
  • Step into the world of canine behavior with the distinguished Dr. Marc Bekoff, a professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology. This episode takes you on a captivating journey as we delve into the emotional landscape of our furry friends, the impact of confinement on their behavior, and the fascinating dynamics of dog-human relationships. We don't stop there, we also tackle the often ignored segment of free-range and feral dogs globally, citing Dr. Bekoff's invaluable experiences with the Jane Goodall Institute and his insightful publications.

    We also discuss the controversial world of dog parks, examining the fluid relationships among dogs and between dogs and humans. We debunk common misconceptions about dominance in animals and discuss the misuse of the term 'alpha'. In anticipation of Dr. Bekoff's upcoming book, Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide To All Things Canine, we provide a sneak peek into the wealth of knowledge it promises. This conversation with Dr. Bekoff is an eye-opening session that deepens our understanding of canine behavior, reminding us to respect their emotions and choices. Join us on this enlightening journey and let's explore the world through a dog's eyes together.

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    Marc Bekoff is professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has published 31 books (or 41 depending on you count multi-volume encyclopedias), won many awards for his research on animal behavior, animal emotions (cognitive ethology), compassionate conservation, and animal protection, has worked closely with Jane Goodall, is co-chair of the ethics committee of the Jane Goodall Institute, and is a former Guggenheim Fellow. He also works closely with inmates at the Boulder County Jail. In June 2022 Marc was recognized as a Hero by the Academy of Dog Trainers. His latest books are The Animals' Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age (with Jessica Pierce), Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do, and Unleashing Your Dog: A Field Guide to Giving Your Canine Companion the Best Life Possible (with Jessica Pierce) and he also publishes regularly for Psychology Today. Marc and Jessica's most recent book A Dog's World: Imagining the Lives of Dogs in a World Without Humans was published by Princeton University Press in October

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  • Imagine a world where our understanding of dog bites and aggression is rooted more in fact than fear, and where we can coexist harmoniously with our canine companions, regardless of breed. Welcome to that world, as we navigate it with our guide for this episode, Janice Bradley, the eminent author and revered Director of Communications and Publications at the National Canine Research Council. Graced with her depth of knowledge and wealth of experience, we dissect the misconceptions shadowing dog bites, and unravel the truth underpinning aggressive dog behavior.

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    Janis Bradley is a science writer, specializing in the role of bias, particularly related to breed, in policy making regarding canine/human relationships, and serves as the Director of Communications and Publications at the National Canine Research Council. She has written a peer reviewed policy paper on dog bites, which contains a full literature review of the scientific papers on that topic. She has authored papers in peer reviewed journals on various related topics, most currently having collaborated with a veterinary epidemiologist on a series of studies reviewing the use of behavior evaluations administered to dogs living in shelters: “No better than flipping a coin: Reconsidering canine behavior evaluations in animal shelters,” “What is the evidence for reliability and validity of behavior evaluations for shelter dogs? A prequel to ‘No better than flipping a coin,’” and “Saving Normal: A new look at behavioral incompatibilities and dog relinquishment to shelters.”

    Additional peer reviewed publications include “Who is minding the bibliography? Daisy chaining, dropped leads, and other bad behavior using examples from the dog bite literature,” and “Defaming Rover: Error-Based Latent Rhetoric in the Medical Literature on Dog Bites.” All of this comes from an abiding interest in finding the very best information about the remarkable relationship between dogs and people. She maintains a research library for the National Canine Research Council for use by academics, dog professionals, media, and the public.

    Janis first pursued a career as a college teacher, counselor, and administrator. Leaving academia in 2000, she took up her passion for the human-canine relationship professionally, teaching more than 400 aspiring professional dog trainers over a 10 year period at the San Francisco SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers, at that the time the first science based program of its kind, while maintaining a private behavior consultation practice. She now lives in rural New York with her rescued Greyhound, Tommy.

