
  • In this episode, Matt interviews Alison Sauer, an advocate for home education. Alison shares her personal journey and the importance of home education in providing a more compassionate and child-centered form of education. She emphasizes that home education is a right in the UK and parents have the freedom to choose this option. Alison also discusses the negative aspects of traditional schooling, such as lack of flexibility, isolation, and inadequate support for children with special needs. She highlights the benefits of home education, including personalized learning, emotional stability, and social interaction with a diverse range of people. Home education is a right in the UK, and parents have the freedom to choose this option. Traditional schooling often fails to support children with special needs and can be restrictive and isolating. Home education provides a more compassionate and child-centered form of education, allowing for personalized learning and emotional stability. Home-educated children often have better social skills and interact with a diverse range of people. Home education can have a positive impact on neurodiverse children, improving their behavior and overall well-being. There are misconceptions and negativity surrounding home education, but it is important to focus on the well-being of the child and ignore the naysayers. Financial support and recognition for home education are lacking, and parents may need to make sacrifices in terms of income. Finding support networks and resources, such as Facebook groups and local physical groups, can be helpful for parents considering home education.

    00:00 Introduction and Personal Connection

    07:07 Is Home Education Legal?

    09:46 The Importance of Emotional Stability

    12:33 Reasons for Choosing Home Education

    19:36 Difference Between School at Home and Home Education

    26:44 Benefits of Home Education

    31:25 Choosing Home Education

    32:54 Misconceptions and Negative Attitudes

    36:42 Financial Considerations

    42:24 Reaping the Rewards of Home Education

    46:04 Finding Support for Home Education

    51:25 Courage of Convictions

    Facebook groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/helmwestmids/


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  • Summary

    In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss the importance of balance and critical thinking when consuming information about neurodiversity. They highlight the need to distinguish between confidently presented generalizations and actual facts, and the challenge of navigating the abundance of content and opinions online. They also discuss the impact of passionate personalities and the tendency to prioritize attention-grabbing headlines over balanced information. Matt emphasizes the importance of research and evidence-based information, and encourages listeners to look beyond the headlines and seek out a variety of perspectives. In this conversation, Matt and Andrew discuss the importance of questioning information and seeking different perspectives in the neurodiversity community. They emphasize the need for accurate and evidence-based information, rather than relying on opinions or biased sources. They also highlight the confusion around the terms 'neurodiverse' and 'neurodivergent' and the importance of using language correctly. The conversation concludes with a call to continue learning, sharing information, and questioning assumptions in order to advance understanding and support for neurodivergent individuals.


    Taking care of oneself is just as important as anything else, especially for individuals with ADHD.

    Neurodiversity Celebration Week provides an opportunity for diverse voices to be heard and amplified.

    It can be difficult to distinguish between confidently presented generalizations and actual facts, especially for those not professionally involved in research or education.

    The media often focuses on attention-grabbing headlines, but the full story and nuance may be missing.

    Balance and critical thinking are crucial when consuming information about neurodiversity.

    Passionate personalities and the desire for confirmation bias can sometimes lead to a loss of objectivity.

    It is important to seek out evidence-based information and consider multiple perspectives.

    The impact of medication shortages and other issues should be viewed in a balanced way, considering both the worst outcomes and the experiences of those who have coped.

    Online pharmacies can be a potential solution for medication shortages.

    It is essential to look beyond the passion and consider the source and evidence behind the information being presented. Question information and seek different perspectives to avoid bias and misinformation.

    Use accurate and evidence-based information to further understanding.

    Clarify and use the terms 'neurodiverse' and 'neurodivergent' correctly.

    Continuously learn, share information, and question assumptions to advance support for neurodivergent individuals.


    00:00 Introduction and Neurodiversity Celebration Week

    02:46 The Challenge of Distinguishing Facts from Generalizations

    06:19 The Influence of Headlines and Confirmation Bias

    10:09 The Difference Between Academic Research and Self-Fact Finding

    16:01 The Passion vs. Evidence Dilemma

    20:07 The Importance of Balance in Information

    24:04 The Influence of Personalities and Communities

    26:04 The Need for Balance in Presenting Medication Shortage Information

    30:27 The Danger of Oversimplification

    31:42 Seeking Alternative Perspectives

    32:33 Evaluating Information Sources

    34:06 The Complexity of Medication

    38:10 The Evolution of Understanding

    40:17 The Importance of Language

    45:09 The Journey of Neurodiversity

    49:36 Pulling Together for Understanding

    53:20 Questioning and Advancing Knowledge

    55:18 Reflecting on Personal Beliefs

    56:07 Accepting the Possibility of Being Wrong

    TALKADHD Community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JR8R8jTl5zY0jr8MzXjIE7

