
  • In this episode, we dive deep into the world of differentiation with Roy Osing, the brilliant mind behind Be Different, Or Be Dead. Roy shares his unique perspectives on standing out in a saturated market by crafting your "Only Statement." We also explore the "Goosebumps Method" to hiring, ensuring you bring on the right people to elevate your author career. This conversation is packed with actionable insights that will make you want to grab a notebook and pen to jot down every golden nugget of wisdom Roy drops.

    Join us as we unravel the secrets to not just surviving but thriving by being unapologetically different. Learn how to position yourself uniquely and effectively, hire talent that fits your vision, and embrace strategies that will set you apart from the competition.

    Tune in to discover how you can revolutionize your approach and make your mark with confidence and clarity.

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/241

  • In our fast-paced world, finding time for daily meditation can seem like a daunting task. However, five months ago, I decided to commit to this practice, allowing intuitive hits from meditation to guide my actions. The journey has been both enlightening and transformative.

    In this episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, I share the highlights of my daily meditation practice and the incredible outcomes that have emerged. Discover how tuning into my inner guidance has led to unexpected and amazing results. If you're curious about the power of meditation and how it can unlock new levels of creativity and success, this episode is for you.

    Tune in and learn how you can harness daily meditation's transformative power.
    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/240

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  • In this episode, I sit down with Bonnie K.T. Dillabough, the 70-year-old author behind the captivating sci-fi series, the Dimensional Alliance. With the recent release of her 8th book in what will be a 9-book series, Bonnie shares her journey and the unique challenges she has faced along the way. From navigating the complexities of the sci-fi genre to maintaining a consistent writing routine, her story is an inspiring testament to perseverance and creativity.

    But the conversation doesn't stop there. Bonnie brings a wealth of knowledge from her 20-year career in digital marketing, offering invaluable tips and strategies for authors looking to enhance their online presence and reach a broader audience. Whether you're interested in marketing insights or overcoming personal and professional obstacles, this episode is packed with wisdom and practical advice that you won't want to miss.

    Tune in to discover how Bonnie has mastered the art of blending storytelling with strategic marketing to create a successful author career.

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/239

  • Ever find yourself bogged down by past writing failures or unable to envision a future filled with literary success and accolades? Many authors struggle with negative past experiences that cloud their ability to see and manifest a prosperous authorial future. It’s easy to get caught in a loop of doubt and disappointment, replaying rejection letters and critiques, which can significantly hinder your creative output and success.

    This episode offers a breakthrough by tapping into the exciting realms of neuroscience and neuroplasticity. Discover how your brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself can be harnessed to shift your focus from past failures to future triumphs. We’ll explore practical ways to train your brain to embrace and manifest your desired outcomes, effectively setting your mental GPS towards success.

    Tune in to learn how changing your thought patterns can not only alter your mindset but also transform your destiny.

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/238

  • Many authors struggle with the idea of manifestation, often feeling disconnected or frustrated when their dreams don't materialize as expected. The concept of the law of attraction might seem appealing, but its traditional approaches can sometimes feel outdated and ineffective, leaving writers wondering what they're doing wrong. Finding alignment between their goals, desires, and creative process can be a challenging and elusive task.

    In this episode, we dive into a transformative discussion with Haley Carbajal, who introduces her 5 steps of alignment. Haley shares why the conventional law of attraction methods may not be serving you and offers innovative strategies to help you manifest your dreams effectively. Join us as we explore how to align your passion with your purpose and bring your author aspirations to life.

    Tune in for practical insights and inspiring advice that will revolutionize your writing journey.

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/237

  • Feeling stuck in a loop of endless "what ifs" and near-misses with your author career? You’re definitely not alone. Many authors keep spinning in cycles of doubt, wishing for success without truly believing it’s possible. That inner skeptic? Yep, it’s often why your dreams seem to hover just out of reach.

    Dive into this episode of the Author Revolution Podcast where Carissa Andrews introduces the intriguing world of quantum physics to explain the basics of manifestation. It’s all about getting a taste of the science behind the magic—no deep dives here, just fun, easy-to-grasp concepts to get you thinking differently about your creative powers.

    Tune in to start turning those doubts into a powerhouse of creative confidence!

