
  • In this episode team member Mark Stuenzi talks to Amy Anderson as he prepped for our one day, Staffing and Restructuring Workshop.

    Amy Anderson, director of consulting at The Unstuck Group, joined our workshop to discuss church structure and staffing.

    The Unstuck Group has consulted with over 675 churches, helping them navigate various challenges. Amy emphasized the importance of strategy, structure, and people when considering a reorganization. She also highlighted the need for clear ministry lanes, the right leaders in the right seats, and an appropriate span of care.

    Discussion Guide:

    What strategies can be used to ensure effective communication during a restructuring process?

    What are some potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during a restructuring process, and how can they be overcome?

    Is it time for our staff team to revisit and evaluate our structure to ensure it is still effective and aligned with the church's goals and vision?

    How can we ensure that we approach restructuring with a willingness to change and make necessary adjustments, even if it means removing certain individuals from leadership positions?

    How can we involve a small team to assess our current structure and staffing, identifying what is working well and what feels stuck or confusing?

    How can we effectively communicate the restructuring plan to minimize anxiety and ensure that everyone understands the reasons behind the changes?

  • On episode 8 of The Advantage Podcast, we hear from Stephanie Chung.

    With over 40 years of experience in the American Aviation Industry with positions ranging from baggage handler to CEO - Stephanie brings a valuable perspective to leadership, ministry, and life in general. And she does it with zest, enthusiasm, decisiveness, and confidence. We are excited and grateful for this conversation.

    You can pre-order Stephanie's new book, Ally Leadership, here. https://stephaniechung.com/books/

    Please feel free to share this episode with others, and don't forget to take a look at the Discussion Guide for this episode, with questions that will help you get the most out of it.

    1. How has the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent events affected your leadership style and approach?

    2. In what ways do you feel pastors and business leaders face similar challenges in leading diverse organizations?

    3. What role do pastors play in providing guidance and support to business leaders in navigating complex issues like LGBTQ inclusion?

    4. How do you balance the responsibility of hiring the best people for the job with respecting and valuing diversity in your organization?

    5. How has the power dynamic between leaders and employees shifted in recent years, and how have you adapted to this change?

    6. How do you handle mistakes and accountability within your team, and do you take responsibility as a leader for those mistakes?

    7. How do you ensure that your team members understand and follow established processes and procedures?

    8. How do you approach the challenge of leading in a rapidly changing world, and how do you anticipate future shifts in leadership dynamics and expectations?

    9. How are we leading our very diverse and intergenerational staff, recognizing that we don’t know what we don’t know? Are we asking, listening, and learning from staff who are different than us? How can we apply: ALLY: Ask, Listen, Learn, and You (take action).

    10. How are we effectively inviting marketplace leaders into the work of the Church, fully utilizing the gifts God has equipped them with for the Kingdom? Are we thinking about what these leaders “do” in the marketplace, that might benefit the Church the most?

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  • David connects with successful businessman and follower of Jesus, Rob Gregory, as he shares the similarities between running a business and a church. He also wanted to give you a copy of the Philosophy, Mission, and Vision that guides his company.

    Discussion Questions:

    1. How does Rob Gregory's perspective on pride and humility impact his approach to leadership?

    2. What are some potential entry points for individuals from different backgrounds to get involved in church ministry?

    3. How does Rob Gregory emphasize the importance of guest experience in his business?

    4. What does Rob Gregory mean when he says that every impression someone gets of a church or business is a "moment of truth"?

    5. How does Rob Gregory's son's perspective challenge the idea of separating the spiritual and secular aspects of life?

    6. How does Rob Gregory teach his staff to prioritize making customers feel welcome and valued?

    7. How does Rob Gregory's business mission align with the principles of discipleship and loving one's neighbor?

    8. How does David Ashcraft suggest pastors should approach individuals like Rob Gregory in their congregations?

    9. How does Rob Gregory's perspective on leadership and business differ from traditional notions of success and profit?

    10. How does Rob Gregory's concept of the five principles apply to both businesses and churches?

  • This month’s guest is Pastor and author Jeff Jones, from Chase Oaks Church in Plano, Tx. Jeff is the author of Rebranding Christianity: When the World’s Most Important Brand Loses Its Way. David and Jeff discuss both the challenge and necessity of how pastors can navigate the political season and stay focused on the exalted position of Christianity.

    Discussion Guide:

    1. Discuss the concept of rebranding Christianity and the need to change the perception of Christianity in a skeptical world. What does that look like at your church?

    2. David and Jeff discuss the character trait of authenticity and make note that every generation seeks authenticity. That being the case, how is it that the church is still slow to recognize the importance of authenticity and addressing the issues that have caused Christianity to lose trust?

    3. Jeff makes the statement that the race issue is one that Christians should “own.”

    · What is the role of Christians in addressing race and racism, based on the gospel message?

    · How can pastors address the concerns of people who feel like important issues are being ignored by staying focused on the higher topics that unify us?

    · How can pastors encourage radical love and unity in the church, especially during a divisive political climate?

    4. How can pastors help people think with their biblical filter before their political filter when considering important issues?

    5. How can pastors navigate the political season and stay focused on the exalted position of Christianity?

  • Discussion Guide:

    As organizations grow they, naturally and by necessity, become more complex. Considering this, unpack Larry’s principle of “Complexity is always solved by simplicity.”Are we trying enough new things with the freedom to fail, so that we can continually create better experiences?Do we have any systems in place that we have outgrown, and that need to be changed?Do a quick analysis or observation of the four pinch points at your church. Which if any needs to be addressed first? Worship capacity? Parking? Kid space? Decision-making processes?Do we have shepherds in roles where a Big L leader would be a better fit, and vice versa, do we have Big L leaders in roles where a shepherd would be better?Are we establishing a multi-congregational or multi-site organization?Are we making our volunteer roles doable and rewardable?

    Books mentioned in this episode:
    The Unity Factor - https://a.co/d/fKVTUKT
    Sticky Teams - https://a.co/d/jm6e6Q2
    Thriving In Babylon - https://a.co/d/hi9FL3O
    Accidental Pharisees - https://a.co/d/hi9FL3O

    Other Resources:

  • This month we have the opportunity to listen in as friends share learnings and perspectives from their two long-term ministry experiences, how they met, and what they’ve learned from getting to know and better understand one another. We hope you enjoy hearing from Pastor John Jenkins Sr.

  • Episode three gives us a special opportunity to hear from one of the most influential leaders in all of college athletics, Greg Sankey. Greg is the Commissioner of the Southeastern Conference and a devoted Christ follower.

  • In this episode of The Advantage podcast, leaders discuss fostering resilience in times of adversity. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, they explore strategies for building mental toughness, adapting to challenges, and inspiring teams to persevere towards success.