
  • 🔍 Join us this Sunday, June 23rd, on @theamishinquisition for an enthralling live chat with YouTuber and ancient history aficionado, @auld_boy. 🏺 We’ll unravel the mysteries of Tyrian Purple, exploring its rich history, intricate production process, and its enigmatic role in rituals and mystery schools. 📜 Join our quest to uncover the truth behind this ancient dye’s reputed role as an entheogen. Don’t miss out on this deep dive into one of history’s most captivating substances, a journey through time and colour. #TyrianPurple #AncientMysteries #Entheogen #MysterySchools From the web: Tyrian Purple, the legendary dye of antiquity, holds a place of mystique in history. Extracted from the secretions of the elusive sea snail Bolinus brandaris, this vibrant hue was once worth its weight in gold. The dye’s production was a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few, making it a symbol of power and prestige. Emperors, kings, and clergy adorned themselves with fabrics coloured by this rare substance, which was said to represent the cosmos’ divine order. The enigmatic nature of Tyrian Purple extends beyond its regal associations. Rumours of its use in ancient mystery schools and occult practices have persisted through the ages. Some speculate that it served as an entheogen—a substance used to induce spiritual or mystical experiences—during sacred rituals. The exact nature of these rituals remains shrouded in secrecy, adding to the dye’s aura of mysticism. In modern times, the quest to unravel Tyrian Purple’s secrets continues to captivate historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts alike. Its story is a tapestry woven from threads of science, history, and the esoteric—a true colour mystery waiting to be decoded.

    Follow Auld Boy here: https://www.youtube.com/@auld_boy


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    Producer Credits for Ep 334:

    Producers - Aliyah, Emma and Helen


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  • Absolute chaos.

    From the web:

    The number 333 is often associated with mystical and spiritual significance. Many believe it to be a sign of divine guidance, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment.

    Here are some of the mystical aspects attributed to the number 333:

    Angel Number: It is considered an angel number, which means it’s a message from your angels trying to communicate with you about your future.Encouragement and Assistance: The number 333 symbolises encouragement and assistance from the universe or the divine. It’s seen as a sign that you’re being supported in your life’s journey.Growth and Self-Expression: It is associated with personal growth, creativity, wit, fun-loving adventure, joy, intelligence, and self-expression.Balance: The number 333 also represents balance. It suggests that while you work towards your goals, you should also make time for fun and creative expression.Connection with Ascended Masters: The number is said to resonate with the presence of ascended masters, the great spiritual teachers who once walked the earth. This connection is meant to offer help, care, and assistance where needed.Positive Self-Growth: Seeing the number 333 repeatedly can be an indicator that you’re moving in the right direction, especially if you’ve been motivated to achieve your goals.

    In summary, the number 333 carries with it a message of positivity, support, and encouragement for personal and spiritual growth. It’s a number that many find uplifting and reassuring when it appears in their lives.

    #althistory #esoterica #ukpodcast


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    Producer Credits for Ep 333:

    Producers - TBC


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  • **Noble joins us around the 56 minute mark**

    Welcome to episode 332 everyone. Noble was a little delayed so we switched around the format on the fly and everything worked out swimmingly!

    Next week for episode 333, we will be opening our Zoom chat to you lovely lot. Keep a lookout for the event on our YouTube channel or in the Element server.

    Instructions will appear in these places on how to join us.

    Come along and say hello, and no need to appear on camera if you’re shy.

    Follow Noble here:




    #althistory #esoterica #ukpodcasters


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    Producer Credits for Ep 332:

    Producers - Rhona Kesson, Joe, Ben Limmer, Emma Bridges, Helen, Aliyah, Mathew Chinn


    Leave us a voicemail: 07562245894

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    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

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    Find out how to become a Producer here - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/p/phil-1523918247/

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    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

    Join your fellow producers by donating to The Amish Inquisition via the PayPal button on our website, simply donate whatever you think the show is worth to you.

    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

  • Welcome to episode 330.

    Get your weekly dose of weirdness with our news roundup!

    Wacky news, weird news, funny stories and unique comedy stylings aplenty….

    This was a mad week but hey,

    It’s all in a day's work for The Amish Inquisition!

    Stop the world, I want to get off!


    Producer Credits for Ep 330:Producers - Jonny Fogg and Aliyah


    #weirdnews #funnynews #uk_______________________________Follow us here: https://allmylinks.com/the-amish-inquisitionSignup for the newsletter, join the community, follow us online, and most importantly share links!

    _______________________________Leave us a voicemail: 07562245894Message us here....follow, like, subscribe and share. (comments, corrections, future topics etc). We read out iTunes reviews if you leave them.Website - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/Join the Element server: https://matrix.to/#/%23the-amish-inquisition%3Amatrix.orgSubscribe to the Newsletter: Drop us an email and let us knowGet your Merch from:The Amish Loot Chest - https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/amish-inquisition-loot-chestEmail - [email protected] - £theamishinquisition https://cash.app/%C2%A3theamishinquisitionBuy us a Coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theamishguysTwitch - https://www.twitch.tv/theamishinquisitionRumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-1347401Twitter - https://twitter.com/amishinqpodcastFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/amish.inquisit.3Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theamishinquisition/?hl=enBitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0fNMZAQctCme/YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv8ucrv5a2KpaRWyBWfBUAFind out how to become a Producer here - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/p/phil-1523918247/Become a Producer!The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!Join your fellow producers by donating to The Amish Inquisition via the PayPal button on our website, simply donate whatever you think the show is worth to you.If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

  • This week fellow YouTuber Nick Heys joins us.