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  • Handling dog-to-dog aggression in the home can feel like navigating through a minefield, but guess what? We've got just the right person to guide you - my friend and colleague Sarah Stremming, a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant with nearly two decades of experience under her belt. She's here to unravel the complexity of dog aggression, spotlighting common triggers like resource competition and dog incompatibility and the fascinating role of humans in these cases.

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    Sarah Stremming, the Cog Dog Coach is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (IAABC) with a bachelors of science degree in psychology from Colorado State University. She has been in the field of dog behavior and training for nearly two decades and has been competing in the sports of agility and obedience for even longer. Known for her popular podcast Cog Dog Radio, Sarah owns and operates The Cognitive Canine where she works complex behavior cases, runs a dynamic members platform, offers online courses and webinars, mentors colleagues, and speaks globally. Her passion is helping people and dogs live their best lives side by side. When she is not working you can find her deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest behind two border collies and an Icelandic sheepdog.

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  • Ever wondered how trauma transcends species boundaries, impacting both humans and dogs alike? Here's your chance to unravel this complex topic with us and our esteemed guests, Dr. Linda Randall, a seasoned veterinarian, and Dr. Kathie Nurena, a medical doctor with a wealth of knowledge. Together, we'll explore the multifaceted nature of trauma, the invisible scars it leaves, and how understanding it as a 'wound' can illuminate its impact.

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    Linda Randall, DVM is a Board Certified Companion Animal Veterinarian focused on the behavioral aspects of training in dog sports. She also brings positive reinforcement handling to junior handlers, who excel under her tutelage. A proponent and practitioner of the LIMA methodology, Linda brings multiple fields of expertise to the work of trauma informed care. She is certified in Living and Learning with Animals (LLA), Tag Teach (Level 3), and is also a KPA-CTP of distinction.

    Linda is a past president of the Ohio Veterinary Medical Licensing Board, past president of the Board of the Medina Battered Women’s Shelter, and currently heads the Leadership Medina County Agriculture Day, where she emphasizes farms working with increasingly positive reinforcement handling and care with beef and dairy cattle. She was recognized by The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine as an Outstanding Alumni 2022, and Medina County’s Outstanding Leader, 2022.

    Linda owns a full-service training facility in Seville OH, One Smart Dog. You can reach her at: 330-958-9224, [email protected],

    Kathie Nurena is a doctor and a dog trainer. She graduated for Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1999. She completed her Family Medicine Residency at Stamford Hospital. She is now faculty at that program, with an interest in social determinants of health and scholarly activity. She also graduated from Karen Pryor Academy (KPA-CTP) and earned her Certified Nose Work Instructor (CNWI) certification. She currently teaches nosework classes at Port Chester Obedience Training Club. She is a member of APDT and IAABC.

    Kathie helped organize the first interdisciplinary conference for animal control officers, Department of Children and Families social workers, and other professionals in Connecticut, when cross reporting of child abuse and animal abuse became a law in that state.

    She has long appreciated how the principles of learning theory and the positive reinforcement principles she learning in animal training were relevant to her work with human learners. And, perhaps, some of the theories in the medical literature may be useful to animal trainers.

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  • "Can't we get a little respect?!"
    Our pint-sized companions often don't get the respect they deserve, a topic we dive into with Abbey Johnson, a keen advocate for small dogs. Abbey shares her journey from initially fostering a small dog with behavior issues, to becoming a well-known defender for these little champs, shedding light on their unique needs, training strategies, and the need for representation in dog-related conversations.

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    Abbey Johnson CPDT-KA, FDM
    "Understanding animals and their behavior has always been a passion of mine. I grew up surrounded by dogs, cats, horses, and various other types of animals throughout my childhood onwards. The more time I spend with animals, the more I realize the disconnected communication we often tend to have with them. Animals, and dogs especially, are always talking to us. It’s our job to stop, listen, and kindly teach them about our human world!

