Hver ukedag gir Forklart deg en grundig forklaring av én nyhet på bare 15 minutter. Aftenpostens journalister gir deg en rask oppdatering og hjelper deg med å forstå hvordan ting henger sammen.
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Det går ad helvedes til med verden - eller hvad? Jeg hedder Esben Bjerre, og i denne podcast udfordrer jeg min pessimisme og undersøger, hvordan det egentlig går med at afskaffe sult og fattigdom, reducere uligheder, sikre god uddannelse og bedre sundhed til alle, anstændige jobs og mere bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. Og meget mere. Er det himmelråbende naivt, eller kan det lade sig gøre? Podcasten er udgivet af PlanBørnefonden med støtte fra Danida. Produceret af Filt CPH.
Trust in the media is at an all-time low. And there’s a reason—endless virtue signaling and manufactured outrage. Finally, there’s an alternative. Morning Wire is presented by Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief, John Bickley, and co-host Georgia Howe. Get daily coverage of the latest developments in politics, culture, education, sports, and more. Wake up with Morning Wire and get the facts first on the news you need to know.
Få perspektiv på de vigtigste og mest interessante aktuelle dagsordener med lyden af Jyllands-Posten. Følg med alle hverdage kl. 04.30. Hvis du vil vide mere.
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Lectures on international law issues by eminent scholars, practitioners and judges of national and international courts. The lecture series is brought to you by the Public International Law Discussion Group, part of the Law Faculty of the University of Oxford, and is supported by the British Branch of the International Law Association and Oxford University Press. Further details of this series can be found on the Public International Law at Oxford website.
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Interviews from Bret Fisher's live show with co-host Nirmal Mehta. Topics cover container and cloud topics like Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Cloud Native development, DevOps, SRE, GitOps, DevSecOps, platform engineering, and the full software lifecycle. Full show notes and more info available at
The Sociological Review Podcasts bring the sociological imagination to a wider audience. They are the latest contribution from The Sociological Review's (, a journal known for publishing critical and creative works about society and social relations, an ethos that has taken on increasing urgency in these times of dramatic economic and political change. Our podcast series extend this ambition of showing why the sociological matters, offering insights on emerging issues and perennial debates.
Hvorfor er folk så vrede?” Det er Twerk Queen Louise og drag queen Mizz Privileze på en mission for at finde ud af. Hver uge spiller de S, P eller K (2021 edition) med en ny gæst for at forstå, hvad har sat deres pis i kog. Formålet er klart: at give krænkelsesdebatten et frisk pust og drysse masser glimmer på undervejs. Velkommen til en snak om Sex, Privilegier og Krænkelser
A series of lectures given on each Prime Minister's relationship with Europe since Margaret Thatcher by an individual who worked very closely with that leader. The series of lectures was recorded in Autumn 2017 at the Weston Library hosted by Will Hutton, the Principal of Hertford College, in conjunction with Lord Adonis.
Our Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Spain. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Spanish mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Spanish events and help you think and feel as a native Spaniard.