
  • On the Ann and Phelim Scoop, we’re talking about the abortion ballot initiatives at stake in 10 states in November. Kamala Harris and her cronies in the media are lying about abortion laws. You need to be aware of the truth and what's at stake in the November ballot initiatives.

    All these abortion ballot initiatives can be confusing, so we brought on an expert to explain the 11 initiatives that could strip away all protections for unborn babies. Kelsey Pritchard is the state policy director at Susan B. Anthony List, one of the top pro-life organizations in the country. If you live in Florida, South Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska, Arizona, Montana, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, or New York, you really need to listen.

    We also break down Kamala Harris lies about late term abortion. Kamala said that abortion up to nine months doesn’t happen. Well guess what – it’s 100% legal in dozens of states, de facto legal in a dozen more, and easy to obtain as illustrated by a brilliant video by Students for Life. And leaving babies to die after they are born alive in an abortion is an accepted medical practice and we can prove it. Listen to the podcast to hear how it's done and the cute name they have for murder by neglect these days.

    The campus tour of OCTOBER 7 - The Play kicks off next week at Princeton. The next performance will be on the anniversary of the attack at UCLA

    Get Princeton tickets: https://tickets.princeton.edu

    Get UCLA tickets: https://www.uclahillel.org/dortortevents
    Donate: https://secure.anedot.com/unreported-story-society/ce1e259b95e4dd6a5b9d0

  • OCTOBER 7 - The Play is beginning its tour of elite universities!

    We’re proud to announce that our first stop is at Princeton University on September 24.On today’s episode, we’re talking to Jeff Gurner, who’s directing the Princeton performance. He was a member of the original cast in New York where he gave a very powerful performance playing Zaki, a religious Jew who broke Shabbat to rescue hundreds of young people from the Nova music festival. You won’t want to miss this interview.There will also be a stage reading at UCLA on the one year anniversary of the attack. We’ve already received hate from the tolerant left for our “propaganda,” so stay tuned to watch us read mean tweets.California craziness continues in Sacramento where the city solved its homeless crisis! That was, until a complete breakdown between the city government, a nonprofit, and the homeless themselves destroyed it. Reserve tickets to the UCLA performance here: https://hillelatucla.wufoo.com/forms/wobl4rt0l4kxof/Reserve tickets to the Princeton performance here: CHECK BACK SOONDonate to support the campus tour of OCTOBER 7 here: https://secure.anedot.com/unreported-story-society/ce1e259b95e4dd6a5b9d0Or write checks to:Unreported Story Society578 Washington Boulevard #802 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292Hear actress Julianna Margulies’ remarks on The Back Room With Andy Ostroy: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/julianna-margulies/id1629482392?i=1000635471057

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  • We have a packed episode. First, our university tour of OCTOBER 7 - The Play is approaching. Will you help us reach our goal? We can’t do it without you.

    Today we’re discussing the case of the “Little People” forty years later. In 1984, children in Milwaukee discovered the bodies of eleven aborted babies in a dumpster. We talked to pro-life activist Dan Zeidler about that discovery, and his fight to give the babies a proper burial.

    As the media ramps up its lies about abortion, it’s never been more important to remember the humanity of unborn babies. The LA Times just did a fawning profile of one of the most brutal abortion doctors in America, who exclusively performs late-term abortions. We break down each lie in the piece. Our analysis started as Substack, which you can read below.

    And electric cars are not the saviors environmentalists promised. Turns out automakers are canceling their plans for electric cars. Because no one wants them and they’re terrible. Shocker.

    Donate OCTOBER 7 - The Play here: https://secure.anedot.com/unreported-story-society/ce1e259b95e4dd6a5b9d0

    Send checks:

    Unreported Story Society

    578 Washington Boulevard #802

    Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

    LA Times Lies About A Late Term Abortionist (Substack): https://open.substack.com/pub/phelimmcaleer/p/la-times-lies-about-a-late-term-abortionist?r=1vp05q&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

    Subscribe to our Substack: https://phelimmcaleer.substack.com/

  • This episode of the Ann and Phelim Scoop is packed. We’re discussing our latest project, which is taking our play OCTOBER 7 on a tour of elite American universities. We really need your help to make this tour happen, and tell the truth about what happened to Israel on October 7.

    We interviewed the Daily Wire’s Megan Basham about her new book Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth For a Leftist Agenda. We had a fascinating discussion with her about how Evangelical churches have been infiltrated by Leftists and Leftist ideas. It’s shocking, and you need to listen.

    And we bring you what abortion providers say to each other when they think no one is listening. Learn about the “clump of cells” lie. We’re breaking down an academic paper that’s a jaw-dropping look at the cognitive dissonance required to work in abortion.