    I have an extensive background working with shelter and rescue dogs. Stemming from this comes my special love for small breed dogs, and although I work with all dogs from Chihuahuas to Great Danes, I get a lot of satisfaction from helping people reach their full potential with their small breed dogs, who can often be overlooked and misunderstood. I strive to make my two rescued small breed dogs, Phoebe and Pocket, an example to the fact that small dogs are just as trainable and just as deserving of a fulfilled life as any other dog! We spend most of our days learning tricks, practicing nosework, adventuring out in nature, or curled up watching movies on the couch.

    I graduated in 2018 with my Bachelor’s in Psychology from Auburn University, and continued on to work for over 5 years in animal sheltering/rescue, where I generated a lot of experience handling various dogs with different degrees of behavioral needs. From there, I pursued my passion for training by becoming a multi-certified professional dog trainer, and haven’t looked back! I strive to be approachable, accessible, and non-judgemental when working with clients. My goal is always “progress over perfection,” and I will never try to hold you to unrealistic or unhelpful standards when working together. We do better when we know better, and all of us always have something new to learn in life!"

    Pawsitive Futures has a blog, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram where we share free R+ training information and tutorials
    Small Breed Dog Training- Facebook group with free professional training advice for small breeds: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smallbreeddogtraining
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thepositivechihuahuas
    Instagram: @the_positive_chihuahuas

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  • What does chaos theory have to do with dogs? Join us as we sit down with the charismatic and knowledgeable Brian Fleming, a dog behavior consultant and licensed Family Dog Mediator.
    Brian takes us on a journey from stability to disorder, unraveling how this intriguing concept applies to complex aggression cases in dogs. He brilliantly illustrates the role of reductionism and its importance in understanding dog behavior.

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    "I joined the Army right out of high school and served 6 years as a Military Police Officer in the Rhode Island National Guard. After that, I worked as an assistant trainer before branching off and working with dogs on my own.

    I'm always interested in continuing education, and I have completed the Aggression in Dogs Master Course, and the LEGS Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation course, both of which have transformed how I view complex behavior cases. I grew a bad taste for dog behavior solutions that homogenized all dogs into simple input-output conditioning robots who just need more obedience training, I used those techniques, and they barely scratched the surface of the real issues dogs are facing. Thankfully I found a community of likeminded professionals who also want to look at the whole picture. I am currently working on educational offerings that I hope will benefit the applied ethology community.

    I specialize in complex cases and have been sought after by conferences and podcasts to speak on chaos theory & complexity in dog behavior cases.

    I have an Australian Shepherd named Nova, who sometimes assists with training. She is pretty cool."


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  • Get ready to unearth the profound joys and challenges of the dog rescue journey with our special guests, Andrea Dinan and Carla Filies. Together, we unravel the complexities of helping a rescue pup adjust to a new home environment. We tap into a pandemic silver lining that catapulted the trend of dog adoption, providing rescues with a loving home, and address the behavioral issues that often come with these canine companions due to their unique histories.
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    Andrea Dinan - CPDT-KA, FFCT, KAD, LFDM-T

    Andrea’s specialties lie in helping dogs and their guardians navigate the canine-human relationship to assure success in training no matter the age of your dog nor the issue at hand.

    Andrea’s main goal is to make training fun, effective and motivating for dogs and humans through evidence-based training methods.

    Each dog is looked at as an individual; what works for one may not work for another. With Andrea’s experience and education, she has a variety of ways to achieve training goals focusing on setting up you and your dog for success, utilizing what motivates your dog and effective communication.

    Andrea Dinan and City Dogs was the recipient of the following awards through the International Positive Dog Trainers Association:

    Dog Training Excellence Award
    Excellence in Boarding and Sitting Award

    Andrea also received the Toronto Star’s Reader’s Choice Platinum Award in 2021 for Dog Training.

    Andrea is also the Founder of EduCanine, an organization that provides in-person and online workshops and courses for dog parents and dog professionals on a variety of topics to help with common issues. Workshops and courses are taught by a collaboration of reputable and certified dog trainers. EduCanine was the recipient of the Education Award through www.ipdt.org in 2020.