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  • Summary

    This episode explores the co-occurrence of ADHD and autism, discussing diagnostic challenges, treatment approaches, common misconceptions, and the impact on daily life. The conversation emphasizes the importance of self-understanding and challenges the idea of labeling oneself solely based on diagnostic criteria. The concept of the 'missing middle' is introduced, highlighting the need to acknowledge and support individuals who do not fit into the extremes of the ADHD and autism spectrum. This conversation explores the experiences of individuals with ADHD and autism, highlighting the importance of recognizing the diversity within these conditions. The conversation emphasizes the need to give voice to those who may not fit the stereotypical image of ADHD or autism. It also discusses the role of lived experience in research and the value of qualitative approaches. The conversation concludes by addressing the importance of support strategies, choosing mentors or coaches, and supporting family members and loved ones.


    ADHD and autism can co-occur, and it is important for clinicians to consider both conditions when assessing individuals.Treatment approaches for individuals with both ADHD and autism may require a more tailored and cautious approach, considering the potential sensitivity to medication.There are common misconceptions about the coexistence of ADHD and autism, and more awareness and understanding are needed.The impact of ADHD and autism on daily life varies greatly, and it is important to recognize the individual experiences and challenges faced by each person.The concept of the 'missing middle' highlights the need to acknowledge and support individuals who do not fit into the extremes of the ADHD and autism spectrum. There is a need to give voice to individuals with ADHD and autism who may not fit the stereotypical image of these conditions.Lived experience should be valued and incorporated into research on ADHD and autism.Support strategies, such as mentors and support groups, can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD and autism.When choosing a mentor or coach, it is important to consider their knowledge, experience, and the number of people they have helped.Supporting family members and loved ones requires vulnerability, understanding, and a willingness to learn together.Vulnerability and connection are powerful tools in navigating the challenges of ADHD and autism.Embracing one's authentic self and finding support can lead to better outcomes and a more fulfilling life.


    00:57 ADHD and Autism: Co-Occurrence

    07:18 Treatment Approaches

    09:37 Common Misconceptions

    22:23 The Importance of Self-Understanding

    26:22 The Missing Middle

    32:40 The Missing Voices of ADHD and Autism

    38:00 The Importance of Lived Experience in Research

    41:47 The Role of Support Strategies

    46:01 Choosing a Mentor or Coach

    51:41 Supporting Family and Loved Ones

    57:22 The Power of Vulnerability and Connection

    59:11 Embracing Your Authentic Self

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode explores the connections between menopause and neurodiversity, particularly ADHD and autism. The guest, Diane Porterville-Born, shares her personal experiences and professional insights as a menopause nurse practitioner. She discusses how she started connecting menopause with neurodiversity and the implications for treatment. Diane highlights the lack of awareness and misconceptions surrounding menopause and neurodivergent women. She emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and seeking support from healthcare professionals. Diane also discusses her involvement in research and the need for changes in how the medical community addresses the needs of neurodivergent individuals during menopause. In this conversation, Diane discusses holistic approaches to menopause, including the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and positive mental attitudes. She emphasizes that while hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment, it is not the only option. Diane highlights the significance of nutrition and lifestyle changes, such as consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens and maintaining a healthy weight. She also advises seeking advice from reputable menopause services and cautioning against misinformation found online. Additionally, Diane emphasizes the importance of support from friends and professionals and encourages women not to be afraid of HRT, as it is safe and effective for most individuals.

    Takeaways Menopause and neurodiversity, such as ADHD and autism, are interconnected and can significantly impact women's mental health and well-being. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be beneficial for women with neurodivergence during menopause, as it can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall functioning. There is a lack of awareness and understanding among healthcare professionals about the specific needs of neurodivergent women during menopause. Women should educate themselves, keep track of their symptoms, and advocate for their own needs when seeking support from healthcare professionals. Further research is needed to explore the complex relationship between menopause and neurodiversity and to improve the understanding and treatment of these conditions.

