The dog etiquette show
My friend and guest Stephen and I discuss lots of different etiquette topics around the world of dogdom.
If you have a question or topic suggestion you would like to hear about, drop us a line.
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This episode I talk with Jeremy Criscoe from Whistling Wings Kennels about their adventure dog training program. Jeremy is a world class trainer with a world class facility in Alabama. We talk about many aspects of what is involved in the training to develop a dog that will make good canine companion in the outdoors.
Whistling Wings website:
Rabert Cabral youtube interview with Jeremy
As always I am always looking for your questions and ideas for future show so drop us a line.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
A biting chihuahua
An older couple adopts an infant puppy and ends up with a nightmare. Listen to a phone call I had with the couple’s daughter who is looking for advice and direction on how to solve this very difficult situation.
If you have a question or topic suggestion you would like to hear about, drop us a line.
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Welcome Back!!
This show is a so called “state of the show” episode.
I let you know why the show went on haiatus, give an update on what the show will be like in the future.
I bought a Rodecaster Pro. It is an all-in-one solution for podcasting. Below are some links to the Rode website page for the Rodecaster and to a video from YouTube to give you a better understanding of what the Rodecaster Can do.
Tom Buck’s video on the Rodecaster
Here is a link to talkindog’s gallery to see my current setup at home
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Fostering dogs provides a first step in helping a dog find its forever home. When volunteers open their homes to these dogs they will see fairly quickly some of the issues that the dog has. In Dana's case the dog that she is fostering and hopes to make her home the dogs forever home has issues with cats.
Join us for a conversation where I talk with Dana about some of the issues and how to handle/manager some of the issues she is facing as she and her husband help this dog settle into its new "normal".
To check out Dana's dog food company go to :
#fosteringdogs #dogpodcast #talkindogpodcast #talkindog.com #napadog
Dr. Jerry Owens joins me again.
This time he joins me for an interesting conversation where we talk about the progression veterinary medicine.
Dr. Jerry M. Owens received his DVM from UC Davis in 1971. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and provides imaging consultations in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere via telemedicine. Professionally, he is a member of the AVMA, CVMA, ACVR, two local veterinary associations, the Veterinary Ethics Society and the American Veterinary History Society. He has authored three textbooks, many scientific articles and has been a popular speaker to veterinary organizations throughout the world. He has two daughters and one grandson. Semi-retired in Sonoma Valley, he has a gentleman’s farm with a large garden, barn, chickens, goats, pigs and sheep and vintage American cars. He is a member of the Sonoma Valley Rotary Club and the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. He is currently writing about veterinary history and other social topics. Other hobbies include golf, fly fishing, wood working and consumer advocacy.
visit www.talkindog.com/podcast to find more episodes
#dogpodcast #talkindog #podcast #veterinarymedicine
Join us for an informative hour learning about the domestication of the first animal the dog.
Our guest Dr. Greger Larson is a professor of archeology at the University of Oxford in England. His research and use of DNA technology has led to many discoveries unlocking the mysteries of how, when and where the dog became mans best friend.
to listen to previous show go here www.talkindog.co,/podcast
Email: show@talkindog.com
#talkindog #dog #gregerlarson #dogdomestication #wolf #wolves #dogpodcasts
Part Two - Interview with Daniel Promislow of The Dog Aging Project. Topics include: managing the project, service dog benefits and more.
Consider joining the project or making a donation.
Part One - Interview with Daniel Promislow of The Dog Aging Project. Topics include: background on the project, how dogs age and more.
Consider joining the project or making a donation.
Join us for Part Two of George's Story... a cautionary tale about a family dog George who was injured and what it has taken to get him back on his feet.
Check out what Beth does at her website www.entertainingwithbeth.com
Join us for a cautionary tale about a dog named George. Beth Le Manach host and executive producer of the YouTube channel Entertaining with Beth, tells the tale of how her family dog George was injured and what it has taken to get him back on his feet. From emergency room visit to rehab, Beth leads us through the ups and downs of helping George. Having Beth share her story and being brave in telling us about what she would and should have done differently, will no doubt help other dog owners if they find themselves in a situation that Beth and her family found themselves in.
Check out what Beth does at her website www.entertainingwithbeth.com
Interview with Nancy King, Executive Director with Pets Lifeline in Sonoma, CA. Topics include fundraising, education, new facility and more.
Recorded remotely using Zoom
Gardner and Dave hear how barking dogs are disrupting a neighborhood. Plus a first pass at Dog-on-the-Street Trivia.
Recorded remotely on Zoom
Interview with Vintage Kennel Club owners Mike Weiss and Brian Ness. Topics include different board styles, vetting, scheduling, introducing a dog to the "pack", rattlesnake training and more.
Product references include - Vari Kennel
recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org
Gardner and Dave interview Dr. Peter Walsh. Topics include: How viruses work, corona viruses, rabies, distemper and other canine viruses. What is the societal impact in the US and other countries. How vaccinating works in the wild. Plus... canine brain function, communication of fear, threat, body posture, etc.
recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org
Gardner and Dave interview John Potash, owner of Getrattled.org. Topics include rattlesnake awareness training process, rattlesnake biology, what to do if your dog is bitten and more. Plus, Dog News.
Antivenin information
48:25 min. recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org
Talkin Dog hosts Gardner and Dave interview Sonoma County Sheriff's K9 Unit members: Sergeant Piccinnini, Deputy Minaglia and Vito. Topics include the type of dog used, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malinois_dog), training, safety, transportation, retirement (the dogs, not the handlers) and other dog related topics.
54:34 min. recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org
Gardner and co-host Dave interview guests Jerry Owens (retired vet) and Jaime (trainer / handler)
Topics include:
Holiday dog picture contest with the Sonoma Pet Center Pet Peeves - front-seat dogs (seat-belts and tie-downs), caviler about dog-saftey, long dog stories, retractable leashes, late for vet appts. self-diagnosis and more Bar and dog park in Greensboro, NC - doggosparkandpub.com Home pet med-kit: bandage material, adhesive tape, cotton, non-stick gauze sponges antibiotic ointment, hydrogen peroxide for cleaning and inducing vomiting and saline to irrigate; also beer as tranquilizer49:52 min. recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org
Host Gardner Smith discusses breeds, behavior, boredom, digging, feeding people food, trailing lines, leash correction, vocalization, separation anxiety, nuisance barking, bark collars and more with guest Jaime Good and co-host Dave.
48:30 min. recorded at KSVY Studio in Sonoma, CA visit www.ksvy.org