    Donate to OCTOBER 7 - The Play: https://secure.anedot.com/unreported-story-society/ce1e259b95e4dd6a5b9d0

    Or write checks to:

    Unreported Story Society

    578 Washington Boulevard #802

    Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

    Get Megan Basham’s book Shepherds for Sale here: https://www.amazon.com/Shepherds-Sale-Evangelical-Leaders-Leftist-ebook/dp/B0CRQGNLMY

    Read Ann’s Substack “Part 2: What They Don’t Want You To Know About Abortion: https://phelimmcaleer.substack.com/p/part-2-what-they-dont-want-you-to?r=1vp05q

    Subscribe to our Substack Stories.io here: https://phelimmcaleer.substack.com/

  • On today’s episode, legendary lawyer Alan Dershowitz talks about how much he loved our play OCTOBER 7. He wrote a book about October 7 – so it’s safe to say that he knows a lot about the day – but he was blown away by verbatim play.

    “I was flabbergasted. I was just so impressed,” he said.

    Dershowitz said it is critical that the play is seen by as many people as possible.

    We also talked about the rise in antisemitism in Europe and the US, especially in Ireland and on university campuses. Dershowitz is a huge advocate for plans to bring the OCTOBER 7 play on a tour of Ivy League campuses and we can’t thank him enough for his support. We also need your support, so please donate here to help make this tour a reality.

    You can also send checks to:

    Unreported Story Society

    578 Washington Boulevard #802

    Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

  • On today’s episode, we cover Kamala Harris and her “ghoulish” friends, why Paris should be ashamed, and more. We interview the intrepid David Daleiden, whose journalism exposed the abortion industry for selling baby parts, and learn how our “esteemed” Democratic nominee Kamala Harris tried to put him in jail for it. We also spoke with Daily Caller White House Reporter Reagan Reese. She gives you an inside look at the White House press corp and the cover-up of Joe Biden’s decline. What she tells us will shock you. And yes, Ireland just keeps the anti-semitism going. And we bring you the truth about the blasphemous and cowardly opening of the Olympics. We wrap it all up with a cozy family favorite recipe from Anne. We’ll see you next week, and please don’t forget to donate to our OCTOBER 7 play. It’s still so important to tell the truth.

  • This may have been the craziest month in American politics ever – Trump nearly assassinated, Biden dropping out of the race, and incompetence everywhere. This isn’t even the first time the Secret Service has failed, and we get into the agency’s startling history of incompetence. And the assassination attempt was encouraged by the mainstream media, which they’ve been doing for so long that we wanted to do an exhibition about every time they called for violence against Trump… back in 2017. Learn more by following us on substack: phelimmcaleer.substack.com.

    Now, Biden is stepping down, and endorsing Kooky Kamala. What’s even crazier is Ann called the entire thing months ago! Everyone seems to be calling Joe Biden a “noble” family man, and he himself claims to be a devout Catholic. This can be proven false by the simple fact that he continues to ignore Navy Roberts, his own grandchild, and participated in Hunter’s crimes.

    We highlight the pro-life vs pro-abortion movement, our plans for OCTOBER 7 - the play (you can donate here), climate change, and more. You do not want to miss this episode!

  • It’s hard to believe, but the inaugural run of OCTOBER 7- The Play is over. But this is not the end. On today’s episode of the Scoop, we’re reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve been on with our latest project. Tal Shimony is one of those survivors we interviewed for OCTOBER 7, and today, we have a wide-ranging conversation with Tal about how her life has changed since that fatal day, and how it felt to see her story on stage. Her world was completely shattered, but she remains hopeful and loving. Tal is also promoting the Nova Exhibition, which is a tribute to the more than 360 young people who were killed while attending the music festival. You can learn more by visiting here: http://novaexhibition.com

    We also touch on Kevin Spacey – is the world waking up to the miscarriage of justice that destroyed his career? We walk you through why Spacey has never been convicted by a jury (spoiler: it’s because he’s innocent). Listen to our podcast about the allegation that started it all, The Kevin Spacey Trial: Unfiltered. Lastly, we’re sharing one of the most eloquent defenses of life we’ve ever heard, from someone who survived abortion. You won’t want to miss it!

  • Welcome back to the Ann & Phelim Scoop! We're still in New York as our verbatim play, OCTOBER 7, is on it’s last leg of performances. The play is closing this Sunday, so if you haven’t seen it yet, now is the time! Buy tickets or donate here: https://www.october7theplay.com/ Then, there's big news about a job in journalism that's just become available in Gaza. Safe to say, it involves working from home.