    Nick loves old books and uses his channel to investigate little known titles that shine a light on geopolitics, philosophy, conspiracies and similar arenas. Nick has recently completed a mammoth 13 part series on The Story Of The Rockefellers by Raymond Fosdick.

    Follow Nick on YouTube here:


    #history #oldbooks #truthers


    Follow us here: https://allmylinks.com/the-amish-inquisition

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    Producer Credits for Ep 329:

    Producers - Rhona Kesson, Ben Limmer, Mat Chinn, Emma Bridges, Aliyah, Helen, General Lee and last weeks artists - Lee & Helen.


    Leave us a voicemail: 07562245894

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    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv8ucrv5a2KpaRWyBWfBUA

    Find out how to become a Producer here - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/p/phil-1523918247/

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    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

    Join your fellow producers by donating to The Amish Inquisition via the PayPal button on our website, simply donate whatever you think the show is worth to you.

    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

  • *We had some major connection gremlins during recording, but please stick with it. Lots of great information is incoming from Terry.*

    This week we welcome back author and historian, Terry Boardman. A deep dive into the historical context of the foundation of the State Of Israel is on the menu.

    Geo-politics, spiritual warfare and the hidden esoteric hand are areas we hope to explore and elucidate.

    Follow Terry’s work here:

    Website - https://threeman.org/

    From the web:

    The foundation of the State of Israel is a fascinating story that spans millennia. Here’s a brief overview:

    Ancient Roots:The roots of modern Israel can be traced back to ancient times when the Israelites established a united kingdom under King Saul around 1020 BCE.However, internal strife and external pressures led to the division of this kingdom into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south.Over the centuries, the region witnessed a series of conquerors, from the Persians to the Greeks under Alexander the Great, followed by the Seleucid Empire.Roman Period and Jewish-Roman Wars:By 63 BCE, the Romans had annexed Judea, making it a province of the Roman Empire.The destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE by the Roman legions was a devastating blow.A subsequent revolt, the Bar Kokhba rebellion (132-136 CE), further diminished Jewish autonomy in the region.Spread of the Jewish Diaspora:Following these events, the Jewish diaspora spread across the Mediterranean and beyond, but a Jewish presence remained in Palestine throughout the subsequent centuries.Islamic Rule and Ottoman Empire:The rise of Islam in the 7th century CE brought new rulers to the region, including the Umayyad and later the Abbasid Caliphates.Over the next millennium, control of the region shifted among various empires, including the Crusaders, the Mamluks, and the Ottomans.Zionism and the Call for Return:In the late 19th century, the Zionist movement emerged, seeking to establish a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine.The term “Zionism” derives from “Zion,” symbolising the entire Promised Land.The Holocaust during World War II strengthened Jewish determination.Declaration of the State of Israel:On May 14, 1948, the Jewish People’s Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum and proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel.David Ben-Gurion, leader of the Jewish National Council, read out the proclamation, declaring the first independent Jewish state in nineteen centuries of history.The infant state faced immediate challenges, including war with the Arab League and invasions by three Arab armies.

    And so, the long-cherished Zionist dream became a reality, marking a pivotal moment in Jewish history

    #history #zionism #israel


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    Producer Credits for Ep 328:

    Producers - Rhona Kesson, Ben Limmer, Mat Chinn, Aliyah, Helen, General Lee and last weeks artist - Lee.


    Leave us a voicemail: 07562245894

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    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv8ucrv5a2KpaRWyBWfBUA

    Find out how to become a Producer here - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/p/phil-1523918247/

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    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

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    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

    Assets 326:

    Road Noise Risk: https://www.business-standard.com/health/traffic-noise-can-increase-risk-of-cardiovascular-disease-study-124042800125_1.html

    Monkey doctor: https://www.theguardian.com/science/article/2024/may/02/orangutan-seen-treating-wound-with-medicinal-herb-in-first-for-wild-animals-max-planck-institute-sumatra

    Iso: Blew in my mouth https://open.spotify.com/episode/4mma612SsUE5SrUW7bcmIu?si=X3hx0SvtQJChA-TuD1QoDA&t=344

    Iso: gay rap 26.30 remaining


    Iso: eye balls NA1654 5.mins [No Agenda] 1654 - "e-Safety" 🅴 #noAgenda


    Mike Hunt: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C22e1vRLAe0/?igsh=MTJ1dng2ZHJnY3Vmbw==

    Tiernan McCorkell: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5N2r2toHti/?igsh=MWc2bmlkMnJ3c3Z4eg==

    Shove this pole: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4oAx-uu4Aj/?igsh=ZTQ4OHc0Z3BsNmdo

    Mole person update: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6SoqBvsQ-Q/?igsh=MWQ2Y2xkMHM0bHN2NA==

    Iso King Tut: https://youtu.be/_JuHsTbZKqA?si=sUxHTKMVIv59DU9Y

    Iso tolerant bunch: https://twitter.com/GMB/status/1785212404416000254?t=drjXTZi4kJFi59BfrWwymQ&s=19