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/236

  • The convergence of artificial intelligence and spirituality marks a groundbreaking evolution in both fields, offering transformative possibilities that extend into the realms of creativity and personal development. As authors and creative professionals seek to harness these advances, they find themselves at the forefront of a new era where technology meets mindfulness. This synergy promises to enhance not only how they craft their narratives but also how they envision and realize their aspirations, making the act of manifestation more potent and precise.

    Dive into these exciting possibilities in the latest episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, where host Carissa Andrews sits down with AI and technology expert Manuj Aggarwal. Together, they explore how AI can revolutionize not just the technological landscape but also the personal and spiritual facets of our lives. Manuj's insights provide a fascinating perspective on the integration of these innovative tools into the manifestation process, offering authors a unique opportunity to expand their creative horizons.

    Tune in to discover how you can leverage these technologies to propel your authorial journey forward.

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/235

  • In the dynamic world of publishing, the ability to innovate and reinvent oneself is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Today's authors face a landscape that demands creativity in both writing and marketing, pushing them to explore new platforms and methodologies. Embracing these changes is crucial for building a sustainable connection with readers and maintaining relevance in a fast-paced industry. Whether it's mastering crowdfunding platforms or engaging in direct reader interactions, the modern author must be adaptable, resilient, and ever-evolving.

    In this episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, we are thrilled to welcome back Martha Carr to discuss her latest venture—the second book in her "Queen of the Flightless Dragons" series, "Lasair," and her new Kickstarter campaign. Martha shares lessons from her initial Kickstarter experience, why her series captivates readers, and the importance of forging strong connections with your audience. Additionally, she reflects on the challenges and triumphs of restarting her career as a solo author and provides actionable advice for authors striving to make a living from their craft.

    Tune in to gain insights into how innovation and personal growth can revolutionize your authorial journey!

    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/234

  • In the world of literature, stories that challenge the status quo and explore transformative journeys not only entertain but also empower and inspire change. Amy Vogel's novel "Teleosis" is a masterclass in weaving complex themes of trauma, altered history, and the unique power of women to reshape the world. For authors, Vogel's approach offers a blueprint on harnessing narrative to question and redefine realities, particularly for young women. This episode provides valuable insights for writers looking to create impactful stories that encourage readers to imagine and advocate for a better future.

    Join us on the Author Revolution Podcast as we explore Amy Vogel's creative process and the powerful themes of "Teleosis." Discover how her dedication to shifting narratives can inspire your own writing and help you connect with readers in profound ways. Don't miss this episode full of inspiration and actionable advice for authors at any stage of their journey.

    Listen in, and as always, go forth and start your author revolution!
    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/233

  • Many authors and creatives often find themselves avoiding discussions about money, steering clear of examining their financial situations or exploring effective strategies for wealth preservation. This avoidance can lead to missed opportunities and financial instability, which in turn can hinder their creative freedom and career longevity. Breaking down the barriers of financial fear and embracing a proactive, informed approach to managing money is essential for those in creative fields to secure both their financial and artistic futures.

    I'm thrilled to have Christine Luken, a Financial Dignity Coach, join us in a transformative discussion. Christine is renowned for her empowering approach to personal finance and has authored three influential books with a fourth on the way. She is also launching an exclusive book club aimed at women who aspire to understand and accumulate wealth. This episode promises to be an eye-opener for anyone feeling adrift in the sea of financial planning. Christine's insights and practical advice will offer new perspectives and tools to anyone eager to take control of their financial destiny.

    Don't miss out—tune in to learn how you can start aligning your financial and creative goals today!

    🎧 Listen now: https://authorrevolution.org/232

  • Burnout is an insidious threat that looms over many professions, particularly affecting authors who juggle the solitary demands of writing with the pressures of deadlines, marketing, and audience expectations. For authors, burnout can manifest as creative blockages, waning passion for writing, and even the dire question of whether to continue their craft. This state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion not only stalls careers but also diminishes quality of life, making it crucial to address not just for the sake of productivity, but for personal well-being.

