Cảm ơn bạn đã ghé thăm. Đây là podcast về những câu chuyện đời thường qua góc nhìn của Nâm và Mít - 2 U30 vô duyên, đa sự và luôn nghĩ mình vẫn còn trẻ. Mong rằng mỗi thính giả bắt gặp hình ảnh bản thân trong ít nhất một mẩu chuyện, và may mắn hơn nữa thì có thể cười sảng khoái như chúng mình khi nhìn lại mọi vấp váp hay tiếc nuối đã qua.
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Nextbiteoflife podcast showcases travel and lifestyle stories from expats, digital nomads and budding travelers. Several years ago, my husband and l moved from the U.S to Malta in search of a simpler life with more travel. We currently live in Spain and have travelled extensively across Europe. This podcast shares inspiring stories from other travelers who have chosen to take their next bite of life.
Just like a Potluck dinner, Random, unexpected, inclusive and diverse, Cheezy Potluck podcast is catered for those intriguing questions that some of us might have while being by ourselves. Join Chi, a curious youngin , and her guests in their quest to discover life problems, themselves and many more of those random topics!
Stay connected with us on our socials @cheezy.potluck -
Welcome to my first podcast! Step into my shoes and get to know a little bit about me!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
For nearly a decade, host Anthony Desiato explored the culture, business, and fandom of the comics retail industry on this podcast series. In 2015, New York’s Alternate Realities closed after 23 years in operation, a community united to say farewell, and a podcast was born. The series continued with deep dives into collecting, national comics retail, conventions, Westchester County’s lost shops, and more. The show signed off for good in 2023 with a quarterly farewell event entitled “For All Seasons” — but the AR community lasts forever.
Before each recording, the hosts & their guest solve a cryptic crossword. In the podcast, we riff on words in the grid or clues (spoilers!), telling each other things we find funny or interesting about them. We'll also pick a favourite clue each, and explain how it works to the listener, and have a mini-quiz, also inspired by the puzzle. You don't have to solve or understand cryptic crosswords yourself to enjoy this podcast, but hopefully we might intrigue and tempt you to dip your toes in the water.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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