Vanaf 1 april 2024 gaat DutchMedia podcast verder in samenwerking met Audiohuis. Te beluisteren op Spotify. Nieuw afleveringen komen niet meer op deze website.
Taco Jelgersma en David de Jong maken samen de DutchMedia podcast. Tweewekelijks gaan zij in op actuele onderwerpen uit de wereld van media, marketing en telecom.
“Deze podcast is voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de steeds meer in elkaar overlopende vakgebieden marketing, media en telecom. En voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is om te luisteren naar mensen die er ook niet álles van weten, maar die wel bereid zijn hun ongezouten mening te geven”, vertelt Taco Jelgersma.
In DutchMedia podcast discussiëren journalist David en ondernemer Taco over alle nieuwtjes rondom media, marketing en telecom. De insteek van de podcast is serieus, maar het duo vult hierop aan: “We maken de podcast met de insteek ‘neem wat je doet serieus, maar jezelf – en alle mensen in de industrie – niet. Dat doen ze zelf wel.”
Vragen? Wil je te gast zijn? Onderwerp suggereren? Samenwerken? [email protected]
Het archief van DutchMedia 2003-2012 is hier te vinden
The Difference Engine helps founders and funders maximise business growth through category design.
Hosted by two British northerners with decades of experience in launching, managing, and marketing disruptive tech companies.
Paul Maher and Jonathan Simnett have been there, done it and thrown away the slogan t-shirts - now they'll help you become a category king.
The Difference Engine - Disrupting Tech Strategy -
Marcel van Roosmalen en Gijs Groenteman bellen elke dag en praten je bij over de dagelijkse actualiteit. In 12 minuten nemen ze het nieuws door maar klagen tussendoor ook over het leven, vieren hun succesjes en halen herinneringen op. Elke dag opnieuw.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Cryptocurrency Daily News | Crypto News Today.
Crypto news offering the latest coin, token, and cryptocurrency news & information. Cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, tokens, coins, and more. Daily cryptocurrency news, recaps, and predictions in under 10 minutes.
Discussing Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar, among several other cryptocurrencies. -
Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The #1 Evidence Based Growth Podcast on the Internet. The Science of Success is about the search for evidence based personal growth. It's about exploring ways to improve your decision-making, understand your mind and how psychology rules the world around you, and learn from experts and thought leaders about ways we can become better versions of ourselves.
Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson is for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to learn what it takes to build a successful business. Lisa walks you through exactly what it takes to create passive income, how to build an online audience, how to improve your marketing for your business, and how to launch your products and services so that your ideal customers are ready to buy. Each episode with Lisa is designed to help you take immediate action to make money, by teaching you the simple steps and most important strategies for starting, scaling and marketing your online business.
Epicenter brings you in-depth conversations about the technical, economic and social implications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Every week, we interview business leaders, engineers academics and entrepreneurs, and bring you a diverse spectrum of opinions and points of view.
Epicenter is hosted by Sebastien Couture, Brian Fabian Crain, Friederike Ernst, Meher Roy and Felix Lutsch. Since 2014, our episodes have been downloaded over 8 million times. -
"Sigrun is like the FEMALE James Bond of Online Marketing! ...a True INTERNATIONAL Woman of Mystery...and Inspiration!" - James Wedmore, host of the Mind Your Business podcast....Discover through inspiring stories, case studies, and interviews how you can create your own lifestyle business. Sigrun shares the ‘7 Stages of a Profitable Online Business’ and other proven strategies that help you turn your passion into profits. Her featured experts include entrepreneurs like James Wedmore, Kimra Luna, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Jasmine Star, Rick Mulready, Jill Stanton, Zach Spuckler, Kate Erickson, Natalie Sisson, Mark Schaefer and many more. Learn from Sigrun and her experts how to master your mindset, uplevel your marketing, and succeed with masterminds....Sigrun holds four Master’s degrees; in architecture, computer aided architectural design, computer science and an MBA from London Business School, in addition to having been certified as a Dale Carnegie trainer. She was CEO in technology companies for a decade before she decided to become a lifestyle entrepreneur after a chronic illness. Today she lives in Iceland and Switzerland while also traveling the world and working on her multi-million dollar lifestyle business. Sigrun is the creator of SOMBA, the MBA program for online entrepreneurs, and runs Mastermind Days and Retreats in Iceland and Switzerland, in addition to her signature Mastermind Groups, SOMBA Momentum & VIP Mastermind.
🥕#1 inspiratieshow voor ondernemers
👑Bekroond door BNR Nieuwsradio
💡Boordevol echte verhalen en praktische inzichten
🙏🏼Volg op Youtube, Spotify, LinkedIn
ℹ️Meer info? Ga naar voor alle informatie
🔥Adverteren? Contact via [email protected] of +31641412225 -
De Nr.1 podcast show over wat het inhoud en jou oplevert om te gaan leven, ondernemen en manifesteren vanuit je hogere zelf/intuïtie.
Ik inspireer je om met minder hard werken, pushen, stressen en minder doen, veel meer geluk, joy, vrijheid en succes te bereiken in life EN business door te gaan samenwerken met je hogere zelf en het universum. That is where the magic is happening!
You can really Manifest ALL you soul desires! Enjoy Listening! -
'Komt een Blad bij de Dokter' is de podcast van over media, magazine, strategie en innovatie. Elke maand praat Carolien Vader met bladenmakers, hoofdredacteuren, uitgevers en influencers in de media. Ze geven een kijkje achter de schermen van hun mediamerken en praten over de toekomst van het vak.