    In this week’s episode, Dr. Nicole Janz joins us to tackle the pressing issue of author burnout. With her expertise, Nicole provides practical tips and tools designed to help writers reclaim their creative spark and maintain their writing momentum. Whether you’re feeling the weight of an upcoming deadline or the fatigue of a demanding writing schedule, Nicole’s insights are here to guide you through regaining balance and joy in your writing journey. Tune in to discover how to revitalize your authorial spirit and keep the flames of passion for writing alive!

    🎧 Listen now: https://authorrevolution.org/231

  • When pursuing a career in writing, authors often encounter an array of setbacks and disappointments that can dampen their spirits and stall their progress. Whether it’s the challenge of not meeting sales goals, receiving critical feedback, or simply not seeing the desired outcomes from countless hours of effort, these hurdles can significantly impact an author’s motivation and outlook. It’s common to feel stuck in a cycle of negativity, where each setback reinforces a pessimistic view of one's capabilities and future in the industry. This mindset can be a major obstacle to growth and success, making it crucial for authors to find effective ways to rejuvenate their perspective and reignite their passion for writing.

    In this week’s episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, Carissa Andrews tackles this very challenge, providing authors with practical strategies to shift their mindset and embrace a more positive outlook. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Abraham Hicks, Carissa discusses the concept that what has already manifested is simply old news, and the real power lies in speaking into reality what you truly desire. The episode offers insightful tips on how to visualize success and manifest the writing career you envision. Tune in to learn how to transform your authorial journey and start creating the future you deserve. Go forth and start your author revolution by listening to this empowering episode!

    🎧 Listen now: https://authorrevolution.org/230

  • Sobriety is a complex and deeply personal journey, particularly for individuals in the creative field. Struggling with or recovering from addiction introduces unique challenges that can deeply affect an author's work and life. The solitude and introspective nature required for writing can magnify these struggles, making it imperative to address and understand the intricacies of sobriety. This episode offers a candid exploration into how overcoming these hurdles not only influences an author's personal development but also enriches their storytelling.

    In this episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with Ryan Penley, author of "Man Up, Sober Up," about his transformative journey from hitting rock bottom to recovery. Penley's raw and inspiring story provides invaluable insights for authors facing similar challenges or those wishing to understand the journey of sobriety better. This conversation aims to inspire, educate, and offer hope to those in the throes of their battles or supporting someone through theirs.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the resilience required for sobriety and how it can lead to profound personal and creative growth.

    🎧 Listen now: https://authorrevolution.org/229

  • The journey of an author is filled with continuous learning and adaptation. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of writing and publishing, what worked yesterday may not hold the same impact today. Authors often find themselves at a crossroads, where techniques and strategies that once felt familiar now seem outdated or ineffective. This stagnation can be a significant hurdle, but it also presents an opportunity. Cycling back to relearn and reevaluate these areas from a fresh perspective can be incredibly powerful. Revisiting the fundamentals of social media, advertising, character creation, and mastering tropes with new experiences and tools can unlock deeper understanding and innovation. It’s about peeling back the layers to uncover hidden depths in areas we thought we knew, providing a chance for growth, adaptation, and renewed creativity.

    In this week's episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, I'm shining a light on the transformative journey that relearning can bring to an author's career. Let's introduce a fresh perspective on how going back to the basics can lead to breakthroughs that propel authors forward in unexpected and exciting ways. Whether you're revisiting familiar territory or exploring it with new eyes, this episode encourages authors to embrace the art of relearning as a strategy for unlocking creativity and achieving greater success.

    Join me to discover how relearning can revolutionize your author journey and remind you that the path to innovation is paved with the willingness to reexamine what we already know.

    🎧 Listen now: https://authorrevolution.org/228

  • In today's rapidly evolving publishing landscape, indie authors often find themselves navigating the tumultuous waters of book creation and promotion alone. The journey from manuscript to masterpiece is fraught with challenges, as writers grapple with the daunting tasks of editing, cover design, layout, publishing, and marketing—all pivotal elements that demand expertise and time. This solitary path can feel overwhelming, making the dream of publishing a book seem insurmountable. Many authors yearn for support but fear losing control over their creative vision, leading to a common predicament: how to achieve professional quality while retaining the essence of independence that defines the indie author spirit.

