
  • Listen in as Stephanie discussed:

    How she found the Land Geek.What her corporate job before Flight School. Why the land business?The stories that inspired her to keep going. Her favorite deals.Her most challenging part of the land business.

    Stephanie also shares her advice to new land investors planning to join the land business.


    Stephanie: Embrace your zone of genius: read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks to understand the four zones of performance. Focus on transitioning from your zone of excellence to your zone of genius, where your true passion and exceptional abilities align, leading to greater fulfillment and success. Also, explore land opportunities: check out Cheap Land Colorado by Ted Conover to gain insights into Costilla County and its off-grid living. This book can help you understand the area better and make informed decisions about investing in land there, aligning with your business goals.

    Mark: Check out openairproperties.net


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI episode to hear more about the land investing stories of people who’ve taken the leap.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Joining Mark are:

    Erik PetersonTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    What happens when a property is not selling?What are some things you can do to sell the property?The CEO mindset. The struggle to sell is part of being a land investor. Find an excuse to succeed.

    Mark also discussed that all the properties will sell, and some just take time.


    Mark: Embrace the transition from fluid to crystallized intelligence by reading From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks. This book offers insights into leveraging your growing wisdom and experience, providing a hopeful outlook on personal and professional development as you age.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

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  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisKirk PeartErik PetersonTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    What usually sucks our time. How should land investors spend their time?Priorities vs distractions. Wasting valuable time chasing sales.

    Mark also discussed the best use of your time as CEO of your land business.


    Landon: Maximize your productivity by reading StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. The book's assessment helps you identify your core strengths, allowing you to focus on tasks that align with your natural abilities. This approach reduces time wasted on weaknesses and boosts overall efficiency.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisTeria HarrisErik PetersonTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    Are you worried about the timing?Is this a good niche?Trying a new passive income venture. Is NOW the right time?

    Mark also discussed that there is no perfect time to start anything.


    Tate: Enhance your writing with Grammarly, a tool that checks your grammar, punctuation, and style in real-time. Whether you're drafting emails, reports, or social media posts, Grammarly ensures your communication is clear and professional. Try the free version or explore the premium options for advanced features.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisKirk PeartErik PetersonScott BossmanTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    Recent sales.Passive Income.The Land Geek strategy.Helping create a machine to solve money and time problems.

    Mark also discussed using land as the best asset to create passive income.



    Optimize your productivity by incorporating the Pomodoro Technique into your daily routine. Set a timer for 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break; after four cycles, take a longer break. This method helps maintain high levels of focus and efficiency, reducing burnout.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisTeria HarrisScott BossmanTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    How to stand out?What sets you apart on the acquisition and marketing side?Continuing something that works. The fundamentals vs the hack. Consistency vs being unique.

    Mark also discussed the secret to the land investing game.


    Landon: Explore CSC eRecording for your county filing needs. If Simplifile doesn't cover all the counties you work in, consider using CSC eRecording. It offers an alternative with coverage in some counties not available on Simplifile. Visit erecording.com for more details and see if it fits your needs.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisScott BossmanTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    Landon’s most intriguing thing about land investing.Something that does not need a lot of money and time to start.Buying and selling land on a computer.Tate’s love for the land investing model.Creating your own eutopia.

    Mark also discussed the downside of doing the land business.



    Read Adam Grant's book Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things to uncover insights on unlocking hidden talents and potentials. Grant's book emphasizes that with the right opportunity and motivation to learn, anyone can build the skills to achieve greater things, highlighting the importance of the journey over the starting point.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about land investing and passive income.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Brandon is on a mission to create a more deeply connected world by catalyzing curiosity.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    Brandon’s early exposure to business. How to raise money by asking for advice. The ikea effect. Vulnerability loops. Finding their 4%.What does it mean to be beyond curious? AVE

    They also discussed the negative and positive effects of AI tools when it comes to relationships and connecting.


    Brandon: Send a video or voice message to someone you appreciate, telling them exactly why they're important to you. This act can strengthen your relationships and open up new opportunities.

