
  • Join Jason Fox and Robin Olivier on episode 41 of The Action Playbook as they sit down with Ray Freeman from Protech Solutions. Explore Ray's journey from managing large teams in Australia to establishing a new venture in New Zealand. Discover his leadership philosophy, the importance of genuine care and consistency, and his definition of success. Gain actionable insights on building trust, handling business growth during challenging economic times, and fostering a legacy-driven company culture. Don't miss this conversation packed with practical advice and inspiring stories.

    Find Ray & Protech Solutions on the links below

  • In the 40th episode of "The Action Playbook," hosts Jason Fox and Coach Robin dive deep into the pitfalls and productivity traps inherent in an open door policy. From the outset, the episode sets the stage for a stimulating discussion on intentional time management and how leaders can foster efficiency across their organizations by restructuring the way meetings are held and ideas are shared within a team.

    During their conversation, Robin unequivocally addresses the common misconception that maintaining an open door policy equates to good leadership. She argues that this approach can inadvertently discourage team members from thinking independently and lead to a loss of control over one's time. The episode shifts to offering solutions, presenting structured meeting strategies that can significantly combat inefficiency and promote a culture of responsibility and self-management.

    Key Takeaways:

    Challenge of Open Door Policy: An open door policy can inadvertently lead to reduced individual accountability and a significant drain on leaders' time.

    Creating Effective Platforms: Establishing consistent meeting schedules with clear agendas is central to enhancing team communication and managing time more effectively.

    Intentionality in Meetings: Ensuring meetings are action-oriented, agenda-driven, and time-boxed can drastically improve productivity.

    Minutes and Accountability: Documenting meetings and outlining defined action items with clear responsibilities prevents ambiguity and fosters accountability.

    Training for Independence: Shifting from an open door policy to a structured platform instills a culture where team members are encouraged to think for themselves and bring prepared ideas to meetings.


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  • In this episode, Robin and Jason discuss the concept of time mastery and the importance of being selfish with one's time. Robin emphasizes the finite nature of time and encourages listeners to make the most of the working days they have left. He shares insights from his role model, Steve Jobs, who would ask himself if he would be doing what he's doing today if it were his last day. The hosts stress the need for business owners to take control of their businesses and not let their businesses control them. They highlight the importance of being organized, intentional, and focused on the tasks that will lead to achieving one's goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    Time is a finite resource, and it is essential to be selfish with it. Business owners should not allow others to waste their time and should avoid wasting their own time on unproductive activities.Being organized and intentional with time is crucial for achieving goals. Focusing on important, not urgent tasks and delegating the rest can help business owners take control of their businesses.Time should be seen as an investment. Business owners should utilize their time in activities that will make them more productive and help them reach their goals faster.The concept of a default diary can bring intentionality to time management. Planning how time is spent and prioritizing important tasks can lead to greater control and efficiency.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • In this episode, Jason and Coach Robin discuss the challenges of managing time effectively in a world filled with distractions and constant demands for instant gratification. They emphasize the importance of being intentional and organized with time, as well as the need to assign value to one's time. The hosts provide practical solutions for overcoming time chaos, such as using timers to focus on important tasks, implementing a default diary to allocate time for different activities, and creating consistent meetings to address interruptions. They also highlight the significance of being selfish with time and delegating low-value tasks to others. The episode concludes with a reminder to value oneself and one's time in order to achieve time mastery.


  • In this episode of The Action Playbook, hosts Jason Fox and Coach Robin discuss the concept of business mastery and how to bring chaos under control. They identify four key areas that create chaos in a business: time, destination, service delivery, and finances. By prioritizing these areas and working smarter, not harder, business owners can achieve more success. Tune in to learn how to take control of your business and achieve mastery in these crucial areas.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome back to our podcast, where we dive deep into stories of resilience, growth, and the power of systemization. In this episode, we're thrilled to feature Mark Taylor, a small building firm owner who navigated through the storm of COVID-19 by embracing the transformative power of systems. 🔧

    Mark's journey is nothing short of inspirational. He shares how learning to systemize not only his business operations but also his personal life has led to unprecedented growth and freedom. Imagine having a "Mark day" dedicated entirely to pursuits of personal interest and joy. It's not a dream; it's Mark's reality, thanks to his dedication to working on his business, not in it. 📆

    Jason and Coach Robin take the opportunity to reflect on the past year's challenges - from pandemics to economic uncertainties - and emphasize the importance of moving forward without excuses. They inspire listeners to take control, set goals, and meticulously plan to achieve them, highlighting the crucial role of proactive actions over reactive waiting. 🚀

    If Mark's story resonates with you, or if you're seeking a fresh start and a clear path to your goals, this episode is a must-listen. It's more than a conversation; it's a call to action for anyone ready to make significant changes and achieve remarkable growth in the coming year. 💼

    👉 Ready to transform your challenges into opportunities? Join our community for support, insights, and the chance to connect at our next monthly meeting. Let's embark on this journey of growth together!

    🌐 Visit us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/ for more details.

    Remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Let's uncover them together in 2024! 🎉🌟

  • Summary:

    In this episode, Jason and Coach Robin discuss the importance of taking stock and reflecting on the past year. They acknowledge that 2023 has been a tough year with various challenges such as the lingering effects of COVID-19, engineered recessions, inflation, and political uncertainties. However, they emphasize the need to stop making excuses and take ownership of one's actions. They encourage listeners to draw a line in the sand and view the upcoming year as an opportunity for growth and improvement. They also highlight the importance of setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them.

