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In this episode I get to chat with Haken stalwart, Tiktaalika founder and guitar maestro Charlie Griffiths. We talk all about his new Tiktaalika release "Gods Of Pangea", how it was written, recorded and finally released. We also totally nerd out all about our mutual love of thrash metal. As always the news gets a kicking but at least it's real, actual news. This Is Thrash Bollocks. Video Interview The Accused AD The Accused
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We are back with reviews of new releases from Cryptosis, Lambrini Girls, Exturminatus, Wick, Obscura, Better Lovers and the thrash metal side project from Haken guitarist Charlie Griffiths Tiktaalika. Also contains rambling thoughts and opinions.
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I have always wanted to chat to Blaine ever since I first heard The Accused back in my youth. With his unique talent and style he made an immediate impression on young Howard and now I get to chew his ear off about anything and I do! As always I single out some news items to talk about including the greatest heavy metal gig line up ever, Gojira's Grammy win, Operation Mindcrime & democratic perfume. This Is Martha Splatterhead Bollocks
Video Interview
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Part two of my chat with Chris promoter of the legendary Milton Keynes Woughton Centre back in the day. I also race through some new old news. This Is Part Two Bollocks.
Video Interview
Patreon Special Offers
The legendary Milton Keynes Woughton Centre was one of the UK's premier thrash metal venues back in the day. Everyone played there from Nuclear Assault to Exodus from Acid Reign to Gang Green. All of this was made possible by a crack events team lead by Chris. We caught up after he interviewed me for a documentary about those times so I could interview him. As always this being the first episode of the year you also get my favourite albums of 2024 review. This Is Barrier Bollocks.
Video Interview
Xmas Patreon Offers
In this episode we chat about new releases from Better Lovers, Tribal Gaze, Dead Body & Extorted. We also talk about albums that surprised us in 2024, news stories that shocked us and conclude by ending with some movie chat. This Is Old Xmas Bollocks. Video Podcast
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The main man behind UK rockers InMe Dave and I have a chat about their long and varied career. From recording and partying in LA with the stars to having their record label go out of business just a year after releasing their debut album, to the resurgence they are currently going through. As always the rock news is examined in a little too much detail, legendary drummers leave, drummers are stolen and drummers move on close to home. This Is Hellfest Bollocks.
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Pit Diaper
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Something for everyone as I smash through twenty six movies and five TV series. Movies: Rebel Ridge, Cold Comes The Night, Hit Man, Longlegs, New Life, Trap, Dead Pool, A Killer's Memory, Steel Country, The Killer, The Radleys, The Thicket, The Substance, Wolfs, Little Dixie, Silent Hour, Speak No Evil, Sexy Beast, I Saw The TV Glow, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Tuesday, The Wild Robot, Trim Season, A Quiet Place Day One, The Critic, Gladiator II. TV Series: A Man In Full, The Penguin, The English, Four Kings & The Diplomat.
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New Overkill drummer Jeramie takes time out of his busy schedule whilst on tour supporting King Diamond for a chat. We have quite a few friends in common so once we establish who they are we dive into Jeramie's varied career, be it as a drummer, drum tech or front of house engineer and where it's taken him so far. There is as always a run through the latest metal news with some long time regulars making appearances like Kiss & Megadeth and some more sombre stories too. This Is On The Road Bollocks.
Video Interview Scott Ian Action Figure
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In this episode I get to sit down with the brains behind one of the most exciting and original projects in metal. Super Monster Party is Rei's concept and during this interview you will hear all about it's birth, it's awkward first steps and it's truly impressive crowning glory, the album Rage Quit. This isn't just a musical project, it's visual, it's interactive and it's unique. Strap in for level 1. There is also a smash through the news. Some sad, some positive, some confusing and some Kiss. This Is Multi Player Bollocks. Video interview
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The second part of our wide ranging chat again takes in all aspects of the music industry but this time we are more focused on the fascinating world of DLR. This Is DLR Part 2 Bollocks. The Paltrocast How DLR Changed The World Book Video Interview
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In this episode we get stuck into the latest releases from Undeath, Rat Lord, Blood Command, The Crown & Super Monster Party. Plus the usual tangents that you have come to expect. This Is Old Bollocks. Old Head YouTube
Help Me Out If You Would Be So Kind
In this episode I am joined by a long lost friend I have never met before. The man behind two legendary bands from back in the day, Glen Cummings. If you are familiar with either or none it doesn't matter as this is one of those interviews that touches on just about everything from the NYC hardcore scene & tape trading but starts with me telling Glen a story about how our careers were inextricably linked and set us both on different paths. There is a ramble through the news which is creepy, weird, informative and frightening. This Is Murderous Bollocks. Video Interview Body Count Comfortably Numb Featuring David Gilmour
The Secret History of Thrash Show
Legendary drummer Chris Kontos returns to the podcast for a monster chat. We discuss all things metal, from the current live scene, the recording industry and how the writing of the new Forbidden album is coming along. As always I run through a few news stories, a few non news stories and end on a heartfelt tribute to an industry legend. This Is Bay Area Bollocks. Video Interview
Patreon Bollocks
Bonus Episode - Part 1 of 2 Darren is a rock writer, podcaster and licensed private detective. In part one of this wide ranging chat we talk about his career, what led him to write a book on DLR and of course we rabbit hole on our journeys through metal. This Is DLR Bollocks. Video Interview The Paltrocast
Book: How David Lee Roth Changed the World
Eddie from the legendary Canadian hardcore heroes DBC comes on to chat all about their lengthy career, throwing fans a curve ball and thrash metal. We also discuss their recently released singles, their first new music in 30 years. Their is a skim through the news reviewing stories you may be aware of, some you may not and a sort of thank you to Oasis and their so called "fans". This Is Label Mate Bollocks.
King & Osegueda Video interview
Help A Guy Out
I smash through twenty one movies and three TV series so you don't have to. Movies: The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, Race For Glory Audi Vs. Lancia, Black Flies, Abigail, The First Omen, Civil War, The Vanishing, Late Night With The Devil, Arcadian, How To Rob A Bank, Queenpins, Free state of Jones, Jackdaw, The Bikeriders, Find Me Falling, Inside Man, Operation Mincemeat, The Instigators, Alien Romulus, Self Reliance & Jerry And Marge Go Large. TV Series: Mr & Mrs Smith, Yellowstone and Lord Of The Rings Season 2. This Is Movie Bollocks.
Give Me Your Money (Please)
Rat Lord is the side project, Blood Command is the main gig and I sat down with song writer, producer Yngve who is the main man in both for a chat. We get into how to write a song that's only a minute long, his life on the road that began at the age of fifteen (!) and what a great down to earth performer Taylor Swift is. There is also, for once an actual, genuine news story but unfortunately it's a pretty serious one for all concerned including yours truly. This Is Cat Bollocks. Video Interview
Rat Lord No Dogs, No Masters
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In this episode once the apology to Four Stroke Baron is out of the way we give you the low down on new releases from: Whores, Kerry King, Exodus, DBC, Mean Mistreater, 200 Stab Wounds, Immemor, Crushuman & Category 7.
This Is Old Bollocks.
Old Head YouTube
Give Me Your Cash!
It seems like an age since I last had one of the worlds most learned Slayer experts on the show, so here is my mate DX. We discuss the embryonic rise of his Podcast Talkin' Slayer. There is so much to get into that we forget the time and go deep! How did he came up with it? How it went down? What the plans are for the future? Why steal the title from me? The BIG questions. As always I skip through the metal news from the last fortnight and try to make sense of it all. This Is Well Rehearsed Bollocks.
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