    Chapters Introduction and Background 01:46

    Connecting Menopause with Neurodiversity 04:46

    Implications for Treatment 06:49

    Lack of Awareness and Misconceptions 11:57

    Challenges in Seeking Help 19:26

    Recognizing the Impact of Menopause 20:12

    Joining the Dots: Case Examples 29:26

    Understanding the Ups and Downs 32:38

    Shared Care and Treatment Approach 35:40

    Advice for Neurodivergent Women 37:49

    Current Research and Future Changes 42:59

    Addressing the Needs of Neurodivergent Individuals 46:21

    Recognizing Overwhelm and Burnout 50:53

    Holistic Approaches to Menopause 52:29

    Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes 53:18

    Seeking Professional Advice 54:14

    Importance of Support and HRT

    TALKADHD Whatsapp commuinity: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BITcSG1BRlCIZvGUFCGxU7

    Diane Porterfield-Bourne's links:





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  • Summary

    In this episode, Matt is joined by Mandy Orlak, a specialist in employment law and disability. They discuss the legal aspects of having a disability, including the definition of disability, the process of disclosing a disability to employers, and the importance of reasonable adjustments. They also cover common misconceptions about reasonable adjustments, the role of education in employment law, and how employment law can protect disabled individuals from discrimination and unfair treatment. The conversation emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding between employers and employees, as well as the benefits of training and education for employers.


    Understanding the legal definition of disability is crucial for individuals with neurodivergent conditions like ADHD and autism.Disclosure of a disability to employers is not legally required, but it may be beneficial for future protection.Reasonable adjustments are accommodations that employers should provide to overcome disadvantages faced by employees with disabilities.Training and education for employers can help create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for disabled individuals.


    00:00 Introduction to the Law and Disability

    06:50 Legal Definition of Disability

    11:55 Disclosure of Disability to Employers

    17:01 Reasonable Adjustments

    26:36 Education and Employment Law

    29:36 Protection from Discrimination and Unfair Treatment

    34:47 Steps to Take if Unfairly Treated or Discriminated Against

    40:19 Preparing for Legal Disputes

    44:50 Importance of Documentation

    52:11 The Benefits of Training and Education

    53:52 Top Tips for Employers and Employees

    TALKADHD Whatsapp commuinity: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BITcSG1BRlCIZvGUFCGxU7

    Talem Law website: http://talemlaw.co.uk/

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  • Summary In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss coexisting conditions with ADHD. They emphasize that coexisting conditions are not add-ons to ADHD but rather part of being human. The most common coexisting conditions include other neurodevelopmental conditions, affective disorders, psychosis, and physical health problems. The impact of these conditions on ADHD management varies, and it is important to consider the interplay between different diagnoses. The diagnostic process should take into account all possible coexisting conditions, and it is helpful for individuals to volunteer relevant information. In addition to medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) can be beneficial in managing coexisting conditions. Matt highlights the importance of understanding oneself and finding supportive communities to navigate the challenges of ADHD and coexisting conditions. In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss the importance of defining purpose and ability rather than being defined by deficits. They emphasize that a diagnosis is a starting point, not an end point, and that it is important to remember the human experience beyond the label. They also explore the concept of self-advocacy and the correct way to define oneself and talk about conditions to ensure protection against discrimination. The conversation touches on the interplay of coexisting conditions and the challenges of supporting loved ones with ADHD. Ultimately, they highlight the importance of prioritizing the person over the diagnosis. Takeaways Coexisting conditions are not add-ons to ADHD but part of being human. The most common coexisting conditions with ADHD include other neurodevelopmental conditions, affective disorders, psychosis, and physical health problems. The impact of coexisting conditions on ADHD management varies, and it is important to consider the interplay between different diagnoses. The diagnostic process should take into account all possible coexisting conditions, and individuals should volunteer relevant information. In addition to medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) can be beneficial in managing coexisting conditions. Understanding oneself and finding supportive communities are important for navigating the challenges of ADHD and coexisting conditions.

    Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Gratitude

    01:08 Understanding Coexisting Conditions

    03:44 The Relationship with ADHD

    04:47 Categories of Coexisting Conditions

    08:33 Examples of Coexisting Conditions

    11:14 Impact on ADHD Management

    18:13 Diagnostic Process for Coexisting Conditions

    21:59 Effectiveness of ADHD Medications

    23:20 Importance of Volunteering Information

    30:20 Long-Term Outlook and Health Implications

    37:44 Additional Strategies Coaching and Mentoring

    44:30 Understanding Oneself and Building Strategies

    48:11 Baggage from Diagnostic Process

    51:04 The Function of Diagnosis

    54:14 Self-Advocacy and Talking About Conditions

    56:28 Coexisting Conditions and Interplay

    58:07 Supporting Loved Ones with ADHD

    59:27 Negotiating Advice for Caregivers


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss how to take control of ADHD. They emphasize the importance of understanding ADHD on a personal level and the need to break down the question of taking control. The conversation covers topics such as anxiety, cortisol levels, challenges with executive function, and the importance of stopping and decompressing. They highlight the significance of reducing fear and paying attention to emotional responses. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of experimentation and finding personalized solutions. This part of the conversation explores the temptation of seeking something new and shiny when faced with challenges, such as time blindness and perception of time. It emphasizes the importance of taking a step back, making rational choices, and facing the consequences of our actions. The discussion also delves into the effectiveness of ADHD apps and supplements, highlighting the need for a scientific and individualized approach. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that taking control of ADHD requires understanding oneself, seeking support, and making informed decisions. In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss how to take control of ADHD. They emphasize the importance of experimentation and learning, as well as refining questions to prevent repeated mistakes. They introduce the concept of using the five Ws (what, why, when, who, how) to identify the problem and explore different solutions. They also highlight the need to take time, be mindful, and avoid rushing through the process. Ultimately, they emphasize that ADHD is a personal journey and encourage individuals to define what they want to improve or change.

    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Topic

    03:03 Understanding ADHD and Personal Experience

    11:31 Anxiety and Cortisol Levels

    25:29 Challenges with Executive Function

    38:13 The Importance of Stopping and Decompressing

    45:14 Reducing Fear and Paying Attention to Responses

    51:26 Experimentation and Personalized Solutions

    57:04 Time Blindness and Perception of Time

    01:01:37 Living in the Now and Facing Consequences

    01:07:31 The Challenges of Decision-Making

    01:11:27 Medication and Human Support Strategies

    01:17:46 The Reality of ADHD Apps

    01:24:53 The Rise of ADHD Supplements

    01:32:19 Taking Control of ADHD

    01:38:49 The Importance of Experimentation and Learning

    01:40:22 Using the Five Ws to Identify the Problem

    01:42:28 Exploring Different Solutions

    01:44:04 Your ADHD, Your Journey


    Executive functioning: Dr Russel Barkley: https://www.russellbarkley.org/factsheets/ADHD_EF_and_SR.pdf

    About issues with time and ADHD: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0028393212004083

    Time and perception of time: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1087054720978557

    Cortisol Awakening Response and ADHD: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924977X16300128

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • his podcast episode discusses what a good assessment for ADHD looks like and how to determine the quality of an assessment report. The conversation explores the diagnostic criteria for ADHD and the importance of a conversation-based assessment rather than a tick-box exercise. The episode also addresses the challenges of history taking, the complexity of assessing childhood symptoms, and the high rates of comorbidity with other conditions. The role of scaffolding and support in hiding symptoms is discussed, as well as the impact of symptoms on functioning. This part of the conversation explores the concepts of impairment and functioning in relation to ADHD diagnosis. It discusses the severity of symptoms and their impact on daily life. The importance of detailed assessment reports and the need for comprehensive information gathering is emphasized. The conversation also delves into the misunderstandings surrounding shared care agreements and the importance of ongoing support and guidance after diagnosis. The chapter concludes with key points to consider in the assessment process and after receiving a diagnosis of ADHD. In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss the emotional impact of going through the ADHD assessment process and receiving a diagnosis. They explore the uncovering of suppressed emotions and the after-effects of the diagnosis. The conversation delves into the challenges of accepting a disability and reevaluating one's past experiences. They emphasize the importance of finding a supportive community and the pervasive nature of ADHD in one's life. The episode concludes with a reminder that it's okay for ADHD to be difficult and a call to join the ADHD community. Takeaways A good assessment for ADHD involves a conversation-based approach that explores the individual's experiences and symptoms in various settings. Assessments should consider the impact of symptoms on functioning and the presence of coexisting conditions. History taking should be comprehensive and include information about childhood experiences and the individual's mental and physical health. The quality of an assessment report can be determined by the depth of exploration of symptoms and the relationships between different diagnoses. Scaffolding and support from parents or caregivers should be considered in the assessment process, as they may hide symptoms and impairments.

    00:00 Introduction and Community Announcement

    01:30 What Does a Good Assessment Look Like?

