
  • Dear Ones,

    It is with great joy, and also a deep feeling of change, that I tell the story that lead to our first Certification Teacher Training, Color of Woman. I would be honored for you to hear my story and why it matters, and how it may intersect with your story. Get a cuppa tea, and a journal and come listen. Applications open on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Get on the list and watch your inbox, I am offering 20 live interview sessions with me.


    Shiloh Sophia

    Transcipt:The Rise of the Sacred Feminine through the Intentional Creativity Lineage

    In 2010, my family and I did something outrageous. We developed an intuitive painting process dedicated to revealing the Sacred Feminine within each woman. Any woman could learn it for themselves, and teach others how to do this step-by-step process. This was a journey to direct knowing and awakening to soul. You might wonder why this matters. Well, let me tell you! In the past 10,000 years of patriarchal oppression, the image and story and ceremony of women has been under attack. This is evidenced and measured in the statistics beyond counting. But there's something more. Being silenced, burned, and scorned, and altered into an image of ourselves we barely recognize is caught up in our bones and has greatly impacted our capacity to truly see and be ourselves. The colonization plan was not just about land and culture, but about women's bodies and brains and the children that they give birth to. Yet, we are remembering now because we have to and we want to.

    This has been a long journey to arrive here for many of us. It is certainly in the best interest of dominant systems for women's voices to be twisted and unable to be heard, but we know better. Let's continue to become a danger to the establishments!

    The reclamation of women and our access to our power is directly connected with chosen Self-Initiation. We literally take ourselves on a Journey of Remembering. We have to. There are many ways to say yes to that experience, and one of them is through the healing arts and defined lengths of time within which we commit to ourselves and our self-expression. Most women... with dedication, can arrive at their awakening on their own, but it is best in the company of other women on the path. That's where we come in. I was shown by my two mothers and that I have spent my life sharing with women and their families, a journey toward awakening to our fullness. Gifts being passed from hand to hand and heart to heart. In the first certification training we ever offered in 2010, Color of Woman, we taught women how to recreate themselves in their own image, their own story, and their own way of creating ceremony and how to design their own workshops, courses, and circles. This nine-month journey of reclamation created a Sheroe’s journey so that women could curate their own identity and design their legend for their lives. It was an astonishment to all who have taken the training. Really. We continue to be amazed.

    Every year I consider not continuing, and then every year I continue, because of the impacts. But this truly is the last year. Other things will rise up, but this is ready to complete. But it will be passed to all of you, and you will pass it to those you choose. The part that's completing is not the teaching of Intentional Creativity, but the Certification Trainings. For those of us called to be guides, helpers, and healers, in the process of discovering ourselves, we develop a hunger to share this gift of revelation with other women. How many breakthroughs have you had where you almost immediately wanted other women to know, but for them to have to not work so hard to know it? You share what you learned. That's how I felt when I awakened to my Soul Calling. I was 23. I was a total failure at art college. I thought I was doomed to work in an office until my moms, the Poet Mother, Caron and the Painter Mother, Sue called me to the mountain. For one year, they taught me to access image and language for myself. I call this Mother Tongue. My own style, narrative, and true essence began to emerge. A fire in my heart was lit in relationship to the sacred women and the Sacred Feminine.

    I realized that She, the Sacred Feminine, hadn't really gone anywhere. It was us who had lost sight of Her, but it was enforced, and She was removed from our lives with intention. Her groves burned, churches built over Her ruins, Her temples destroyed, Her images buried, burned, and marred. Her story is turned into myths where She is subjugated to him. Lies. No more. She was always in every single culture in the entire world since the beginning of humans. The removal of the feminine as equal from spiritual traditions and governmental positions and leadership frameworks has truly had one of the most devastating impacts we could conceive of.

    We are seeing it and feeling it now in new ways. FYI, if you think the narratives like this are somehow radical or feminist, please check your own narrative. Because women give birth to the children, and the children become the ones who guide the future. Respecting women is not a political position. It is rational humanity.

    After that year of initiation, I had a fine art career for 15 years with galleries and had incredible success. I sold hundreds of paintings and reached hundreds of thousands of people with my books. Then I gave it all up for a time to teach other women what I knew and felt. I thought I could keep both going, but I couldn't. I had to turn towards teaching instead of selling my paintings. I realized that what women really wanted was to do it for themselves, not just buy my paintings. The gifts of feminine power were were within reach.

    And, quiet as it's kept, you didn't need to have talent in art and writing to do this work. You just needed to be brave as you wield the brush and the pen, shaking in your boots about what's about to emerge. What is true within you will emerge in a specific sacred container as a quest to the heart of your Soul Work. That which is yours to cause and to create. It is women who make this sacred container for other women, women who have been on their path and have tested and proven the journey they offer as a pathway for other women.

    We aren't some kind of pop-up certification program developed by AI to entice women to empowerment. We have been doing this work for generations. We have a lineage. My two mothers were taught by their two mothers.

    You don't have to be an artist or a writer to create paintings and stories. We show any woman how to access this deep wellspring of remembering and claiming within herself to reveal her greatest work. Of course, it isn't really about painting and writing. That is simply the matter-based ritual we use to awaken ourselves to the energies living within us that are seeking expression.

    One of our graduates, Kerry Lee, calls this art with purpose. It's intentional creativity. I'm inviting you to join us for Color of Woman 2025. It will be our last training of its kind. Each woman will travel around the Alchemical Compass to meet five creative Sacred Feminine archetypes and create five major paintings. And she will make a book, her own book, hard copy and digital, of her story and images and teachings, a portfolio. Each woman will also design her own content with teachings and her own course for the workshops and circles she wants to lead. Have you heard of Jung's red book, where it all began? Each woman will create her own red book.

