Productions to Producer/Presenter of syndicated Radio shows. Richard has hosted thousands of hours of radio, podcast, and Video content. His Radio Shows have included:The Weekend Magazine – Lick Radio. The Big H Radio Show: Global Radio 1, Global City Radio Rayna & Lick RadioThe Richard Hannah Show - Seabird Radio, Don’t be afraid of the Dark – Seabird Radio,Week in, Week Out – KLR24The Sunday Supplement - Global City Radio,The Magic of the Musicals - Co-Produced with Lesley Ann Knight He has voiced TV and Video Productions including:The Board Brothers – Documentary for Sky TV Gillette World of Sport, Extreme Sport for Sky TV Ordinary People, doing extraordinary Things – Whitbread Round the world race Documentary (He wrote the TV ad)Your Future, your call: Series of award winning ads for London Colleges. Produced by Mike Groth, written by Richard J Hannah. Voicing one of a series of 7 ads.Richard has worked across Independent TV and Radio as well as the newer digital radio and smart device format.
A little bit of catching up and a whole lot of laughter is what you can expect when these three boyband moms get together. You might know them as the moms of Daniel, Jack, and Zach of the band Why Don’t We. Get to know them as they share laugh-out-loud, relatable stories about family, pop culture, and life in general! Each week they invite you in for some much-needed girl time! So grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and join them as they talk about “all the things.”
Social Media Handles:
@imeanwhynotpodcast -
Turn Me On features conversations about love, sex, and relationships hosted by a recently divorced, formerly polyamorous, couple of best friends. Thoughtful, intelligent, and funny, Turn Me On is a homegrown education in sex and relational literacy brought to you via curious and adventurous hosts, Jeremie and Bryde.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join host Rivers Langley and his hilarious pals on an intrepid expedition through the world of ridiculous news items, oft-forgotten pop culture, deep dives on a theme, and whatever else on L.A.'s longest-running independent comedy podcast, "The Goods from the Woods"! "The Goods from the Woods" will leave you enlightened. It will leave you enraptured. You will find yourself changed, daddy! Also, you will laugh.
Pat Finnerty brings his youtube series What Makes This Song Stink to the podcast world with a show that dissects the songs you can’t stand. Pat is joined by comedians, musicians and friends to spend way too much time talking about the songs that tighten your jaw in line at the supermarket, and explore the music that defies explanation.
Elle James originally joined many other millennials in creating videos out of boredom during the pandemic lockdown in 2020. What started out as an outlet for James to escape the monotony of cabin fever, has brought her success and the attention of many A-list celebrities, including the attention of Shaquille O’Neal who elevated her “cool mom status” after sending her children MacBooks for a video she made with him. James is well known for her duets but also uses her platform to share stories, including embarrassing ones, about her life in a comical fashion that people relate to. From tales as a working professional, mother, or as a single navigating the dating world, her stories bring laughter to many while inspiring others. “The weirder I was, the more people seemed to like it,” said Elle James. “Perhaps people found me relatable, maybe I just brought them a laugh, but whatever the reason may be, it enabled me to let go of any insecurities I felt and allowed me to be my most shameless self.” Growing up James was a very shy child with low self-esteem, but the last three years has brought a confidence and shamelessness she may have never achieved without TikTok. She adds “I realized ‘perfect’ was the opposite of what people on social media loved about me. And so here I am, three years later, messy, unfiltered and the happiest I’ve ever been.”
On each episode of ONE SONG, friends Diallo Riddle (Emmy-nominated star and creator of HBO Max’s 'South Side' and IFC’s 'Sherman’s Showcase') and Blake "LUXXURY" Robin (Music Producer & TikTok creator) will hilariously break down ONE SONG from the pop music canon that you know - or need to know - but have never heard quite like this.
Emma Berthou et Colin Boudrias posent des questions absurdes ou stupides à des expert.e.s! ("expert" est un peu exagéré comme mot, mais disons des personnes qui savent minimalement de quoi elles parlent, ce qui est rare dans un podcast). On reprend vos discussions de battés 2h du matin avec des personnes qui connaissent les sujets. C'est un peu un 275-Allô avec des questions de drogué.e.s
Rock 'n' roll all night ... and party once a week! Hosted by Pat Francis, Rock Solid is the comedy/music podcast that brings you music “both new and classic," plus lots of laughs and musical guests. Joining the fun are Producer Kyle Dodson and Pat’s hilarious rotating Co-Hosts: Mike Siegel, Christy Stratton and Murray Valeriano.