    05:27 Response to Panorama Documentary

    09:30 Understanding the Diagnostic Criteria

    13:01 The Importance of a Conversation-Based Assessment

    24:41 The Complexity of History Taking

    32:45 The Challenges of Comprehensive Assessments

    40:31Assessing Symptoms in Multiple Settings

    45:11 The Role of Scaffolding and Support

    50:19 ADHD as a Spectrum

    56:22 Misunderstandings about Shared Care

    58:02 The Journey After Diagnosis

    01:02:14 The Emotional Impact of Diagnosis

    01:05:14 The Value of a Comprehensive Assessment Report

    01:13:43 The Need for Guidance After Diagnosis

    01:32:00 The Impact of Diagnosis

    01:34:18 Identity and Disability

    01:35:17 Finding Your Tribe

    01:38:02 Wrap-up and Community

    UKAAN Document: https://bjgp.org/content/73/735/473 TALKADHD

    Whatsapp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JR8R8jTl5zY0jr8MzXjIE7

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  • 00:00 Introduction to the Topic of Relationships 06:44 Melissa Orlov's Journey into ADHD and Relationships 13:26 The Impact of ADHD on Relationships 19:57 The Hyperfocus Courtship Phase 27:05 Misdiagnosis and ADHD 32:18 The Impact of ADHD on Relationships 40:09 Managing ADHD in Dual-ADHD Couples 46:12 The Destructive Interaction 51:23 Intentions vs. Outcomes 56:21 Getting Treatment and Rebuilding Relationships 01:04:09 Building Accountability and Connection 01:09:28 Rekindling Emotional Connection 01:20:09 Key Takeaways: Communication and Individual Responsibility 01:25:09 Hope for Relationships Impacted by ADHD In this episode, Matt and Andrew discuss the impact of ADHD on romantic relationships with guest Melissa Orlov, an expert in ADHD and relationships. They explore topics such as the hyperfocus courtship phase, misdiagnosis of ADHD, and the challenges faced by couples where both partners have ADHD. Melissa emphasizes the importance of understanding ADHD and its impact on relationships, as well as the need for both partners to take responsibility for managing their symptoms. She also discusses the role of anxiety in relationships and offers strategies for managing ADHD in dual-ADHD couples. In this episode, Melissa Orlov discusses the impact of ADHD on relationships and provides strategies for managing the challenges. She emphasizes the importance of open communication, understanding intentions vs. outcomes, and addressing parent-child dynamics. Melissa also discusses the role of medication and the need for treatment and counseling. She highlights the need for multiple strategies and the importance of rekindling emotional connection. Overall, Melissa offers hope for couples impacted by ADHD and encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own actions and seek support. Open communication and understanding intentions vs. outcomes are key in managing the impact of ADHD on relationships. Addressing parent-child dynamics and building accountability are important steps in rebuilding relationships. Medication and treatment can play a role in managing ADHD symptoms and improving reliability. Couples may benefit from counseling and support to navigate the challenges of ADHD in their relationship. Rekindling emotional connection and engaging in new and interesting activities together can help rebuild intimacy. Multiple strategies and ongoing experimentation are necessary for managing ADHD and its impact on relationships. Individuals should take responsibility for their own actions and seek support to improve their relationship. Links to Melissa's work: ADHD & Marriage couples seminar, given by Zoom...next live session starts Feb 13, 2024 ADHDmarriage.com (for free treatment ebook download) Support groups for non-ADHD partners sessions open up at intervals across the year.

    The ADHD Effect on marriage: (UK Link) https://www.amazon.co.uk/ADHD-Effect-Marriage-Relationship-Assertiveness/dp/1886941971/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2819D5BVJB0F9&keywords=melissa+orlov&qid=1705518672&sprefix=melissa+or%2Caps%2C58&sr=8-2

    The Couples guide to ADHD: (UK Link): https://www.amazon.co.uk/COUPLES-GUIDE-THRIVING-MELISSA-ORLOV/dp/193776110X/ref=pd_sbs_d_sccl_2_1/262-1055712-9949067?pd_rd_w=GkckV&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5d177b3-9290-4c61-8b0e-06b08cdd933f&pf_rd_p=f5d177b3-9290-4c61-8b0e-06b08cdd933f&pf_rd_r=P27VDPZDE1FE76EKEDD2&pd_rd_wg=R8t2t&pd_rd_r=3354614a-0fdf-4469-88ba-152ab88d5326&pd_rd_i=193776110X&psc=1

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  • In this episode, Matt and Andrew reflect on the events of 2023 and how it shaped their perspectives on neurodiversity and neurodivergence. They discuss the frustrations and investigations they faced in the first quarter of the year, including their involvement in a BBC investigation on ADHD assessments. They also share their experiences of contract termination and the challenges of whistleblowing. As they navigate through April and May, they discuss the launch of their own clinical service and the uncertainty surrounding the airing of the Panorama episode. Overall, they highlight the importance of speaking out and advocating for change in the face of adversity. This part of the conversation covers the challenges of starting a business, balancing personal and professional life, recognition in the ADHD community, backlash from the documentary, involvement in the World Congress, personal backlash and misunderstandings, learning to hold tongue and manage responses, difficulties in running the business, resonating with Andrew's honesty, gaining confidence and using AI for fact-checking, medication shortages and their impact on the ADHD community, considering closing the business, and increasing passion and commitment. In this episode, Andrew Jay and Matt discuss various themes related to personal growth, authenticity, and the importance of understanding different perspectives. Andrew shares his experience of feeling patronized and the frustration of being labeled a victim. They also discuss the significance of strong principles and the need to choose battles wisely. The conversation delves into the nature of truth and the importance of remaining hopeful. Andrew emphasizes the value of taking a step back and approaching situations with grace and open-mindedness. They conclude by highlighting the importance of being comfortable in one's own skin and spreading messages of change and understanding.