    We are deeply in need of visionary leadership from women who have done their work to Become. This approach, which we call Intentional Creativity, works within any field and any medium. It doesn't actually have to be painting. It's a philosophy. It's a lifestyle. Educators and healers from all fields, therapists, doctors, shamankas, plant medicine women, coaches, corporate C-suite career women, mamas, grandmas, and school teachers, can all use this approach to bring their work to life in living color so that she may live the colors of woman. Her own sacred feminine presence and soul rememberings. I remember when I made my very first book by the same name, Color of Woman. I was 25. I was trying to figure out what the title would be as I stood at Kinko's at midnight creating my first 25 copies, which were already sold to therapists who wanted me to put my images into a book. It was my mother, Caron who said, you should call it Color of Woman. (it had a blank cover of hand-made paper with rose petals and I hand-painted very title). Thank you Aletheia Mystea, the County Health Therapist who saw the value in my art and asked me to make a book for the women you were working with).

    Consider joining us for the 2025 COLOR of WOMAN cohort and graduating in 2026. You can take Color of Woman to certify to teach the Intentional Creativity Method, or you can take it as a journey for personal transformation and self-initiation. We've never offered this before, but since this is our last year, that's what we're doing.

    You will create a body of work, which is the work of a lifetime, the work of more than one lifetime. This training brings all the pieces together from all the areas of your life, weaving them with red threads into the fabric of creation that we as women co-create. You begin to see the through line of all of your life experience, all the jobs, all the workshops, all the lovers, all the moves, all the books you read, and all the revelations you had all along the way. It can all come together when you answer your Soul Calling.

    If you've been dreaming of designing your own courses and want to include self-expression, if you've been leading circles and clients in self-discovery and you want to take your work to the next place on the journey, if you are a woman ready to articulate her body of work in the world in an outrageously powerful way, then join us.

    At the beginning of a journey, there's excitement and fear and the feeling of possibility. A portal begins to open. But I want to take you to the completion so that you'll know what you will have in your hands.

    * You will have a real book with all of your paintings and the story you choose to tell.

    * You will have the articulation of your content in the form of teachings that can be passed on.

    * You will have the capacity to lead Red Thread and Sacred Circles in any demographic. We have a over 200 page manual on ways to lead and monetize circle in any setting.

    * You will have enough paintings for a solo show.

    * You will work with the Color of Woman Intentional Creativity Guide, our manual, which will show you everything that we've learned to this point and be able to use it to lead your own experiences. You will have $100,000 Visionary Business plan for your workshops and private clients so you can create life work from your gifts at a new level.

    * You will have experienced a community of women who have your back and are doing their own work.

    * You will become initiated in a cultural lineage designed to last for the next 500 years.

    We are imagining a world where women are equal, of course. Yet the truth is that women being in collaborative power with their own destiny will influence the lives of every single human who is a part of Earth. All life comes from a woman's body, heart, and mind. When women are vital to every decision and central to every culture, we will have the world we seek. Until then, we begin with summoning the guides.

    Let's let our imagination soar to show us the path ahead. This legacy and lineage of art matriarchs has been the gift of a lifetime. I invite you to become one of the Art Matriarchs in the lineage of Intentional Creativity. While we center the education on women, graduates can choose to share the gifts with anyone they choose.

    Lots of our graduates work with women, children, elders, gender fluid, and all of the above, as long as they can hold a paintbrush and a pen. I close with this quote from Carl Jung regarding the Red Book. This is at the beginning of the Red Book and also at the beginning of the Intentional Creativity Guide.

    “My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life.” Carl Jung, The Red Book

    Color of Woman and the ceation of your own Red Book is the stuff and material for more than only one life. Join us for the breakthrough of a lifetim!

    With all blessings to the art ancestors who walked before us. We're doing the work. I hope I make you proud. With love, Curate Shiloh Sophia

    Our team for 2025

    Thank you Mary MacDonald for the continual support and vision.

    Thank you Jenafer Owen for the impeccable delivery of this work.

    Thank you Amber Bonnici for continuuing the legacy of unleashing the power of women.

    Thank you NaaKwarley Amissa for standing by me and us and all women.

    Thank you Liz Chamberlain for being the younger generation to carry this work forward in full color.

    Thank you trish O'malley for seeing and being the work working in all the ways it does.

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • In this Episode

    A call to creative beings everywhere!

    * Permission slip to call yourself an Artist

    * Being in flirtation with creation

    * Ideas for sparking imagination

    * Invitation to look at resistance

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
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  • Rancho La Puerta in Mexico

    Dear Ones,

    This is a spontaneous blessings for the women after a week at Rancho LaPuerta.

    Shiloh Sophia

    Woman, sister, friend,

    you really have been through so much.

    You complete a cycle of initiation

    and a new one begins.

    I am walking in a storm in the dark.

    A crossroads appears out of nowhere for me,

    and for you.

    When you thought you were nearing your destination

    a new journey opens.

    It's like a labyrinth. It seems to go on and on.

    Always looking to reach the center.

    Then as soon as you have arrived,

    making our way back out

    crossing other people on the path

    Hopefully when you return to your life,

    you know the place you came from,

    newly, for the first time.

    Because after all, it is your life.

    And returning over and over and over

    to your same life with different eyes

    This is life.

    Breathe with me.

    As you breathe in, acknowledge,

    I am a sacred being, as you breathe out,

    all beings are sacred.

    Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

    Pausing and breathing out, all beings are sacred.

    Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

    Breathing out, all beings are sacred.

    Woman, Sister, Friend,

    I can't really imagine all the things

    that have shaped you into who you are.

    You really have been through so much.

    But right in this moment,

    I just want to acknowledge you

    for making it this far.

    There were times you thought you wouldn’t

    and I want to say to you that in this very now

    in this now-ness, in this sacred exchange,

    right here between me and you,

    there's a shared field of supportive love and presence.

    The colorful weaving of threads,

    a fabric shawl woven to place gently about your shoulders.

    While I can't see you with my human eyes,

    I see you with the eyes of another woman.

    The sacred in me bows to the sacred in you.

    I walk around these stones in a storm

    I place my hands on the flashing mica.

    The rain comes and kisses my hands

    and I have this wish that you were with me

    I think of how we are earth, earthing,

    I think of how we are this stardest, starring

    in our own lives, perhaps not quite as glamourously

    as we once may have dreamed

    but we are still Star Girls, aren’t we?

    We are cooling sacks of stars.

