There's a debate between A) focusing on yourself and your purpose and women will come so you automatically, therefore you don't need to chase them vs. B) you need to be actively working and dedicating time on bringing women to your life, sacrificing money and work on the process. I answer this debate in this podcast.
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Oh boy, this is getting worse. This is one of those days where I need to yell at some of you. Get ready.
These things all actually happened. I hope I don't get sued.
"Go Time" is that time of year between January 2nd and May 31st. It is the absolute best time of year to make money AND to bring in new women. Today I'll show you how and why this is.
Time to Christmas party, mother fucker. We're going to talk about books, comics, movies, TV shows, and all kinds of other cool nerd shit, bro.
Oneitis, or only focusing on one woman, is the greatest killer of the modern-day man. Overcoming this is crucial to your long-term happiness. In this podcast, I show you exactly how to avoid, prevent, and even eliminate oneitis from your life.
In the internet age, guys get too hung up on hacks and crazy dating or get-laid techqniues. There are a small number of basic, core skills you need to get laid, and I cover them all in this podcast.
Often people will point out the failure of celebrities when they attempt open or non-monogamous relationships as an indication that non-monogamy works. In this podcast, I analyze why these relationships fail, and why if you handle non-monogamy differently, this failure won't happen to you.
I summarize my the latest version of the greatest and most important book I will ever write: The Unchained Man. This will change your life.
NRE, New Relationship Energy, or what most people call the "Honeymoon Period" is one of the most happy times in a relationship. It is also the single most dangerous time in a relationship because that's when people usually make all the wrong decisions. I'll discuss how NRE works and how to keep a cool head when it hits you, which it will.
In this podcast I provide specific details and examples of how and why modern-day internet porn murders your ablity to date, have sex with women, and enjoy sex with women. Old school porn was fine, but today's porn is literally designed to screw you up.
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