    Key Takeaways:

    Reflect on the past year and identify what worked and what didn't.Stop making excuses and take ownership of your actions.Draw a line in the sand and view the upcoming year as a fresh start.Set goals and create a plan to achieve them.Focus on taking proactive actions rather than waiting for external circumstances to change.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Episode 34:

    Jason and Coach Robin discuss the different types of customers that every business has. They explain that there are four main types of customers: the business owner, customers, suppliers, and the team. They emphasize the importance of understanding and serving each of these customer types to ensure the success of a business. They also provide tips on how to manage difficult customers and foster strong relationships with suppliers and team members.

    Key Takeaways:

    Every business has four main types of customers: the business owner, customers, suppliers, and the team.It is important to grade your customers and focus on building relationships with A and B grade customers.Difficult customers can be managed by offering them alternative options or increasing pricing and time delays.Suppliers should be treated as valuable customers and their needs and wants should be considered.The team is an integral part of the business and should be treated like key accounts.Incentives should be used to achieve strategic objectives for the business, not as a reward for doing the job.The family members of team members should also be considered as part of the team and their support should be acknowledged.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. We are pleased to bring our 2nd guest on the show Steve Smith from Embroid Me. Steve has excelled in many aspects of his business and is here to share with you why your customer service truly matters.

    I hope you get some value from this and if you have some questions for us, please leave them below and we will cover them off in an upcoming podcast.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. Today we CARE, as people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care:.

    I hope you get some value from this and if you have some questions for us, please leave them below and we will cover them off in an upcoming podcast.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. Today we talk about The Art of Story Telling and how that can improve your relationships within and also outside of your business and relationships.

    I hope you get some value from this and if you have some questions for us, please leave them below and we will cover them off in an upcoming podcast.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. Today we talk about Failing your way to success, failing forward is an art that will take you far.

    I hope you get some value from this and if you have some questions for us, please leave them below and we will cover them off in an upcoming podcast.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. This episode we cover off 3x Questions from our members and try our best to answer them on the spot! The questions are around challenging relationships with staff and what finance companys require when it comes to business finance.

    I hope you get some value from this and if you have some questions for us, please leave them below and we will cover them off in an upcoming podcast.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to another exciting episode of The Action Playbook. In this episode we're diving into the world of change and transformation, and we'll be exploring ActionCOACH's "The Formula for Change." This formula has the power to supercharge your personal and professional growth.

    Let's break down the components of this formula:

    Dissatisfaction (D): This represents how unsatisfied or uncomfortable you are with your current situation. The greater the dissatisfaction, the more motivation you have for change.

    Vision (V): Your vision represents your desired future state or goal. It's crucial to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

    Resistance (R): Resistance represents the barriers and challenges you'll face during the change process. It could be fear, uncertainty, or external obstacles.

    Applying the Formula - Example 1


    Imagine you have a dissatisfaction level of 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10) with your current job, and your vision of a better career rates a 4. However, you're facing substantial resistance, perhaps due to fear or self-doubt. In this case, the formula becomes (7x4)+1 > 70. Unfortunately, it doesn't meet the criteria, and change might not happen as anticipated.

    Applying the Formula - Example 2


    Suppose you increase your dissatisfaction level to 8 and enhance your vision to a 7. This time, you find ways to reduce resistance through planning, support, or education. The formula becomes (8x7)+1 > 50, which meets the criteria for change. You're more likely to achieve your desired results in this scenario.

    In conclusion, ActionCOACH's "The Formula for Change" is a powerful tool for guiding personal and professional transformation. By understanding and applying this formula, you can enhance your ability to make meaningful changes in your life and achieve the results you desire.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth.

    This week we interviewed our 1st guest for this podcast, Chris Prince from Hiko Electrical... Why did we bring Chris onto our podcast, 1st of all Chris has been coached by Robin over the past couple of years. However that's not the real reason, we had him on as we are both really impressed with his company culture and feel he can bring real value to you the listener.

    We hope you enjoy this guest interview and are looking to making this a monthly occurrence.

    Looking to find Chris, you can view his website here: https://hikoelectrical.co.nz/

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. Where is your mind, are you living in the past, focused on the future or living for now! Lets talk Past, Present, Future!

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. We want you to "Be Lazy"... In fact, we give you permission to be the laziest person in your business, however only if you do lazy correctly.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. This is the last of 3 episodes where we are talking all things leadership and how to empower your team, ending with this episode on the 6 Keys.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. We are half way through, episode 2 of 3 where we are talking all things leadership and how to empower your team, starting with this episode on Living Styles.

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz

  • Welcome to "The Action Playbook", your go-to podcast for actionable tips and tools to help leaders navigate the complex landscape of their personal and professional growth. Over the next 3 episodes we are talking all things leadership and how to empower your team, starting with this episode on Building Trust & Respect

    DM us to book a call, meeting or you can click the link below to join our next monthly meeting.

    Find us at https://www.actionmembership.biz/

    Facebook: ActionMEMBERSHIP NZ

    Instagram: @itsjasonfox or all of my socials on www.jasonfox.co.nz