    Goose scoreboard: https://x.com/Britishfinest21/status/1784551184587428226?t=cBeI1-MTf-Z1XENTIs3bxw&s=09

    Fall of western civilisation: cheeseball man: https://youtu.be/eJiTRwXGI_o?si=JXvbRyn_VkvCXo3i

    Iso: Good Innocent fun from Cheeseball Man report

    1st on bbc1: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4-9oBrLKc3/?igsh=aDl4bHhwY2tkb3l3

    Iso: podcasting is hard 88.34 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5zfUTDNMYovsHKLPD4nRwo?si=tRv-KC5cSBexShs3TuBfoQ&t=5314

    Count Binface: https://twitter.com/CountBinface/status/1785621389904396323?t=6_a6IJVuOROCqEQYhIN0eA&s=19


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    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

    Join your fellow producers by donating to The Amish Inquisition via the PayPal button on our website, simply donate whatever you think the show is worth to you.

    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

  • This week we are joined from Monaco by the founder of Krainer Analytics, Alex Krainer AKA, The Naked Hedgie.

    The financial world is changing quickly. CBDC's, UBI, crypto and Ai have potentially massive consequences to how we live our lives. How can we avoid the forthcoming digital prison system?

    Find Alex here:

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/NakedHedgie

    From the web:

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a financial security program where a government provides its citizens with a regular, unconditional sum of money, regardless of their employment status or wealth. The key characteristics of UBI are:

    Universality: It is provided to all individuals without means testing.Unconditionality: There are no requirements to work or perform any other activity to receive it.Regular Payments: It is typically distributed on a regular basis, such as monthly or weekly.Cash Payment: The benefit is given in the form of cash rather than vouchers or services.

    The concept is designed to ensure that everyone has enough money to cover their basic needs, creating a safety net that could help to reduce poverty and inequality. Trials and discussions around UBI have been conducted in various countries to explore its potential benefits and challenges.

    Supporters argue that UBI can simplify the welfare system, reduce poverty, and provide financial stability amidst disruptions like automation and economic crises. Critics, however, raise concerns about the cost of such a program and its potential to disincentivize work.

    Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are the digital form of a country’s fiat currency, issued by the nation’s central bank. Here’s a brief overview:

    Digital Form of Fiat Currency: CBDCs are a digital representation of a country’s official currency.Issued by Central Banks: Unlike cryptocurrencies, which are issued by private entities, CBDCs are issued by central banks, making them a legal tender backed by the government.Stability and Security: CBDCs aim to offer the stability and security associated with traditional currencies while leveraging the benefits of digital technology.Financial Inclusion: They are designed to promote financial inclusion and simplify the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy.Not Cryptocurrency: CBDCs differ from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum in that they are not volatile and are regulated by the issuing country’s monetary authority.

    Countries around the world, including the UK, USA, China, and the EU, are exploring or have already implemented CBDCs to adapt to the increasing digitization of the financial system. They represent a significant step towards modernising the financial infrastructure and could potentially transform the way we think about money and banking.

    #digitalprison #CBDC #UBI


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    Producer Credits for Ep 326:

    Executive Producer - Mixtut

    Producers - General Lee, Jonny Fogg, Aliyah

    This week's artist - Helen


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    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

    Assets 326:

    Egyptian Mummy: https://x.com/YouFuckingIdio9/status/1779979809008799747?t=Evt_3EFu8jp1zb2hZH4ISQ&s=09

    Sparkling water: https://twitter.com/YouFuckingIdio9/status/1779192828477726983?t=nep-vWfyhSV_m337pABikg&s=19

    Uncle Bosie: https://youtu.be/H5372IbojPM?si=LmmAhV__ZdK0MM6H

    Cyber war: https://twitter.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1781020096078450903?t=lX9NeajknCZ_xFC-aglAVw&s=19

    Gymnastics is fake: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1780593005571031120?t=UOG5MGxZ3oSREbEHUOnqQA&s=19

    Tourettes McDonalds: https://youtu.be/1Fq3M8Pqqy8?si=ri2joU-_V4VbPIli

    Doomsday bunker: https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/05/doomsdaiy-community-wants-people-live-575-bunkers-2-20585400/?ico=mosaic_weird

    Police chief gets wrap: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27364187/married-police-chief-gross-misconduct-affair-rookie-cop/

  • This week Stig returns for his third appearance on the show.

    Stig has been exploring The Pillars Of Hercules and The Richat Structure once again since our last chat.

    Find Stig here:

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@stig/featured

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/stigemup

    Tychos Event: https://lawfulrebel.com/this-june-15th-presentation-of-a-groundbreaking-astronomical-discovery/

    From the web:

    The Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara, has been proposed as a potential location for the legendary lost city of Atlantis. Here are some intriguing points:

    Geological Feature: The Richat Structure, located in Mauritania, is a deeply eroded domal structure that overlies a still-buried alkaline igneous intrusion.Similarities to Atlantis:Circular Design: The Richat Structure fits Plato’s description of Atlantis, with its concentric circles.Location: While Plato explicitly placed Atlantis beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar), some researchers speculate that the Richat Structure could be a real-world inspiration for Atlantis.Cultural Memory: The story of Atlantis has been linked to memories of the Thera eruption, which affected Minoan settlements on Crete. Some argue that the Richat Structure preserves this memory12.