    We'll also be exposing the truth about transgender kids and gender ideology. This cult is destroying lives. Joining us today to discuss this is none other than Mary Margaret Olohan, she is a fantastic senior reporter for The Daily Signal and she has just written an amazing book about one of the biggest medical scandals ever and the tragedy surrounding it. Her book is titled: “Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult”. Last but not least, the sham trial to distract you from the Biden family corruption is ending. We'll be bringing you all the latest with an interview with Virginia Abrams, our reporter inside the courtroom.

  • We're still in New York, which is not only the home of our incredible October 7th play, but is the first place to convict a former president with a sham trial. Mark Paoletta joins us to explain the legal double standards and the dubious process behind the persecution and prosecution of Donald J. Trump. Mark is a lawyer who has served in George W. Bush and Donald Trump's administrations, as Chief Counsel of the Office of Management and Budget from 2018 to 2021. He explains to us in layman's terms exactly what Donald Trump was convicted of.

    Then, we share the heartwarming story of two friends who reunited at our OCTOBER 7 play. Additionally, we had a very special guest attend our play the other night, surprising the actress who shares her story. We also touch on Melinda Gates’ recent pledge of billions of dollars to expand abortion rights. Lastly, California is leading the fight against parental rights in favor of trans madness and mutilation. Clearly, science doesn't matter in the Golden State. You won’t want to miss it!

    Buy tickets to OCTOBER 7 - the play or donate here: https://www.october7theplay.com/

  • In our travels around the world, people from all places are quick to tell us how much they love Irish culture, but that all changed on October 8th. For the first time, locals were no fans of Ireland and that’s because Ireland is the most pro-Palestine country in Europe. Our friend John McGuirk of Gript Media joins us to discuss how Ireland views the Israel/Palestine conflict through the lens of its own history of colonization, and why this lens doesn’t hold up. But that logic won’t stop the Irish establishment from formally recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state and flying the Palestinian flag above its parliament. Lastly, we end with a crazy story coming out from one of the nation’s top medical schools. It details how you can't trust your doctors and if you think it's bad now, it's going to get worse. You won’t want to miss this episode!

  • We have a very, very special show today. First, we bring you audience testimonies from our play, OCTOBER 7. Then, we have one of the most interesting and moving interviews we've ever done. Shani Arditi is one of the Nova Festival survivors we spoke to in Israel. Her story is one of tragedy and hope and resilience, and is one of the reasons our play is so special. She attended opening night, which was a huge surprise for Jenny Anne Hochberg, the actress telling her story.

    Both Jenny and Shani join us on the podcast to discuss the importance of OCTOBER 7. This 100% verbatim play is in production now until June 16th! Get your tickets https://www.october7theplay.com/. Lastly, we bring you the latest miscarriage of justice in DC. Seven pro-life activists were unjustly sentenced for violations of the FACE Act in their efforts to save babies from abortion doctor Ceasar Santangelo. You won’t want to miss this story

  • Our play, OCTOBER 7, has officially opened in New York City! On today’s episode, we bring you exclusive interviews with our audience to hear their reactions to the play. We were even joined by Shani Arditi, one of the Nova festival survivors we interviewed in Israel, herself for opening night. Her story was amazing - it was compelling and we just had to make it one of the central stories of our OCTOBER 7 play.

    While the media tries to downplay the horror of the Hamas attacks, we worked to make this play so we can share the truth, 100% verbatim. OCTOBER 7 is heartbreaking, eye-opening, and is a show that everyone needs to see. You can buy tickets or support our efforts here https://www.october7theplay.com/

  • On today’s show, we bring you reviews from our OCTOBER 7 audience so far! Our play, OCTOBER 7, is showing now until June 16th in New York! We took the stories of survivors of the October 7th attacks and we share them with the world. The play is 100% verbatim and it details tales of tragedy, heroism, resilience, and even humor. If you would like to see this production or support us in any way, you can by visiting october7ththeplay.com.

    Also joining us on the Scoop is Bethany Mandel. She is an author, journalist, and fearless voice against antisemitism. We had a wide-ranging conversation about college protesters and how they got that way (Bethany co-authored a book on the subject, called Stolen Youth) and the failure of supposedly Jewish institutions like the ADL to protect Jewish interests. We also touch on some truly awful marital advice from the Irish Times, who are coincidentally counting any step out of line from leftist orthodoxy as a conspiracy theory. You won’t want to miss it!

  • On today’s episode, we are coming to you live from New York City! We’re here because our play, OCTOBER 7 is opening for previews! This play has never been more relevant as the universities are revealing themselves to be intolerant, bigoted, and anti-semitic hellholes. Opening night is May 13th and the show will run until June 16th. We'd love you to buy tickets here: https://www.october7theplay.com/ . We'd also love if you shared this play with everyone you know and if you could donate to make this project as successful as it can be.