    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage

    03:13 January to March 2023: Frustrations and Investigations

    13:13 March 2023: Contract Termination and Whistleblowing

    18:24 April to May 2023: Uncertainty and Launching the Service

    44:36 April to May 2023: Panorama and Divergence

    49:05 Challenges of Starting a Business

    50:06 Balancing Personal and Professional Life

    51:03 Recognition in the ADHD Community

    52:34 Maintaining a Low Profile

    53:36 Backlash from the Documentary

    56:00 Involvement in the World Congress

    57:57 Personal Backlash and Misunderstandings

    01:01:06 Learning to Hold Tongue and Manage Responses

    01:03:17 Difficulties in Running the Business

    01:05:09 Building Trust and Honest Conversations

    01:09:41 Resonating with Andrew's Honesty

    01:12:42 Gaining Confidence and Using AI for Fact-Checking

    01:17:28 Medication Shortages and Impact on ADHD Community

    01:21:26 Considering Closing the Business

    01:26:14 Increasing Passion and Commitment

    01:32:28 Impact of Medication Shortages

    01:36:18 Feeling Patronized

    01:37:09 Being a Victim

    01:37:52 Personal Growth and Grounding

    01:38:54 Choosing Battles and Adversaries

    01:39:52 Strong Principles

    01:41:14 The Nature of Truth

    01:43:18 Remaining Hopeful

    01:44:09 Taking a Step Back

    01:44:46 Approaching 2023

    01:45:25 Take What You Need and Leave the Rest

    01:46:13 Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin

    01:47:46 Wanting Things to Change

    01:48:29 Evolution of Understanding

    01:48:58 Gratitude for Honesty

    01:49:55 Spreading the Message

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Why bring a woman with ADHD is harder?

    0:00 Introduction

    4:29 Endochrinology and the science bit

    10:25 The female hormone journey

    15:42 Why ADHD research doesn't suit women?

    ADHD 28:26 What does a good assessment look like for a woman?

    42:50 Is it hormones or ADHD?

    54:45 Should people provide extra info at assessment?

    1:08:40 Should teachers know more about ADHD and girls?

    1:15:50 We're not radical feminists, we're just being heard!

    1:21:53 Final words

    In this episode Matt and Andrew are joined by Sara Jay, Senior ADHD nurse, mom, wife to Andrew and late diagnosed ADHD'er and Elaine Travers, a former corporate exec who left her career of over 20 years as her struggles with perimenopause took grip and who this year recieved her diagnosis of ADHD. References: The Goddess research: The GODDESS ADHD research project focuses on understanding and improving the care for women with ADHD. This project emphasizes gender-informed research to address diagnostic delays and emotional dysregulation in female ADHD through self-awareness and self-efficacy【7†source】. Studies in this area highlight that females with ADHD often exhibit different symptom profiles, comorbidities, and functional impacts compared to males, necessitating a better understanding and tailored approaches in healthcare【8†source】【17†source】.

    Epidemiological research from the GODDESS ADHD group reveals that females with ADHD, compared to unaffected females and/or same-aged males, face increased risks such as higher rates of teenage deliveries, depression when using oral hormonal contraceptives, borderline personality disorder diagnoses, preterm birth, postpartum depression and anxiety, smoking during pregnancy, and overall greater comorbidity and healthcare utilization【18†source】. Qualitative studies further show that young women with ADHD engage in more risk-taking behaviors and face unique challenges in healthcare, such as being disproportionately affected by school lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic【19†source】.

    Additionally, an expert consensus statement on females with ADHD highlights the need for a lifespan approach in identifying and treating ADHD in girls and women. It stresses the importance of moving away from viewing ADHD as solely a behavioral disorder and attending to more subtle or internalized presentations common in females. This approach includes comprehensive assessments, pharmacological and psychological interventions, and a lifespan model of care to support transitions experienced by females with ADHD【25†source】【27†source】.