    However, significant challenges remain, including the structure’s elevation and the lack of archaeological evidence supporting a once-inhabited city3. Whether the Richat Structure truly holds the secrets of Atlantis remains an enduring mystery.

    The Pillars Of Heracles:

    The Pillars of Hercules, also known as the Gates of Gades, are legendary promontories flanking the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. Here are some key points:

    Northern Pillar: Calpe Mons, identified as the Rock of Gibraltar, stands on the European side.Southern Pillar: The identity of Abila Mons (the southern pillar) has been debated. The two likely candidates are Monte Hacho in Ceuta and Jebel Musa in Morocco.Mythology: According to Greek mythology, Hercules performed the tenth of his twelve labours by fetching the Cattle of Geryon from the far West and bringing them to Eurystheus. This marked the western extent of his travels.Atlantis Connection: Plato placed the legendary island of Atlantis beyond the Pillars of Hercules.Symbolism: Renaissance tradition associated the pillars with the warning “Ne plus ultra” (nothing further beyond), cautioning sailors not to venture farther.Geographical Significance: The Strait of Gibraltar, formed by Hercules, connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.Historical References: Pliny the Elder mentioned the Pillars in his work. They have fascinated explorers, writers, and artists throughout history

    #atlantis #atlantisresearcher #prehistory


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    Producer Credits for Ep 325: Emma Bridges


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  • This week we are joined by Paul Smith.

    Paul runs two YouTube channels, one focusing on esoteric research and the other exploring health and wellness. Paul also owns a UK based herb and supplement company, Nutrient Nirvana.

    Find Paul here:

    Esoteric Explorer Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@PaulSmith-esotericexplorer/featured

    Nutrient Nirvana Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@nutrientnirvanahistoryheal2009/featured

    Nutrient Nirvana Website - https://www.nutrientnirvana.co.uk/

    From the web:

    Western esotericism, also known as esotericism or the Western mystery tradition, encompasses a diverse array of loosely related ideas and movements that emerged within Western society. Here are some key points:

    Origins and Development:The earliest roots of Western esotericism can be traced back to the Eastern Mediterranean during Late Antiquity. During this period, distinct schools of thought such as Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Neoplatonism emerged, setting them apart from mainstream Christianity.Renaissance Europe witnessed a revival of interest in these older ideas. Intellectuals combined pagan philosophies with Kabbalah and Christian thought, leading to the emergence of movements like Christian Kabbalah and Christian theosophy.The 17th century saw the rise of initiatory societies like Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, which professed esoteric knowledge.The 18th century Age of Enlightenment gave birth to new forms of esoteric thought.In the 19th century, occultism gained prominence, with groups like the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn playing significant roles.Defining Esotericism:Scholars have debated various definitions of Western esotericism.Some view it as a perennial hidden inner tradition, while others see it as a category of movements embracing an “enchanted” worldview in response to increasing disenchantment.Another perspective considers it as “rejected knowledge”—ideas neither accepted by the scientific establishment nor orthodox religious authorities.Influence and Impact:Western esotericism has left its mark on various aspects of culture, including philosophy, mysticism, religion, pseudoscience, art, literature, and music.

    In summary, Western esotericism represents a fascinating tapestry of mystical, secret, and alternative knowledge that has shaped Western thought and culture throughout history

    #esotericism #esotericresearch #mysterytradition


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    Producer Credits for Ep 324: Ben Limmer, Mathew Chinn, Matt Hiscox for keeping us caffeinated, General Lee, last weeks Super Chatters: Helen, Emma and Jonny Fogg and this weeks artist Lee


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    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

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    Assets 324:

    Tony Blair? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C45eSGaoYX1/?igsh=OWZxeHJsY3NxM3g3

    Mole people: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5CX-ORMUBR/?igsh=MTE1ZGd2Ym5wNmt3YQ==


    How to confuse old people at a pub: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lk8T1MmwO/?igsh=MjlkeXRmbGFzYnYy

    Tourettes barber: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1775833456292807100?t=WCCBybXHMA9pXz2xf7Qzow&s=19

    Smelling salts: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Mll0xo31U/?igsh=dnY4aGE2bWFoazNv

    Tory MP phone number leak: https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/04/tory-so-sorry-leaking-fellow-mp-phone-numbers-grindr-20590738/?ico=mosaic_tag

    Moon timezone: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68722032

  • Welcome to another Barn Raising Episode.


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  • This week we are joined by author Paul Schatzkin.

    Paul is a biographer of obscure 20th Century scientists including T. Townsend Brown and Philo T. Farnsworth.

    Find Paul’s books here (Amazon): https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/author/B0C15BQDPC?ingress=0&visitId=6b66b12e-80d5-486b-9678-3b74f9b03d28&ref_=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_fkmr0_1

    The Man Who Mastered Gravity: A Twisted Tale of Space, Time and The Mysteries In Between

    This is the biography of a man whose story cannot be told!

    The Man Who Mastered Gravity is an intimate profile of Thomas Townsend Brown – a little-known scientist whose unorthodox ideas about electricity and gravity have made him the subject of decades of speculation and intrigue.

    Brown developed his novel concepts while serving in the U.S. Navy through the 1930s. In the first months of World War II he was abruptly discharged – despite his considerable expertise in radio, radar, and mine sweeping.

