Fear is what we are taking down today friends.
We each will face many fears in our lives. It doesn't matter how long you've been walking with Christ, you'll have to contend with fear again and again.
But the Lord has given us so much in His word regarding fear. So let's look together as I share some personal fears I've had to walk through over my own life.
It was fitting I would turn to today's writing and it be my life verse, Ephesians 3:20.
I need this message,Empty Your Hands.
I had to talk myself into obedience to do the live show today.
Sometimes, it's just like that. Obedience only.
Yet I know, in the Lord's kindness, obedience does bring blessings and I dare not miss out on that:)
Saknas det avsnitt?
Yesterday I received a new song from the Lord that really stirred up this message and the many facets of waiting on the Lord.
It's a season we often do not enjoy yet there are promises offered to us should we choose to surrender to it.
It is so important to know who you are and what season you are in. Otherwise you might end up wearing clothes that are not meant for you.
We will talk about David preparing to slay Goliath and how we should also be confident enough to know when others are trying to "dress us" or we are "choosing for ourselves" the garments Christ has tailor made just for us.
So let's talk dig in and see if you need to "change your clothes."
*This was recorded LIVE on the weekly 320 Lunch Break radio show on Royalty4Real Radio for Women. To join us live you can go to www.royalty4real.com or download the free Shelly Wilson Ministries app from your App Store.
We read much in the scriptures about death. Crucifying the flesh, to die is to gain, death is working us.
But what does that mean?
On this week's 320 Lunch Break Shelly comes on Royalty4Real Radio for Women LIVE to talk about it.
* You can join the LIVE 320 Lunch Break by heading to Royalty4Real.com and click the PLAY button or downloading the free Shelly Wilson Ministries app from your AppStore.
The show airs LIVE on Wednesdays at 12 Noon CST.
All archived shows can be found here on the 320 Podcast across all platforms.
As we challenge one another in this walk with Christ, we now head into a discussion on personal idols. This can be from our past cultural experience, our current behaviors, people who speaker louder than Christ in our lives, and more.
Either way we end up walking into spiritual adultery knowingly or unknowingly. So, let's dig into this with open hearts and gladly remove all idols from their thrones today.
Let's spend some time trying to discern well the time to speak or the time to be silent season.
With some real life examples I'll share how Christ helped me to know which He desired in what seemed like unfair situations.
We can also look at the scriptures and see a few example that Jesus, Himself, left us to chew on.
All I can say is out of the sabbatical has come some inner healing work of my own as well as sweet direction of the Lord.
For those of you needing the raw truth of struggle that this walk with Christ can be....here.you.go........
We all reach a point one day where we wonder if we have what it takes to continue on into certain assignments. I'm going to give you an inner look into what me and Jesus had to work through during my time away and how you, too, can expect this kind of soul struggle to also arise in your own walk with Christ.
In essence Jesus will call you away when it's time to indeed, "Worry bout your own self."
God moves often in seasons and assignments. It is critical to keep in step with Holy Spirit to know when a season has ended and we might need to change a few rooms.
If we find ourselves people-pleasing or walking in fear, we might stay in a place that isn't God's plan for our lives.
Let's talk about reasons we might not change rooms when necessary as I heard the Lord say before airing that He was about to, " Uproot feet and move them to the streets."
*This show aired previously on the 320 Lunch Break (formerly Live at Lunch) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women. You can tune into the program every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST.
It is not too hard to abandon the call of God if we aren't careful. The cares of the world can quickly come a calling and detour our attention from that which Christ has entrusted to us.
As we will read in scripture today, Paul encourages Archippus to complete the ministry he has received in the Lord.
You'll have to learn to guard the call just like guarding your time with Christ. It take diligence to keep awake in a world that is also always calling.
*This message was previously aired on the 320 Lunch Break (formerly Live at Lunch) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women. You can tune into the program every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST.
We are God's masterpiece which means we are a "work created by God" for unique and specific good works prepared ahead of time. We were designed as an "authentic original" vessel of and for God. So why do we often choose to be a mere imitation?
This is today's topic to set us free of living a less than life in Christ.
*This message aired on the 320 Lunch Break (formerly Live at Lunch) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women. You can tune into the show every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST.
Following Christ is often "a risky business." Are we prepared to risk in order to advance the Kingdom of God, live an obedient life, and take Christ into uncomfortable places and spaces?*This show was previously aired on Live at Lunch (Now known as the 320 Lunch Break) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women. You can tune into the program every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST .
This week's Live at Lunch Radio show dives into how to discern when a door needs to be shut, how the enemy lures us with deception, and how to spot red flags you cannot afford to ignore.
*You can join the 320 Lunch Break (formerly known as Live at Lunch) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST .
Shelly Wilson, Host of LIVE at Lunch, and good friend, Paula Tunnell of Restoring Freedom Ministries discuss the difference of Christianity versus Churchianity on today's LIVE radio show.
*You can join Live at Lunch (Now the 320 Lunch Break) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST.
This message was aired on 320 Lunch Break (formerly LIVE at Lunch) Radio Show with discussions on a look at a lukewarm lifestyle. This message should stretch us into honesty, humility, and repentance.
*You can join the 320 Lunch Break on-air on Royalty4Real Radio for Women every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST .
This message was released on the LIVE at Lunch radio show as Shelly talks about a counterfeit movement we need to be aware of in this season in our nation.
*You can join Shelly on the 320 Lunch Break (formerly Live at Lunch) on Royalty4Real Radio for Women every Wednesday at 12 Noon CST .
This new season 5 of The 320 Podcast will now also include the messages aired during the 320 Lunch Break (formerly known as Live at Lunch.) The radio program airs on Royalty4Real Radio for Women weekly at 12 noon CST.
This was the first ever live taping of the new radio program.
Today's show discusses the topic of spiritual cover-ups. Joining Shelly is licensed counselor, Jan Thompson, and Paula Tunnell who leads Restoring Freedom Ministries with her husband, Wayne Tunnell.
Hello friends,
Over the last few weeks God has been speaking to my heart about rest. For this reason, I've decided this will be our last 320 Podcast for the 2024 year.
I believe God is readying us for what's coming and it's important to pay close attention. As I've received a call for a couple of weeks at the end of the year to "Come away," maybe consider it for yourselves.
This month can be a great one for rest and renewal if you'll let it. I pray my transparency somehow encourages you in your own walk as I share, today, my own heart and need for rest and the many scriptures God gives us regarding this subject.
See you in 2025:)
It wasnt until half way through the recording of this podcast episode that I realized the title. I honestly was just going to have a little heart to heart.
But...God seems to have so much in His heart for His Church in this season to advance her.
You'll see as I did the unfolding of Isaiah 54:2. Such a lovely scripture to swallow:)
As God has had me now in the book of Isaiah, I came across a verse I've seen before. It took my breath away the first time God led me to it.
Today it seems fresh again for some of you hearts in need of understanding of what God might be doing in your current season.
I pray this helps you as we look at Isaiah 50:4 together a little deeper.
- Visa fler