    Woman, sister, friend,

    this whole thing is an initiation!

    I don’t have to tell you that,

    because you already know

    but it is good to be reminded.

    I know, as sure as I know anything,

    this it isn't exactly as you dreamed

    and maybe not what you wanted

    or how you thought it would go.

    And like me you wonder and worry about

    things like trust, about health,

    about prosperity, longevity

    about the state of the world

    and your house

    and the health of your children

    and your children’s children.

    We wake up wondering,

    how did we get here?

    We wake up worrying

    What can I fix today?

    I walk around the stones.

    One cowgirls boot in front of the other.

    I come face to face with to a giant Grandmother Oak.

    I place my hands upon that mossy bark and I say,

    thank you for helping me breathe.

    I want to breathe with you.

    Breathing in, I am a sacred being.

    Breathing out, You are a sacred being.

    Right in this moment

    there is a sacred exchange

    of energy flowing between us

    that lets us know

    we are so much more than enough.

    Let us drop the ayers of imposed

    unworthiness that we took on

    without even knowing it.

    Outdated patterns that serve no one,

    Be gone!

    Let me just assure you now, you ARE worthy.

    Your worthiness is innate, no one

    can give it to you and no one can take it from you.

    May the voice within you that has been hard on you

    be catalyzed into fierce wisdom and discernment

    and sharpened as a tool with your mind.

    You have honed over many years

    of witnessing what was safe and what wasn't,

    it tried to protect you but now it’s too hard on you.

    What if your our inner voice could starts to show you

    how and when to protect yourself, without hardening yourself.

    Oooh. That is the riddle for women, isn't it?

    How do we not harden ourselves as we guard ourselves?

    Walking alone at night in this

    village of wisdom-keepers and healers

    I have no fear and I recognize

    this is a rare feeling.

    I know you know.

    Yet right now, there's a field around us

    a softening into love.

    My bubble of love bounces up to your bubble of love

    and says, Hello Friend!

    I affirm you, you are so much more than enough!

    And you are so worthy of all the love you have to give.

    The reality that you even exist is a radiant miracle to me!

    I bow at the feet of Mother Life for you at this tree.

    Let us pause and let all the beauty come into us

    and let all the beauty we choose to express

    flow out from us.

    This is a sacred exchange of energy

    into the matter-based beings that we are.

    Between us and all creation

    to all the directions, all the elements,

    ahhhh…you are sacred beings and we are sacred beings

    with you.

    Woman, sister, friend, I choose each step around this circle

    of stones and I raise my hands up to the sky

    stars shining through rain and

    I say to the whole universe,

    I remember you! And I do.

    Woman, sister, friend,

    let us remember one another and reach,

    across those crossroads for one another's hands.

    I feel your heart beating in mine.

    This red thread extending

    The song of ancestors moves in these circles of stones.

    Shiloh Sophia For the women at Wisdom-Keepers week at Rancho LaPuerta

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Join me this week for a daylong experience of FLOW - let’s gather together in sacred space and nourish our nervous systems, shall we? scholarship code on check out: flow30

    thinking of you and hoping you will consider joining me to flow!

    ❤️⭕️Shiloh Sophia

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • As I walk the moss speaks

    Reminding me:

    This is sacred ground

    This is all sacred ground

    Voices of the velvet emerald ways

    shimmy me shimmy me

    into the deep listening place

    Reminding me...


    Summoning me!

    The first thing they do is to tell me:

    You are not who you think you are

    And if that wasn't enough, this:

    Your true name isn't spoken aloud

    Your true name lives inside

    If you listen with the ears

    of your whole life

    Okay so let me get this clear -

    I am not who I am

    my name is not my name

    and somehow that is supposed to

    help me remember something I forgot?

    And it requires my entire life?

    I hear the resonant: Yes

    ripple up from the moist red earth

    I feel the palpable pulse

    of the ripples of water rippling

    The salt water within me responding

    drawing me in, drawing me up

    Here's what I am thinking:

    The earth mysteries speak

    in riddle bones between blades

    of dew-kissed grasses on the river

    Whispering in tones of silver fish

    black seal and blue heron

    marking me with the invisible tattoo

    of pre-existant beingness in

    my stardust bones

    Am I can getting closer? I ask?

    Then I cry out....Is it true?

    Is it true

    is it true that I am more than I appear?

    Is it so, I have walked this path

    of finding before?


    Finding, who, and finding what?



    When I weep at the sight of sunshine

    after weeks of rain then there is

    a quickening from the crown of my

    vulva to the crown of my fuzzy head

    All of this is a remembering

    I am the sacred ground, grounding

    All of this is a remembering

    I am the sacred ground, grounding

    My tears nourish the sacred ground

    Quick, can you catch my tears

    with your lips?

    Each day there is more grey

    rippling in my hair

    My eyesight is softening

    around the edges

    My skin is freckled

    with so many sunlit beaches

    Oh and so many late nights

    listening to waves

    and whispering in succulent kisses

    Calling to our seal sisters

    to come and get us

    Did you forget us here? Or what?

    The ocean always calls

    The whole thing is really just amazing

    Isn't it?

    That we exist at all...

    That we exist at all is reason to worship

    and good reason to listen to the echoes

    of velvet emerald moss when they speak

    Perhaps one day all the remembering

    of this incarnation will come rushing through

    For now they give me shivers of clues

    Shivers up and down that spine of mine

    I bring these clues to life

    through brush and pen

    I offer what story they give me on the altar

    The altar of the women who gather in

    Then suddenly I remember this

    I do not always have my own back

    but the moss,

    the velvet moss promises to back me

    Unseen forces of essence

    of ancestral beauty

    are at my back now,

    singing me into remembrance

    with invisible wings of light

    You are Our ancient child

    They say

    You are guided by Us

    They call

    You can find Us in the mosses

    or in the rippling waters

    or in the chambers of your heart

    or in the kisses of your lover

    Any place beauty is, We are

    Any place beauty is, We are

    Any place beauty is, We are

    Can you remember this?

    We have called you

    by your secret name

    You have answered and

    Now you are ready

    Ready? Ready for what???