    Two weeks later he showed up at a top-secret aviation facility in California. After that, Brown slipped behind a veil of secrecy from which he only occasionally blinks in and out of view. For example, in the 1950s, Brown formed NICAP, the first civilian organisation dedicated to the study of unexplained 'aerial phenomena' (aka UFOs).

    Though he is sometimes dismissed as a washout or a charlatan, The Man Who Mastered Gravity addresses the equal likelihood that Townsend Brown operated at the epicentre of a global web of classified 'black' projects – effectively acting as the 'Oppenheimer' in a deeply secret realm that persists to this day.

    The Man Who Mastered Gravity is a cloak-and-dagger story of science and espionage, hidden technologies, forbidden romance and a secret society – all woven through pivotal events in the middle of the 20th century.

    Buy The Man Who Mastered Gravity today, and enjoy this epic tale of lost science, hidden power, love, danger – and ideas will take you to the edge of modern science.

    From the Web:

    Thomas Townsend Brown (March 18, 1905 – October 27, 1985) was an American inventor and physicist whose research delved into odd electrical effects. His work led him to believe that he had discovered a connection between strong electric fields and gravity, which he thought might be a form of antigravity effect.Throughout his life, Brown attempted to develop devices based on his ideas, hoping to promote their use in industry and the military. The phenomena he investigated came to be known as the “Biefeld–Brown effect” and “electrogravitics”.

    In recent years, Brown’s research has influenced amateur experimenters who build “ionic propulsion lifters” powered by high voltage. It’s worth mentioning that claims of Brown discovering antigravity have been popular within the unidentified flying object (UFO) community, spawning various conspiracy theories.

    #thomastownsendbrown #antigravity #UAPresearch


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    Producer Credits for Ep 322: Helen, Emma Bridges, Richard Morris, Rhona Kesson, 332 Show Artist - Lee from The Big Conspire


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    Assets 322:

    Jersey swap: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1770483836607983792?t=flT205k9ngYrNh_Tvu8gdw&s=19

    School anxiety: https://twitter.com/YouFuckingIdio9/status/1770888107686310382?t=2oz-NHyoeNfaiTvMUt7cUg&s=19

    Drive thru troll: https://twitter.com/YouFuckingIdio9/status/1771152349194559556

    Roadrage: https://twitter.com/YouFuckingIdio9/status/1771144802421420409

    Iso: Abused


    Driving with tourists part 2: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C27CZTbsroT/?igsh=MWxzN3ZrdmltbjhicA==

    Tornado Siren: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1769666595947749530

    Ministry of Truth: https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/20/india-grants-govt-agency-power-to-fact-check-govt-matters/

    Ai girlfriend: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26788101/husband-secret-sugar-baby-ai/

  • This week Ryan Seven returns with some intriguing new research regarding Plato’s story of Atlantis.

    What did the Old Master encode within his legendary narrative?

    Find Ryan here

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrotherBones1111

    From the web:

    The original account of Atlantis comes from two of Plato’s dialogues: “Timaeus” and “Critias”. These dialogues were written around 360 BCE. Plato crafted these dialogues as a festival speech to be delivered during the Panathenaea, in honour of the goddess Athena.

    In the dialogues, Socrates asks three men to share stories about ancient Athens and its interactions with other states. Critias, one of these men, recounts a tale passed down from his grandfather, who had met the Athenian poet and lawgiver Solon during his travels to Egypt.

    According to the Egyptians (as relayed by Solon), there once existed a mighty empire called Atlantis. It was situated on an island in the Atlantic Ocean and ruled over other islands and parts of Africa and Europe. The city of Atlantis was meticulously designed, with concentric rings of alternating water and land. It boasted rich soil, advanced engineering, extravagant architecture, and organised military and civil administration. Their rituals paralleled those of Athens, including bull-baiting, sacrifice, and prayer.

    However, Atlantis became imperialistic and waged an unprovoked war against the rest of Asia and Europe. In this conflict, the much smaller city-state of Athens stood as the sole defender against the invading Atlantean forces. Against all odds, Athens triumphed, defeating Atlantis and preventing enslavement. After the battle, violent earthquakes and floods struck, causing Atlantis to sink into the sea. All the Athenian warriors were swallowed up by the earth.

    In Ancient Greece, psychedelic mushrooms played a significant role in religious and spiritual practices.

    The Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated in honour of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. These mysteries were regarded as the most sacred of all the rituals in Ancient Greek religion.

    Ancient pottery and paintings depict Persephone and Demeter holding mushrooms.

    These depictions suggest that the use of psychedelic mushrooms was well-known during ancient Greek times.

    While the exact details of the Eleusinian Mysteries remain shrouded in secrecy, it is clear that psychedelics played a crucial role in these sacred rituals.

    Plato, the renowned ancient Greek philosopher, was indeed initiated into the Greater Mysteries. This initiation occurred when he was 49 years old, and it took place in one of the subterranean halls of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

    Plato himself acknowledged the significance of these mysteries. In his famous dialogue on the immortality of the soul, the “Phaedo”, he stated: “Our mysteries had a very real meaning: he that has been purified and initiated shall dwell with the gods” .

    #atlantis #lostcivilisation #plato


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    Producer Credits for Ep 321: TBC


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    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv8ucrv5a2KpaRWyBWfBUA

    Find out how to become a Producer here - http://www.theamishinquisition.com/p/phil-1523918247/

    Become a Producer!