    The prevalence of ADHD in children and adults indicates a disparity in diagnosis between males and females. While ADHD symptoms tend to decline with age, the rate of decline in inattentive symptoms varies. Psychiatric comorbidity is common in individuals with ADHD, complicating identification and treatment. The consensus statement also addresses the 'female protective effect' theory, suggesting that females may require a higher threshold of genetic and environmental exposures for ADHD to be expressed, which could account for the lower prevalence in females【28†source】【30†source】【31†source】【33†source】.

    In a broader perspective, Psychology Today highlights that ADHD is under-identified and under-treated in girls and women, despite being equally prevalent and impairing among both genders. ADHD presentations in girls and women often differ from those in males, leading to missed diagnoses.


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  • This episode of Talk ADHD explores the topic of addiction and its links to ADHD.


    Individuals with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing addictions due to impulsivity, hyperactivity, and poor decision-making.Addiction is not limited to substance use and can include behaviors such as excessive screen time or workaholism.Early education and identification are crucial in addressing addiction and its links to ADHD.Therapy and support are essential in addiction recovery, particularly for individuals with ADHD who may struggle with relapse.The social construct of acceptable addictions can lead to stigma and hinder individuals from seeking help. Understanding the why behind addiction is crucial for effective treatment and recovery.Impulsivity can contribute to addiction, but it can also lead to positive experiences.The complexities of ADHD and addiction often involve coexisting conditions and trauma.Social perceptions and stigma surrounding addiction can hinder access to support and treatment.Comprehensive assessments and individualized approaches are necessary for addressing ADHD and addiction.

    00:00 Introduction to Addiction and its Links to ADHD

    08:07 Understanding the Science behind Addiction

    09:55 The Impact of ADHD on Adolescence and Risk of Addiction

    15:39 Defining Addiction and the Role of Dopamine

    21:29 The Higher Risk of Relapse for Individuals with ADHD

    25:02 The Rise of Screen Addiction in Young People

    31:59 The Social Construct of Acceptable Addictions

    46:48 Understanding the Why of Addiction

    48:24 The Complexities of Addiction and Sleep

    52:51 The Need for Research and Understanding

    56:22 The Role of Medication in ADHD Treatment

    01:00:18 The Impact of ADHD Medication on Addiction

    01:04:19 The Importance of Relapse Prevention

    01:11:05 Focusing on the Why of Addiction

    01:20:40 Supporting Partners and Challenging Stereotypes

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  • Summary

    This episode of Talk ADHD explores the impact of ADHD on relationships.


    Relationships encompass all types of connections, not just romantic ones.Attachment theory plays a significant role in shaping our understanding of relationships.Individuals with ADHD often face challenges in communication, emotional regulation, and overwhelm.Masking, or adapting behavior to fit societal expectations, can impact relationships.Effective communication and understanding are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. ADHD can have a significant impact on relationships, affecting communication and emotional intensity.Understanding ADHD symptoms and their effects is crucial for managing relationship challenges.Improving relationship dynamics requires open and honest communication, patience, and empathy.Supporting each other through understanding, education, and seeking professional help can strengthen relationships affected by ADHD.


    00:00 Introduction and Setting Expectations

    03:02 The Definition of Relationship and its Impact

    07:29 Attachment Theory and its Role in Relationships

    10:35 Early Relationships and the Development of Self-Awareness

    18:15 The Impact of Relationships on Emotional Regulation

    25:28 Relationship Challenges in School and Overwhelm

    30:45 Masking and the Impact on Relationships

    38:38 The Ripple Effect of Early Relationships

    46:06 The Complexity of Relationships and the Importance of Communication

    50:11 Vulnerability and Investment in Communication

    52:14 Struggles in Communication: ADHD and Concentration

    57:20 The Impact of ADHD on Communication

    01:03:12 Emotional Dysregulation and Relationships

    01:08:06 Taking Responsibility in Relationships

    01:10:56 Being Vulnerable and Honest in Relationships

    01:19:31 Effective Communication in Relationships

    01:25:46 The Importance of Listening in Relationships

    01:30:13 Building a Strong Relationship

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Yes, there is a shortage of ADHd medication in the UK.
    Elvance and Gaufacine are affected. But all the media reports and people commenting on it are doing no more than fuelling the misunderstanding of why it's happening and what we can do. So, before this bonus episode Matt spoke to Takeda, who supply the medications to the wholesalers an in turn to pharmacies. This is what they had to say. Andrew shares his knowledge as a prescriber of what we can do to source the medication we need, why some doses are harder to get than others and what that means to us. No hyperbole. No scaremongering. Just evidence led information that we hope will help you.