    I panic

    Then of course, Silence

    Then I breathe

    I touch moss tenderly

    Then I remember...just enough

    The quickening

    is moving through me now

    I can feel the

    green fire sparks igniting

    something true I hope

    I hope it's something true

    I turn towards the day

    that felt daunting

    with a new daring


    I am backed by velvet green

    I am backed by velvet green

    I am velvet green, greening

    Shiloh Sophia

    Moss at Wild Water Creek on Sonoma Mountain OonapaisJoin me this week for a daylong experience of FLOW - let’s gather together in sacred space and nourish our nervous systems, shall we? scholarship code on check out: flow30

    This poem, crafted today, is dedicated to all the people who are my great romantic loves. All of them true loves. All of them I hoped would be forever and a day. Loving so deeply and being loved so deeply changes you of course and helps you to become more of who you are. Each one of them does that for me and I hope I do that for them too. Loving is in cycles.

    Today, in poetry, they are One in me, One Love moving through as glorious green moss. Putting them in alphabetical order instead of chronological: Abe, Ali, Chris, Jonathan, Rahm Isaiah and Roberto - thank you, each of you, wherever you are, far or near, for sharing the beauty of life with me.

    I feel as if I turned a page yesterday, spending the day in silence by the river. I am not sure what page of what book but I feel the great turning, turning.

    The idea of moss as sacred arises from Sue Hoya Sellars. She was my mother Caron's lover. When they were first together in the late sixties, Sue and my mom were trying to find Creator together. They were on a spiritual journey. In one of Sue's journal entries she is praying to God about how to have a relationship with the Divine through the framework of an artist - and she says this:

    How shall I worship you?

    Moss, perhaps?


    This poem started as worship for Creation and turned into a love story. My mom said that is what this life is, a love story. At times it can be challenging to continue to find that is the case - with so much harm happening to Earth - and to us, as Earth. But still, I will lean in and listen to the moss. Today giving thanks for so much love in my life.

    Getting older is a curious thing. To 'look back' and know that you have less time ahead of you than behind you. Then it is time to do all you can, to listen for your true name in between blades of grass, ripples of water, and the sprouting of grey hair and new freckles.

    People, including my chiropractor have been saying - touch the grass. I am touching the moss. Join me? It’s so very soft.

    Love to you right where you, are from right where I am

    Shiloh Sophia

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Inner Fire 2010 Arcylic on Paper by Shiloh SophiaToday’s podcast is an exploration of becoming conscious about the illusions.

    * Exploring George Orwell’s famous 4 fingers

    * Gaslighting ourselves and not trusting ourselves

    Accusation of the other ‘side’

    * Exhausting rabbit-holing to find Truth

    * Do not drink the divide and conquer koolade

    * Hearts and braings changing right now

    * A Centers of Knowing Coherence practice for discernment

    This podcast is complimentary - yet if you choose to contribute, be welcome.