    Andrea is a true dog nerd and is constantly researching and studying behavior, motivations, techniques and best practices to help dogs live their best life with their guardians.

    Andrea is also a Canine Good Neighbour Exam Evaluator through the Canadian Kennel Club and is a therapy dog team with her vizsla, Galaxy as well as Midtown Co-Ordinator for the Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

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  • Are you ready to venture into the world of emotional safety with Andrew Hale as our trusty guide? Hold tight as we discuss the interconnectedness of physical safety and emotional safety, revealing the profound impact of our emotional experiences on our interactions and behaviors, for both humans and dogs. We look at how the illusion of physical safety does not necessarily equate to feeling emotionally secure, and how this distinction plays a critical role in training our canine companions and fostering trust in our relationships.

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    Andrew Hale BSc, ISCP.Dip.Canine.Prac is a Certified Canine Behaviourist with Association of INTODogs. He is the behaviour consultant for Pet Remedy and the British Isles Grooming Association and is a Canine Arthritis Management Expert Advisor. He also works to support many dog rescue organisations around the UK. With a background in Human Psychology, Andrew is passionate about exploring the emotional experience that lies behind behaviour, both in dogs and the humans around them. Andrew has played a leading role in the UK Dog training and behaviour community, having been the chair of the Association of INTODogs, and the driving force behind the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter.

    In 2020, Andrew started Dog Centred Care (https://www.facebook.com/groups/dogcc) which focusses on supporting a dog led, emotionally centred, approach to providing their best care and support. Within the Dog Centred Care Facebook group, he has been hosting on-line conversations with some of the world’s leading scientists, researchers, trauma experts, dog professionals and veterinarians who are working in this way. Andrew has also co-hosted the Beyond The Operant series of conversations with Kim Brophey and Kathy Connor (www.youtube.com/c/DogCentredCare/videos). These conversations are credited with helping transform the perceptions and language around dog training and behaviour.

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  • Our guest this episode, Saharai Salazar, works tirelessly on the frontlines, dedicating her life to dogs labelled aggressive and facing euthanasia due to misunderstood behavior. Navigating the world of shelter behavior makes for tough decisions and emotional toil. Sada takes us through the unique challenges she faces in evaluating dogs with fear and aggression, underlining the importance of a holistic approach to behavioral evaluations and behavior change strategies. The heartbreaking call of deciding on behavioral euthanasia, the effects of the pandemic on the industry, and the balance between no-kill missions and humane decisions are laid bare in our heartfelt discussion. Sada's dedication to these dogs, her resilience in the face of adversity, and her unique take on the spiritual experience of her work will leave you in awe.

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    About Saharai:

    "My name is Saharai Salazar and I am a shelter behavior specialist who works primarily with behaviorally-challenged and euthanasia-listed dogs, especially fear and aggression cases. I earned a bachelors degree from UC Davis in Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology with an emphasis on canine behavior, ecology and evolution and have worked at various shelters over the last 20 years. While I enjoy working with private clients, my biggest passion is shelter behavior and finding practical solutions for the unique challenges we face in the industry."


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  • Ever wrestled with the guilt and shame that can come with a dog exhibiting aggression? We've got you covered in our insightful conversation with Dr. Karen London, a renowned dog behavior specialist, who unveils the human element intricately entwined with canine aggression. We discuss strategies for navigating the tricky terrain of difficult conversations resulting from dog aggression and the importance of extending kindness to oneself during the process.

    Finally, we uncover the often overlooked aspect of dog aggression - the emotional toll it takes on the humans involved. Dr. London shares her wisdom on maintaining emotional balance, applying self-care, and establishing robust support networks when dealing with aggression cases.

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    Karen B. London, PhD is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and an award-winning author of six books about dog training and behavior. She blogs for TheWildest.com, writes the Arizona Daily Sun’s animal column, and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University.