    The Amish Inquisition is 100% supported by YOU. NO Ads, NO Sponsorship, NO Paywalls. We really don't want to suckle at the teat of some faceless corporate overlord. But that is only avoidable with your help!

    Join your fellow producers by donating to The Amish Inquisition via the PayPal button on our website, simply donate whatever you think the show is worth to you.

    If you find the podcast valuable, please consider returning some value to us and help keep the show free and honest.

    This week Ryan Seven returns with some intriguing new research regarding Plato’s story of Atlantis.

    What did the Old Master encode within his legendary narrative?

    Find Ryan here

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrotherBones1111

    From the web:

    The original account of Atlantis comes from two of Plato’s dialogues: “Timaeus” and “Critias”. These dialogues were written around 360 BCE. Plato crafted these dialogues as a festival speech to be delivered during the Panathenaea, in honour of the goddess Athena.

    In the dialogues, Socrates asks three men to share stories about ancient Athens and its interactions with other states. Critias, one of these men, recounts a tale passed down from his grandfather, who had met the Athenian poet and lawgiver Solon during his travels to Egypt.

    According to the Egyptians (as relayed by Solon), there once existed a mighty empire called Atlantis. It was situated on an island in the Atlantic Ocean and ruled over other islands and parts of Africa and Europe. The city of Atlantis was meticulously designed, with concentric rings of alternating water and land. It boasted rich soil, advanced engineering, extravagant architecture, and organised military and civil administration. Their rituals paralleled those of Athens, including bull-baiting, sacrifice, and prayer.

    However, Atlantis became imperialistic and waged an unprovoked war against the rest of Asia and Europe. In this conflict, the much smaller city-state of Athens stood as the sole defender against the invading Atlantean forces. Against all odds, Athens triumphed, defeating Atlantis and preventing enslavement. After the battle, violent earthquakes and floods struck, causing Atlantis to sink into the sea. All the Athenian warriors were swallowed up by the earth.

    In Ancient Greece, psychedelic mushrooms played a significant role in religious and spiritual practices.

    The Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated in honour of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. These mysteries were regarded as the most sacred of all the rituals in Ancient Greek religion.

    Ancient pottery and paintings depict Persephone and Demeter holding mushrooms.

    These depictions suggest that the use of psychedelic mushrooms was well-known during ancient Greek times.

    While the exact details of the Eleusinian Mysteries remain shrouded in secrecy, it is clear that psychedelics played a crucial role in these sacred rituals.

    Plato, the renowned ancient Greek philosopher, was indeed initiated into the Greater Mysteries. This initiation occurred when he was 49 years old, and it took place in one of the subterranean halls of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

    Plato himself acknowledged the significance of these mysteries. In his famous dialogue on the immortality of the soul, the “Phaedo”, he stated: “Our mysteries had a very real meaning: he that has been purified and initiated shall dwell with the gods” .

    #atlantis #lostcivilisation #plato


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    Producer Credits for Ep 321: Danny G, Emma Bridges, Aliyah for keeping us caffeinated, this weeks artists Helen and Lee from the Big Conspire.


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  • This week we welcome Nigel Watson. From his home in Finland, Nigel has been pulling apart clown world on his popular YouTube channel which focuses on economics, Christianity and philosophy.

    In this show we are going to be diving into the role of Government, voluntaryism/anarchy and hopefully Nigel's spiritual journey.

    Find Nigel here

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nigelwatson2750

    From the web:

    Voluntaryism, also known as voluntary action, is a philosophy that emphasises individual freedom and consent in all human interactions.


    Voluntaryism asserts that individuals should be free to choose their goals and methods within societal and cultural boundaries.It stands in opposition to actions that are coerced or predetermined.

    Modern Usage:

    The term voluntaryism gained renewed prominence in the late 20th century, particularly within libertarianism in the United States.Key beliefs of voluntaryists include:Natural rights: Recognizing inherent rights of individuals.Equality: Treating all individuals equally.Non-coercion: Rejecting the use of force.Non-aggression: Advocating peaceful interactions.

    The Voluntary State:

    Voluntaryists support a voluntary-funded state, where coercion and force (such as taxation) are absent.Instead of compulsory taxation, they propose voluntary funding mechanisms.The philosophy aligns with strict adherence to pacifism, civil rights, and mutually agreed-upon court systems for dispute resolution.

    In summary, voluntaryism champions individual autonomy, consent, and the absence of coercion in societal interactions. It’s a fascinating perspective that challenges conventional notions of governance and authority.

    Natural law is a philosophical concept that holds that certain principles of morality and justice are inherent in the nature of the universe and human beings.


    Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on close observation of natural order and human nature.It allows proponents to deduce values intrinsic to human nature independently of positive law (the express enacted laws of a state or society).

    Historical Roots:

    Ancient Greek philosophers, including Aristotle, explored the concept of natural law.Cicero referred to it in ancient Roman philosophy.References to natural law are also found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.Christian philosophers like Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas further developed natural law during the Middle Ages.

    #naturallaw #voluntaryism #philosophy


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    Producer Credits for Ep 320: Super Chatters - Helen Moon Racoon & Martin Horwood, Jonny Fogg (Artwork), Helen Of Troy for Coffee, Mr & Mrs Hogdanmunch


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  • This week we are joined by alternative, ancient history researcher Phil Corbett.