    In Orwell's novel-made movie, 1984, there is a famous and devastating scene. Winston is being tortured by O'Brien, who holds up four fingers and demands that there are five. He wants Winston to distrust himself and go with the party's version of the truth, not just agree to it, but actually see it as so. "O'Brien says, Look at my hand, Winston. Right now, you see, indeed, four fingers held up to you. But as you can see, O'Brien uncovers his thumb, showing all five fingers. I have, in fact, five fingers. That is the essence of the party. Winston, you think you know the truth by seeing things with your senses. But as you can see, your senses can disappoint you. The party knows everything is everything. The party knows that there are five fingers here even if you only see four of them. The party knows the truth that you cannot see from the place you are standing at because you are weak alone. The party is strong and omniscient and therefore if the party says that two and two equals three or five it will always be right. You by yourself cannot know the truth." As each one of us experiences our own reckoning in relationship to our lives and in relationship to how we experience the nation, especially those of us in the United States, I want to invite us to continue to question what we see and think. It's curious for me how personal so much of this feels in relationship to experiences I've had in my life where I haven't been able to trust people and then end up not trusting myself.Some of them are the people I have loved the most. And in the end, it was my own hand showing the fingers to myself through just trusting my own experience over a longer period of time. Now, with the increase of AI easily showing us things that are not true, It can be very hard to believe our eyes.We are going to need other tools for discernment than we've needed before, really. I'm going to share a heart-brain coherence process with you very briefly to support with discernment. The images that AI are showing us makes me think about those Renaissance paintings where the patron would have the artist paint themselves into the scene, painting the patron inm and that those with the biggest purse strings and influence are defining the images of our times. When I offer art history tours, it is a very different tour indeed. I used to go on this tour with Jonathan and myself and our community to the Uffizi in Florence, and Elisabetta, our tour guide, would hand me the mic to give the alt history of what we're actually seeing. One of the changes that we need to make is how we're relating to the material. Because one of the challenges with truth right now is the exhaustion caused by rabbit-holing in order to discern the source so that we can figure out if something is true or not. And there goes another 15 minutes, and there goes another 15 minutes, and there goes our mood, and the algorithms, they got us. At the end, we still don't know if what we see is true, and perhaps we give in to overwhelm. One thing might upset me and another person something totally else, and we each act like the other person's concern is the distraction from what's really happening. And our critical thinking has been used in a sometimes productive and often nonproductive way, but the end result may be weary, irritated, and feeling unsafe, and deciding not to post after all. Can't we just find the truth with a capital T?It's hard to find right now. This process that we are experiencing is fundamentally changing our brains. We are also being changed in our hearts as more fear and distrust of the others around us in our lives and in the larger collective spaces increases exponentially.Divide and Conquer is here to stay for a while, so we need to not go for it. Do not go. Drink that Kool-Aid of divide and conquer. Discernment, choice, but not divide and not conquer. Because then they've got us right where they want us, fighting with each other instead of with them.Yet there is also more compassion that's happening. So the hearts are also opening because we're considering the impacts on other people's lives. People who never defended Mexicans, trans, and women are suddenly becoming more visible. We could go into all the different ways that this time is changing us and our voices.If you look back in my posts on my Tea with the Muse Substack you'll find that I've been talking about these topics for a long time. These are not new that I am suddently speaking about it. I'm just speaking about it more specifically in regarding what's happening here. But I've been talking about consciousness raising and discernment for my entire 30-year journey as a creative and someone who guides community. What I find really curious is that each side, quote, if you think of it that way, really thinks the other side is holding up the false number of fingers. Really, really, really think about this. We have rarely accused each other of the same illusionary experience and metaphor, even if the content that those hands are pointing to is different. Whose hand is it? We can begin to distrust the thoughts and feelings that we're having. In times like these, we question them and then are sometimes gaslit by others for our feelings and thoughts.We can just stop treating other people who don't agree with us as if they're just stupid. That would be helpful. Disagree, but leave the shame part out of it. The marketing propaganda from, quote, both parties is sickening. Sickening. Even as I'm making this message, I'm getting texts on my phone number from both parties about what's happening. Really.Without the heart-brain coherence pattern operating soundly within us, we become dysregulated in our nervous system. This is a real thing, y'all, not some new age idea. Our brain and our heart are communicating all the time. When we become conscious of it, we can collaborate with the process of coherence,which is always the right place to make a decision from. For those who know me, I think they can attest to a degree of severity that I carry forward. Yes, I am a wild, free woman who dances and houses with the moon and paints outrageous paintings.But I have a severity because I am deeply disturbed about the state of the world, and I have been since I was a young child, like so many of you. This disturbance about how I felt about the systems of the world was originally part of the inspiration to be of service when I was a teenager and became a rebel. I wanted to know how I could help. Now my inspiration is I'm just in love with the practices, culture, and community we have co-created called Musea. Musea, by the way, means museum in the plural or many muses. It acknowledges that we have people all over the world who are connected through creativity. Now I work from joy instead of disturbance while keeping my eye on the disturbance. The initial disturbance of how things are showed me how to become stronger towards what I care about. To be courageous at the root of courageous core, the heart.I want to invite you to spend time nurturing yourself and your heart and your brain every single day. When you are confused with something and something that needs discernment or you feel challenged, try this connection with your centers of knowing. This is about creating heart coherence.Creating Coherence in Centers of KnowingConsider physically touching each place that I'm about to mention lightly with your hands as you visualize the connection between each place. I like to see a golden ribbon of light between each area, each center of knowing. 1. Begin with connecting with yourself, capital S self, about whatever it is you're navigating.2. Ask your heart how it feels and what it perceives. The heart has the strongest electromagnetic field of the body. And the heart perceives in the field around you. 3. Travel next in your imagination to your brain and ask how it feels and what it perceives. Listen. 4. And then go back through your heart, landing in your gut,and ask how it feels and what it perceives. Listen. 5. And then when you're ready, travel to your groin region, front and back and all around the pelvic area, and ask, what do you feel and perceive? 6. And then I like to travel back up to the heart after listening. Check in on the topic. Was there agreement between those centers of knowing or disagreement? Was there coherence? And what is the decision now? In Intentional Creativity we might now take to the dance floor of the drawing board or the canvas, which is what I'm about to do on this Valentine's Day. If you check those centers of knowing and there are conflicting experiences, there is work of discovery to be done. Especially if it's just one area, then you can focus there, meditate, and see why there's disharmony. But in general, I try not to act until I get agreement from all centers. That way, I can have a clear voice, a true heart, and a pure mind experience in my decision-making and my discernment.If you would practice this even before you go online and even before you read articles and follow rabbit holes and watch YouTubes and anything else, you would be approaching this material from a very different place than what you'reencountering in the social media and news world and on your phone. I also recommend that you, before you engage, sort of open the file of engagement. And then close it when you are done looking. Don't just leave the portal open or the tab open.Close it energetically so these files are not running in the background all the time. I've made some of the hardest choices of my life through checking these areas for confirmation or lack thereof. It gives me courage. Regardless of all the challenging things, we are evolving and growing. And I believe we are becoming more conscious and more compassionate.I am seeing this time as an evolution. And we have a long way to go. That's why we need practices. I invite you to pay attention to whose hand is holding up the fingers and telling you how many there are. Can we do that? Some say that George Orwell was an optimist.Sometimes the one holding up the elusive hand is in our own minds. Isn't there so much richness here to explore in this wild becoming? I choose to see it as a wild becoming to wholeness. This is my choice, my conscious choice. Enter flow state and soak in as much beauty as possible as often as possible.And I'm sending big love as a wave out into the lives of those tuning in. And I too am tuning in to you with much loveShiloh Sophia

    Photo by Jonathan McCloud

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hi everyone! I would like to offer a little bit of a heads up that some of my posts here are about to get a bit more intense. It’s my nature to explore justice. It’s in my blood.

    Did you know I wanted to be a judge when I grew up? I didn’t do it because I already thought the government was corrupt when I was 6.

    ultimately, I am not trying to caretake. I’m trying to find my own voice and at the same time offer encouragement to those who aren’t able to find their voice or don’t feel brave enough to share it.

    Anyways, I don’t have a plan for it, but we’ll see what happens.

    I was writing my memoir, but I have been stalled because I am deeply engaged in caring for my community at this time.

    If what I’m sharing does not work for you I totally understand and of course you’re welcome to unsubscribe. We each need to find the way forward together and sometimes apart.

    Shiloh Sophia

    This is a complementary subscription. Those who wish to donate and become paying subscribers that’s fine, I’m grateful - but you don’t need to. Even if Substack asks you to pay - as if I’m asking you I’m not.

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • We are cosmic pilgrims

    You are an ancient identity

    I see you,

    do you see me,

    seeing you?

    You are

    inhabiting a luminous garment

    of stardust framed upon crystal bones

    traveling on a forested spaceship

    at over 100,000 Kilometers per hour

    spiraling through our Milky Way galaxy

    on a mysterious voyage

    without a map or destination

    woven within a pattern of stars

    keeping time with the moon


    isn't it wonderous

    to have our own moon?

    That travels with us always?

    You, We, Us

    Are powered by an incandescent star

    Our glorious sun, we worship you still

    You light up our vessels of stars and water

    with the sacred geometry

    of your luminous nature

    Am I so different

    than this blooming tree?