    Instagram: @Karen.London.Dog.Behavior

    "Treat Everyone Like a Dog: How a Dog Trainer's World View Can Improve Your Life"

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  • Ready to start your dog training business but feeling overwhelmed? Fear not, because today, we're joined by industry veteran and author Veronica Boutelle. Together, we're walking you through the journey of launching your own venture or enhancing your current business, from defining clear goals and vision to striking a balance between work and life.

    We're not just training dogs here; we're teaching trainers to take the reins of their business, ensuring they not only love their work but the life they're building around it. So, listen in, and get ready to take notes - this episode is packed with insights to help you launch and grow your dog training business.

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    About Veronica:

    Veronica and her team have been helping R+ dog trainers create their dream businesses since 2003.

    Veronica is the author of How to Run a Dog Business and writes for multiple industry journals, including regular business columns in PPG’s Barks from the Guild, APDT’s Chronicle of the Dog, as well as APDT Australia’s Clicks and the APDT New Zealand member newsletter. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and dog training schools across the country and internationally, teaching R+ dog trainers how to help more dogs while better enjoying their businesses in countries ranging from North America to South America, Europe to Down Under. She is also a Clicker Expo faculty member.

    Veronica combines her experience as a professional dog trainer and business owner with her former career as a classroom teacher, teacher educator, and curriculum developer to create unique and effective programs and products to help dog trainers start, grow, and enjoy successful businesses.

    Fun Fact: Veronica grows much of her own food and is rarely seen at home without dirt under her fingernails. She’s also a compulsive weed puller. See weed, must pull.

    facebook: dogbizsuccess
    instagram: dogbiz_success

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  • Prepare to embark on an intriguing voyage through the biology of canine aggression, guided by the expertise of Dr. Tim Lewis. Our enlightening dialogue unravels the fascinating interplay of biology and aggression in dogs, offering you a fresh perspective on canine behavior and its management. From the realm of genetics and epigenetics to the tangible impact of environmental influences, we unpack the nuances of dog aggression. We also navigate through the labyrinth of the limbic system, the amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex, demystifying how they collaborate to shape behavior.

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    About Dr. Lewis:

    Tim Lewis has a PhD in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and studies a wide range of animals from turtles to domestic dogs. His classes include the biology of dogs, ecology, neuroecology, natural history, and evolution. He is a Professor of Biology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. An award-winning teacher, he gives talks about dog biology around the country. He recently published Dog Biology: From gonads, through guts, to ganglia, available in English and German. Two border collies allow him to cohabitate in their home.

    Tim's Book:

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  • What if there was more to our canine companions than meets the eye? Join us for a captivating conversation with independent researcher and Anthrozology expert, Marco Adda, as we explore the complex relationship between humans and dogs, and unveil the fascinating world of free-ranging dogs across different cultures and geographic regions.

    We'll discuss Marco's extensive research on the behavior of companion and free-roaming dogs in Bali, examining the effects of restricting these dogs' freedom and the implications this has on their well-being. Gain insights into the importance of understanding individual personalities and providing an environment that allows dogs to express themselves. We'll also delve into the complexities of dogs' interactions with humans in urban environments, and how a lack of understanding and proper communication can lead to unintended consequences.

    Wrapping up, we'll touch on the often-misinterpreted concept of dominance in dogs and its role in their interactions with humans and their environment. Don't miss this enlightening episode with Marco Adda, as we uncover the rich culture of dogs and the intricate relationship we share with our four-legged friends.

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    About Marco:

    Independent researcher, founder and director of AEDC Anthrozoology Education Dogs Canines and PFAH Portugal Focus Animal Help. He leads in-person and online educational programs on dog behavior, free-ranging dogs and wolves. He has studied free-ranging dogs in various countries, conducted field research on Bali dogs, and introduced dogs to schools in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. He also studied sledge dogs in Quebec, Dingoes in Australia, and wolves in the UK. He supported the rescue of animals in disasters in Indonesia and Portugal. Member of the International Society for Anthrozoology, the Animal Behavior Society, and board member for the international Anthrozoology Symposium, Romania. Accredited Dognition evaluator.
    Besides, Marco is a somatic researcher with a relevant interest in drama, social science, anthropology, neuroscience, actor training and martial arts. As such, he directs INS Integral NeuroSoma, is an accredited trainer by the European Commission SALTO Program and is a member of the Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA).