    Yes, there is a shortage of ADHD medication in the UK.

    Elvance and Gaufacine are affected.

    But all the media reports and people commenting on it are doing no more than fuelling the misunderstanding of why it's happening and what we can do.

    So, before this bonus episode Matt spoke to Takeda, who supply the medications to the wholesalers an in turn to pharmacies.

    This is what they had to say.

    Andrew shares his knowledge as a prescriber of what we can do to source the medication we need, why some doses are harder to get than others and what that means to us.

    No hyperbole.

    No scaremongering.

    Just evidence led information that we hope will help you.

    Link to ADHD Medication talk


    Link to pilot episodes with strategies for coping:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Beyond medication and with medication. Matt and Andrew take a detailed look at other appraoches that can be used alongside or indepenant of medicaion to help with our ADHD. Therapy, Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring. Supplements, hobbies and much more are discussed.

    0:00 Introduction

    2:44 Undiagnosed to diagnosed - what changes?

    4:15 What is a multilodal approach?

    8:33 ADHD meds are not like wearing glasses

    15:45 It's not just a dopamine deficiencey

    19:35 What's next after diagnosis in the Divergence clininc?

    24:33 Talking about Panorama

    31:46 Noone needs to take ADHD Medication. True or False?

    36:49 If we don't know what to expect, then what?

    39:24 When the education system doesn't suit ADHD children


    49:00 ADHD Coaching and Mentoring

    51:30 Good means never telling, it means guiding

    55:30 How long has Matt been mentoring others?

    59:47 You'd make a good ADHD Nurse Matt

    1:02:45: You know when something has worked for you, not the clinician

    1:03:51 Questions a responsible Coach or Mentor should ask on day 1

    1:07:48 SUPPLEMENTS

    1:12:13 Vitamin D - not everyone in Newcastle has Rickets


    1:20:20 It has to start with realistic expectations

    1:23:57 Some things for some people, some of the time. It's a guide

    1:25:26 What can I do to improve my ADHD?

    1:26:05 L-Tyrosine. Wonder supplement or not?

    1:29:50 Matt doesn't want to ask this....but

    1:33:44 Control is key


    1:40:55 Will the person "helping" you admit if they are wrong?

    1:44:24 ADHD AF - What did ADHD do this time?

    1:48:58 THE END

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Episode 1 - Meidcation

    Join Matt Gupwell from https://mattgupwell.com and Andrew Jay from Divergence as they discuss everything you need to know about ADHD Medication.

    Matt and Andrew take a detailed look at ADHD medication. What is it? What does it do? Who should or should not take it? How long should you take it for? Is it safe for children or senior citizens and who's choice is it to decide which medication to take?

    0:00 Teaser 0:54


    1:55 START of episode - Talking about medication

    2:50 Why are the so many questions about medication?

    10:10 Why do meds work for 3 out of 10 people?

    13:30 Perceived placebo or not?

    16:25 Setting expectations is vital

    19:30 The end of the honeymoon period

    21:10 I need MORE drugs. True or False?

    23:05 Crash or not crash?

    30:40 THE SCIENCE BIT - preface

    33:05: NICE guidelines for adults and children

    39:30 Off license, what does that mean?

    42:54 How a brain works?

    48:35 ADHD is more than just low dopamine!

    54:45 Methylphenidate

    56:54 Dexamphetamine

    58:41 Atomoxetine

    1:02:55 The difference between stimulants and non stimulants

    1:05:42 Gaunfacine 1:08:55 Who should have the choice?

    1:12:55 Why did I get "worse" after starting meds?

    1:16:45 Titration is...


    1:24:32 Questions from the community

    1:54:52 ADHD AF - What's ADHD done this time?

    1:56:40 CLOSE

    References: NICE Guidance

    Overview | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE

    Scandinavian Studies

    Clinical implications of ADHD, ASD, and their co-occurrence in early adulthood—the prospective ABIS-study | BMC Psychiatry | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

    Old Age Health

    Full article: The diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in older adults (tandfonline.com)

    Serotonin Syndrome

    UKMi_QA_Whatisserotoninsyndrome_FINAL2020.pdf (sps.nhs.uk)


    When taken as prescribed - Prescribed Stimulants for ADHD and the Risk of Addiction | Psychology Today

    When abused - Methylphenidate Abuse and Psychiatric Side Effects - PMC (nih.gov)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ADHD is not a dopamine disorder!

    Let that sink in....

    The first evidence based ADHD podcast launche 23/11/23

    Can you afford not to listen?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


    Episode : 23/11/23

    Everything you never knew but should have been told about ADHD medication.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.