    This hummingbird,

    could very well be me

    We are encoded with a tender

    and temperamental psyche

    living within a story

    we won’t be able to control

    Each of us

    carrying unique hidden information

    that longs to be expressed

    in the shape of a living myth

    our hidden gifts looking for

    ways to reveal themselves

    through us

    You are dreamed and designed

    by gracious Infinite Intelligence

    to have an Illuminated heart

    capable of ever-expanding poetry

    in a seemingly impossible situation

    Darling you are a cathedral of light!

    I worship at the foot of your altars

    Flowers bloom where you have danced

    I fall breathless into your potentials

    Finding place, pace and grace

    in your moon-kissed face

    We don't know how we got here

    We don't really know

    where we are going now

    But we know this

    Love is at the center

    Love is at the center

    Love is at the center

    of the Universe

    We are cosmic pilgrims

    You are an ancient identity

    at the crossroads of

    an uncertain future

    Will you cross the threshold with me?

    Shiloh Sophia

    Revisioned Poem today adapted from the original in 2021

    Oh my friends, my friends! I would love nothing more than to take a long walk with you, holding hands and talking. I want to hear from you - not just what you post when your mad, or glad, but instead the early morning joys and fears. The things you don't say at the luncheon with colleagues or the dinner table with family. I want to know about the words on the shingle you don't put out about the gifts you really have for these wild times.

    You could describe me as a painter, a poet, a relucant priestess. But those aren't my real titles. The gifts I have don't work on a business card, can't be put into an algorithm, can't be seen with a machine mind looking deeply into my online history.

    Who I really am is who I am when I am when I am with you. Whether that is over a cuppa virtual or in person tea with the Muse. Or most especially when I am leading ceremony and I can feel you through the black hole of the camera. My real gifts are feelings. Feeling deeply. I don't care if you know that, or if the machine knows that. You can't use it against me and I know you wouldn't even try. I am a Lover. The universe is my Lover. Like Michael Jackson says, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

    The kinds of gifts we carry cannot be taken from us by wit or force or password or pressure. Your truest gifts are natural and innate - they are all innately tucked into who you are. You don't have to grow them, earn them or be certified in these gifts. You are the gifts being given through you. The pace of life, and the never-ending intensity can keep us from living them. But that doesn't mean they aren't within you.

    We are worried about a lot of things right now. I know. I feel it. I see it. I am tracking the many narratives on all sides of the shadow dance of now. There is a grand confluence occuring and it hurts. By grand I don't mean great, I mean BIG. Most days it feels like an unnatural disaster that could have been avoided. But the way we are, the harm we allow and promote, has been going on for so long. No way out but through, you know?

    But now that I have offerd a poem and a reflection if you have made it THIS far - I want to ask you the MOST SIGNIFICANT question or our life time. Your lifetime. Any recent timeline.

    But first...the reality is we have been in various stages of oppressive culture for close to 8,000 years - archeologically speaking. So that means we spend A LOT, get that? A LOT of precious life force working on resistance and insistence. Resisting power structures, resisting false narratives, insisting on justice, insisting on human rights. The energy it takes to resist and insist can keep us caught in the worrisome battle of a disgruntled activists. Present company included.

    Just for now...for right this minute in the naked now, I want to ask you a question. Don't skip ahead please. Pause and breathe. There.....close your eyes....open them...read the question and without thinking....answer without editing....

    If you weren't in the resistance

    How would you lead your life?

    Really - if you didn't have to confront reality - how would you use your precious days?

    Liberate your thoughts through falling in love with your gifts, when they are in service to beauty as WELL as in service to the modern revolutionary conundrums.

    I have been living my answer to that question for over 30 years. I Trust that question and the community that has risen up around my answering that question. That doesn't mean I don't still persist in the resistance. What it means is I spend the majority of my life force centering on the joy of my heart, not the pain. I have rescued my energy from the grid of oppression. Which then works towards liberating my community as well.

    so here’s the thing. I’m not saying to step out of the resistance in any way -, what I am saying is to make sure you spend time caring for your own gifts. There is a long journey ahead and we’re going to need our strength.

    Your fellow cosmic pilgrim


    Shiloh Sophia

    Aka Laughing Cloud

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Beautiful beings! I hope you will take the time to listen to this brief message I exploring:

    * A choice in becoming conscious

    * Chemistry and mood shifts

    * Who is really in charge?

    * What’s the first step you can take?

    * A simple process you can do right now

    * Exercising your choice to become conscious and become a curator of your consciousness

    thinking of you

    Shiloh Sophia

    The painting above is called an ancient future soul from 2023.

    The photo below is from last week!

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Today’s episode offers a teaching on

    * Access to your consciousness, do you have it?

    * Accessing who you are ‘in here’, aka your Self

    * Discovering a new awareness about what ‘getting out there’ means

    * Defining ‘out there’ for yourself and activating the Observer

    * Exploring the ‘missing there’ called “around here” that takes place in the field

    * Invitation to become as conscious as you can become…now

    Dear Ones,There is a lot of influence happening ‘out there’ on who you experience yourself as ‘in here’. Let’s have a breakthrough TODAY in arriving as yourself. Becoming as conscious as you can be. I think sometimes I am here in your life just to keep encouraging you to arrive. When we ARRIVE you can become a conscious Co-Creator. To really be a conscious Creator we have to be willing to explore the “field” Until then we are often wreckless with how we create. Because if you aren’t inhabiting who you are - then you aren’t able to REALLY create from a space of a coherent self. Here’s to arriving!

