Government works best when citizens are directly engaged in policymaking and public service delivery. What conditions are necessary for inclusive and effective citizen engagement? Can it positively improve people's lives? This podcast provides an overview of citizen engagement, critically analyzing how it can be leveraged most effectively to achieve development results.
Your lights are on, your car runs, because industrial systems work 24/7 to keep our lives ticking. But what happens when those systems—the very pillars of modern society—are threatened?
Hosted by Nate Nelson and Andrew Ginter, The Industrial Security Podcast takes a deep-dive into the most pressing emerging issues in SCADA technologies today. But don't just take our word for it: each new episode of the show features a leading voice in the world of industrial control systems security. You'll hear from executives, engineers, researchers and more, each with their own unique take on what's wrong with how we do things today, and how to fix it.
ICS security is complicated. Here is where it all comes together. -
Digitaalisesta turvallisuudesta puhutaan paljon, mutta mitä sillä oikeastaan tarkoitetaan? Miten digitaalista turvallisuutta kehitetään? Näiden ja monien muiden kysymysten äärelle johdattaa #digiturvakompassi.
Podcastissa näistä teemoista keskustelevat tietohallintoneuvos Tuija Kuusisto valtiovarainministeriöstä ja VAHTI-pääsihteeri Kimmo Rousku Digi- ja väestötietovirastosta, jotka molemmat työkseen edistävät julkisen hallinnon digiturvallisuutta. -
Technology has become increasingly important to policy debates, but these debates won’t be productive without an understanding of how the technology in question works. AEI Visiting Fellow Shane Tews interviews tech industry experts to explain how the apps, services, and structures of today's information technology systems work, and how they shape our social and economic life.
Julkishallinnon kehittämistä säätelee aimo annos erilaisia rajoittavia tekijöitä, sekä pilkahdus politiikkaa. Viime aikoina erityisesti ICT-maailman nopea kehitystahti ja vahvasti säädelty julkinen sektori ovat olleet törmäyskurssilla. Liian vilkas valtiolle -podcastissa käsitellään yhdessä sekä julkisen että yksityissektorin asiantuntijoiden kanssa sitä, miten yhteensovittaa hurjalla vauhdilla etenevä IT-ala hieman hitaammin kääntyvän julkisensektorin kanssa. Teknisen jargonin sijasta podcast pyrkii lisäämään kuulijoiden tietoisuutta ja tarjoamaan käytännön vinkkejä kehittämiseen.
Tervetuloa Herrasmieshakkereiden kartanoon takkatulen ääreen. Tässä ohjelmasarjassa käsittelemme tietoturvaan ja vääjäämättömään kybertuhoon liittyviä asioita ja ilmiöitä. Oppaananne verkon alamaailmassa toimivat Suomen tietoturvakentän wiralliset wanhukset Mikko Hyppönen ja Tomi Tuominen.
Kartanomme ylläpidosta huolehtii WithSecure. -
Courtland and Channing Allen interview the ambitious indie hackers who are turning their ideas and side projects into profitable online businesses. Explore the latest strategies and tools founders are using to capitalize on new opportunities, escape the 9-to-5 grind, and create their own personal revenue-generating machines. The future is indie!
The SaaS Breakthrough Show is an inside look at what is working in marketing for SaaS companies today by the marketers who are in the trenches, experimenting on a daily basis to grow their MRR and build amazing businesses. The SaaS Breakthrough show is brought to you by Demio, an easy-to-use, reliable webinar software built to help marketing and customer-education teams effectively scale their efforts in less time than ever before.
Video lessons on learning programming and electronics with Arduino. This is part of our Arduino Crash Course and Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners. It's designed to take someone with little or no experience in programming and electronics and get them fast-tracked to learning the skills to prototype using Arduino.
This series covers the Strachey Lectures, a series of termly computer science lectures named after Christopher Strachey, the first Professor of Computation at the University of Oxford.
Hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, the Strachey Lectures began in 1995 and have included many distinguished speakers over the years. The Strachey Lectures are generously supported by OxFORD Asset Management. -
In the second season of Anatomy of Next, explore every aspect of going to Mars, transforming it into a habitable world, and building a new branch of human civilization. How do we bring a cold, dead planet back to life? Can we build an atmosphere on Mars, thaw the frozen plains, and build an ocean? How do we seed a barren land with life, and make a red Mars green? Then, it’s everything from politics and education to money, music, and architecture. What does it mean to be human on an alien world?