    Also on today’s show, we discuss the new developments in the Harvey Weinstein case. Safe to say, we were right. We're going to discuss why conservatives should care about Harvey Weinstein's innocence. Essentially, this case was a failure of journalism, a failure of jurisprudence, and a failure of the rule of law. Lastly, our friend, Bev Jackson from the LGB Alliance, joins us to briefly look at the gender-identity madness again. We're gonna talk about a recent report and how we might be seeing the beginning of the end for mutilating children in the name of “gender-affirming care”.

  • Instances of antisemitism are increasing across the world. Even at elite universities, Jewish students are suffering at the hands of the “woke” Left. We begin today’s show by talking with Yael Bar Tur, a communications expert and former head of the NYPD social media. Yael gives us shocking details from the recent “protests” at Columbia University. It’s almost pointless to call them protests anymore. In reality, they’re organized efforts by Leftists to bully, intimidate, and harass Jewish students on campus, as they cry for the destruction of Israel.

    We also discuss how Yael uses her skills to tell the truth about Israel and to combat mainstream media’s misinformation. Then, We're joined by Tom Nelson, the producer of the new movie, Climate: The Movie. You might remember our recent project: Climate Change on Trial, which dissected the legal battle between climate activist Michael Mann and Mark Steyn. Well, Tom was with us during the this trial because he is an engineer and a longtime climate-madness skeptic. Tom has just produced a movie about why these climate extremists are the biggest scam ever. You won’t want to miss this episode!

  • Our play, OCTOBER 7, is just over two weeks away. It’s never been more important to tell the truth about what happened to Israel, which is why we’re giving you an exclusive look into the newest trailer. On today’s episode, we’re talking about Iran’s recent attack against Israel and why this would never have happened under Donald Trump. Let’s just say, the Biden administration is responsible for a lot of disinformation. Are they lying? Or are they just dupes of Hamas terrorists and the pro-abortion lobby?

    Two experts join us to talk about how Biden has gotten it so wrong on these very important issues. Our first guest is Dr. Abraham Wyner, he’s the incredible statistician who debunked the hockey stick graph. Today, he debunks Hamas’ reported casualty numbers, which make absolutely no sense and seem to be massively over-reported. Then, Dr. Ingrid Skop of the Charlotte Lozier Institute joins us to talk about an insidious abortion ad that Biden’s reelection campaign put out. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

  • In today’s episode, Ann interviews author and deputy Newsweek editor Batya Ungar-Sargon. Batya first shares her perspective on rising anti-semitism across the globe and the media’s lack of integrity to hold Hamas responsible for their horrific attacks. Then, we briefly discuss her new book: “Second Class, How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women”.

    First and foremost, the establishment wants the world to forget about the terrorist attacks that occurred on October 7th, but we refuse to let that happen. This is why we are coming out with October 7, a new verbatim play consisting entirely of eyewitness accounts of the Oct 7 massacres in Israel. It is a must-see and you can buy tickets, or donate here: www.october7theplay.com. We're going to film the play and release it online. We're also going to take this play to Harvard and other elite, woke universities that desperately need to learn the truth. This is one of the biggest projects we've ever done, so we ask you to share the story with everyone that you know and donate what you can.

  • Welcome back to the Scoop. On today’s episode, we announce our newest project: “OCTOBER 7”. It is a verbatim play consisting of the TRUE, unedited, and raw stories from the Israel massacres on October 7th, 2023. Every word spoken by every actor on the stage is taken from the actual accounts of survivors and families of victims. There is editing, no drama, just to show the compelling nature of such a horrific day.

    OCTOBER 7 is the voice of those who lived through that day. The stories are tragic, they are moving, and they are heroic. They are also unforgettable. OCTOBER 7 will be one of the most compelling plays ever to be staged in New York and it will run from May 2nd-June 16th, 2024. You can buy tickets at https://www.october7theplay.com/. We sincerely hope you can join us in not only honoring the stories of these survivors, but also honoring the lives that were lost.

  • Welcome back to the Ann & Phelim Scoop! In today’s episode, Ann McElhenney takes charge and explains why the Pro-Life Movement is losing ballot initiative after ballot initiative and what we can do about it. The pro-abortion people know that telling stories and producing entertainment that tells a pro-abortion story is very effective, and that's why they spend so much money on it. This is exactly why we need to support sharing the pro-life message in any medium we can, whether it be the arts or the sciences.

    Then just last week, the UK's National Health Service, the NHS, decided to block puberty blockers for children. Joining us for this discussion is Baroness Fox of Buckley, Claire Fox. She is a member of the House of Lords and the director of the Academy of Ideas, which she established to promote the shocking concept that a public space where ideas can be contested without constraint is a good idea. She explains why and how the world has been captured by this trans-madness. Lastly, we share our latest book recommendation! This is an episode you won’t want to miss.