    Shiloh Sophia

    Here's the thing, Beloveds. Your capacity to create the life of your design is really about access to your consciousness. Without that clear access to consciousness, we do not make what we could make and we often make things that are inconsistent with what we actually want and who we actually are, because we're not living "in here"."In here", meaning in this identity. And when we're not "in here", we embark on a life where we are constantly seeking to change ourselves. Because the life we're living "out there" in the world, doesn't reflect who we are "in here" (in the Self)And when we're not who we are "in here", everything "out there" occurs for us as somehow true to us. Not going well. Uncomfortable. Not in alignment. Now I want to make a clear point - that we are not spiritually bypassing here. The reality is there are lots of influences that shape who we are "in here" inourselves because of what's happening "out there" in the world. But the power we have is the perception of how "out there" and "in here are" in a co-creative relationship with each other... or not. But the thing is, they're always in a co-creative relationship with each other.You just might not be aware that they are and how to work it.You can't influence every single thing "out there" unless you can shift your orientation to "in here". But there's more. Before we go on, let's start with what I mean by "in here"."In here" refers to the body, temple, cooling sack of stars that you are, and the Soul that you are that inhabits the space where you experience yourself as I or me. The Self space that you are occurs for you as inside, "in here". This often includes the sense of the body, but not often enough, the sense of the field and consciousness, which keeps us from being conscious Co-creators.And what do I mean by "out there"? Well, until we've done more rigorous work within ourselves to observe ourselves, "out there" is everything you do not experience as you. And "out there" often refers to what we think of as the world, yet through the framework of our worldview."Out There" a big old space that we are continually interacting with largely in an unconscious way, because we've never really defined what "out there" means. The invitation for the work right now is to arrive, to come into yourself, to become as fully yourself as you can possibly be. And yes, in the twinkling of an eye. Quickly.It's a quickening because it's available to you now, but you have to choose it.Let me ask you a question. Have you ever said to yourself: "I just got to get myself out there" ? Entrepreneurs say it, but other people say it too. It's this idea that there's a place you need to get to.So where is that "out there" for you? Have you defined it? We say it largely in an unconscious way. We don't know what we mean. The idea of "out there" can create fear because it indicates that there's a place to get to and you're not already there. (Wherever there is)This idea of 'getting out there" indicates that you're somehow going to magically get seen for who you are so you can validate your worth in the eyes of others out there so that you can feel good in here. But listen, to even attempt an authentic version of what happens out there, we have to get in here, in this sack of stars inhabited by identity. Otherwise, we're not responsibly co-creating with creation and creator and other creative beings. In our community, We get "in here" by practicing Intentional Creativity because it's a way to get to know who lives in here.Our art matriarch who walked into her future in 2014, Sue Hoya Sellers, who was also the woman who mothered me with my own mother, Caron, had a quintessential question that she answered with her whole life. called "who lives in here?". Her art, her philosophy, her spiritual path were all directed by the inquiry of: Who lives in here.The discovery of that self who lives in here often happens through observing ourselves and amplifies as we observe ourselves in the acts of intentional self-expression. Self-expression without intention is also expression, but if you don't observe it, then you're not actually being metacognitive, which actually gives you perspective on how you are occurring for yourself so you can get to know who lives in here.So yes, self-expression is a way to get to know the who is in here so that you can shape how you want to live out there in the world that you observe. But here's the thing. Really listen now. There is more than in here and out there.But we haven't been acting like it. The missing of the interstitial space between how we experience ourselves in here and the world out there has been missing for most of us. And it's called the Field. In this case, when we're talking about your body and your identity, it's a local field specific to you and how you interact with the other fields of people and places and ideas. But you have a field at least 10 feet around your body that's invisible, that's just as much you as your physical body. So there isn't just in here and out there. There's a space between you.We aren't conscious enough to look for it, but it's where all the action is. Perhaps we could call it "around here". The field is all around your body and your body is held within it and your consciousness is connected with it. But that field that you are is also interconnected with all of creation and creatorand all creative beings. This is our animistic worldview that everything has substance and aliveness. And that your substance and aliveness connects with the other substances and alivenesses. And this creates a connection with Source.So this willingness to explore "around here", the invisible space, which holds it all in place, invites us into profound self observation, metacognition, which is thinking about thinking. And the observer is the part of you, the neuroscientifically gorgeous part of you, that allows you to think and see and perceive who you experience yourself as. Which allows you to be on a journey of becoming as conscious as you can or becoming conscious of becoming conscious.When you become conscious of the practice of becoming conscious, then you can become a responsible and resilient and radiant Co-creator. Otherwise, we are often reckless in our capacity to see and feel all the interconnected parts in the field. So if there's only in here and out there and there's no space between, we're not acknowledging interconnection.And if you do not acknowledge interconnection, you do not become the Co-creator with all of creation that you could become.And sometimes I think, this is why I'm in your life. You are all out there creating consciously or unconsciously. And I'm someone in your life who continues to remind you to become accountable to becoming conscious in here and around here.We need conscious, creative, compassionate, caring, intentional community to hold sacred containers with one another right now. Our experience of what's happening out there can often feel scary. If you will tune into in here and around here, you can become powerful in your relationship with out there by choosing the framework that you're interacting with the out there space.And you can't do that without getting into the around here part, the field.Einstein says the field is the sole governing agency of the particle. That means that the field around you and around others is where the action takes place that impacts the matter you experience as your body, which then sends chemistry and signals and emotions, which then send the information from the body to the brain and the brain to the body and the heart as the intelligent mediator of this exchange. All this is happening all the time anyway. The only question is will you become a Co-creator and become accountable to who you're becoming?You could arrive to be as much you as you can be right now by just choosing. Will you choose with me?With love,Curate Shiloh Sophia

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  • In this Bouncing Love Bubble Meditation we include

    * Initiating a state change

    * Attempting to collaborate with our chemistry for a lift

    * Increase heart brain coherence

    * Feelings of Gratitude

    * The awareness of your body field

    * Amplify biophotons of love light in the body

    * Release your current version of reality (for the moment)

    * Travel to imaginal utopian lands - what will you imagine?

    * Erupt in LOVE because you can - proclaim to the universe - I AM LOVE!!!

    * Choose one small thing to change in your life

    Beautiful Beings - I can ALMOST guarantee that if you do this meditation you will feel a bit better. We are capable of moderating our mood to the best of our abillity and sometimes we need a burst of JOY to make that possible. A state change, a lift. You will hear me laughing, almost crying and even my stomach gurgle (LOL) as I guide you on this spontaneous adventure into the imaginal world to experience gratitude, love, a utopian landscape of your subconsious and choose to make one small change in your life. Basically, feel better.