    Info and socials:
    - www.marcoadda.com
    - AEDC Academy https://aedc.thinkific.com/
    - FACEBOOK PERSONAL: https://www.facebook.com/marco.adda.7
    - FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/marcoaddaAEDC/
    - Email: [email protected]

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  • Imagine making your dog's veterinary visits a stress-free experience for both of you. Join us as we chat with Dr. Christine Calder, a Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist who shares her expertise on low stress handling for animals. As the Chief Behavior Officer for Cattle Dog Publishing, Dr. Calder is passionate about educating veterinary students and helping pet owners create a positive and safe environment during veterinary procedures.

    We discuss practical strategies for building trust with your furry friend, such as giving them time to acclimate to the clinic and using treats to assess their emotional state. Dr. Calder emphasizes the importance of understanding canine body language and movement, as well as the role of proper equipment and muzzle training. Together, we explore the benefits of collaborating with trainers to provide comprehensive care for animals with behavioral challenges.

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    About Dr. Calder:

    Dr. Calder has lived and practiced veterinary medicine in both New Jersey and Maine for many years. In addition to general practice, Dr. Calder spent time as part of the behavior service at San Francisco SPCA and in Community Practice as part of several veterinary school teaching hospitals. As a general practitioner, she always had an interest in animal behavior and in 2016, she finished a residency with the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists becoming a Diplomate with the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (DACVB) in 2017. In addition to her own behavior referral practice, Dr. Calder is the Chief Behavior Officer for CattleDog Publishing and a Vets at VIN Consultant.


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  • In this episode, we navigate through the difficult topic of behavioral euthanasia in aggression cases. Our expert guests Trish McMillan and Sue Alexander share their expertise in animal behavior, sheltering, and the incredible support group they co-founded, Losing Lulu. We also explore the caregiver burden, the impact it can have on a family, and how to deal with criticism from those who do not understand the situation.

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    About Sue:

    Sue has over 25 years experience training and handling dogs, both her own and those of her clients. Sue has been teaching dog obedience lessons since 1993. She has participated in a wide variety of dog sports including obedience, tracking, retrieving, Schutzhund, nose work, and agility with her own dogs and those of her clients. In the past year, Hawkeye has joined Sue as her most recent canine partner. Outside of the dog training world, Sue is an avid outdoorsman, participating in camping, hunting, fishing, and canoeing and she is also an enthusiastic equestrian athlete. Sue enjoys riding her gelding, Kahless, and learning the finer points of dressage.

    Sue founded Dogs in the Park and she was a student at the University of Guelph, and she co-owns that with her husband John. Sue is particularly interested in the rehabilitation of aggressive dogs and the resolution of behavioural problems with dogs in family homes. In 2003, Sue passed the Certificate of Professional Dog Training and in the fall of 2004, she was accepted into the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants as a clinical member. More recently she passed the Certificate of Behaviour Consulting Canine, Knowledge Assessed.

    Sue is a well respected speaker, both on line and in person and has delivered programming in Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Sue has delivered webinars, seminars and lectures on Applied Behaviour Analysis, Resolving Behaviour Problems and Working with Clients.


    About Trish:

    Trish McMillan is an internationally-known speaker on the topics of animal behavior and sheltering. She holds a master of science degree in animal behavior, and is a certified professional dog trainer. Trish first walked into a shelter in the mid 90’s and has been hooked on shelter behavior ever since. She worked for the ASPCA for nearly eight years, first as director of animal behavior at their NYC shelter, and then with the field team, helping assess and rehabilitate dogs from cruelty cases, dogfighting and hoarding situations.

    Trish owns McMillan Animal Behavior in North Carolina, where she lives in a tiny house on her farm, Pibble Hill. Trish currently shares her life with many animals of five species.