    Phil is part of a large team of investigators trying to piece together our ancient past, so we can’t wait to tap into his experience. Megalithic architecture, construction techniques, archaeoacoustics, lost technologies and even the enigmatic ‘nubs’ could all be on the menu for this one!

    Find Phil here:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ancientalternativeview9011/featured

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ancient_view

    Institute For Natural Philosophy: https://twitter.com/NaturalPhiInst

    From the web...


    The ‘nub’ phenomena is a term used to describe the protruding knobs or bumps that are found on many ancient stone blocks and structures around the world. Some researchers have suggested that these nubs were used for various purposes, such as lifting, aligning, or locking the stones together. Others have argued that they are simply the remnants of the stone-cutting process, or that they have no functional significance at all.

    One of the most intriguing aspects of the nub phenomena is that it appears across different cultures and continents, from Egypt to Peru, from Turkey to Cambodia. This has led some to speculate that there was a common source of knowledge or influence behind these ancient civilizations, or that they were somehow connected by a 'stone language’. The nub phenomena remains a mystery to this day.


    According to the web search results, the heaviest carved stone in the world is a manmade block that was found in a limestone quarry in Baalbek, Lebanon. It measures 64 feet by 19.6 feet by 18 feet, and weighs an estimated 1,650 tons. It is believed to date back to around 27 BC, when Baalbek was a Roman outpost called Heliopolis. The block was probably intended for use in a nearby temple for the god Jupiter, but it was never used, likely because it was too big to transport. It is the largest boulder known from antiquity.


    The walls of Sacsayhuaman are very impressive and puzzling. Some people have suggested that the Inca had some advanced knowledge or technology that allowed them to carve and fit the stones so precisely. Others have proposed that the walls were built by an older and more advanced civilization, such as the Atlanteans or aliens. However, most archaeologists and historians believe that the Inca were capable of creating the walls with their own skills and tools.

    The exact methods and techniques that the Inca used to carve and transport the stones are still unknown.

    #althistory #ancientcivilization #alternativehistory


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    Producer Credits for Ep 319: Rhona Kesson, Ben Limmer, Mathew Chinn, Sam Karno, Aliyah, Emma, Helen and Lee


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    Itv munter hunters: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1763125756765344157?t=qngGC_5ZDklxSlwIDb4dyw&s=19

    Iso babestation: https://www.youtube.com/live/nACI2iX2w4M?si=BqakXSu2rTMBt5sA


    Iso not for thickos: https://youtu.be/nO2shu2ifLU?si=afRGXWAOxithbs8L


    Embarrassed groom: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1761710211675419003?t=q_dA5c4jofB00BLO8yXtFw&s=19

    The unknown x-factor audition: https://twitter.com/JakeMC_/status/1762898809007313310?t=X9Uq_o3qQJGGGDcZ49zDYw&s=19

    Wonka nightmare: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/26/children-tears-willy-wonka-event-cancelled-police-called/


  • Welcome to another Barn Raising Episode.


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  • Hugh Evans is an aeronautical engineer, chartered accountant and author who has written two books, The Origin of the Zodiac and The Origin of Numbers, based on his research into ancient cultures and languages. Through conducting his analysis, Hugh claims to have discovered the true meanings and genesis of these symbols, and how they relate to human history and destiny. His research aims to reveal the secrets of our ancient past and open a window onto the thought processes of our ancestors.

    Find out more and grab the book here: https://originofthezodiac.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@originofthezodiac9856

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/originofthezodiac

    From the web:

    Hugh Evans, the author of The Origin of Numbers, takes us on a captivating journey back in time. In this exploration, he delves into the ancient origins of our numerical system, revealing surprising connections to the heavens and our distant past.

    Here are some intriguing details about the book:

    Some words are as old as civilization itself, and it’s not surprising that our numbers belong to this small, original group of words.What truly astonishes us is the celestial wisdom embedded in our numbers by our ancient ancestors tens of thousands of years ago.Through painstaking research, hieroglyph interpretation, and language translation, the book identifies all numbers and their ancient Egyptian hieroglyph counterparts.The meanings, shapes, names, and interrelations of these numbers are meticulously explained.Prepare for a journey across the heavens and back in time, bridging the gap between the world we know and the prehistoric world of myth and mystery.If true, the revelations in The Origin of Numbers could potentially reshape our understanding of recent history.

    Intriguingly, this exploration connects our numerical system to ancient wisdom and cosmic insights. If you’re curious about the origins of our numbers, this book promises an enlightening journey through time and knowledge.

    #originofnumbers #ancientcivilization #prehistory


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    Producer Credits for Ep 317: Emma Bridges, Joe, Sam Karno, last weeks Super Chatters Helen and Jonny, and Aliyah


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    AI Rat: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/16/journal-published-graphic-rat-with-giant-penis-asking-ai/

    Love is dead: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/25972743/care-home-residents-valentines-day-cards-undertakers/

    Snail farm: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-68314670

    Iso good show: https://youtu.be/F_5K1hHxXvs?si=N_HsNTWcj2K0lwQy

    Iso What a day: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Dwzq5uHQmNk&si=ZLpWtqoZFNxqmJVv

    Iso Beautiful: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3DvfFxIHoN/?igsh=MXNpbWJjMG8wb284cQ==

    Iso tired of podcasts: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1757777936709570865?t=yfqS6_p8tgrThTQCDN6Lbw&s=19

  • This week Dan Stevens returns to the show.