    Today’s meditation is inspired by Holly, Lavender and Michelle, three women in my community with teenagers or youth. When I first came up with this meditation I imagined them being able to listen to it and get a lift, but then it went too long and it might not work for the attention span. BUT you could try it. Soft blankets on a big couch and a cuppa tea and this…you could try. I will attempt some other ones for youth soon, I am sparked to do something I can to help with our nervous systems by choice. We can’t explain the bizarre time we are in to them, deep inside they know we have failed them in this society. So now it seems like it is time to offer them as many tools as possible - and for me this begins with claiming their imagination. Really it is more like rescuuing it from the reality they have been sold and told.

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Children of the Flower ChildrenWe are the childrenof the flower childrencoming into full bloomThe seeds of their hoperise up in our colorful bonesWe cut our teeth on their resistanceWe were then a people unwillingto accept an invented narrativewith fighting cloaked in peaceWe dread times like theseWe spend our livestrying to prevent the need for revoltWe would much rather grow foodand call the circle to gatherRather play with children out in the parksOur energies are miss-spenton trying to protect the precious liveswhen there has been so much intentional lossEven as we plant our seeds,they are tearing up the groundand poisoning the waterOur grandparents could drink the water,our grandchildren cannotWhat else do we need to know about times like these?They changed the roadway in front of my little old houseOne of the last old houses for milesNow there’s a freeway hereMost of the birds have goneand street lights shine into almost every window at nightinstead of the trees that used to stand herethe big semi brakes are squeeling the 4 am beginning of lightNo way to stop it nowYet there’s good news herebecause the oranges are almost readyand roses are early bloomingIn truth I never stopped putting flowers in my hairBut now flowers in my hair is an act of resistanceIn solidarity with my AncestorsThere are over 100 wars nowI refuse to be a part of a warThe one that we are fighting hereHere in this nation it is just heating upthis one continues onfor the battle of our mindsI shall use my time wellin these coming yearsFor I am called to gather usI could use my life forceto dismantle the patriarchy brick by brickBut I think I’ll call a circle insteadWe will put flowers in our hairWe can already see what’s going onWe will Organize with Love at the center of our choicesHere's the best news I can dream ofThis will be a time of great poetry and storytellingand songs and marches and depth conversationsand paintings that speak to the future we believe inWe will be here with you gathering flowersand pouring the strong tea of revolutionand laughing our asses off as often as possibleLet us speak the language of flowers,for we are the childrenof the flower childrenAs the daughter of a poet,my pen must be aflamewith the beauty of justice and kinshipSoon I will find my voiceand until then I will speakthe language of flowersShiloh Sophia

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Today is a big day! I have two ideas for us. I’m sending blessings to everyone.

    Shiloh Sophia

    Our event today is at Musea.org

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • The idea presented here about choosing to respond instead of react, is something I learned when I was 23 years old from Sue Hoya Sellars, my art Matriarch. I will never forget the day She proposed the idea to me that my activism could be a response instead of a reaction.

    This very brief podcast is an invitation to

    * Choose to respond instead of react

    * Rescue your energy and life force from distraction and reaction

    * Consciously choose your relationship to what’s happening around you

    * Engage with responsibility

    love ❤️

    Shiloh Sophia

    Ps I hope you choose some time for you this weekend. And if you wanna join us on Monday for our day, long event visit Musea.org

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Oh my goodness you all. I’m not sure exactly what to say right now that matters, other than that this is the time to express ourselves. I was moved tonight to let you know that I am here and paying attention and going through some of the same things you are. And I’m also as ready as I can be to support us during this time. I’m pacing the floor tonight. These are my thoughts. I want to recommend that you record your own thoughts, even if you don’t share them. Or write them out. Or dance them out in pink sparkle uggs!

    I replaced the audio from last night…it felt too vulnerable upon waking. I tried another one that is better I hope.

    I am not speaking for the community that I serve. I’m speaking to the community that I serve. What is useful? I’m grateful and what isn’t just compost it.

    Shiloh Sophia


    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Happy new year beautiful beings,

    I’m so grateful to be sharing tea with the muse with you in 2025. For every single project that I work on, I’ve asked myself, do I still want to do this and am I called to this? Is this still benefiting people? What do I really have to say that really matters right now?

    I’m happy to say that tea with the muse is going to continue. I love connecting with you. I have another episode of my memoir coming, but I’m going move it to a different channel so I’ll let you know about that. I realize that my memoir has been hanging me up from the regular tea with the muse style posts that I love to make.

    I hope you enjoy this teaching, which is one of my core teachings about thoughts and feelings, waves and particles, and how to prepare the mind to create transformation!

    New year blessings to every single one of you! I am truly honored every time you listen, read, comment and appreciate the workings of the muse!

    Shiloh Sophia

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Good morning dear ones! You haven’t heard from me for a bit because I didn’t have any Internet in Mexico. I kept recording things for you but couldn’t get them posted ~ so for today I’m posting a poem that I wrote on the plane, but in the moment, I embellished it as I spoke it. Perhaps it will stir something in you ~ maybe pick up your own pen or magic keyboard, and see what shows up!


    Photo of self portrait on Christmas while I dream of wings

    Dedicated to Julie and Sage and the sandwich that I got to be a part of

    Www.musea.org has all the things

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe
  • Dear Ones, I’m in Mexico for the holidays teaching art and I was thinking of you and our struggles to become. Here’s an approach I learned from my 2 mamas.

    * Why asking if you are good enough won’t work out

    * How our environment keeps us grasping for belonging

    * Considering your ideal question for you as authentic to you

    * My proposal of a better question

    And yes…there are wrong questions and mistakes.

    Loving you

    Blessings Shiloh Sophia

    Ps: pausing on my memoir for the holidays because it’s a little depressing in this juncture. I’ve recorded the next episode but each time I try to push publish I just can’t yet.

    pps this is a photo of me in the hammock yesterday contemplating my ideal question

    Get full access to Tea with the Muse at teawiththemuse.substack.com/subscribe