    Mark: Learn more about Brandon Fong by going to gobeyondcurious.com. Check out Brandon Fong's "Brilliance Multiplication System" by visiting bfo.ng/api. It offers practical tools to help you stay focused on your key tasks. Plus, if you're looking for deep insights into figuring out your strengths and what you really want, listen to Brandon’s podcast for a detailed 3-hour guide.


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about creating connections to grow your business.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Joining Scott are:

    Landon HarrisTeria Harris

    Some things they discussed:

    The passive income dream. How the passive income dream changed their lives? Being the master of your fate. Advice for land investing newbies.

    The geeks also discussed how the Land Geek community can be a great help in learning more about the land business.



    Explore the capabilities of ahrefs.com to streamline your keyword research and enhance your search engine optimization. This tool provides valuable insights into keyword grouping and ranking, which can significantly improve the visibility of your ads and website content. Whether you opt for a monthly or annual subscription, Ahrefs offers comprehensive data that can empower your SEO strategies and elevate your online business presence.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about passive income.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Bronson understands the investor mindset and has spoken with over 1500 investors having raised over $40,000,000 for real estate and for his ATM machine fund deals. He is also the author of the book Fire Yourself: Replace Your Working Income with Passive Income.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    How it started with multifamily investing and ATM machines. How to raise money with no track record?Why write a book?The most important thing in life.How do you fire yourself?

    They also discussed how to not be afraid of investing and failing.


    Bronson: Read Bigger Better Bolder by Jennifer Cohen to boost your courage in business and life. This book teaches you to be bold and ask for what you want. This can help you find new chances and build better relationships. It's a push to go after more in every part of your life.

    Mark: Check out the book Fire Yourself and go to bronsonequity.com for smart business tips.


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about ways to earn passive income.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Pedro is one of the smartest marketers on the planet and the founder of Business With Integrity. His mission is to help entrepreneurs and business leaders change the way business is done so they can grow & scale in more meaningful ways.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    What he knows about marketing that other people don’t know. The power of marketing. What is Business with Integrity?How to move from fear to courage? Pedro’s favorite marketing campaigns.

    They also discussed the three things that happened in the world since 1990.


    Pedro: Take a moment to stand in front of the mirror. Look at yourself and ask, "Do I love what I see? Do I love how I'm showing up in the world? In business, for my team, for my employees, for my vendors? Do I love how I'm showing up for my health? For my family, for my wife, for my girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, kids?" If the answer is yes, then congratulations, and thank you for being one of us. If not, then have the courage to do something about it and recommit. That's all life is—an opportunity to recommit every single day and to get on the path of the life you want to live. And that's in your hands, every single day.

    Mark: Gain more sage wisdom from Pedro Jerez and start building your business with integrity. Visit businesswithintegrity.com.


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about marketing and growing your business.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Joining Mark are:

    Erik PetersonLandon HarrisTeria HarrisTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    Getting funding from family and friends. WholesalingPartnerships Loans

    Mark also discussed how selling notes can help your land business grow.



    Check out Follow Up Boss for their article on "50+ real estate keywords you can swipe." It’s a good read for anyone looking to improve their ad copy and SEO. Understanding how to use the right language can help make your ads stand out. Here’s the link to learn more: https://www.followupboss.com/blog/real-estate-keywords.


    My tip of the week is go to thelandgeek.com/training


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about the land business.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Dakota is a managing partner of Community Solar Authority and has qualified over a thousand acres of raw land for solar leasing.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    How Dakota started in the solar business.Why solar?The average investment, time, and risks.The attributes of a good solar site. The percentage of sites being approved.

    They also discussed the tax benefits for the landowners and increasing the value of the land if it's approved to become a solar site.


    Dakota: Discover solar investment opportunities. Check out our comprehensive guide for investing in solar energy at communitysolarauthority.com. For those interested in leasing out their land, visit lease.communitysolarauthority.com. Additionally, I write daily on LinkedIn, providing a deep dive into commercial solar energy, sustainability practices, and how they intertwine with business and personal growth. Connect with me on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/dakotamalone/.