    The World is a psyop and Dan is here to point it out. Dissecting Clown World, calling out Chemtrails, giving us the lowdown on mass gaslighting and GeoEngineering...

    ‘All the world’s a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players;

    They have their exits and their entrances;

    And one man in his time plays many parts’

    Follow Dan here: https://twitter.com/Dan__Stevens

    From the web:

    Do some countries try to control the weather using aeroplanes?

    Yes, some countries have tried or are trying to control the weather using aeroplanes, mainly for the purpose of inducing or preventing rainfall. This is done by a technique called cloud seeding, which involves spraying chemicals such as silver iodide or dry ice into clouds to stimulate the formation of raindrops or snowflakes. Cloud seeding has been used in various countries, such as China, Russia, India, Australia, and the US, for different reasons, such as enhancing agricultural production, reducing drought, clearing air pollution, or creating favourable conditions for events. However, cloud seeding is not very reliable or effective, and it may have negative environmental and social impacts, such as altering natural weather patterns, affecting water resources, or causing conflicts between neighbouring regions.

    There are also other proposed methods of controlling the weather using aeroplanes, such as solar geoengineering, which aims to cool the planet by injecting reflective particles into the stratosphere to block some of the sunlight. However, this method is not yet implemented, and it has many potential risks and uncertainties, such as ecological, ethical, and geopolitical issues .

    Therefore, controlling the weather using aeroplanes is a complex and controversial topic that requires careful research and regulation before any deployment.

    What is HAARP?

    HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is a scientific facility near Gakona, Alaska, that studies the ionosphere, the highest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. HAARP uses a powerful radio transmitter to send signals into the ionosphere and observe how it reacts. HAARP can help scientists learn more about the auroras, radio communications, and geospace environment. However, HAARP is also a target of conspiracy theories, which claim that it can control the weather, cause earthquakes, or manipulate people’s minds.

    #chemtrails #geoengineering #stratosphericaerosolinjection

    Zennor Documentary from Bob Osborne: https://youtu.be/BoyGNDTaT34?si=QhpUeH11aco0sE8r

    Isaac's Oregonite shop: https://oregon-ite.com/


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    Producer Credits for Ep 316: Helen and Emma


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  • This week we are joined by author, researcher and speaker, Michael Feeley.

    Whether it's UFOs, the ancient mysteries, esoterica or spiritual guidance, Michael has plenty to say on these topics and more.

    For more information on Michael’s books and other services he provides, check out the website below.

    Website: https://michael-feeley.com/

    From the web:

    Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer who became an author, researcher, and speaker on various esoteric topics, such as ancient codes, hidden knowledge, and spiritual life coaching. He has written seven paperback books and several e-books, and has appeared on many radio shows, TV programs, and documentaries. He is also a paranormal and UFO experiencer who claims to have seen dimensional portals, unorthodox craft, and an ET being. He uses his investigative skills and knowledge of ancient symbols to decipher the secret messages of our ancestors that are encoded in the monuments of the ancient world. He aims to reveal the truth about our history, origins, and destiny.

    #ufoexperience #ancientmysteries #michaelfeeley


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    Producer Credits for Ep 315: Rhona Kesson, Ben Limmer, Mathew Chinn, Aliyah and Helen


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    Coffee Thief: https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/japanese-head-teacher-sacked-stealing-2-66-coffee-20204875/

    Ben spotted in croyden: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1roagmIQ9F/?igsh=MWx3azJrOTVubmozaA==

    News bloopers: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1fFFmTslIn/?igsh=MWc2NjYxNDR6cmo3eA==

    Turn the clock back: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2GhbgbMAtg/?igsh=MTl4ZDZrZnAwYjlxag==

    Bojo Conscription Ad: https://twitter.com/CartlandDavid/status/1751656502157263091?t=SyLK8Be3XhStDzqJf4YfHQ&s=19

    Based Gran: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1jyZZDMyHm/?igsh=MXdocmxybWN0aHA5NQ==

    Spy Pidgeon: https://news.sky.com/story/pigeon-suspected-of-being-chinese-spy-released-by-police-in-india-after-being-detained-for-eight-months-13061486

    First on bbc1 gay mountain climber: https://youtu.be/K1Y6PchDYfw?si=7TcmVlD3XN5OKoV6

    Weakest Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5e_BVE2uk8&t=138s

    Iso JBP: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3vZzFjmF2bpk2BRMCRurhj?si=e8JReeX7QN2o-XeuOyMoow&t=2457


    Iso You're Gay: https://open.spotify.com/episode/63QgUTRFjYYHTyntozjeAn?si=p_XiZ0wGQS-c2eYQC67OEg&t=3033


    Iso: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2iuXwlsRRa/?igsh=NmFtb2F6MTdyZWNx

    Iso reality: https://twitter.com/Britishfinest21/status/1751317340745077212?t=0gIREFRVN_QphZMEqlJQAw&s=19

    Iso hard: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6vSvpvgwFifOxEvwYZyD3O?si=seNVJWv1TEqIJMgypM-37w&t=6762
