One of my favorite humans and wellness practitioners, Jessi Marino, stopped by to chat with me about integrity.
Inside this episode we cover:
The dire consequences of not making our needs a priorityWhy experiencing aliveness and health can sometimes feel alarmingThe inner “protectors” that keep us from leaning into Integrity with ourselvesPatterns in the wellness industry holding us back from healing and growingWhat it actually takes to hold ourselves in IntegrityThe immeasurable impact of committing to Self-connection amidst the distractions of lifeand more!
Come join us in our living rooms for a tea time chat on what it’s like to be a wellness practitioner practicing Integrity in a wildly distracted world.
If you'd like to connect with Jessi and learn about her beautiful offerings and retreats, go to this link here:
If you'd like to learn more about my program, INTEGRITY, head over to this link here:
In this episode, I share insights on why parts of me recoil when people acknowledge my integrity, why these parts make sense, and how I resolve this tension.
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this podcast, I share how I define Integrity, why it's one of my core values, and the connection I recently felt between integrity and grief when I lost my fur baby yesterday.
You are the Medicine: https://theartofaliveness.mykajabi.com/offers/REAAvF3h
In this episode, I share more about the wisdom of habit change and personal insights from 2022 around the essence of transformation.
In this episode, I interview my client Grace on what it's been like to go on a 1-1 mentorship journey with me.
We talk about how she moved through hesitations to reach out,
how this container was different for her then past therapy and life coaching containers,
and how her relationships, boundaries, and sense of self-trust have deepened since seeking my support.
If you'd like to chat with me about working together, shoot me an email at hello@theartofaliveness.com.
If you'd like to connect with Grace (she's accepting friendship applications :P), email her at gracefwise@gmail.com or find her on instagram at @graciecosmos
In this episode I share the most unexpected benefit of taking yourself less seriously + a little story about the first time I was hired as a behavior specialist.
If you'd like to dive into the art of play, levity and inner spaciousness with me this November, check out my latest offering for you here: https://www.theartofaliveness.com/takeyourselflessseriously
Connect with our private facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588277238411308
Connect with me on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/comealivewithchrissy/
In this riveting episode, I bring on Joey Greestone to explore the relationship between plant medicine and aliveness. Joey is the founder of wachumAwaken, and the lead shamanic practitioner and retreat facilitator. He is an accomplished Wachumero (San Pedro) Shaman with 13 years of experience working with plant spirit medicines. An expert medicine maker, he's also skilled at using song and sound vibration to facilitate healing and transformation within his healing ceremonies. Furthermore, Joey is a talented counselor and life coach, drawing upon the wisdom not only of plant medicine, but many consciousness traditions from around the world in order to assist his clients in affecting healing and growth in their lives. He resides in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, in the Andes Mountains, where he also leads conscious tours to the many sacred sites and places of power within Peru.
We explore:
Joey's journey into this pathHow plant medicine journeys can facilitate aliveness and trauma healingThe role of song and sound vibration in ceremonyWhat makes his retreats unique compared to most others out thereThe distinctions between Ayahuasca and WachumaThe importance of integration and receiving sustainable support when it comes to anchoring the benefits of these retreatsIf you'd like to contact Joey about his services and retreats visit his links below:
Website - https://wachumawaken.com/about/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEkfe-OTv4VK7sXOeLFpew
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wachumawaken/
In this episode, I share what's served me lately in cutting out the "empty calories" from my nutrition, movement, relationships, and life in general. I discuss the importance of quality vs. quantity and the benefits of slowing down. I also speak to some listener questions regarding discomfort with the concepts of "worthiness" and "deservedness," as well as where to start when you're feeling so burnt out it's difficult to discern what quality things you actually need.
Voyagers membership: https://theartofaliveness.mykajabi.com/offers/8WR2czJP/checkout
SPACIOUS mini-course: https://www.theartofaliveness.com/courses
Use discount code QUALITY for 50% off the SPACIOUS course until September 12th
Take Yourself Less Seriously: https://www.theartofaliveness.com/takeyourselflessseriously
Spacious mini course: https://www.theartofaliveness.com/courses
The Warrior and the Wonder Child Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/54xqLElMFYhHt9STZekmzZ
Meesh: https://www.meeshdenny.com/my-story
“It’s Ok” song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLIGGJO5tjU
Want to dance with me in the realm of play?
Come on in!
What do Art and Aliveness have to do with each other??
When I created The Art of Aliveness podcast,
it felt unspoken that the two were best friends, arm in arm down the mossy, muddy path of this wild life.
And yet,
it’s been so long since I’ve explored their connection in words.
When my dear friend Yana reached out with a desire to share more of her words, it felt like the perfect time to weave with these.
Grab a cup of something cozy,
or take yourself for a stroll,
and join us as we explore:
- What it means to Be Art, and to Be Alive
- How the two tango
- The way Yana’s journey with birthing and motherhood has shifted her relationship to art and aliveness
- The currency of present-moment connection
- How we lean into aliveness when life feels messy
- Aliveness as our Responsibility
Connect with Yana and her medicine via the links below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YanaFayDzedze
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yanafaydzedze/
The Playground Offering:
In this episode, I explore what can distance us from desire, focus and inspiration.
I also share a major paradigm shift that a private client recently had in regards to this.
Finally, I offer questions you can ask yourself to plug back into your true nature,
and simple exercises that strengthen your relationship to desire and inspiration.
If you'd like to go deeper,
my mini course SPACIOUS is a lovely container for supporting your relationship with clarity and inspiration.
Dive in here: www.theartofaliveness.com/courses
In this episode, I share about the one FOUNDATIONAL element that has allowed me to thrive as an introverted solopreneur in business, and set intuitive boundaries after living for decades as a high-achieving caretaker who would override her true nature in order to feel safe and connected.
If you'd like to deepen into your own discernment and create space for your needs to breathe and communicate with you, then SPACIOUS is your radical permission slip to slow down, settle your nervous system, take things off your plate, and soften into the wisdom of your spacious, confident spirit.
The journey begins here: https://www.theartofaliveness.com/courses
Register here to get a spot in my free masterclass this Saturday: "Using Play as a Portal to Productivity" :
Register here: https://www.thewildones.community/events/a-portal-to-productivity-using-play-pleausure
The 5 Paths to Full Spectrum Living (tiny e-book) : https://theartofaliveness.mykajabi.com/prism-the-5-paths
In this episode, I share about how I navigated boundaries and nervous system overwhelm after staying over my parents house for a month-long visit.
Here is the "Airing out the House" Process I use to create internal space: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CLSUWTQgg1x/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&_ga=2.123892234.1611327040.1629822617-1204359720.1598749254
Here's the link to connect with me on an Illumination Call: https://calendly.com/christinatucciarone/45min
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