This is the Quality Practice instructions as an audio recording. Quality Practice template is to help teachers get familiar with the Standards and how they relate to each setting.
In this interview Pauline Barnes (General Manager, Teaching Council) and Alex Gunn (Chair of TEFANZ and Associate Dean of Teacher Education at the University of Otago) discuss the new requirements for initial teacher education programme approvals which were introduced in July 2019. Alex and Pauline explore why the requirements were developed, some of the ins and outs of the new approach to programme approvals, and the critical role providers and their partners have in shaping their programmes so that graduates can meet the Standards/Ngā Paerewa (in a supported environment) from day one in their new teaching career.
A transcript of the interview is available here: https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/ITE%20requirements%20interview%20trancript.pdf
This is not an episode of Teaching Today podcast. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
I tēnei wāhanga ipāho ka noho tahi tātou me Evelyn Tobin, he pouako, he tumuaki tautōhito, he kaiwhakarite hui whai tohu mō te akoranga, mō te whakapakaritanga me te whakangungu ngaio mō te kaiako, mō te tumuaki mō te poari kaitiaki i ngā horopaki arareo Māori. Ka kōrero mai ia ki a tātou mō te whakatikatika kaiako tīmata mō te mahi, mō te akoako mātanga, me āna mahi i roto i te kaupapa Tīmatanga Tuakana Teina, me te kaupapa Mentoring Pilot.
Kaiuiui: Nicola Chase
Manuhiri: Evelyn Tobin
Tuhinga (te reo Māori): https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Season%202%20Episode%204%20te%20reo%20translation%20induction%20and%20mentoring%20copy_0.pdf
In this podcast episode we sit down with Evelyn Tobin, an experienced pouako and tumuaki and an accredited facilitator of professional learning, development, and training for teachers, principals, and boards of trustees in Māori medium settings. She shares with us insight into induction and mentoring and her experience with the Tuakana Teina Induction and Mentoring Pilot programme.
Interviewer: Nicola Chase
Guest: Evelyn Tobin
Transcript (English): https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Season%202%20Episode%204%20MM%20induction%20and%20mentoring%20english%20translation.pdf -
Hear the stories of two provisionally certificated early childhood teachers ready to leave the profession and why they chose to stay (spoiler alert: caring, supportive and effective mentoring).
This episode is jam-packed with gems of advice and insight from mentor teachers in the ECE sector on how they effectively nurture and support the next generation of teachers.
A transcript of this episode is available here: https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%203%202019%20transcript3.pdf
Resources mentioned in the podcast:
Quality Practice Template: https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/our-code-our-standards
Induction and Mentoring Guidelines: https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/guidelines-induction-and-mentoring-and-mentor-teachers
The Tuakana Teina pilot programme matched experience pou tautoko/mentor teachers with provisionally certificated teachers/pia with the aim of supporting them on their journey towards full certification. It was so successful, applications filled up quickly and are now closed. -
For the second episode in the 2019 season of Teaching Today we visited Toru Fetū Kindergarten in Porirua – the first purpose-built Pacifica kindergarten in the country.
Last year they won a Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Award because of strong links with three Pacific communities: Cook Islands, Tuvalu, and Niue. Find out how the teachers nurture strong language and cultural identity in their learners and became the heart of the local community.
A transcript is available here: https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%202%20transcript_1.pdf
Email your feedback to letstalk@teachingcouncil.nz
Tapasā is a resources for all teachers of Pacific learners: it is designed to support teachers to become more culturally aware, confident and competent when engaging with Pacific learners and their parents, families and communities: https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/tapas%C4%81-cultural-competencies-framework-teachers-of-pacific-learners
Background music:
COOK ISLAND DRUM BEAT - Drums of Araura with Ru
Red Sails / E Tai Roimata - Apiti Nicholas -
Our myth busters are Teaching Council lead advisor Christina Thornley and ERO manager of national projects Jane Lee. Together they demystify the appraisal process and explain how effective appraisal is a lever that drives up best practice in teaching and why it’s teachers and learners who reap the benefits.
Transcript available here: https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%201_appraisal%20transcript%20.pdf
In the episode we mention heaps of useful resources available on our website for making sure your appraisal supports quality practice: https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/appraisal -
Professional boundaries are something teachers grapple with on a daily basis. Expert John Parsons speaks about real-life examples and gives his tips on how boundaries can help teachers navigate complex relationships, protect themselves, preserve mental health and emotional energy and uphold standards and values.
Let us know what you think by emailing letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz
A transcript is available here: https://educationcouncil.org.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%206%20transcript%20v3_0.pdf
Mentioned in the podcast: NAG 5 http://education.govt.nz/ministry-of-education/legislation/nags/ -
Do children and young people spend enough time participating in sport and physical activities during school time?
What are the benefits or of using sport as a learning and engagement tool?
How do we get more teachers and learners involved in physical activity during the school day?
How does success on the sports field translate into success in the classroom?
We look into all these questions and more with our expert panel.
Let us know what you think by emailing letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz
A transcript of the podcast is available here: https://educationcouncil.org.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%205%20transcript%20v3.pdf
Mentioned in the podcast, Brain boost research: https://bit.ly/2yK2A5s -
We visit the award-winning Rotorua Girls' High School as a case study on culturally responsive teaching. The all-girls school was set on a transformative path four years ago by then-new principal Ally Gibbons. The school has raised Maori learner achievement and engagement by building a strong culture for its students.
A transcript of the podcast is available here: https://bit.ly/2IhQLXM
The beautiful waiata soundtrack you hear is sung by Rotorua Girls’ High School waiata group.
Let us know what you think by emailing letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz -
This episode of Teaching Today focuses on Modern Learning Environments, also known by a variety of other names such as Flexible or Innovative Learning Environments. Joining us with their expertise and insight is Mark Wilson (principal of Cashmere High School in Christchurch), Lesley Murrihy (principal of Amesbury School in Wellington), Bobbie Hunter (Professor of Pasifika Education Studies at Massey University) and Mark Osborne (Director of Leading Learning Ltd). The panel brings a wealth of knowledge and perspective on MLEs and what they mean for the future of education in New Zealand.
Listen and tell us what you think by commenting on social media or email letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz
A transcript of the podcast is available here: https://educationcouncil.org.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%203%20transcript_0.pdf -
This month, the podcast series Teaching Today focuses on teacher wellbeing and brings together Professor Meihana Durie and psychologist Jacqui Maguire to discuss the importance of teachers taking care of themselves and each other, and keeping emotional intelligence in check.
Listen and tell us what you think by commenting on social media or email letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz
A transcription of the episode is available here: https://educationcouncil.org.nz/sites/default/files/Episode%202%20transcript.pdf -
In the inaugural episode of Teaching Today, we tackle the issue of physical restraint in an education setting. Are the guidelines helpful? Did the legislation get it right? How can whānau and teachers work together? A primary school principal, social worker, PPTA rep and early childhood educator share their views on these questions and much more.
Listen and tell us what you think by commenting on social media or email letstalk@educationcouncil.org.nz
Host: Francesca Hilbron
Heather Henare, CEO of Skylight Trust
Mark Potter, Principal of Berhampore School
Tom Haig, Deputy General Secretary of Policy at PPTA
Mandy Coupe, Kindergarten Taranaki
Theme music: As I Was Saying by Lee Rosevere, Free Music Archive, Attribution License