    Trish’s professional work includes training and behavior modification work with dogs, cats, and horses. She speaks and consults nationally and internationally on animal sheltering issues, dog, cat, and horse behavior, dog aggression, and defensive handling. She also runs a popular online shelter dog behavior mentorship and other courses through the Shelter Behavior Hub, and is one of the founders of the behavioral euthanasia grief support group, “Losing Lulu.”

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  • Ever wondered why your dog growls at other pups or why penguins are surprisingly aggressive? Join us for an enlightening conversation with Dr. Eddie Fernandez as we uncover the mysteries of aggression in animals from an academic perspective. Dr. Fernandez shares his expertise in animal welfare research, taking us on a journey through the fascinating world of animal behavior.

    Throughout this episode, we'll explore the complex world of aggression and its various forms across species like dogs, hippos, walruses, and even penguins. We'll discuss how artificial selection has affected aggression in different breeds of dogs and touch on the effects of captivity on various species.

    Finally, we'll reveal the power of enrichment for managing animal behavior, discussing reinforcement and punishment contingencies to maintain behavior. Dr. Fernandez shares examples of successful enrichment programs, like scent work and nose work for dogs. Don't miss this captivating episode with Eddie as we navigate the intricate world of animal from the perspective of both evolution and learning.

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    About Dr. Fernandez:

    Eduardo J. Fernandez is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare in the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Adelaide (Australia). He received his Ph.D. in Psychology (minors in Neuroscience and Animal Behavior) from Indiana University, where he worked with the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Zoo. He received his M.S. in Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas, where he founded the Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals (ORCA). Most of his past and current work involves behavioral research applied to the welfare and training of zoo, aquarium, and companion animals. His past positions include a Visiting Professorship at Seattle Pacific University, a Visiting Professorship in the School of Behavior Analysis at the Florida Institute of Technology, an Affiliate Assistant Professorship in the Psychology Department at the University of Washington, a Research Fellowship with Woodland Park Zoo, and a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. While working with UW and the Woodland Park Zoo, he started the Behavioral Enrichment Animal Research (BEAR) group, which conducted welfare research with many of the species and exhibits located throughout the zoo. He currently runs the Operant Welfare Lab (OWL), which is dedicated to the use of learning principles to improve the lives of animals across many settings, including exotic animals in zoos and companion animals in homes and shelters. OWL is also part of the broader Animal Behaviour, Welfare, and Anthrozoology Lab (ABWAL; abwal.com). Many of Eduardo’s past publications, research projects, and presentations can be found on his ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eduardo_Fernandez18

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  • Welcome to Season 4 of The Bitey End of the Dog. I’m really excited to be launching 17 episodes with so many incredible conversations centered around the topic of aggression, and all of the ways we can help dogs and their people.

    Many of this season’s episodes focus on the human side of aggression cases, and while I didn’t actually plan for that, I am truly happy many of the conversations took a deep dive into understanding why the human element is such a crucial part of dog aggression.

    In this episode, I have the distinct honor to chat with one of my all time heroes in dog training, Patricia McConnell. Her work was pivotal in helping me learn more about kinder, gentler methods to dog training, and her knowledge, kindness, and generosity will forever be etched into the betterment of humankind.

    I also want to take a moment to provide an important content warning for this episode. This was one of the most emotional episodes for me to record, and Trisha and I go deep into some very sensitive subjects. We discuss Trisha’s book, The Education of Will, and the topics of trauma, abuse, and assault are focused on throughout the conversation. Listener discretion is advised.
    I also want to note that while we focus much on the human side of trauma in our discussion, we also discuss how trauma impacts dogs, and it’s impact on aggression as well.

    Learn more about Patricia on her wonderful website here.

    Purchase The Education of Will here.

    Please consider donating to the RCC here.

    Learn more about help for dogs with aggression here.

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  • Whether you are a behavior pro, part of a shelter or rescue team, or a pet guardian, the decisions to navigate in an aggression case can be overwhelming!

