Guds Ord I Hverdagen Bibellesning er en podcast hvor jeg, ThomChris, leser ett kapittel i bibelen pr podcast. (Bibelen på lydbok). Forhåpentligvis kan jeg gjøre det enklere for deg å høre deg gjennom bibelen, enten du hører alt på 3 år eller 3 måneder. Jeg leser ifra Bibelen Guds Ord 2017.
God lytning!
Litteraturhuset i Oslo er Norges første og Europas største litteraturhus, og er viet litteraturformidling i ordets romsligste forstand. Siden åpningen høsten 2007 har forfattere fra alle verdensdeler gjestet huset, og gjennom lesninger, samtaler, foredrag og debatter etterstrebes det å åpne for nye erfaringshorisonter og perspektiver på hvordan samfunnet, verden og menneskene rundt oss ser ut.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast is committed to walking with you on your journey of awakening and psychospiritual development. Host Josephine Hardman, PhD is a certified intuitive healer and Akashic Records practitioner and teacher (and formerly taught English, writing, and Shakespeare at the college level for 9 years). Inner Work features illuminating discussions and interviews on spirituality, self-development, inner healing, and manifesting the truly abundant and aligned life you dream of.
All About Agatha is a podcast all about, well, Agatha. Agatha Christie, of course: the Queen of Crime, a real-life Dame of the British Empire, and author of sixty-six mystery novels that spanned the Twentieth Century, defining a genre. For five years, Catherine Brobeck and Kemper Donovan revisited these novels in publication order, ranking them according to pre-set criteria (plot, character, etc.). Tragically, Catherine Brobeck passed away at the end of 2021. Since then, Kemper has completed the podcast's ranking project, and now contents himself with celebrating the greatness of Christie by attempting to solve the ultimate mystery where she is concerned. Why Christie--and Christie alone--endures as powerfully as she does.
LitHouse is the English language podcast from the House of Literature (Litteraturhuset) in Oslo, presenting adapted versions of lectures and conversations featuring international writers and thinkers.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Prancing Pony Podcast is a weekly show about the Middle-earth legendarium of J.R.R. Tolkien, hosted - for six seasons - by Alan Sisto and Shawn E. Marchese. Now in its ninth season, Alan is joined by an all-star cast of co-hosts as he explores more of Middle-earth!
Alan and all his co-hosts are passionate Tolkien enthusiasts, inviting listeners to enjoy their detailed exploration of Tolkien’s work, with smart but straightforward discussion and a healthy dose of self-effacing humor, pop-culture references, and bad puns. These are the folks you'd want to hang out with at a pub and talk Tolkien with! -
En hårresande podcast med skrämmande berättelser och egna upplevelser
Ett samarbete med OKÄNT & Spökkartan
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Maila gärna oss om ni har egna upplevelser och berättelser som ni vill att vi läser upp i ett avsnitt.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Accuracy Third is a collection of stories from participants of Burning Man. Your hosts Rex, D-Day, and editor Beth compile, comment upon, and share your tales of dusty adventure. Featuring in-studio interviews as well as submitted content, Accuracy Third attempts to create a record of the ephemeral magic of our annual art party. Listen and share your stories at
#WizardTeam is a Black magical podcast for Black magical stories. Fantasy enthusiasts Bayana Davis, Robyn-Renée Jordan, and Porshèa Patterson-Hurst do a close read of magical books written by and about Black people. Join us on #WizardTeam Wednesdays wherever you get your podcasts!
#WizardTeam is part of the Black Nerds Create collective, which provides content through the lens of critical and creative fandom. To learn more, go to -
Book Vs. Movie is the podcast that ponders the question: "Which was better...the book or the movie?" We spoil away the details, uncover the plot points, discuss casting choices and shower with praise (or pummel with snark) as we see fit. Hosts are Margo P. (She's Nacho Mama's Blog) and Margo D. (Creator of Brooklyn Fit and we are not afraid to tell it like it is!
Let's explore together.
Ideas on mindfulness, creativity & beyond.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Impact the World is a show designed to inspire creatives, entrepreneurs, and change makers. Our guests share their stories of the work they do and the behind the scenes journey of what they are creating and experiencing. We explore the highs and lows, the challenges, gifts, and learning that takes place along the way.