    In this inspiring episode of the Author Revolution Podcast, host Carissa Andrews sits down with Michele Defilippo from 1106 Design, unraveling the solutions to these common indie author dilemmas. Michele and her team at 1106 Design offer a beacon of hope, providing a comprehensive suite of services tailored to empower authors—editing, cover and layout design, publishing, and marketing, to name just a few. Tune in to discover how you can elevate your publishing journey without compromising on what makes your book uniquely yours.

    Don't miss out on this game-changing conversation—go forth and start your author revolution!

    To learn more or check out the show notes, head over to https://authorrevolution.org/227

  • In today's fast-paced world, authors and individuals alike often find themselves disconnected, striving tirelessly towards their goals with the belief that hard work and "efforting" are the keys to success. This constant push, however, can lead to burnout and a sense of isolation, signaling a disconnection from a vital source of inspiration and support—the Universal Support Team.

    In this enlightening conversation, I'm explaining why I'm embarking on a radical journey: making a decision to experiment for the next year by surrendering to the guidance received during meditation. This commitment to follow through with any guidance, big or small, marks a profound shift towards trusting the universe to lead the way. By sharing this personal experiment, I hope to inspire you to consider your own relationship with universal forces and the potential for transformation available when we choose to listen and let go.

    Listen now and take the first step towards aligning with your Universal Support Team.
    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/226

  • In the journey of authorship, many writers grapple with the shadows of past traumas, often channeling these experiences into their craft to create narratives that resonate deeply with readers. Trauma, especially when stemming from toxic family dynamics, can be both a hindrance and a source of profound creative energy.

    In this week's Author Revolution Podcast episode, we're sitting down with Susan Gold, author of "Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom." Dive deep into how trauma influences creativity and leads to transformation, with Susan sharing her journey and insights from her book. She reveals how authors can transform their deepest pains into compelling narratives, connecting deeply with their audience. Join us for an inspiring conversation full of hope and strategies for writers to overcome their past and empower their stories and readers. Don’t miss out on this powerful episode – subscribe now and be part of the author revolution!

  • Navigating the wild world of authorship without a clear vision is like trying to find a secret door in a pitch-dark room while wearing sunglasses. You bump into furniture, stub your toes, and maybe even question why you entered the room in the first place. It’s a journey filled with 'what-ifs' and 'if-onlys,' where the map to success seems to be written in invisible ink. Without that vivid image of what their author career could look like, or the belief that it’s even possible, the dream remains just that—a dream, floating just out of reach.

    Enter the realm of "What If Your Perfect Author Career Already Exists?"—a thrilling escape into the possibility that your dream career is not only conceivable but also waiting for you to step into it. This electrifying concept suggests that, like undiscovered electricity, your ideal author life is buzzing around in the ether, waiting for you to flip the switch.

    Tune in now and get inspired.
    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/224

  • Many authors, from novices to seasoned veterans, often find themselves wrestling with deep-seated feelings of unworthiness and a daunting fear of success. This internal conflict is not just a personal hurdle - it's a widespread phenomenon that silently erodes the creative spirit and ambition of countless writers.

    In this week's Author Revolution Podcast episode, I'm addressing this critical issue head-on. By acknowledging that these feelings of unworthiness and fear are not reflections of reality, we pave the way for a profound transformation. If you're ready to overcome the internal obstacles to your success and step into the authorial success you deserve, this episode is for you.

    Tune in and let's embark on this journey together.
    🎧 https://authorrevolution.org/223

  • Embracing gratitude isn't just a personal virtue; it's a powerful catalyst for prosperity, particularly for indie authors. This approach transforms writing from a solitary endeavor into a journey marked by appreciation, deepening the connection with one's work and opening doors to unforeseen opportunities and financial success.

    In this episode, we explore how a gratitude-infused mindset can significantly impact an indie author's creativity, productivity, and ultimately, their bottom line. Through practical tips and inspiring insights, listeners will learn to weave gratitude into the fabric of their daily writing practices, fostering a sense of abundance that transcends the page. Dive into this enriching discussion and discover how to turn gratitude into a tool for manifesting a more prosperous and fulfilling authorial path.

    🎧 Tune in now at https://authorrevolution.org/222