    It's a "solo show" where I discuss the prognostic factors in aggression cases to help clients understand the severity of their situation, and determine potential outcomes.

    It's also a special bonus, bonus episode all about setting expectations and determining potential outcomes in aggression cases as Season 4 doesn't officially launch until June of 2023!

    Other topics in the subscription series focus on specific types of aggression cases such as territorial aggression, stranger danger, dog to dog aggression, and more!

    Subscribe to more bonus content by hitting the "subscribe" button in your Apple Podcast player OR sign-up here and add the subscription to most podcast players, such as Spotify:

    Learn more about dog aggression here:

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  • This is a special bonus episode of The Bitey End of the Dog that is a bit off-season for the show since I typically launch each season in the beginning of each Summer, but I couldn’t resist when my friend Helen St. Pierre wanted to talk about old, senior dogs, which is a topic that isn’t talked about enough.

    Helen runs Old Dogs Go to Helen, a non-profit organization that cares for senior or hospice dogs, and all the considerations that go into running such a wonderful cause. We chat about their care and behavior considerations, including aggression, or lack there of, but one of the highlights of this episode for me was learning what Helen does to navigate the emotions of saying goodbye to the dogs in our care.


    SAVORING THE SUNSET WEBINAR (Scheduled for 12/14/22 at 6pm Eastern):


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  • A bite from a dog can have many ramifications. These can include the emotional impacts on the dog’s guardians, or the dog practicing an undesirable behavior, or even the potential fate of the dog. And of course in our litigious society, we often will see civil and even criminal ramifications when a dog inures a person or other animal.
    For this episode of Fresh Bites on The Bitey End of the Dog, I chat with Melissa McMath Hatfield who is an expert on expert witness work in dog bite cases. Melissa does an excellent job of breaking down what can happen when a bite incident ends up in court, and what to expect from both the plaintiff and defendant sides.

    For additional resources on helping dogs with aggression, visit:

    About Melissa:

    Melissa McMath Hatfield, MS, CBCC-KA, CDBC, has combined her experience as a trial consultant and her passion for the human-canine relationship to develop and strengthen the canine-human relationship through understanding, knowledge, and empathy.

    Hatfield earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology (1981) and is a retired Licensed Psychological Examiner. As owner of McMath Trial Consultants for 42 years, her area of specialization has been in jury selection, developing jury profiles, focus groups, case presentation, voir dire, and witness preparation. She has been published and presented to numerous state and national bar associations and is considered an expert in jury selection for both state and federal courts. She has participated in high-profile cases in both civil and criminal courts across the country.

    Hatfield is a Certified Canine Behavior Consultant and a Professional Member of both the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). She has been published in the IAABC Journal, the APDT The Chronicle of the Dog, the Royal Spaniel, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel The Bulletin. Her articles have received numerous nominations in the Dog Writers Association of America’s writing competition. Relative to this presentation, she was published in the IAABC Journal, August 2017, “Witness for the Prosecution” and the APDT, Chronicle, Spring, 2018, “Witness for the Prosecution…Dog trainers, behaviorist may be called for expert testimony.” She presented a 2015 E-Training Webinar, “Identifying and Assessing Mental Health Issues in the Dog,” and “Attachment Scales as a Tool for Trainers, Shelters and Behavior Consultants,” at the APDT 2017 fall conference in Richmond Virginia.

    Currently, Hatfield has a private practice in which her skills as a trial consultant and certified canine consultant can be combined to assist the professionals who find themselves in litigation. However, her primary focus is temperament assessments and behavior evaluations of dogs that are exhibiting mental health issues, such as anxiety, aggression, fear, and other behavior problems.

    Hatfield lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with her very supportive husband, Dick, and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Haviland and Huntington, who is currently aspiring toward his AKC Championship. However, her love of dogs could not be summarized fully without mentioning her beloved first Cavaliers, Champions Truman, Princeton, and Stetson McMath. Oh, the bittersweet of the human-canine relationship!

    For a list of her publications and further information, please go to:



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