    Mark: My tip of the week is to learn more about solar investment opportunities and sustainable business practices. Visit communitysolarauthority.com to explore Dakota Malone's work.


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about adding value to raw land.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Tommy is the brain and face behind all of the company’s webinars, presentations, and events and oversees 50 Corporate Advisors helping more than 400 new entrepreneurs a day.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    Why Tommy’s so passionate about PCS.What to consider when setting a new business entity. Why PCS?Asset protection.PCS services and what to expect. Setting up a new business entity using PCS portal.

    They also discussed some of the worst advice someone can get about setting up business entities, tax savings, and helping entrepreneurs scale and create better credit.


    Tommy: Staying compliant with fincen.gov and a book called Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman

    Mark: My tip of the week is to start protecting your assets, start setting up structures to save taxes, start building your credit, and go to primepartner.info/TLG


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about taxes and business strategies.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Joining Mark are:

    Scott BossmanErik PetersonLandon HarrisTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    What to do when your response rate is low.What to do when you’re mailing offers in a county but you are not getting the responses that you like.

    Mark also discussed how it’s all just a test and that the market is teaching you how to adjust.



    It’s a book called ALL IN By Mike Michalowicz


    My tip of the week is go to thelandgeek.com/training


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more about the land business.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Listen in as Sid discussed:

    How he found the Land Geek.How he got his wife to become a stay-at-home mom. His first deal.His life now being in the land business. His secret to becoming successful in land investing. How coaching helped his land business.

    Sid also discussed how he moved the needle for his land business by sticking to the fundamentals and focusing more on the terms deal. And his tip for newbies in the land business.



    It’s a budget app called YNAB.


    My Tip of the Week is to visit highcreekland.com


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI episode to hear more about the land investing stories of the Land Geek guys.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Taylor created the Passive Wealth Strategy Show and his company NT Capital helps people to create life on their own terms by solving their money problems and time problems through passive income.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    How Taylor got into real estate and multifamily investments.How is the multifamily market today?What’s a good multifamily deal?Tax benefits.Ideal clients.

    They also discussed why Taylor did not choose the flip-for-cash method.


    Taylor: Go check out the book The Gap and The Gain.

    Mark: My tip of the week is passiverealestatecourse.com check it out! It’s a FREE Course from Taylor.


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about real estate investing and passive income.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Joining Mark are:

    Scott BossmanLandon HarrisTeria HarrisTate Litchfield

    Some things they discussed:

    The occasional difficult customer.The art of listening.The philosophy in dealing with a difficult customer.The tolerance for jerks.

    The team also discussed their red flags when dealing with a potential customer.



    It’s a 10-minute video about focusing on the journey instead of the destination.


    Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more tips about the land business.

    Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.

    Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?

  • Mark and Sonia discuss:

    What is sustainable land?What is a food forest?What is a sovereign food system?How to increase the value of land.Sonia’s recent case study.How much work is needed to get it done?

    Sonia also covers why land investing, land ownership, and developing sovereign food systems are the new legacy plays.


    Sonia: Tap in with your family and check in with your vision board. Also, check out soniagomez.tv

    Mark: Learn more about Sonia Gomez and her mission at abundantacres.com


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about adding value to your assets.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"

  • Mark and his team are known for specializing in tax reduction strategies for high-income real estate investors and entrepreneurs across the United States. They pioneered the most advanced strategies in creating millions in tax savings by determining the most advantageous financial decisions.

    Listen in as they discuss:

    Why is taxes the biggest expense in life?What do you love about helping people save taxes?Tax strategy. Investment vehicles.Is Travel and Food Blog tax deductible? Documenting activities to get legal deductions. What makes a good client? Worst advice a CPA can give.

    Mark also covers the misconception of building businesses just for tax deductions.


    Mark: Find me on Instagram Mark Perlberg CPA (@markperlbergcpatax) for a FREE Q&A. Always look at your tax advisers as an investment in your future.

    Mark: Learn more about Mark Perlberg @markperlbergcpatax


    Did you like this episode? If so, listen to another AOPI podcast episode to learn more about tax strategies.

    "Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call."

    "Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want when you want, and with whomever you want?"